Replacement SCOTUS Justice no males and no whites need apply

I think locking up the black vote for democrats is smart. Iā€™d line myself up a Latino next. Itā€™s a growing contingent with some erosion in support over the last few years.
So itā€™s ok to be a racist so long as it gets you votes. Good to know. LOL. At least youā€™re being honest about the motivation.
I think locking up the black vote for democrats is smart. Iā€™d line myself up a Latino next. Itā€™s a growing contingent with some erosion in support over the last few years.
Sure. because, to you, cheap partisan politics supersedes getting the best available justices and judges on the bench.
Your ASSumption is wrong. You guys are all running the same canard.

One, we donā€™t know that Reagan wouldnā€™t even consider a male.
Two, I didnā€™t say my opinion would be different if we knew that Reagan did exclude males.

And now, although you made an erroneous and baseless assumption instead of asking me (or having any evidence to support your ignorant shitty guesswork), I will deign to try to educate you. I donā€™t know that youā€™re smart enough to follow along. But what the fuck? I can try.

Here is whatā€™s wrong with excluding any other race or gender from consideration:

Pick your favorite SCOTUS Justice. For many kind, it might be Earl Warren or Thurgood Marshall. Now letā€™s say that one of those icons was presently available as a prospective SCOTUS Justice. Guess what? They canā€™t even get on the list of potential nominees? Why not? Because Brandon has chosen to preemptively exclude them ā€” not on the basis of their qualifications, but solely because they are the ā€œwrongā€ gender.

You may (and likely will) dismiss this objection. But thatā€™s only because youā€™re more concerned with some vague notion of proportional representation on the bench than you are with finding the most qualified prospective nominee available.
Yawn. Hope you did not have to work too hard to put in the "Ass" reference.

As for not knowing, Reagan's intention? Do you know how to read? If you did, you would have read my excerpt from Reagan's press release. I even linked to the article.

Next time, educate yourself before posting. Will help you look less of an "Ass". Good luck. :itsok:
Yawn. Hope you did not have to work too hard to put in the "Ass" reference.

As for not knowing, Reagan's intention? Do you know how to read? If you did, you would have read my excerpt from Reagan's press release. I even linked to the article.

Next time, educate yourself before posting. Will help you look less of an "Ass". Good luck. :itsok:
As Iā€™ve said, Lardo, I am aware of it. I simply donā€™t know, and neither do you or your fellow hacks with the same talking pointless, whether Reagan did then exclude all males from consideration. As Iā€™ve also said, if he did that, I disagree with that too.

I have no say in what happened 40 plus years ago. But I do get to have my public say in opposition to a stupid basis for selecting SCOTUS judicial nominees, now.

And it was no effort at all to associate with with an ass. In fact, it was glaringly obvious.
Your ASSumption that Iā€™m being frail is as wrong as you almost always are, Butch. And of course, being the asshat libtard that you always are, you had to couch it in terms of race and gender. My issue isnā€™t about the race or gender of any prospective nominee. My issue is that by limiting the field of candidates to just women and blacks, Brandon is eliminating other potentially better candidates from consideration.

I could explain it to you, but Iā€™m pretty sure your mind is not exactly ā€œopen.ā€ Itā€™s more welded shut.
Thatā€™s what I expected. Nonsensical bluster. Itā€™s all you could realistically do.
Thatā€™s what I expected. Nonsensical bluster. Itā€™s all you could realistically do.
In other words, you canā€™t defend your stupid position so you falsely proclaim that I didnā€™t refute your imbecility. Thatā€™s so butch, butch.
Except I did.
He pledged to nominate a woman while campaigning in 1980. Just as Biden did.
You obviously had no clue.
Again. Thereā€™s no dispute that he SAID it, you drooling retard. What you lack is any proof that he didnā€™t proceed to consider males anyway. You are the clueless one. Sense. Stupid. Non comprehending. But enough about your higher qualities.
Sure. because, to you, cheap partisan politics supersedes getting the best available justices and judges on the bench.
Uh huh. To you, choosing a black woman precludes the possibility of getting the best available judge.
Otherwise, what else are you arguing? :dunno:
Again. Thereā€™s no dispute that he SAID it, you drooling retard. What you lack is any proof that he didnā€™t proceed to consider males anyway. You are the clueless one. Sense. Stupid. Non comprehending. But enough about your higher qualities.
Derp ..:eusa_doh:
He in fact nominated a woman, dope.
I donā€™t know if he considered the girth of her calves either. But that of course is entirely irrelevant.
Can President Biden do this?. Is this not discrimination by the President of the United States.? To say I 'am going to appoint a "Black Female?" to the Supreme Court. Should it not be the best qualified legal mind?.This President has a thing for Black women.
Uh huh. To you, choosing a black woman precludes the possibility of getting the best available judge.
Otherwise, what else are you arguing? :dunno:
Your imbecility is showing.

