Republican State Legislators Need to Ignore The Corrupt Ballot Count And Send Trump Electors no Matter What


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This blatant theft of our PResidential election by corrupt Dimocrats well known for their vote-stealing, in defiance of court orders as they keep Republican observers from verifying that the laws are being followed.

Republican state legislators need to step up and do their Constitutional duty and ignore a wildly corrupted ballot stuffing scandal.

The fraud at the heart of the 2020 election has left the American people with only one surefire remedy: They must demand that Republican state lawmakers send pro-Trump electors to Congress.
By now, every Republican in the country knows what happened on Tuesday night. Donald Trump was headed solidly toward reelection. His lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania was massive and, based on the left’s own models, practically insurmountable.
And then, at 10:30 p.m., the votes simply stopped coming in. From Atlanta to Detroit to Philadelphia, tallies stopped coming out for hours on end. When the tallying resumed, Joe Biden rapidly surged into the lead in key states, with his improvement attributed entirely to the black box of “mail-in ballots.” Already, accounts of fraud and impropriety have started to pile up. Counting resumed, then stopped again, then resumed again. States have taken days to do what could easily be done in hours; often votes keep coming in even as nobody seems to know how many ballots actually remain to be counted. In Pennsylvania, officials are counting ballots that arrive after Election Day with no postmark, even though a postmark is the only means at all of ensuring a late-arriving ballot isn’t fraudulent. In North Carolina, officials have simply announced that they won’t announce any more votes for another week.
This blatant theft of our PResidential election by corrupt Dimocrats well known for their vote-stealing, in defiance of court orders as they keep Republican observers from verifying that the laws are being followed.

Republican state legislators need to step up and do their Constitutional duty and ignore a wildly corrupted ballot stuffing scandal.

The fraud at the heart of the 2020 election has left the American people with only one surefire remedy: They must demand that Republican state lawmakers send pro-Trump electors to Congress.
By now, every Republican in the country knows what happened on Tuesday night. Donald Trump was headed solidly toward reelection. His lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania was massive and, based on the left’s own models, practically insurmountable.
And then, at 10:30 p.m., the votes simply stopped coming in. From Atlanta to Detroit to Philadelphia, tallies stopped coming out for hours on end. When the tallying resumed, Joe Biden rapidly surged into the lead in key states, with his improvement attributed entirely to the black box of “mail-in ballots.” Already, accounts of fraud and impropriety have started to pile up. Counting resumed, then stopped again, then resumed again. States have taken days to do what could easily be done in hours; often votes keep coming in even as nobody seems to know how many ballots actually remain to be counted. In Pennsylvania, officials are counting ballots that arrive after Election Day with no postmark, even though a postmark is the only means at all of ensuring a late-arriving ballot isn’t fraudulent. In North Carolina, officials have simply announced that they won’t announce any more votes for another week.
I agree. By whatever means possible we must resist.
This blatant theft of our PResidential election by corrupt Dimocrats well known for their vote-stealing, in defiance of court orders as they keep Republican observers from verifying that the laws are being followed.

Republican state legislators need to step up and do their Constitutional duty and ignore a wildly corrupted ballot stuffing scandal.

The fraud at the heart of the 2020 election has left the American people with only one surefire remedy: They must demand that Republican state lawmakers send pro-Trump electors to Congress.
By now, every Republican in the country knows what happened on Tuesday night. Donald Trump was headed solidly toward reelection. His lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania was massive and, based on the left’s own models, practically insurmountable.
And then, at 10:30 p.m., the votes simply stopped coming in. From Atlanta to Detroit to Philadelphia, tallies stopped coming out for hours on end. When the tallying resumed, Joe Biden rapidly surged into the lead in key states, with his improvement attributed entirely to the black box of “mail-in ballots.” Already, accounts of fraud and impropriety have started to pile up. Counting resumed, then stopped again, then resumed again. States have taken days to do what could easily be done in hours; often votes keep coming in even as nobody seems to know how many ballots actually remain to be counted. In Pennsylvania, officials are counting ballots that arrive after Election Day with no postmark, even though a postmark is the only means at all of ensuring a late-arriving ballot isn’t fraudulent. In North Carolina, officials have simply announced that they won’t announce any more votes for another week.
Why do you steal Levine's words and not link him?
Dang..who saw this move coming?

