Replacement SCOTUS Justice no males and no whites need apply

How is that any different that FDT announcing he is going to nominate a conservative anti abortion woman to pander to the Christian Right?
Because race and gender was not a factor and picking a SC Justice with certain policy leanings is par for the course.
Republicans claim to embrace the Constitution and then attack the Capitol when it suits them
Wrong. You have this intentional tendency to over generalize when it suits your misleading rhetorical purpose. Republicans do embrace the Constitution. A few did commit some crimes (albeit not insurrection) when they believed our Republic was in the process of being stolen.
Say, anyone, I have a question. Obviously Biden's interested in filling a color and gender as opposed ability and resume' for positions. He's done that many many times before, but the obvious selection was The Giggler for VP.

In your opinion, has that worked out to be a good practice on Biden's part?
Wrong. You have this intentional tendency to over generalize when it suits your misleading rhetorical purpose. Republicans do embrace the Constitution. A few did commit some crimes (albeit not insurrection) when they believed our Republic was in the process of being stolen.

They marched under a TRUMP flag
Trump refused to call them back
Trump incited the mob

REPUBLICANS defended Trumps actions and refused to hold him accountable. That makes them culpable to the attack on our Democracy
No. It doesn’t. It says what is difference? In each case you are selecting attributes you feel are important. You can make black, woman, conservative an attribute.
Oh I see, so a black woman that is 'rabid' conservative (as you wrote) would be a likely nominee for Biden and the Democrats? Besides you didn't attach skin color to the 'rabid' conservative in your original post.
They marched under a TRUMP flag
Trump refused to call them back
Trump incited the mob

REPUBLICANS defended Trumps actions and refused to hold him accountable. That makes them culpable to the attack on our Democracy
Repeating your ignorant pointless doesn’t justify it nor does it make you any less incorrect.
They marched under a TRUMP flag
Trump refused to call them back
Trump incited the mob

REPUBLICANS defended Trumps actions and refused to hold him accountable. That makes them culpable to the attack on our Democracy
Republicans defended Trump's actions to call out troops, unfortunately Pelosi and the rest of the DC scum refused to deploy them. But the one-sided Pelosi tribunal won't question them.
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Repeating your ignorant pointless doesn’t justify it nor does it make you any less incorrect.
Republicans own it
Our Democracy was attacked and they stood by and let it happen
Then they defended the man who caused it
Still do
Of course, today the trumplets are showing us they automatically believe no woman or POC can possibly be qualified.................even before any names are brought forward.

that is not at all what is being said. But even if it is, does this mean that Biden and Democrats believe that no white person can possibly be qualified, even before any names are brought forward?
I always thought that a Justice was picked on their merits as a Judge.
Republicans own it
Our Democracy was attacked and they stood by and let it happen
Then they defended the man who caused it
Still do
Nope. You’re stuck on stupid. Repeating your same invalid pointless on a loop doesn’t change your shit into gold.
If that is the case you should recuse yourself. I am not from the US, and we have one Chief Justice. I have no idea of her political affiliation. No one does. Nor do we care. We only care about how she interprets the law as it is written. Not how she thinks it is written.
Here in the US that would mean you're a Conservative. Welcome to the party.

I think this is the EXACTLY way we should choose jurists. You know: solely on the basis of gender and race.

I suspect Justice William O. Douglas will be spinning in his grave — like a top.
Yep, In the brave new world of wokeism, the only thing that matters is the color of your skin and the lack of a male organ. Unless the person with the male organ is black or plans to cut it off in the near future anyway. They left is waging a full-on race war against white people and particularly white hetero-males. They don't even try to hide it. They let Joe run because is an easily controlled doddering old fool who does as he is told. I just wonder how they threatened Breyer to force him to quit.

Some rumours have suggested Harris might get the appointment, so they clear the way for a different VP to groom for '24. More than likely it will be Stacey Abrahms.
Yeah, funny how the right side of the political spectrum plays silly little games, but once those 'games' get them their win, suddenly if the other side try it then they should be the 'bigger person".

("Oh Mr Obama, you can't choose a Justice because you only have a year left in your term". "Why sure, Mr Trump, you can nominate a justice even though there is only three months to the election" Don't worry about my pathetic excuse about who runs Congress being an important facet.) - Mitch McConnell...
Well that’s the system as proscribed in the Constitution. Theres an amendment process if you think it’s broken.
And the idea that Obama was robbed of a nomination is silly. The outcome would have been the same had they just voted no for his nominee. THE President gets to nominate a candidate. The Senate doesn’t have to confirm them.

I think this is the EXACTLY way we should choose jurists. You know: solely on the basis of gender and race.

I suspect Justice William O. Douglas will be spinning in his grave — like a top.


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