Reducing partisan venom


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
All I can do is start with myself. I am going to eliminate the partisan venom from my posts as suggested below by Biden. Feel free to call me on it if it ā€œleaksā€ out as the President says. I will still express my point of view and argue against yours but if all goes as intended I will remain respectful. Itā€™s an American thing to do. Wish me luck and let me know if you agree with Bidenā€™s point.

I know some of you will respond with comedy but thatā€™s ok. Just think about it.

He continued, ā€œNow you may not like me, and thatā€™s your right. Look, itā€™s a simple thing. You can walk out and say I tonight like the way that guy wears his tie. Iā€™m voting against him. You have a right to do that. You have a right to do that. But the kinds of things that are being said of late, I think youā€™re beginning to see some of theā€¦sort of a venom starting to leak out of a lot of it. Weā€™ve got to get beyond this. What do you say to your grandchildren or your children about whatā€™s happening? Do you ever remember a time like this before in the entire history, whether youā€™re a Democrat or a Republican? This is not who we are.ā€

Biden added, ā€œIā€™ve had a lot of experience internationally, and I mean not good or bad, just I have. I chaired the Foreign Relations Committee. Iā€™ve been deeply involved. I did national security for our last administration with Barack but, folks, the rest of the world is wondering about us. Those of you who travel abroad, itā€™s not a joke. Not a joke. You know, when I went to this G7, all the major democracies, I walked in, and I said, ā€˜Americaā€™s back.ā€™ Iā€™m serious, heads of state. I give you my word as a Biden. They said, ā€˜Are you really back? We believe you, Joe, but will the country ever get it together?ā€™ I talked to Xi Jinping in China, who I know well. We donā€™t agree on a lot of things. Heā€™s a bright and really tough guy. He truly believes that the 21st century will be determined by oligarchs. Democracies can not function in the 21st century. The argument goes because things are moving so rapidly, so, so rapidly that you canā€™t pull together a nation that is divided to get the consensus on acting quickly. So autocrats, autocracies ā€”I had a long meeting with Putin, I know him well ā€” these guys are betting, Iā€™m not joking, on autocracies. Democracy has to stand up to get something done.ā€
All I can do is start with myself. I am going to eliminate the partisan venom from my posts as suggested below by Biden. Feel free to call me on it if it ā€œleaksā€ out as the President says. I will still express my point of view and argue against yours but if all goes as intended I will remain respectful. Itā€™s an American thing to do. Wish me luck and let me know if you agree with Bidenā€™s point.

I know some of you will respond with comedy but thatā€™s ok. Just think about it.

He continued, ā€œNow you may not like me, and thatā€™s your right. Look, itā€™s a simple thing. You can walk out and say I tonight like the way that guy wears his tie. Iā€™m voting against him. You have a right to do that. You have a right to do that. But the kinds of things that are being said of late, I think youā€™re beginning to see some of theā€¦sort of a venom starting to leak out of a lot of it. Weā€™ve got to get beyond this. What do you say to your grandchildren or your children about whatā€™s happening? Do you ever remember a time like this before in the entire history, whether youā€™re a Democrat or a Republican? This is not who we are.ā€

Biden added, ā€œIā€™ve had a lot of experience internationally, and I mean not good or bad, just I have. I chaired the Foreign Relations Committee. Iā€™ve been deeply involved. I did national security for our last administration with Barack but, folks, the rest of the world is wondering about us. Those of you who travel abroad, itā€™s not a joke. Not a joke. You know, when I went to this G7, all the major democracies, I walked in, and I said, ā€˜Americaā€™s back.ā€™ Iā€™m serious, heads of state. I give you my word as a Biden. They said, ā€˜Are you really back? We believe you, Joe, but will the country ever get it together?ā€™ I talked to Xi Jinping in China, who I know well. We donā€™t agree on a lot of things. Heā€™s a bright and really tough guy. He truly believes that the 21st century will be determined by oligarchs. Democracies can not function in the 21st century. The argument goes because things are moving so rapidly, so, so rapidly that you canā€™t pull together a nation that is divided to get the consensus on acting quickly. So autocrats, autocracies ā€”I had a long meeting with Putin, I know him well ā€” these guys are betting, Iā€™m not joking, on autocracies. Democracy has to stand up to get something done.ā€
Funny that now that Biden is slipping badly you take this self-righteous stance hoping others would do so. Never did this when Trump was president as yourself or your banned other self.