I know as part of their role in counting the electoral votes Congress can contest and toss out electoral votes but I'm not aware of the process. In a last ditch effort the Democrats tried to toss out Ohio's back in 2004. If PA legislature pulled something like bypassing the election, I'd guess Congress would react.
I know as part of their role in counting the electoral votes Congress can contest and toss out electoral votes but I'm not aware of the process. In a last ditch effort the Democrats tried to toss out Ohio's back in 2004. If PA legislature pulled something like bypassing the election, I'd guess Congress would react.
The PA legislature *IS* the only Congress that matters, dude. They can select their EC delegates however they want to.
I know as part of their role in counting the electoral votes Congress can contest and toss out electoral votes but I'm not aware of the process. In a last ditch effort the Democrats tried to toss out Ohio's back in 2004. If PA legislature pulled something like bypassing the election, I'd guess Congress would react.
I believe that Congress can chose not to certify certain votes, during the Certification process, if it so chooses.

(but don't let the children know..let them dream!)
I know as part of their role in counting the electoral votes Congress can contest and toss out electoral votes but I'm not aware of the process. In a last ditch effort the Democrats tried to toss out Ohio's back in 2004. If PA legislature pulled something like bypassing the election, I'd guess Congress would react.
The PA legislature *IS* the only Congress that matters, dude. They can select their EC delegates however they want to.
You do know that Congress formally certifies the election, right? If one house member and one senator agree that there is an issue..they can take it to a full vote.

A blast from the past..that illustrates this:

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This blatant theft of our PResidential election by corrupt Dimocrats well known for their vote-stealing, in defiance of court orders as they keep Republican observers from verifying that the laws are being followed.

Republican state legislators need to step up and do their Constitutional duty and ignore a wildly corrupted ballot stuffing scandal.

The fraud at the heart of the 2020 election has left the American people with only one surefire remedy: They must demand that Republican state lawmakers send pro-Trump electors to Congress.
By now, every Republican in the country knows what happened on Tuesday night. Donald Trump was headed solidly toward reelection. His lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania was massive and, based on the left’s own models, practically insurmountable.
And then, at 10:30 p.m., the votes simply stopped coming in. From Atlanta to Detroit to Philadelphia, tallies stopped coming out for hours on end. When the tallying resumed, Joe Biden rapidly surged into the lead in key states, with his improvement attributed entirely to the black box of “mail-in ballots.” Already, accounts of fraud and impropriety have started to pile up. Counting resumed, then stopped again, then resumed again. States have taken days to do what could easily be done in hours; often votes keep coming in even as nobody seems to know how many ballots actually remain to be counted. In Pennsylvania, officials are counting ballots that arrive after Election Day with no postmark, even though a postmark is the only means at all of ensuring a late-arriving ballot isn’t fraudulent. In North Carolina, officials have simply announced that they won’t announce any more votes for another week.

Hey dumbass, it's against federal law to change the manner of selecting electors AFTER the election. For it to be legal, it must be done prior to election day.
This blatant theft of our PResidential election by corrupt Dimocrats well known for their vote-stealing, in defiance of court orders as they keep Republican observers from verifying that the laws are being followed.

Republican state legislators need to step up and do their Constitutional duty and ignore a wildly corrupted ballot stuffing scandal.

The fraud at the heart of the 2020 election has left the American people with only one surefire remedy: They must demand that Republican state lawmakers send pro-Trump electors to Congress.
By now, every Republican in the country knows what happened on Tuesday night. Donald Trump was headed solidly toward reelection. His lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania was massive and, based on the left’s own models, practically insurmountable.
And then, at 10:30 p.m., the votes simply stopped coming in. From Atlanta to Detroit to Philadelphia, tallies stopped coming out for hours on end. When the tallying resumed, Joe Biden rapidly surged into the lead in key states, with his improvement attributed entirely to the black box of “mail-in ballots.” Already, accounts of fraud and impropriety have started to pile up. Counting resumed, then stopped again, then resumed again. States have taken days to do what could easily be done in hours; often votes keep coming in even as nobody seems to know how many ballots actually remain to be counted. In Pennsylvania, officials are counting ballots that arrive after Election Day with no postmark, even though a postmark is the only means at all of ensuring a late-arriving ballot isn’t fraudulent. In North Carolina, officials have simply announced that they won’t announce any more votes for another week.

