Republican Logic: Every Program is a failure

The republicans are so Anti that every program they see is a failure.

War on Poverty = Failure because there are still poor people :cuckoo:

ACA = Failure because the website wasnt done, and they dont like it before they get it.

EPA = Failure because sometimes they make regulations the avg Joe doesnt understand. Avg Joes hate not understanding

FDA = A kid got sick once eating something somewhere so...end it. Obviously its a huge waste of money

ALL of the examples above have been posted on this board before so pretending like Repubs dont regularly call for ending all of these programs will make you look silly.

The Misery Offensive....Join now...Misery loves company :D

" huge waste of money"
Big government= consistent violating of the laws of unintended consequences.
Nothing you libs do is based on logic or reason. Never are the potential consequences considered....
Libs: "just spend it"....
The republicans are so Anti that every program they see is a failure.

War on Poverty = Failure because there are still poor people :cuckoo:

ACA = Failure because the website wasnt done, and they dont like it before they get it.

EPA = Failure because sometimes they make regulations the avg Joe doesnt understand. Avg Joes hate not understanding

FDA = A kid got sick once eating something somewhere so...end it. Obviously its a huge waste of money

ALL of the examples above have been posted on this board before so pretending like Repubs dont regularly call for ending all of these programs will make you look silly.

The Misery Offensive....Join now...Misery loves company :D

WOW what an idiot
if they were successes they wouldnt be costing MORE AND MORE

you look stupid trying to accuse others of not making sense; at what point do you call sucess; by the amount of billions you're spending?

Trillions....Not billions.
Republicans are people who get elected by telling you the government doesn't work, and then once elected do their level best to make sure that's true.

Democrats do their level best to make government work for themselves.
Case and point. Democrats work very hard at increasing the size of social entitlements.
This is done to increase their voting base.
Republicans are people who get elected by telling you the government doesn't work, and then once elected do their level best to make sure that's true.

First time I heard that, I kicked the slats out of my cradle.

You shockingly omitted the first part....

"dimocraps will tell you that they can make you taller, better looking and richer....."

Stay on the porch

P.S. The last part, "Republicans tell you government doesn't work then get elected and prove it"

what a douchebag you are. What are you... 12?

PMH whips out the "I know you are but what am I?" card.
Republicans are people who get elected by telling you the government doesn't work, and then once elected do their level best to make sure that's true.

First time I heard that, I kicked the slats out of my cradle.

You shockingly omitted the first part....

"dimocraps will tell you that they can make you taller, better looking and richer....."

Stay on the porch

P.S. The last part, "Republicans tell you government doesn't work then get elected and prove it"

what a douchebag you are. What are you... 12?

Actually good nutrition that is supported by things like food stamps has led to a taller population. Health care and dental care subsidized by the government has made people look better. Investments in public education have made people richer.

I hope you are joking.
The programs aren't failures. The implementation of the programs are failures.

Every program started out with a core of rules and regulations designed to improve something. Over that are layers and layers of additional little rules and regulations that eventually stop helping and start harming. Now they are failures. When the EPA seizes property because they have determined that a run off ditch is a navigable waterway, it is failed in it's purpose.

Latest EPA Power Grab: Now They Want to Regulate Ditches As Waterways | The Gateway Pundit

Lawmakers are working to block an unprecedented power grab by the Environmental Protection Agency to use the Clean Water Act (CWA) and control land alongside ditches, gullies and other ephemeral spots by claiming the sources are part of navigable waterways.

These temporary water sources are often created by rain or snowmelt, and would make it harder for private property owners to build in their own backyards, grow crops, raise livestock and conduct other activities on their own land, lawmakers say.

Here's how these environmental authorities work...
Years ago, my Dad an I put in a bid on a commercial building construction project. We would be the Gen Contractor.
On either side of the property was a Fed Ex warehouse and on the other side was a general warehouse. These properties abutted the Airport property.
The only wrinkle was that another construction company owner, who just happened to be a town council member also wanted the opportunity to bid on the job. The owner of the land was not interested as we had done work adding onto the property owner's residence.
We get all the necessary approvals except the permit was held up.
Lo and behold, the State sent an inspector from the Dept of Health and Environmental Control( DHEC).
This guy determines that the property to be improved get this....A wetland.
Permit denied. Project cancelled. We lost tens of thousands of dollars in profit.
Now this 150 ft in width piece of property was mysteriously labeled a wetland while two other buildings occupied the same land with the same soil conditions and same plant life.
Politics. That's all this was.
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The republicans are so Anti that every program they see is a failure.

War on Poverty = Failure because there are still poor people :cuckoo:

ACA = Failure because the website wasnt done, and they dont like it before they get it.

EPA = Failure because sometimes they make regulations the avg Joe doesnt understand. Avg Joes hate not understanding

FDA = A kid got sick once eating something somewhere so...end it. Obviously its a huge waste of money

ALL of the examples above have been posted on this board before so pretending like Repubs dont regularly call for ending all of these programs will make you look silly.

The Misery Offensive....Join now...Misery loves company :D

Certainly the abstinence ONLY program has statistically proven to be a failure.
First time I heard that, I kicked the slats out of my cradle.

You shockingly omitted the first part....

"dimocraps will tell you that they can make you taller, better looking and richer....."

Stay on the porch

P.S. The last part, "Republicans tell you government doesn't work then get elected and prove it"

what a douchebag you are. What are you... 12?

Actually good nutrition that is supported by things like food stamps has led to a taller population. Health care and dental care subsidized by the government has made people look better. Investments in public education have made people richer.

