Republicans have elected just six blacks to major office in 70 years

Rightwinger didn't vote for Alan Keys "LIKE I DID"


This is the kind of this that a racist Republican would say.

Have you met my black friend?

Actually its an exact duplicate of what he is saying only reworded. We don't do as he does therefore we are racist.

The difference is mine is factual no?

You didn't vote for him either did you?

You must be racist too.

A racist Republican would insist it is the truth.

And Mr. Keyes has never been on any ballot ever handed to me.

Come meet my black friend. He says I'm not a racist.
Rightwinger didn't vote for Alan Keys "LIKE I DID"


Alan "Keyes" was not elected to any office proving there were very few Republicans who voted like you. I believe he took about 1% of the republican vote, but you can correct me if I am wrong
Note the right can not answer why blacks dont vote republican without insulting blacks?
How can you claim racism when your party can not get but a very few minority votes?

Speaking of racism, end your "keep them on the plantation" entitlement programs and see how long they continue to be Democrats. Just sayin'.

So you are claiming blacks vote for freebies?

You dont have a very good view of blacks do you?

As opposed to you, I have an excellent view of blacks. I'm not a racist fuck like you are that want's to keep them on the plantation. Perhaps you'd like to explain to the rest of the class why so many blacks tend to vote Democrat? What are their specific interests that the Democrats have a corner on the market?
note the only way they can defend the racist party is to insult all black people
Note they have nothing but insults for black people to explain their partys failure.
Who thinks separating out and counting black people is in itself racist? Who thinks the color of a person's skin is something that should be important to people?

And who thinks those are the most racist of racists when they mercilessly attack, smear, defame, and personally destroy ANY conservative black candidate (or any other minority) who runs for anything?
Why do blacks not vote for your black candidates on the right?

Because their liberal masters will not allow them to. Conservative blacks must be demonized in the most cruel and inhumane ways lest others be tempted to follow in their footsteps. No black person is allowed to wander off the liberal plantation with impunity.
I must be...

You will have to explain to me how republicans require democratic votes to get elected

because they don't have a majority in most congressional districts and states, you racist moron. :lol:

D.C., Hawaii Most Democratic, Utah Most Republican State in '11

do you need instructions to open a coke bottle?

You seem to assume that all people are either Democrat or Republican. Ever hear of independents?

You do know those coke bottles have twist tops now don't you?

i guess those independents must all be racists like you, racist.
Why do you claim blacks are so easily fooled?

According to the election demographics, most of them voted for Obama didn't they?

When you have an iron fist around the necks of a certain demographic and threaten them with all manner of horrible things if they don't follow the dictated mantra, its pretty easy to fool them into thinking they are supposed or required to vote a certain way lest there be dire consequences. And when you treat people the way black conservatives who run for public office or who are nominated for any high appointment are treated, many of the rest become believers.
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The NHL is racist!

It's the ONLY explanation.

Hate to bring it up, but the NHL has had more black players over the last 70 years than the Republican party has elected

As I stated earlier the NHL has four times as many playing today than the GOP elected in 70 years.

Rightfluffer is comparing historical numbers... The number of blacks elected in the past 70 years as a total of all elected...

The correct comparison is the number of black NHL players to play in the past 70 years as a total of all the players in the past 70 years...

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