Hey dumbass, it's against federal law to change the manner of selecting electors AFTER the election. For it to be legal, it must be done prior to election day.
Hey, dumbass, no it is not.

The state congresses have COMPLETE AND TOTAL control over how the electors are selected, so go piss off you shit4brains fucktard.
Republicans are reportedly considering the possibility of asking state legislatures to ignore the will of the popular vote and appoint electors favorable to the president. Trump also declined to say whether he would accept a peaceful transfer of power this week, comments that many Republicans distanced themselves from. Trump said he needs to put a new supreme court justice in place to resolve election disputes.
The US constitution gives state legislatures the authority to appoint the 538 electors to the electoral college who ultimately elect the president. States have long used the winner of the popular vote to determine who gets the electoral votes in their states, but Republicans anonymously told the Atlantic the campaign has discussed the possibility of using delays in the vote count as a basis to ask Republican-controlled legislatures to appoint their own electors, regardless of the final vote tally.

A jarring new report from The Atlantic claims that the Trump campaign is discussing potential strategies to circumvent the results of the 2020 election, should Joe Biden defeat Donald Trump, by first alleging the existence of rampant fraud and then asking legislators in battleground states where the Republicans have a legislative majority to bypass the state’s popular vote and instead to choose electors loyal to the GOP and the sitting president.

It is the nightmare scenario Pennsylvania election officials have fretted over for months: a knockdown, drag-out fight over which presidential candidate will win the state and snag its coveted electoral votes.
Now, the head of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania has fueled fears of chaos after Election Day, raising the specter that his party could break with tradition and allow the GOP-controlled legislature to choose a slate of presidential electors to cast the state’s votes for Donald Trump even if the president doesn’t win the popular vote.
In comments to the Atlantic made public this week, state Republican Chairman Lawrence Tabas suggested that he had spoken with Trump campaign officials about the possibility of bypassing the results of the popular vote should there be uncertainty or disputes over the validity of ballots cast. The U.S. Constitution, Tabas said, allows state legislatures to choose presidential electors.

Now the Trump campaign is said to be considering another, even more outrageous approach: In a thorough and deeply disconcerting piece about the constitutional crisis that may await us between November 3 and the inauguration in January, the Atlantic’s Barton Gellman reports that the Trump campaign has been discussing “contingency plans to bypass the election results and appoint local electors in battleground states where Republicans hold the legislative majority.” Citing the president’s baseless claims of fraud, Team Trump could ask GOP-controlled state governments to choose electors, completely ignoring an unfavorable or uncertain popular vote, state and national Republican sources told Gellman.
“The state legislatures will say, ‘All right, we’ve been given this constitutional power,’” a Trump campaign legal adviser explained to the Atlantic. “‘We don’t think the results of our own state are accurate, so here’s our slate of electors that we think properly reflect the results of our state.’”
Does completely ignoring the will of the voters seem anti-democratic? Unconstitutional? Impossible? One would think. But as Gellman points out, however authoritarian this kind of end-around may seem, the Constitution doesn’t forbid such a move, and it’s something the Trump campaign could pull off. Indeed, state Republican leaders have already casually indicated that they’d be all too happy to enable this kind of power grab. “I’ve mentioned it to them, and I hope they’re thinking about it too,” Lawrence Tabas, chairman of the Republican Party in Pennsylvania, one of the swing states on which the 2020 race could hinge, told Gellman. “It is one of the available legal options set forth in the constitution.”
Disturbing as the prospect of bypassing the popular vote in GOP-controlled battlegrounds may be, it’s but one of several vulnerabilities in the electoral system Trump and his flunkies are trying to exploit this fall, ranging from complex legal fights to declaring absentee ballots fraudulent before they’ve even been processed to the possibility — likelihood? — that the president will simply pronounce himself the winner before all votes are tallied. While Joe Biden and the Democrats are sounding increasingly loud alarms, it remains frustratingly unclear what they can do to prevent the country from plummeting into this looming crisis. A quick and overwhelming Biden victory would certainly help matters, but it's a tough proposition: While the Democrat retains a strong lead over his counterpart nationally, polls suggest the two are locked in tight races in several key states like Georgia, Iowa, Florida, and Arizona. The idea that typically deep-red states like Texas and Georgia are in play for Biden would seem to reflect the president’s challenging reelection prospects—but those states all are controlled by Republican-majority legislatures, creating just the opening Trump needs to call the votes bogus and appoint electors that will decide in his favor.
This is a dire scenario, and one that could be upon us in a little over a month.

