Replacement SCOTUS Justice no males and no whites need apply

0 out of 114 Justices have been black women and 108 have been white men so the right wing nuts on here start this thread. You guys are total nut cases. I think you were dropped on your pointy white hooded heads as babies.

Are you suggesting that Democrats never had a hand in not affirming any black women?
Mexico has been letting illegals from all over the world cross our border. It is hardly racist to build a wall. Illian Omhar is a racist herself. Sandy Cortez is American but is an ignorant Marxist with far left leanings. Al Qaeda was and is an enemy of America. Trump's 'broadsides' were because of those congresswomen's policies, not their race. The article is conflating their skin color with race in order to make Trump look like a racist. Politco is a far left organization anyway. I see both the article and you get your panties in a wad because of a chant. Hell, lefties chant all the time but Politico doesn't run around with their hair on fire.

Here is a President that is truly a Bigot....

Joe Biden has a decades-long habit of making overtly racist remarks, taking discriminatory positions and cavorting with known racists. While insulting such a sizable segment of our population, Biden actually went further. He referred to this group of people as “Latinx,” which is a term invented by woke academics who objected to gender-specific words in the Spanish language. In the same interview, responding to a question on whether he had taken a cognitive test, Biden angrily fired back with the suggestion that the black reporter was a drug addict.

In 2010, he warmly eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, saying he was “one of my mentors” and that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.”

In 2006, he said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Way back in 1977, he said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.”

Of course, he infamously worked with segregationist senators to oppose that mandatory busing, which decades later led to the strongest moment in Kamala Harris’s campaign for president, when she blasted him as having personally impacted her as a young girl.

The question was for me to be prove republicans have racist policies. I did that.
All your ramblings are to hide that fact. Stay on topic. You are wrong.
No you didn't.
You're entitled to your opinion but it's not my fault you are wrong. Unless you can trawl through every Republican policy and prove me wrong, you should refrain from making an idiot of yourself.
Are you suggesting that Democrats never had a hand in not affirming any black women?
Keep on point. We will have our 164th nomination soon and it will make one black women in that group. Please explain how this is a discriminatory act.
Of course, today the trumplets are showing us they automatically believe no woman or POC can possibly be qualified.................even before any names are brought forward.
Truly hilarious.

Biden does something EXPLICITLY racist, openly requiring a specific sex and race to fill a position. An ILLEGAL act by any business or person in the nation.

You declare people pointing the hypocrisy out are racist.

I wonder if you can even see how pathetic that is?
He never made it a requirement like Biden did.

If you can't see the difference, then it's on you.
159 nominations and 0 black women. If the next one is a black women then it is somehow discriminating against the 150 white men nominated?
No, it's called 'playing the game'. He's still a racist, and definitely a misogynist...
Well that’s the system as proscribed in the Constitution. Theres an amendment process if you think it’s broken.
And the idea that Obama was robbed of a nomination is silly. The outcome would have been the same had they just voted no for his nominee. THE President gets to nominate a candidate. The Senate doesn’t have to confirm them.
My point is they nixxed the vote because of who the president and his politics represent. Not because of who he might have nominated.
My point is they nixxed the vote because of who the president and his politics represent. Not because of who he might have nominated.
He nominated Garland they just didn’t have the vote. Had they he probably doesn’t get confirmed. How are those two scenarios different? The outcome is the same
I do believe the point I was making went over your head, Grump.

Could you link me to where a standing president said he was going to
pick a Black male for the SC position?
Could you link me to where a standing president said he was going to
pick a White female for the SC position?

I'll wait here for you while you find those links, thanks in advance.

159 nominations and 0 black women. If the next one is a black women then it is somehow discriminating against the 150 white men nominated?

When you decide you are only going to pick a black woman, how is that not discrimination?

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