It is the libtards like you who tried the politics of personal destruction to keep a highly qualified jurist of color off the bench.

And it is absolutely possible that the best available highly qualified judicial nominee is a black and a woman. But the point (again, you fully determined liar) is that it might not be a black or a woman most qualified for the SCOTUS Bench being vacated by Breyer. It could be a vertically challenged Asian male. But he wonā€™t even be considered because Brandon is pandering to political correctness.

Brandon is an even bigger brain damaged asshat than you. And that is considerable.
Can President Biden do this?. Is this not discrimination by the President of the United States.? To say I 'am going to appoint a "Black Female?" to the Supreme Court. Should it not be the best qualified legal mind?.This President has a thing for Black women.
Black women canā€™t be the ā€œbest qualified legal mindā€?

No such thing as unconscious bias. Nope.
Your imbecility is showing.

It is the libtards like you who tried the politics of personal destruction to keep a highly qualified jurist of color off the bench.

And it is absolutely possible that the best available highly qualified judicial nominee is a black and a woman. But the point (again, you fully determined liar) is that it might not be a black or a woman most qualified for the SCOTUS Bench being vacated by Breyer. It could be a vertically challenged Asian male. But he wonā€™t even be considered because Brandon is pandering to political correctness.

Brandon is an even bigger brain damaged asshat than you. And that is considerable.
Your fragility is showing. Again.
Then shut the fuck up assface.

You know you're wrong

Reagan did this

HW Bush did this

TRUMP did this,
Youā€™re an asshole lilā€™ letch. Itā€™s hard to hear you when your mouth is also your asshole. Your undies arenā€™t just a face mask.

Suck a bag of dicks, Letch. It took HW Bush to nominate a brilliant black man to the SCOTUS bench. It was your drooling retard racist Democrap Party that used the politics of personal destruction to try to keep him off the bench.

You cannot argue this on the merits. You know it. We all see it. So, being a morally bankrupt unpersuasive retard, you choose instead to try to just yell at me on a message board and tell me to shut up.

Application denied, you twat. Nobody is going to accept lectures on issues of race or sex discrimination from a liberal Dumbocrap stupid piece of hypocritical shit like you.

Have a pleasant evening.
Derp ..:eusa_doh:
He in fact nominated a woman, dope.
I donā€™t know if he considered the girth of her calves either. But that of course is entirely irrelevant.
My God! Butch, you stupid bitch, you prove yourself dumber with each post! It is Astounding.

We all already know he nominated Oā€™Connor, you bombastic bitch. That doesnā€™t mean that he didnā€™t consider males for the spot during the selection process.

What is irrelvant is pointing to the eventual nominee as constituting any kind of answer to the question of whether or not he also had considered males, you fucking dolt. Another irrelevancy is you.
Youā€™re an asshole lilā€™ letch. Itā€™s hard to hear you when your mouth is also your asshole. Your undies arenā€™t just a face mask.

Suck a bag of dicks, Letch. It took HW Bush to nominate a brilliant black man to the SCOTUS bench. It was your drooling retard racist Democrap Party that used the politics of personal destruction to try to keep him off the bench.

You cannot argue this on the merits. You know it. We all see it. So, being a morally bankrupt unpersuasive retard, you choose instead to try to just yell at me on a message board and tell me to shut up.

Application denied, you twat. Nobody is going to accept lectures on issues of race or sex discrimination from a liberal Dumbocrap stupid piece of hypocritical shit like you.

Have a pleasant evening.
So you KNOW that Reagan, Bush, and Trump all said what Biden said about nominations and you just don't care.

You're a fool

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