Liberals are just so fucking ignorant and stupid as a bag of rocks.

If this ignoring of the courts and blatant voter fraud is not fixed one way or another, there will be no other choice than for Patriots to revolt, a hard long revolt.

But these Marxist bastards MUST BE STOPPED ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.

WE will NOT become Venezuela.
I know as part of their role in counting the electoral votes Congress can contest and toss out electoral votes but I'm not aware of the process. In a last ditch effort the Democrats tried to toss out Ohio's back in 2004. If PA legislature pulled something like bypassing the election, I'd guess Congress would react.
The PA legislature *IS* the only Congress that matters, dude. They can select their EC delegates however they want to.
Can you direct me to where Penn election law, states such? Or give a link to such?

And why do you even want to throw out the citizens of Pennsylvania's votes? Citizen's vote, is the only measure and power us citizens have to pick our government, in a democratic Republic.....?
Republicans are reportedly considering the possibility of asking state legislatures to ignore the will of the popular vote and appoint electors favorable to the president. Trump also declined to say whether he would accept a peaceful transfer of power this week, comments that many Republicans distanced themselves from. Trump said he needs to put a new supreme court justice in place to resolve election disputes.
The US constitution gives state legislatures the authority to appoint the 538 electors to the electoral college who ultimately elect the president. States have long used the winner of the popular vote to determine who gets the electoral votes in their states, but Republicans anonymously told the Atlantic the campaign has discussed the possibility of using delays in the vote count as a basis to ask Republican-controlled legislatures to appoint their own electors, regardless of the final vote tally.

A jarring new report from The Atlantic claims that the Trump campaign is discussing potential strategies to circumvent the results of the 2020 election, should Joe Biden defeat Donald Trump, by first alleging the existence of rampant fraud and then asking legislators in battleground states where the Republicans have a legislative majority to bypass the state’s popular vote and instead to choose electors loyal to the GOP and the sitting president.

It is the nightmare scenario Pennsylvania election officials have fretted over for months: a knockdown, drag-out fight over which presidential candidate will win the state and snag its coveted electoral votes.
Now, the head of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania has fueled fears of chaos after Election Day, raising the specter that his party could break with tradition and allow the GOP-controlled legislature to choose a slate of presidential electors to cast the state’s votes for Donald Trump even if the president doesn’t win the popular vote.
In comments to the Atlantic made public this week, state Republican Chairman Lawrence Tabas suggested that he had spoken with Trump campaign officials about the possibility of bypassing the results of the popular vote should there be uncertainty or disputes over the validity of ballots cast. The U.S. Constitution, Tabas said, allows state legislatures to choose presidential electors.

