Republicans Have No Plan to Fix Inflation

Fallacy. Like your use of a false dichotomy. Look it up and get an intelligent adult to help you figure it out. Best seek out a conservative. Education is helpful.
Okay, I'll break it down to one simple question to you. Do you think Trump is an honest man?
Biden and the Democrats have absolutely no plan to fix inflation or anything else. .... :cuckoo:

What is Joe's and the Democrats' plan for unfucking their mess?

Democrats own the House, own the Senate, and own the WH....

We're all waiting.
I’m asking your opinion. You have One, or do you need to check with your handlers to tell you what to think?
This coming from a Trumper? Comedy Tonight! Like I've told you. Do your own research. It's easy. Just like you do to find some site that supports your nonsense only this time try to actually learn something.
This coming from a Trumper? Comedy Tonight! Like I've told you. Do your own research. It's easy. Just like you do to find some site that supports your nonsense only this time try to actually to learn something.
Thanks for confirming you are wholly incapable of having an original thought.

Explain how I’m suppose to research your opinion, Simp?
Of course not! I knew you would respond as you always do. Throw a childish tantrum and post some little baby cartoons to solidify what a fuckin' little brat you are.
Aww. You seem all upsetty wetty. I think your paper-thin shell has cracked there, dicklessthing.
Aww. You seem all upsetty wetty. I think your paper-thin shell has cracked there, dicklessthing.
You think? Can't prove it by me. No. You stamp your little feet and hold your breath and try to think up something childish to say while being a 2 year old.
So if the CEOs and the uber wealthy have to pay on real income like the rest of us they will close up shop? Another of the "can't fuck with the rich" toadies. Keep laying down this theory and nothing will ever change and the middle class will be swallowed up by the predatory tax advantages and their ever changing rules to benefit themselves to the detriment of all else. Taxing the rich fairly would allow for a pie of the size that can support all kinds of social reforms and still pay the bills. But as long as there are boot licking parrots of the ruling class to fight against what's happening to that middle class, it will get worse and break the backs of the average American family. Grow the pie without built-in loop holes and we will see positive change. Tax the rich on TRUE personal income and it will change the landscape.
So what is the main obstacle in the way of an expanding middle class?
No the rich will not close shop however instead of reinvesting in a business that provides a less than competitive rate of return after taxes will reallocate what surplus capital they have left elsewhere, tax empt municipal bonds…
I made the same mistake you are making in assuming they are not paying their fair share yet who is paying the largest percentage of taxes collected today?
So why hasn’t the President or Congress just adopted a flat tax? Easy answer, politicians, and you are aware who the puppet masters are right?What is your interpretation of fair? What do you base your definition of fair on? What percentage of income after taxes is fair?
Under your doctrine what reward is received for assuming risk in R&D, investing and maintaining the life span of equipment used in a business, building apartments, rehabilitating and maintaining a building……? Do you believe a person or business that reinvests in equipment to replace or enhance productivity should be able to employ a tax credit or utilize a depreciation allowance? Who creates jobs and opportunity?
Share your thoughts?
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The only plan that could stop inflation long term would be elimination of all progressives.
Republicans are not likely to embrace that. Too many count themselves religious.
But religion is fading from America so there is hope that inflation might be wiped out in time.
Gates has expressed concern that taxes could go “too far” — including, at times, wealth taxes. But, in general, he has said he supports substantially higher rates, including higher federal estate taxes and capital gains taxes, along with an institution of a state income tax in Washington, which it currently lacks. Apr 13, 2021

Like I said, he's not one of the 0%ers who live to find ways to pay nothing. And he is concerned about taxes strictly because of wealth. Both valid points. But the vast majority of the uber wealthy who are not named Bill Gates use the tax code as it exists to play the system. And exemptions should be made to accommodate those few who GET IT. Time to work it out to find a way to FORCE those who do Play The System to join the rest of Americans. 1-3% won't break them but might be a way to provide health care for all Americans seeing as how we are the only industrialized nation of any size not to have universal healthcare. It might also provide a means to reduce drug costs.
So who is the winner in Gates big scheme of things? The super rich! The middle class evaporate, the marginal wealthy are slammed, family businesses and farms are liquidated and gobbled up by the ones with the money, competition evaporates, the divide between the proletariat and the Gates of the world widens. All the wealth and power rests in the hands of a very small few. Rather feudalistic wouldn’t you say?
So who is the winner in Gates big scheme of things? The super rich! The middle class evaporate, the marginal wealthy are slammed, family businesses and farms are liquidated and gobbled up by the ones with the money, competition evaporates, the divide between the proletariat and the Gates of the world widens. All the wealth and power rests in the hands of a very small few. Rather feudalistic wouldn’t you say?
And it differs from what's been happening for 3 decades, how?

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