Repair Shop owner Knows Of Multiple Attempts To Insert Questionable Material Into Hunter Bidens Laptop


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The computer repair shop owner who turned over Hunter Biden's alleged laptop to the FBI now says that many reports about photographs on the device are "misinformation."

As the laptop turns.
The computer repair shop owner who turned over Hunter Biden's alleged laptop to the FBI now says that many reports about photographs on the device are "misinformation."

As the laptop turns.
RawStory lol
The computer repair shop owner who turned over Hunter Biden's alleged laptop to the FBI now says that many reports about photographs on the device are "misinformation."

As the laptop turns.
A study published by the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society classified The Raw Story as a "junk news" website,[16] while a 2018 report by the Oxford Internet Institute identified The Raw Story as one of the "Top 30 Junk News Sources on Twitter
The computer repair shop owner who turned over Hunter Biden's alleged laptop to the FBI now says that many reports about photographs on the device are "misinformation."

As the laptop turns.
I bet he does.
He doesn't want to get suicided by Obama's goons.
The computer repair shop owner who turned over Hunter Biden's alleged laptop to the FBI now says that many reports about photographs on the device are "misinformation."

As the laptop turns.
So the repairman didn't know of the Bidens to return the laptop?


False claimsEdit

In November 2013, The Raw Story, citing a local news report, claimed that teenagers were playing the "knockout game" and sharing the videos online. There was almost no evidence to suggest that teenagers were uploading videos of the knockout game.[37]

In February 2015, during the Gamergate controversy, a Wikipedia article incorrectly stated that a Wikipedia arbitration case resulted in the banning of five feminist editors. This falsehood was initially reported by The Guardian and then by The Raw Story, which never issued a correction.[38]

In July 2015, Inquisitr falsely reported that Costcostopped selling dinosaur cakes after a mother complained that the cake contained the demonic symbol "666". The hoax was aggregated by The Raw Story and other news outlets.[39][40]

In January 2016, The Raw Story falsely reported that legislation introduced by Virginia lawmaker Mark Cole would require schools to "verify children’s [sic] genitals before using the restroom." The proposed legislation would require children to use the bathroom based on their "anatomical sex" but did not include any provisions on "genital checks."[41]

In February 2016, The Raw Story reported that Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly had lost custody of his children because he had physically abused their mother; the article was cited by Occupy Democratslater that May. Snopes determined that the Gawker article cited by The Raw Story had reported that O'Reilly had lost custody of his children, but did not suggest that O'Reilly had lost custody due to violent behavior.[42]

In July 2016, The Raw Story attributed a tweet to Donald Trump Jr. in their reporting, even though the tweet originated from a parody account. The Raw Story later issued a correction.[43]

In February 2017, The Raw Story reported that the White House had turned off the recorder for a phone call between then-U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The claim originated from Ilan Berman, vice-president of the American Foreign Policy Council, who later stated his comment was an "aside" and "not intended to be a factual statement." The Raw Story changed the headline of the article and issued a correction.[44]

In October 2017, a fake news story spread that claimed that the chief deputy for the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office was a white supremacist who wanted "to rape and kill a black man or a Jew." The false story was picked up by The Raw Story under the headline, "Top Florida law enforcement official plotted to abduct, rape and murder 'a black man or a Jew.'" Activist Tim Wise, who had shared the article by The Raw Story on Facebook, vowed to never share from The Raw Story again due to their failure to fact-check.[45][46]

In December 2017, The Raw Story published an article based on a CNN report which mistakenly stated that on September 4, 2016, Donald Trump Jr.had received a website and a decryption key to preview the emails from the 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak before they were made public by WikiLeaks; the date was later corrected by CNN to September 14, 2016, which was after the emails had been reported on publicly. The Raw Story did not include the correction in its article.[47]

On February 19, 2018, The Raw Story published a report claiming that Russian trolls co-opting the Me Too movement had forced Minnesota senator Al Franken to resign, and that an article by writer Ijeoma Oluo had been used as part of the campaign.[48][49] Oluo told Snopes that her article had been published after Franken announced his resignation, adding: "I was hoping that the piece would give people context and help people grow from all of this into a better place."[48] The Raw Story later retracted its report.[49]