Now the Trump campaign is said to be considering another, even more outrageous approach: In a thorough and deeply disconcerting piece about the constitutional crisis that may await us between November 3 and the inauguration in January, the Atlantic’s Barton Gellman reports that the Trump campaign has been discussing “contingency plans to bypass the election results and appoint local electors in battleground states where Republicans hold the legislative majority.” Citing the president’s baseless claims of fraud, Team Trump could ask GOP-controlled state governments to choose electors, completely ignoring an unfavorable or uncertain popular vote, state and national Republican sources told Gellman.
“The state legislatures will say, ‘All right, we’ve been given this constitutional power,’” a Trump campaign legal adviser explained to the Atlantic. “‘We don’t think the results of our own state are accurate, so here’s our slate of electors that we think properly reflect the results of our state.’”
Does completely ignoring the will of the voters seem anti-democratic? Unconstitutional? Impossible? One would think. But as Gellman points out, however authoritarian this kind of end-around may seem, the Constitution doesn’t forbid such a move, and it’s something the Trump campaign could pull off. Indeed, state Republican leaders have already casually indicated that they’d be all too happy to enable this kind of power grab. “I’ve mentioned it to them, and I hope they’re thinking about it too,” Lawrence Tabas, chairman of the Republican Party in Pennsylvania, one of the swing states on which the 2020 race could hinge, told Gellman. “It is one of the available legal options set forth in the constitution.”
Disturbing as the prospect of bypassing the popular vote in GOP-controlled battlegrounds may be, it’s but one of several vulnerabilities in the electoral system Trump and his flunkies are trying to exploit this fall, ranging from complex legal fights to declaring absentee ballots fraudulent before they’ve even been processed to the possibility — likelihood? — that the president will simply pronounce himself the winner before all votes are tallied. While Joe Biden and the Democrats are sounding increasingly loud alarms, it remains frustratingly unclear what they can do to prevent the country from plummeting into this looming crisis. A quick and overwhelming Biden victory would certainly help matters, but it's a tough proposition: While the Democrat retains a strong lead over his counterpart nationally, polls suggest the two are locked in tight races in several key states like Georgia, Iowa, Florida, and Arizona. The idea that typically deep-red states like Texas and Georgia are in play for Biden would seem to reflect the president’s challenging reelection prospects—but those states all are controlled by Republican-majority legislatures, creating just the opening Trump needs to call the votes bogus and appoint electors that will decide in his favor.
This is a dire scenario, and one that could be upon us in a little over a month.

Liberals are just so fucking ignorant and stupid as a bag of rocks.

If this ignoring of the courts courts and blatant voter fraud is not fixed one way or another, there will be no other choice than for Patriots to revolt, a hard long revolt.

But these Marxist bastards MUST BE STOPPED ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.

WE will NOT become Venezuela.
Jim, you are becoming unhinged.....:eek:


From one of those links of yours

Election experts have said that moves by state legislatures to appoint their own slate of presidential electors after the fact would violate federal law
Republicans are reportedly considering the possibility of asking state legislatures to ignore the will of the popular vote and appoint electors favorable to the president. Trump also declined to say whether he would accept a peaceful transfer of power this week, comments that many Republicans distanced themselves from. Trump said he needs to put a new supreme court justice in place to resolve election disputes.
The US constitution gives state legislatures the authority to appoint the 538 electors to the electoral college who ultimately elect the president. States have long used the winner of the popular vote to determine who gets the electoral votes in their states, but Republicans anonymously told the Atlantic the campaign has discussed the possibility of using delays in the vote count as a basis to ask Republican-controlled legislatures to appoint their own electors, regardless of the final vote tally.

A jarring new report from The Atlantic claims that the Trump campaign is discussing potential strategies to circumvent the results of the 2020 election, should Joe Biden defeat Donald Trump, by first alleging the existence of rampant fraud and then asking legislators in battleground states where the Republicans have a legislative majority to bypass the state’s popular vote and instead to choose electors loyal to the GOP and the sitting president.

It is the nightmare scenario Pennsylvania election officials have fretted over for months: a knockdown, drag-out fight over which presidential candidate will win the state and snag its coveted electoral votes.
Now, the head of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania has fueled fears of chaos after Election Day, raising the specter that his party could break with tradition and allow the GOP-controlled legislature to choose a slate of presidential electors to cast the state’s votes for Donald Trump even if the president doesn’t win the popular vote.
In comments to the Atlantic made public this week, state Republican Chairman Lawrence Tabas suggested that he had spoken with Trump campaign officials about the possibility of bypassing the results of the popular vote should there be uncertainty or disputes over the validity of ballots cast. The U.S. Constitution, Tabas said, allows state legislatures to choose presidential electors.