I hope you are joking.
Public roads have made people run faster and thinner! Really!!
The republicans are so Anti that every program they see is a failure.

War on Poverty = Failure because there are still poor people :cuckoo:

ACA = Failure because the website wasnt done, and they dont like it before they get it.

EPA = Failure because sometimes they make regulations the avg Joe doesnt understand. Avg Joes hate not understanding

FDA = A kid got sick once eating something somewhere so...end it. Obviously its a huge waste of money

ALL of the examples above have been posted on this board before so pretending like Repubs dont regularly call for ending all of these programs will make you look silly.

The Misery Offensive....Join now...Misery loves company :D

Certainly the abstinence ONLY program has statistically proven to be a failure.
And that would portend responsibility. When YOU become responsible for yourself and not burden TAXPAYERS with your fuckups...and EXPECT them to pay for them...? YOU come back and let us know, will you Mustink? You're a Hell of a model citizen.
Its that government ISN'T WORKING, and something else should be tried.

Progressives say keep paying even if it doesn't work.

Progressives say..

"the boat has a hole in it. Lets start a program to drain all of the water out of the lake"
If that were true, and it isn't, your answer would be 1. There is no hole, and 2. Holes just happen, there's nothing you can do about them.

No...The holes don't just happen( public housing project) Someone put them there( public housing project shuttered and subsequently torn down), replaced with a project that costs ten times as much.
The republicans are so Anti that every program they see is a failure.

War on Poverty = Failure because there are still poor people :cuckoo:

ACA = Failure because the website wasnt done, and they dont like it before they get it.

EPA = Failure because sometimes they make regulations the avg Joe doesnt understand. Avg Joes hate not understanding

FDA = A kid got sick once eating something somewhere so...end it. Obviously its a huge waste of money

ALL of the examples above have been posted on this board before so pretending like Repubs dont regularly call for ending all of these programs will make you look silly.

The Misery Offensive....Join now...Misery loves company :D

Certainly the abstinence ONLY program has statistically proven to be a failure.
Another failed government program.
Thanks. They can't do anything right.
Its that government ISN'T WORKING, and something else should be tried.

Progressives say keep paying even if it doesn't work.

Progressives say..

"the boat has a hole in it. Lets start a program to drain all of the water out of the lake"
More like drill a hole in the other side of the boat so everything is all equal and stuff.

Then when the boat ultimately sinks, blame the boat.

No...Even better. In the interest of "fairness", have all the other boats on the lake get their mandatory hole so all boats are equal.
The republicans are so Anti that every program they see is a failure.

War on Poverty = Failure because there are still poor people :cuckoo:

ACA = Failure because the website wasnt done, and they dont like it before they get it.

EPA = Failure because sometimes they make regulations the avg Joe doesnt understand. Avg Joes hate not understanding

FDA = A kid got sick once eating something somewhere so...end it. Obviously its a huge waste of money

ALL of the examples above have been posted on this board before so pretending like Repubs dont regularly call for ending all of these programs will make you look silly.

The Misery Offensive....Join now...Misery loves company :D

Another fail thread by ClosedCuntion. I'm shocked I tell ya.

Thats Marty for ya...declaring something a failure before it gets off the ground.
Your premise never had a chance.
Progressives say..

"the boat has a hole in it. Lets start a program to drain all of the water out of the lake"
More like drill a hole in the other side of the boat so everything is all equal and stuff.

Then when the boat ultimately sinks, blame the boat.

No...Even better. In the interest of "fairness", have all the other boats on the lake get their mandatory hole so all boats are equal.

And then invest in a government program to drain the lake so the boats won't sink.
Progressives say..

"the boat has a hole in it. Lets start a program to drain all of the water out of the lake"
More like drill a hole in the other side of the boat so everything is all equal and stuff.

Then when the boat ultimately sinks, blame the boat.

No...Even better. In the interest of "fairness", have all the other boats on the lake get their mandatory hole so all boats are equal.
And exactly what their doing. Drills at the ready.

Same with a couple leaks in the roof...therefore the building has to be torn down...instead of fixing the leaks. Progressives address the wrong problems...and on purpose as long as it keeps them in power, and the people in control.
More like drill a hole in the other side of the boat so everything is all equal and stuff.

Then when the boat ultimately sinks, blame the boat.

No...Even better. In the interest of "fairness", have all the other boats on the lake get their mandatory hole so all boats are equal.
And exactly what their doing. Drills at the ready.

Same with a couple leaks in the roof...therefore the building has to be torn down...instead of fixing the leaks. Progressives address the wrong problems...and on purpose as long as it keeps them in power, and the people in control.

No, no, no. Not drills at the ready only public union hole drillers are qualified for this job. And they need pay and benefits so the taxes on your boat are going to be increased so you can pay the guy the appropriate amount of money to drill a hole in your boat. And if you let your boat sink, you get fined. How dare you not fix your boat so we can drill a new hole!
The republicans are so Anti that every program they see is a failure.

War on Poverty = Failure because there are still poor people :cuckoo:

ACA = Failure because the website wasnt done, and they dont like it before they get it.

EPA = Failure because sometimes they make regulations the avg Joe doesnt understand. Avg Joes hate not understanding

FDA = A kid got sick once eating something somewhere so...end it. Obviously its a huge waste of money

ALL of the examples above have been posted on this board before so pretending like Repubs dont regularly call for ending all of these programs will make you look silly.

The Misery Offensive....Join now...Misery loves company :D

Certainly the abstinence ONLY program has statistically proven to be a failure.
Another failed government program.
Thanks. They can't do anything right.

It was a stupid idea to begin with.

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