In April 2018, The Raw Story falsely reported that Fox News put up a graph showing that they were the least trusted news network compared to CNN and MSNBC; the three networks were actually being compared with Donald Trump as a trusted source of information. The falsehood was later shared by CNN commentator Chris Cuomo.[50][51]

In November 2018, a college student faked being a Trump supporter and started a GoFundMe, claiming that her parents had cut her off financially. The Raw Story falsely reported that the student garnered $150,000 in donations, when the actual amount was only around $200.[52]

In October 2018, The Raw Story claimed that Meghan McCain, a co-host on The View, drew a comparison between bombs threats targeting Democrats and Republicans getting heckled at restaurants. A video of the episode showed that McCain did not directly compare the two.[53] McCain previously disputed The Raw Story's assertion that she "drank through" her father's cancer treatment (McCain is the daughter of the late senator John McCain).[54]

During the 2020 United States presidential election, The Raw Story published an article on November 4, 2020 which claimed that the United States Postal Service (USPS) had failed to deliver 27% of mail-in ballots in South Florida. PolitiFact determined that the figure was based on a misreading of Postal Service data, and the USPS stated that it had skipped some steps to get ballots to election offices faster.[55][56]

The Raw Story spread misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic.[57][clarification needed]
The computer repair shop owner who turned over Hunter Biden's alleged laptop to the FBI now says that many reports about photographs on the device are "misinformation."

As the laptop turns.
Rawstory......i so believe the post.....NOT.....

Should be Raw sewage....
The computer repair shop owner who turned over Hunter Biden's alleged laptop to the FBI now says that many reports about photographs on the device are "misinformation."

As the laptop turns.
Wait, I thought this guy wasnt credible and was a probably Russian agent. Has the changed?
See how scum like skews13 and raw story works?...they use a fake news outlet and they insert an untruth that kind of skews the whole pun intended...the story claims people are publishing pics in news stories that are not on the laptop...Raw Story and skews13 tries to make it out to be...people are trying to hack the laptop with pictures of Hunter...that's not what the man said at all....
The computer repair shop owner who turned over Hunter Biden's alleged laptop to the FBI now says that many reports about photographs on the device are "misinformation."

As the laptop turns.
There are rumors that the FBI lost the chain of custody on Hunter’s laptop. Note I said rumors.
The computer repair shop owner who turned over Hunter Biden's alleged laptop to the FBI now says that many reports about photographs on the device are "misinformation."

As the laptop turns.

Look atchu lying through your teeth

"I do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year and a half to insert questionable material into the laptop as in not physically, but passing it off as misinformation or disinformation as coming from the laptop," he added. "And that is a major concern of mine because I have fought tooth and nail to protect the integrity of this drive."
Are you ready for it? Hunter is guilty, guilty, guilty but not guilty enough to go to jail

Of course, that is not to say that if others did this they would get off scott free like silver spoon Hunter!!!

The corruption of a son of the president will have his reputation protected by the CIA/FBI, and other government authorities.

Is that what is beginning to happen for Hunter Biden or was it all just phony charges against him to begin with.

In any case, protecting Hunter, the sone of the president, is necessary to uphold America's reputation. And much more important: To ensure that any of his wrongdoing can't detract from the credibility of Biden's war.

One way or the other, the president's son will be safe.
The computer repair shop owner who turned over Hunter Biden's alleged laptop to the FBI now says that many reports about photographs on the device are "misinformation."

As the laptop turns.
That's odd, I just saw him interviewed live last week. He said NOTHING about the laptop being tampered with. He did say that he had to close his repair shop because of the threats he was getting on a daily basis from lunatic fringe Leftists not unlike many posters on USMB. He also said that the salacious material on the laptop was not as concerning as the emails and sensitive information tying Hunter, Jim and Joe Biden together with various illicit activities and foreign nationals.

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