Now the Trump campaign is said to be considering another, even more outrageous approach: In a thorough and deeply disconcerting piece about the constitutional crisis that may await us between November 3 and the inauguration in January, the Atlantic’s Barton Gellman reports that the Trump campaign has been discussing “contingency plans to bypass the election results and appoint local electors in battleground states where Republicans hold the legislative majority.” Citing the president’s baseless claims of fraud, Team Trump could ask GOP-controlled state governments to choose electors, completely ignoring an unfavorable or uncertain popular vote, state and national Republican sources told Gellman.
“The state legislatures will say, ‘All right, we’ve been given this constitutional power,’” a Trump campaign legal adviser explained to the Atlantic. “‘We don’t think the results of our own state are accurate, so here’s our slate of electors that we think properly reflect the results of our state.’”
Does completely ignoring the will of the voters seem anti-democratic? Unconstitutional? Impossible? One would think. But as Gellman points out, however authoritarian this kind of end-around may seem, the Constitution doesn’t forbid such a move, and it’s something the Trump campaign could pull off. Indeed, state Republican leaders have already casually indicated that they’d be all too happy to enable this kind of power grab. “I’ve mentioned it to them, and I hope they’re thinking about it too,” Lawrence Tabas, chairman of the Republican Party in Pennsylvania, one of the swing states on which the 2020 race could hinge, told Gellman. “It is one of the available legal options set forth in the constitution.”
Disturbing as the prospect of bypassing the popular vote in GOP-controlled battlegrounds may be, it’s but one of several vulnerabilities in the electoral system Trump and his flunkies are trying to exploit this fall, ranging from complex legal fights to declaring absentee ballots fraudulent before they’ve even been processed to the possibility — likelihood? — that the president will simply pronounce himself the winner before all votes are tallied. While Joe Biden and the Democrats are sounding increasingly loud alarms, it remains frustratingly unclear what they can do to prevent the country from plummeting into this looming crisis. A quick and overwhelming Biden victory would certainly help matters, but it's a tough proposition: While the Democrat retains a strong lead over his counterpart nationally, polls suggest the two are locked in tight races in several key states like Georgia, Iowa, Florida, and Arizona. The idea that typically deep-red states like Texas and Georgia are in play for Biden would seem to reflect the president’s challenging reelection prospects—but those states all are controlled by Republican-majority legislatures, creating just the opening Trump needs to call the votes bogus and appoint electors that will decide in his favor.
This is a dire scenario, and one that could be upon us in a little over a month.

Liberals are just so fucking ignorant and stupid as a bag of rocks.

If this ignoring of the courts courts and blatant voter fraud is not fixed one way or another, there will be no other choice than for Patriots to revolt, a hard long revolt.

But these Marxist bastards MUST BE STOPPED ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.

WE will NOT become Venezuela.
Jim, you are becoming unhinged.....:eek:


From one of those links of yours

Election experts have said that moves by state legislatures to appoint their own slate of presidential electors after the fact would violate federal law.
Lol, no one is talking about a second slate of EC electors after a first one. The FACT is that the state legislature can ignore the vote entirely and simply vote for a slate of delegates and ignore the election altogether.

The Constitution gives the state legislatures the sole authority on deciding when and how the EC delegates are chosen, in fact in the earliest years of our Republic alot of states did not vote for PResident at all.

Some citing of anonymous 'election experts' does not change the Constitution, girly girl.
I know as part of their role in counting the electoral votes Congress can contest and toss out electoral votes but I'm not aware of the process. In a last ditch effort the Democrats tried to toss out Ohio's back in 2004. If PA legislature pulled something like bypassing the election, I'd guess Congress would react.
The PA legislature *IS* the only Congress that matters, dude. They can select their EC delegates however they want to.
Can you direct me to where Penn election law, states such? Or give a link to such?

And why do you even want to throw out the citizens of Pennsylvania's votes? Citizen's vote, is the only measure and power us citizens have to pick our government, in a democratic Republic.....?
It is in the Constituition, and I linked to about five articles that explained it.
Republican State Legislators Need to Ignore The Corrupt Ballot Count And Send Trump Electors no Matter What

Yeah, you do that. That will go over real well with the public.

By the way, if you want to gain a supermajority of support from the public to can the Electoral College, that's how you do it.

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