It's always been difficult to give your words an ounce of credibility anyway.
Funny that now that Biden is slipping badly you take this self-righteous stance hoping others would do so. Never did this when Trump was president as yourself or your banned predecessor.

It's always been difficult to give your words an ounce of credibility anyway.
Biden isnā€™t slipping badly. However itā€™s a tough uphill climb heā€™s got between left center and right.
One of the most partisan posters on the USMB is calling for a truce on partisanship after 4-years of nothing but venom against Trump?

No deal. Xiden is a disaster and the US voters will excise the democrats and their racism and divisiveness and lawlessness in 2022 and 2024.

Buckle-up buttercup.
All I can do is start with myself. I am going to eliminate the partisan venom from my posts as suggested below by Biden. Feel free to call me on it if it ā€œleaksā€ out as the President says. I will still express my point of view and argue against yours but if all goes as intended I will remain respectful. Itā€™s an American thing to do. Wish me luck and let me know if you agree with Bidenā€™s point.

I know some of you will respond with comedy but thatā€™s ok. Just think about it.

He continued, ā€œNow you may not like me, and thatā€™s your right. Look, itā€™s a simple thing. You can walk out and say I tonight like the way that guy wears his tie. Iā€™m voting against him. You have a right to do that. You have a right to do that. But the kinds of things that are being said of late, I think youā€™re beginning to see some of theā€¦sort of a venom starting to leak out of a lot of it. Weā€™ve got to get beyond this. What do you say to your grandchildren or your children about whatā€™s happening? Do you ever remember a time like this before in the entire history, whether youā€™re a Democrat or a Republican? This is not who we are.ā€

Biden added, ā€œIā€™ve had a lot of experience internationally, and I mean not good or bad, just I have. I chaired the Foreign Relations Committee. Iā€™ve been deeply involved. I did national security for our last administration with Barack but, folks, the rest of the world is wondering about us. Those of you who travel abroad, itā€™s not a joke. Not a joke. You know, when I went to this G7, all the major democracies, I walked in, and I said, ā€˜Americaā€™s back.ā€™ Iā€™m serious, heads of state. I give you my word as a Biden. They said, ā€˜Are you really back? We believe you, Joe, but will the country ever get it together?ā€™ I talked to Xi Jinping in China, who I know well. We donā€™t agree on a lot of things. Heā€™s a bright and really tough guy. He truly believes that the 21st century will be determined by oligarchs. Democracies can not function in the 21st century. The argument goes because things are moving so rapidly, so, so rapidly that you canā€™t pull together a nation that is divided to get the consensus on acting quickly. So autocrats, autocracies ā€”I had a long meeting with Putin, I know him well ā€” these guys are betting, Iā€™m not joking, on autocracies. Democracy has to stand up to get something done.ā€
So now that the Orange Hitler is gone and the Dims are in full control we can reduce partisan venom?

Americans need to label themselves, which explains all the different ways the nation is divided. But those divisions are our strength. At no time has this nation been stronger.
All I can do is start with myself. I am going to eliminate the partisan venom from my posts as suggested below by Biden. Feel free to call me on it if it ā€œleaksā€ out as the President says. I will still express my point of view and argue against yours but if all goes as intended I will remain respectful. Itā€™s an American thing to do. Wish me luck and let me know if you agree with Bidenā€™s point.

I know some of you will respond with comedy but thatā€™s ok. Just think about it.

