Religion and Ethics?

I never understood how it could kill the fish though... except those who got trapped on land after the waters receded.
Sure they are. A person need not worry about their ethics so long as they put their faith in some personal god or gods, especially Jeebus, while the reality based shall Shirley burn in hell.
Why just Jesus? Does evolution/atheism have morals?
The point is that God is trying to kill us since the moment he created us.

Obviously that's a false story, but religious people believe it. I don't understand why.
ugh... here comes the 6000 yr earther...

man walking with dinosaur.JPG
But your religion says that God ordered it, to kill everything on earth.
This is why a knowledge of history, anthropology, and literature is important. Middle Easter religions hold a belief that nothing happens without it being the will of God. No one can lift even a finger without it first being the will of God.

In a way this is correct. We are God's creation and everything in creation can be traced back to the Creator, thus all things becoming the will of the Creator.

Personification is a literary technique of giving inanimate objects, animals--and God--human attributes. Our early authors merely painted God into the setting of the story. It was a time where a natural disaster decimated the population. (Remember the belief that NOTHING occurred without it first being the will of God.)

Now that we have the setting for the story, what is the story teaching us? What is the purpose of the story? What did our ancestors learn from their experience that they thought it vital to pass on to their descendants?
The point is that God is trying to kill us since the moment he created us.
You mean like in the way He kills caterpillars? So that they may become butterflies?

Have you considered we are to grow into something more than a being made from the Earth? Like the caterpillar, something greater is in store for us.
From the very beginning of religion, it was used to amass armies of people willing to die for their ruler, with the promise of an afterlife and riches. Those people didn't have sniper rifles or long-range weapons. They had to fight hand to hand with sticks, clubs, knives and later swords. They were sure to die in battle. The only way a ruler could convince people to sacrifice themselves is to make them believe that they will go to a "heaven". And thus, religion was born.
You mean like in the way He kills caterpillars? So that they may become butterflies?

Have you considered we are to grow into something more than a being made from the Earth? Like the caterpillar, something greater is in store for us.
That's what religion is trying to sell you. Don't give up your life for it though...
The title of this area is kinda like an oxymoron...

Religion: The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

Ethics: Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.

The two are not compatible based on history.

I just heard, "I hate religion, and everyone should view the world through my hatred."
Of course they are. Religion teaches ethical values - giving to charity; refraining from doing that which is distasteful to you; not stealing.; being kind to animals; not lying; etc.

You are just negative towards religion.

Basically, he's been raised his entire life in an environment of Judeo-Christian ethics, and he's so ignorant and narcissistic that he thinks he made them up himself, out of his "towering goodness and morality".

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