Republican Comey's attempt to influence election for Trump will backfire

odd, just few days ago Comey was a man of integrity. I mean, its not like the republicans did anything. Most likely it was when NYPD found all the emails involved in Hillary's past case on the computer of a guy who cant stop sending teenagers pictures of his dick that did it. Was Comey to let it all unfold ?
....and you're voting for the guy that calls the FBI corrupt until Comey gives him a deflection from his sexual assaults.
The agents found the emails when investigating penis brain, they informed Comey. Had he not acted he would without a doubt be making a political decision. He did it once already, and once was enough. Hillary shouldn't even be running so there is that. Count your blessings instead of cursing Comey.
Comey's attempt to influence the election for Trump was criminal and treasonous.
This is just a reminder of the scummy republican tactics. It's going to make decent Americans more determined to vote against Trump.

I was going to vote third party, but I can't stand the possibility of a fascist take over in this country. So I will hold my nose and vote for Shrillary.

The Republicans saw the nearly impossibility of a Trump run for president before the Republican convention and that he would drag down the Senate and House races as well so they've come up with various schemes and scams to harm HRC. But it is smoke and mirrors and most people have figured this out.

And yes Trump is seen not by just Americans but by the entire world as a danger to democracy.

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And Trump's supporters don't care if he shoots someone on 5th avenue, or sexually assaults women.
And yes Trump is seen not by just Americans but by the entire world as a danger to democracy.
ISnt it funny how liberals always seem to think the ENTIRE WORLD shares their opinions then are shocked when people vote against them?

Cons were shocked when McCain lost, then shocked again when Romney lost.....Imagine the shock next week when Trump loses.
This is just a reminder of the scummy republican tactics. It's going to make decent Americans more determined to vote against Trump.

I was going to vote third party, but I can't stand the possibility of a fascist take over in this country. So I will hold my nose and vote for Shrillary.

The Republicans saw the nearly impossibility of a Trump run for president before the Republican convention and that he would drag down the Senate and House races as well so they've come up with various schemes and scams to harm HRC. But it is smoke and mirrors and most people have figured this out.

And yes Trump is seen not by just Americans but by the entire world as a danger to democracy.
Hillary harmed herself. The GOP had nothing to do with her garbage. Your shit is weak.

A generalized Red Herring. Conservatives have a need to throw everything into a pot and stir it up into a stew and think it 'proof' of something.

It's just proof that conservatives have a very hard time differentiating between individual issues and an overall 'dislike' of someone. You throw all your anger into one emotion and lay that blanket over everything a person does.

It is the action of the lazy.

Everyone who points out the truth is trying to "influence" the election in liar's mind.
Comey hasn't pointed out any truth about the Wiener emails. Truth is, Trump has bragged about his sexual assaults on women, and is now lying about it.
Cons were shocked when McCain lost, then shocked again when Romney lost.....Imagine the shock next week when Trump loses.
I was not shocked and was elated when both lost.

I didnt vote for Obama, but I also didnt vote for a collaborating traitor nor a greedy vulture capitalist.
Everyone who points out the truth is trying to "influence" the election in liar's mind.
Comey hasn't pointed out any truth about the Wiener emails. Truth is, Trump has bragged about his sexual assaults on women, and is now lying about it.
You think so in your drunken haze. He didn't say anyone specific and it was two guys in private (he thought). Which has absolutely nothing to do with Hillary's problems.

I don't know what truth in the emails you're babbling about, they apparently found some they had been looking for. Which they shouldn't have needed to even do.
Comey hasn't pointed out any truth about the Wiener emails. Truth is, Trump has bragged about his sexual assaults on women, and is now lying about it.
Keep on lying to yourself, loser.

34% of voters say this latest scandal has CHANGED THEIR VOTE.

That is not the Republican committeds nor the Dim committeds. It is the last lingering faction of the NeverTrumpers coming home, Sanders supporters going to Stein and more independents and uncommitteds moving to Trump.


Go back to your corner and weep, shill.
This is just a reminder of the scummy republican tactics. It's going to make decent Americans more determined to vote against Trump.

I was going to vote third party, but I can't stand the possibility of a fascist take over in this country. So I will hold my nose and vote for Shrillary.
So you dislike it when wrong doers (Clinton pay- for- play INC.) is exposed? Says a lot about you.
odd, just few days ago Comey was a man of integrity. I mean, its not like the republicans did anything. Most likely it was when NYPD found all the emails involved in Hillary's past case on the computer of a guy who cant stop sending teenagers pictures of his dick that did it. Was Comey to let it all unfold ?
....and you're voting for the guy that calls the FBI corrupt until Comey gives him a deflection from his sexual assaults.

Comey hasn't pointed out any truth about the Wiener emails. Truth is, Trump has bragged about his sexual assaults on women, and is now lying about it.

So what's he lying about? The day it came out he admitted to saying those things. That doesn't mean he did any of them.

And what "truth" are you looking for out of Comey? They found thousands of emails and something in them is worth investigating. Investigations take a long time.
Comey's attempt to influence the election for Trump was criminal and treasonous.

Obviously you don't know the definition of treason. Before using such big words, it's a pretty good idea to look them up first.

If the FBI found something of interest (and I'm sure they did) and Comey sat on it until after the election, that's trying to influence an election. Right now, Comey simply stated the investigation was reopened because of the discovery of new evidence in the email scandal. It's his duty to inform the public about it.
The race will boil down to who shows up to vote in the next 9 days (and who has already voted)..

Will those voters be Clinton avowed haters.....or voters who view Trump as a dangerous clown ?

If anything, this new information will make more Hillary voters stay home.

Trump packs professional sports arenas with standing room only. Hil-Liar can't even pack a movie theater. You don't have to worry about Trump voters. They will crawl over pins and needles to cast their vote.

Voters have a decision to make: continue to allow Chicago DC to go on, or clean house. Now we found out that Democrats stooped so low as to provide Hil-Liar with the questions prior to the debate on CNN.
Comey hasn't pointed out any truth about the Wiener emails. Truth is, Trump has bragged about his sexual assaults on women, and is now lying about it.

So what's he lying about? The day it came out he admitted to saying those things. That doesn't mean he did any of them.

And what "truth" are you looking for out of Comey? They found thousands of emails and something in them is worth investigating. Investigations take a long time.
He's lying, either about grabbing women's pussies, or denying it. You know which one he's lying about, don't you. So does everybody else.

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