He continued, ā€œNow you may not like me, and thatā€™s your right. Look, itā€™s a simple thing. You can walk out and say I tonight like the way that guy wears his tie. Iā€™m voting against him. You have a right to do that. You have a right to do that. But the kinds of things that are being said of late, I think youā€™re beginning to see some of theā€¦sort of a venom starting to leak out of a lot of it. Weā€™ve got to get beyond this. What do you say to your grandchildren or your children about whatā€™s happening? Do you ever remember a time like this before in the entire history, whether youā€™re a Democrat or a Republican? This is not who we are.ā€

Biden added, ā€œIā€™ve had a lot of experience internationally, and I mean not good or bad, just I have. I chaired the Foreign Relations Committee. Iā€™ve been deeply involved. I did national security for our last administration with Barack but, folks, the rest of the world is wondering about us. Those of you who travel abroad, itā€™s not a joke. Not a joke. You know, when I went to this G7, all the major democracies, I walked in, and I said, ā€˜Americaā€™s back.ā€™ Iā€™m serious, heads of state. I give you my word as a Biden. They said, ā€˜Are you really back? We believe you, Joe, but will the country ever get it together?ā€™ I talked to Xi Jinping in China, who I know well. We donā€™t agree on a lot of things. Heā€™s a bright and really tough guy. He truly believes that the 21st century will be determined by oligarchs. Democracies can not function in the 21st century. The argument goes because things are moving so rapidly, so, so rapidly that you canā€™t pull together a nation that is divided to get the consensus on acting quickly. So autocrats, autocracies ā€”I had a long meeting with Putin, I know him well ā€” these guys are betting, Iā€™m not joking, on autocracies. Democracy has to stand up to get something done.ā€
So you couldn't figure out that your partisan hackery was no good until a fucking politician told you so?

Why am I not surprised
Biden isnā€™t slipping badly. However itā€™s a tough uphill climb heā€™s got between left center and right.
Biden is pushed as "little goody two shoes" by the elite controlled media and entertainers. In 2nd and 3rd world nations, he would have exterminated a long time ago.
Americans need to label themselves, which explains all the different ways the nation is divided. But those divisions are our strength. At no time has this nation been stronger.
With cities that are on fire and a debt higher than any in human history and China wiping out the world with biological weapons and now on the verge of being the world's biggest economic super power you say this?


Wakey, wakey

America is so divided that about half the nation would not raise a finger to save Washington DC from being wiped off the face of the earth no matter which party was in control.
We are trying to save our country from the Democrat Party, so the partisanship is warranted.
But the democrats really run everything and have for a long time

I think the democrats allow partisan venom in order to generate support for themselves. Just allow a figure like Trump to get chewed up and spit out to generate support by hating him 24/7 in the news for 4 long years.

Then at the end of a sleepy joe biden term, may need to do it again to get people up and supporting them again.

When Hillary was running, the enthusiasm was zero percent for the democrat party. It was embarrassing enough seeing Biden campaign with no one showing up in support.
One of the most partisan posters on the USMB is calling for a truce on partisanship after 4-years of nothing but venom against Trump?

No deal. Xiden is a disaster and the US voters will excise the democrats and their racism and divisiveness and lawlessness in 2022 and 2024.

Buckle-up buttercup.
It's the old Dem double standard again. Spit venom for 4 years when a Republican is in the White House then demand bipartisan cooperation when a Dem is in the White House.
Funny that now that Biden is slipping badly you take this self-righteous stance hoping others would do so. Never did this when Trump was president as yourself or your banned other self.

It's always been difficult to give your words an ounce of credibility anyway.
^ Thread.
We are trying to save our country from the Democrat Party, so the partisanship is warranted.

They are trying to remake the Nation in the image of their dreams, that's why they feel that THEIR partisanship is warranted. They will ALWAYS call us names and compare us to Hitler simply for disagreeing their vision. Our side is just as bad

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