'Red mirage': the 'insidious' scenario if Trump declares an early victory

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?
Even the Dems are now admitting DT is going to crush him & their only chance is to cheat. What's the Dem motto, "Keep counting till we win"?
Why do lefties always call foul every time they aren't allowed to steal something? I guess the same reason every time a thug does something really stupid & gets himself killed by LEO, they claim systemic racism.
You're damn skippy we are not allowing the corrupt marxist/fascists to steal the election
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Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?

Seems The Guardian received the memo. There was a similar article on CNN yesterday and I posted it as I have the foresight to sift through the narrative early, which hardly seems coincidental at this point considering traditional medias bias with social medias full support.

Just as they set the tone early on MSNBC, "Dem voters make up almost 80% of mail out votes". They had that information a day or two after the initial unsolicited mail-out voting due to the Wuhan Virus (so the argument goes).

How could they possibly have that information that quickly? For all they knew, NO Dem voter would even return the ballot, yet, they were confident in stating nearly 80% were Biden supporters. This early prognostication was setting the stage for...what exactly?

What is at stake this election, is the future of Western Values, influence, relevance and our very existence. If it's replaced with manipulation, it's because some feel they are untouchable and unaccountable. Nobody will avoid the costs, I don't care your station in life.

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?


Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?

Seems The Guardian received the memo. There was a similar article on CNN yesterday and I posted it as I have the foresight to sift through the narrative early, which hardly seems coincidental at this point considering traditional medias bias with social medias full support.

Just as they set the tone early on MSNBC, "Dem voters make up almost 80% of mail out votes". They had that information a day or two after the initial unsolicited mail-out voting due to the Wuhan Virus (so the argument goes).

How could they possibly have that information that quickly? For all they knew, NO Dem voter would even return the ballot, yet, they were confident in stating nearly 80% were Biden supporters. This early prognostication was setting the stage for...what exactly?

What is at stake this election, is the future of Western Values, influence, relevance and our very existence. If it's replaced with manipulation, it's because some feel they are untouchable and unaccountable. Nobody will avoid the costs, I don't care your station in life.

Some Deep State lackeys created and distributed the narrative.
It's going to be a shit show to be sure. I pray Florida has their shit together this time.

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?

Seems The Guardian received the memo. There was a similar article on CNN yesterday and I posted it as I have the foresight to sift through the narrative early, which hardly seems coincidental at this point considering traditional medias bias with social medias full support.

Just as they set the tone early on MSNBC, "Dem voters make up almost 80% of mail out votes". They had that information a day or two after the initial unsolicited mail-out voting due to the Wuhan Virus (so the argument goes).

How could they possibly have that information that quickly? For all they knew, NO Dem voter would even return the ballot, yet, they were confident in stating nearly 80% were Biden supporters. This early prognostication was setting the stage for...what exactly?

What is at stake this election, is the future of Western Values, influence, relevance and our very existence. If it's replaced with manipulation, it's because some feel they are untouchable and unaccountable. Nobody will avoid the costs, I don't care your station in life.

Some Deep State lackeys created and distributed the narrative.
If you put yurself in trumps shoes it isnt difficut to imagine how his rat llike intellect works. The right is no respecter of the democratic process and they know this debacle has been coming for some time.

Trumps complete vision for the US seems to be "Hunter Biden is bad". People have a right to expect a bit more.

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?

Pretty weak as panic mongering goes.

Why don't you bring up the nuclear war bit again? YOur target audience is too stupid to remember that you are just using the same shit you did 4 years ago and it's didn't happen.

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

Yeah right, like the Queen? She is the textbook definition of red mirage. Partying and celebrating TOO SOON

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?

Yes....Trump actually wins, then the democrats try to steal the election with voter fraud.....but Trump winning is the problem........you guys are morons.

The only ones who have attempted a coup are obama, biden, and hilary, using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and state department....and the only ones actually on the streets for the last 6 months burning, looting cities and beating and murdering Americans are joe biden voters, you dumb ass....

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?

Pretty weak as panic mongering goes.

One thing that might quell the panic would be for Republicans to affirm that they wouldn't support such a tactic.

cue the crickets....
More disingenuous misinformation from that Limey rag. They quote Castro, not as chair of the DNC, but as a former secretary. Almost like Castro doesn't have a stake in this. All to minimize that Marxist assholes fearmongering. This is why foreign interlopers can't be trusted here.

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?

Pretty weak as panic mongering goes.

One thing that might quell the panic would be for Republicans to affirm that they wouldn't support such a tactic.

cue the crickets....

Thus creating the illusion that it was a valid possibility in the minds of voters.

So, no fuck off and die libtard.

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?

Pretty weak as panic mongering goes.

One thing that might quell the panic would be for Republicans to affirm that they wouldn't support such a tactic.

cue the crickets....

Thus creating the illusion that it was a valid possibility in the minds of voters.

So, no fuck off and die libtard.

In other words, you might be all for it. You might get behind your troll-in-chief and create even more discord in the nation. You're the one validating the OP.

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?

Seems The Guardian received the memo. There was a similar article on CNN yesterday and I posted it as I have the foresight to sift through the narrative early, which hardly seems coincidental at this point considering traditional medias bias with social medias full support.

Just as they set the tone early on MSNBC, "Dem voters make up almost 80% of mail out votes". They had that information a day or two after the initial unsolicited mail-out voting due to the Wuhan Virus (so the argument goes).

How could they possibly have that information that quickly? For all they knew, NO Dem voter would even return the ballot, yet, they were confident in stating nearly 80% were Biden supporters. This early prognostication was setting the stage for...what exactly?

What is at stake this election, is the future of Western Values, influence, relevance and our very existence. If it's replaced with manipulation, it's because some feel they are untouchable and unaccountable. Nobody will avoid the costs, I don't care your station in life.

Some Deep State lackeys created and distributed the narrative.
If you put yurself in trumps shoes it isnt difficut to imagine how his rat llike intellect works. The right is no respecter of the democratic process and they know this debacle has been coming for some time.

Trumps complete vision for the US seems to be "Hunter Biden is bad". People have a right to expect a bit more.
The difference is we know that Progs are not our friends now. The Non Prog ways is open to all. Not perfect, but keeps the species going.

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?
/——-/ Trump isn’t the crazy one. You need to look in the mirror.
Four year ago the excuse was Russia, Russia, Russia, this year it will be Mirage, Mirage, Mirage!

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