Republicans lead us to Marxism, Dems saving us from it


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.


For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades



Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

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For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

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First thing everyone should know about Marxism --They all lie to push their Marxist agenda...This progressive slave is lying...

Who the hell is paying minimum wage besides tip based jobs?
Minimum wages are so low that they are irrelevant. Your post proves how out of touch the guardrails are and how much the worker is taken advantage of.
Minimum wages were never meant to be full time work, but for kids who wanted to learn about business, while going to school or retirees who wanted some extra income and be with younger kids. Then along came the Marxists, jacked up taxes and regulations thus forcing more people into poverty and causing those impoverished people to become full time minimum wage progressive slaves...
Losers always whine about it being someone else's fair they are losers.
It’s only gonna take a “Donald Trump” messiah for the worker to take this grievance fueled politics to the streets. A fake accusation of election fraud motivated people into streets. When the reality of the wealth steal happening hits the worker fueled with all the venom of a Trump-like god... it will be over.
Who the hell is paying minimum wage besides tip based jobs?
Minimum wages are so low that they are irrelevant. Your post proves how out of touch the guardrails are and how much the worker is taken advantage of.

So now you changing the goal posts? Yeah minimum wage is irrelevant because everyone is paying 30 - 40% over the national minimum wage
Minimum wages were never meant to be full time work, but for kids who wanted to learn about business, while going to school or retirees who wanted some extra income and be with younger kids. Then along came the Marxists, jacked up taxes and regulations thus forcing more people into poverty and causing those impoverished people to become full time minimum wage progressive slaves.
This is bullshit. Minimum wages were designed to keep the working class out of poverty. Businesses have avoided benefits by abusing part time workers and keeping wages low with a low minimum wage. Perpetual poverty cycle of the worker. This will lead to our end.
So now you changing the goal posts? Yeah minimum wage is irrelevant because everyone is paying 30 - 40% over the national minimum wage
You’re not paying attention. The minimum wage is soooooo low that even Graeff fueled capitalist pay more. If it kept up with gains it would be $20+ right now. The minimum wage rate is so low we might as well not have one. We need one and it should be $15 and even higher in high cost of living areas.
Minimum wages were never meant to be full time work, but for kids who wanted to learn about business, while going to school or retirees who wanted some extra income and be with younger kids. Then along came the Marxists, jacked up taxes and regulations thus forcing more people into poverty and causing those impoverished people to become full time minimum wage progressive slaves.
This is bullshit. Minimum wages were designed to keep the working class out of poverty. Businesses have avoided benefits by abusing part time workers and keeping wages low with a low minimum wage. Perpetual poverty cycle of the worker. This will lead to our end.
Once again wrong minimum wage laws where implemented across the world because of racism, to keep minorities from working
The OP has some things right, like the top 1% owns about 90% of everything, but the top 1%, the new "oligarchs" are mostly democrats.
A top beneficiary: President-elect Joe Biden. Nearly $132 million in anonymous money backed his White House bid, compared to nearly $22 million to aid President Donald Trump, according to an analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics for CNN.

Does "party" really matter? The OP looks to be playing politics with the oligarchs.
Minimum wages were never meant to be full time work, but for kids who wanted to learn about business, while going to school or retirees who wanted some extra income and be with younger kids. Then along came the Marxists, jacked up taxes and regulations thus forcing more people into poverty and causing those impoverished people to become full time minimum wage progressive slaves.
This is bullshit. Minimum wages were designed to keep the working class out of poverty. Businesses have avoided benefits by abusing part time workers and keeping wages low with a low minimum wage. Perpetual poverty cycle of the worker. This will lead to our end.
Once again wrong minimum wage laws where implemented across the world because of racism, to keep minorities from working
Nope. It was the populist movement.
Minimum wages were never meant to be full time work, but for kids who wanted to learn about business, while going to school or retirees who wanted some extra income and be with younger kids. Then along came the Marxists, jacked up taxes and regulations thus forcing more people into poverty and causing those impoverished people to become full time minimum wage progressive slaves.
This is bullshit. Minimum wages were designed to keep the working class out of poverty. Businesses have avoided benefits by abusing part time workers and keeping wages low with a low minimum wage. Perpetual poverty cycle of the worker. This will lead to our end.
When i first joined the work force, i was a minimum wage puke, working at McD's part time while i was off going to college. When i quit college and tried full time minimum wage, i realized that it wasnt going to work for me, because i wasnt a stupid progressive slave who saw that people like Piglosi and Scmoozer were constantly putting barriers in my way to keep me from finding what i do best. I got skills to fix fighter jets, thus elevating me up into a desirable category making $70,000 tax free, along with investing in Home Depot and McDonnell Douglas stocks. A burger flipper is not a rare occupations, supply and demand, if you want to demand more money then find skills that demand higher wages. Morons like you, just bitch and moan, because life was too hard for you, while you play victim, to Democrat policies of higher taxes and higher inflation...
The levels of fantasy among the Left around here are astonishing to behold.
As usual the lack of intelligent debate on the right results from a lack of education thus devolving into name calling. We’re you able to follow that or do I need to type more
S L O W L Y?

That which is obviously delusional neither requires nor invites debate.
Minimum wages were never meant to be full time work, but for kids who wanted to learn about business, while going to school or retirees who wanted some extra income and be with younger kids. Then along came the Marxists, jacked up taxes and regulations thus forcing more people into poverty and causing those impoverished people to become full time minimum wage progressive slaves.
This is bullshit. Minimum wages were designed to keep the working class out of poverty. Businesses have avoided benefits by abusing part time workers and keeping wages low with a low minimum wage. Perpetual poverty cycle of the worker. This will lead to our end.
When i first joined the work force, i was a minimum wage puke, working at McD's part time while i was off going to college. When i quit college and tried full time minimum wage, i realized that it wasnt going to work for me, because i wasnt a stupid progressive slave who saw that people like Piglosi and Scmoozer were constantly putting barriers in my way to keep me from finding what i do best. I got skills to fix fighter jets, thus elevating me up into a desirable category making $70,000 tax free, along with investing in Home Depot and McDonnell Douglas stocks. A burger flipper is not a rare occupations, supply and demand, if you want to demand more money then find skills that demand higher wages. Morons like you, just bitch and moan, because life was too hard for you, while you play victim, to Democrat policies of higher taxes and higher inflation...
Anecdotal evidence of success doesn’t outweigh the statistically overwhelming evidence of where we are going. Bill Gates is a college drop out and doesn’t outweigh the fact that workers are losing their share of wealth in this country violating the social contract this country was made great on.
Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

View attachment 495793
For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

View attachment 495794

View attachment 495795
The treason party is trying to achieve a dictatorship. That is what smart people, including former republicans, are trying to prevent

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