Reparations in Asheville North Carolina


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
A North Carolina city unanimously voted Tuesday night to make reparations to its Black community by making investments in areas in which Black residents face disparities.

The Asheville City Council voted 7-0 in support support of a resolution that apologized for the city’s participation in slavery, discrimination and urban renewal and vowed to create a Community Reparations Commission to provide reparations to Black residents and their descendants.

The resolution would not provide direct payments to Black people. Instead it would distribute funding to different areas of society that see racial disparities in order to close those gaps, including in health care, education, employment and pay, neighborhood safety and fairness in criminal justice.

Efforts could also include increasing minority home ownership, access to affordable housing, business ownership and career opportunities, according to the resolution.

Hey, it's okay by me, it ain't my taxdollars. BUT - it does kinda beg the question: where IS the money going to come from to do all that? And how much money are we talking about? Do these guys know the economy ain't doing too well these days, thanks to the Coronavirus and it's going to be awhile before a full recovery happens? Like at least a few years? The article doesn't mention the money part and who pays.

Added: pop: 83,393 12% black. Wonder if they will pay somebody to be on that Community Reparations Commission.
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Since Asheville has stepped up an accepted responsibility for slavery and agree to pay reparations, that lets the rest of us 'off the hook', right?

View attachment 363702

North Carolina’s Asheville City Council apologized for its role in slavery and racial discrimination, voting unanimously to provide reparations in the form of community investments to help Black residents

View attachment 363704

Native american - Reparations for slavery? Where'…


Every white person that pays city taxes should leave.

IMHO, they should instead vote those 7 dickheads off the city council. The black community is only 12% of the city's population, how are they getting the other 8% to take it in the shorts? There's nothing wrong with making sure there is a level playing field, but I think these days each individual, family, or city is going to have to stretch their dollars as far as possible, which mean you can't be playing favorites.
View attachment 363702

North Carolina’s Asheville City Council apologized for its role in slavery and racial discrimination, voting unanimously to provide reparations in the form of community investments to help Black residents

View attachment 363704

Native american - Reparations for slavery? Where'…


Every white person that pays city taxes should leave.

IMHO, they should instead vote those 7 dickheads off the city council. The black community is only 12% of the city's population, how are they getting the other 8% to take it in the shorts? There's nothing wrong with making sure there is a level playing field, but I think these days each individual, family, or city is going to have to stretch their dollars as far as possible, which mean you can't be playing favorites.

i don't know how or why, but once the dem machine gets it's claws into a city, elections don't seem to ever matter.

Time to leave. Drop a match on the way out. Collect the insurance. Or not. Let them try to collect taxes from a burned out ruin.
Race based taxes and spending is unconstitutional because the constitution treats people as individuals not as groups.
They will be sued and lose.
If any reparations are to be given, I think they should be used to pay for all the property black savages have destroyed.

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