Remember When Straws and Plastic Bags Were Destroying Earth?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Those were the good ‘ol days.

Improperly disposed of PPE raises environmental concerns
people are pigs.
Every spring and fall they do the roadside cleanup for the Adopt a Highway program. Did it with snowmobile club once. I am always amazed and disgusted by the sheer amount of trash that ends up in the ditches in just 6 months. What kind of assholes throw trash wherever the hell they want?
Here is a couple photos of the yearly Mississippi river cleanup near Mpls.
Miss Cleanups 2.JPG
images (6).jpeg

Fucking unreal.

Coyote, take a look at the debris left after a progressive rally, and compare that to the venue after a repub one.

There is NO comparison. The progressive rallies look like pig stys
people are pigs.
Every spring and fall they do the roadside cleanup for the Adopt a Highway program. Did it with snowmobile club once. I am always amazed and disgusted by the sheer amount of trash that ends up in the ditches in just 6 months. What kind of assholes throw trash wherever the hell they want.
Here is a couple photos of the yearly Mississippi river cleanup near Mpls.
View attachment 487014View attachment 487015View attachment 487016
Fucking unreal.

i just don't get it either. we have people in my little town ( myself included ) that have adopted roads/neighborhoods & pick up garbage that pigs throw out. the most we see are the little 'nip shot' bottles from the package store & damn fast food trash. i love this org. that i am a supporter of as well - they clean the oceans of plastic.

About Us - 4ocean
How about the assholes that pick up after their dog and then leave the bag?

Coyote, take a look at the debris left after a progressive rally, and compare that to the venue after a repub one.

There is NO comparison. The progressive rallies look like pig stys

Westwall. I take a look at what's around me here where I live. I live in one of the reddest states in the union. There is litter everywhere. The redder the county, the more the dumping. I see tires, mattresses and old appliances dumped off into the brush on gravel roads. I walk along a bit of our road and pick up empty beer cans, bottles, paper, McDonalds bags of trash to clean up. So don't tell me about comparisons. This isn't progressive territory.
people are pigs.

Especially progressives.

wtf is wrong with you?

I have spent almost my entire career cleaning up after people. In every case the worst pollution I have had to deal with was in progressive areas.

this shouldn't be a political thing, but if you wanna get real - donny has hired the antithesis of environmental defenders for the EPA... & has rolled back all kindsa protections for the air, ground AND water in this here USofA.
people are pigs.
Every spring and fall they do the roadside cleanup for the Adopt a Highway program. Did it with snowmobile club once. I am always amazed and disgusted by the sheer amount of trash that ends up in the ditches in just 6 months. What kind of assholes throw trash wherever the hell they want.
Here is a couple photos of the yearly Mississippi river cleanup near Mpls.
View attachment 487014View attachment 487015View attachment 487016
Fucking unreal.

i just don't get it either. we have people in my little town ( myself included ) that have adopted roads/neighborhoods & pick up garbage that pigs throw out. the most we see are the little 'nip shot' bottles from the package store & damn fast food trash. i love this org. that i am a supporter of as well - they clean the oceans of plastic.

About Us - 4ocean
I have gotten people busted for dumping out in the country. They throw literally everything out in the woods along the rural roads. Took their license plate and called Sheriff.
People throw trash into our construction dumpsters and are dumb enough to have their mailing address in it. Busted.
I think whether left or right we could all agree to do away with wasteful plastic packaging also.

Plastic wrapped in plastic.
Did anyone here grow up during the "Don't be a Litter Bug" years? I remember that being drilled into me from the earliest grade school. Don't be a litter bug. Do they teach that any more?

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