Red Jen Psaki invites disgraced clown Dan Rather back to White House press room

LMAO! This should be good...

White House press secretary Jen Psaki tweeted Wednesday former news anchor Dan Rather is welcome in the White House press briefing room “anytime,” noting “she may regret” the invitation.

Psaki’s response originated from Rather’s tweet at Psaki, which praised her for reminding him of his “daily” White House beat. “Would be fun to find my way back to the briefing room again the future,” he prodded.

Psaki responded by saying, “I may regret this, but you are welcome anytime! there is always a seat for @DanRather in the briefing room.”


Dan Rather is a garbage human being.

For reporting the truth?
We all know Bush never showed up for the National Guard.

He reported on a document that he knew was a forgery.

Fuck him.

We all know OJ Simpson killed Nicole and Ron....should Rather lie and say that OJ told him he did it?

You lefties are so morally bankrupt.

The only person who could say if they were real or not was the only person alive who was there, Lt. Col. Bill Burkett, and he said they were real.

Wow, so why did CBS fire him?

Leftist rewriting of history?

Who should I believe? Dan himself or you?

Dan Rather stated, "if I knew then what I know now – I would not have gone ahead with the story as it was aired, and I certainly would not have used the documents in question."
They didn't fire him. he left CBS 2 years after the 60 minute thing. you are such clown.
Rather sounds like Nixon. selling out the people who supported his obsessive hatred. Of the other party. Rather is just like Nixon..... talented yet taints his own legacy.

I know people who worked at CBS in the 1990s. Rather was a notorious asshole.
Dan Rather was like Richard Nixon. Rather covered Nixon’s fall with Watergate. It was Nixon’s obsession to beat his political enemies at any cost. That obsession cost him his job and tainted his legacy. Rather was obsessed in trying to bring down his political enemies, the Republicans and George W.Bush. That obsession cost him his job and his legacy. As good a journalist Rather is, how could he not authenticate documents he used as proof that Bush was AWOL in the National Guard? It was Rather’s coordinated October surprise and it blew up in his face. As a stalwart journalist, how do you present documents created in Microsoft Word from 1972 as fact? Microsoft didn’t even start until 1974 and MS Word was launched in 1983.
Your making a case for Rather being fired with bullshit. Try using facts and the truth will get a little closer.
"Before April 1972, Bush had fulfilled more than the required hours of service, but with more than two years remaining before his discharge. He volunteered his services on several projects, including a political campaign. After April 1972, Bush may have failed to meet the attendance requirements established for members of the Air National Guard. In mid-1972, he failed to meet the Air Force requirement for an annual physical examination for pilots and lost his authorization to be a pilot.[10] According to Bush's pay records, he did not attend any drills between mid-April and the end of October 1972. He drilled in Alabama in October and November 1972, and again in January 1973; what duties he performed are unknown. Bush returned to his home unit in Houston and was paid for his service in April 1973 through July 1973; again, what duties he performed are not documented in any way. " George W. Bush military service controversy George W. Bush military service controversy - Wikipedia

Here is a air squadron during the Vietnam war that was never sent to Vietnam. You people are a joke. Hasn't changed none went to desert storm either.

Im not debating Bush and service. That is for another debate. This is about Rather and Company not authenticating the documents to back it up. Why even go with documents if this was already confirmed or common knowledge? Further, in the aftermath, documents used by Rather and people fired were presented to experts and they could not be authenticated. This cost Rather and others their jobs.

No document can ever be authenticated on its own.
But they were handed over by Lt. Col. Bill Burkett, the person who was the only one to be able to authenticate them still living. So they were authenticated by the only witness there was.
and the signature on the document was verified but not the whole document. That would have been enough for most, look at Fox Crap news they literally lie 40%of the time but thet hate party people here think Rathers deal is such a bad thing , what a hoot!

you have yet to provide authentication and verification yourself outside of what lies between your ears. Learn from Rather’s misdeeds.... authenticate what you are spewing. Rely in fact, not opinion.
Dan Rather was like Richard Nixon. Rather covered Nixon’s fall with Watergate. It was Nixon’s obsession to beat his political enemies at any cost. That obsession cost him his job and tainted his legacy. Rather was obsessed in trying to bring down his political enemies, the Republicans and George W.Bush. That obsession cost him his job and his legacy. As good a journalist Rather is, how could he not authenticate documents he used as proof that Bush was AWOL in the National Guard? It was Rather’s coordinated October surprise and it blew up in his face. As a stalwart journalist, how do you present documents created in Microsoft Word from 1972 as fact? Microsoft didn’t even start until 1974 and MS Word was launched in 1983.
Your making a case for Rather being fired with bullshit. Try using facts and the truth will get a little closer.
"Before April 1972, Bush had fulfilled more than the required hours of service, but with more than two years remaining before his discharge. He volunteered his services on several projects, including a political campaign. After April 1972, Bush may have failed to meet the attendance requirements established for members of the Air National Guard. In mid-1972, he failed to meet the Air Force requirement for an annual physical examination for pilots and lost his authorization to be a pilot.[10] According to Bush's pay records, he did not attend any drills between mid-April and the end of October 1972. He drilled in Alabama in October and November 1972, and again in January 1973; what duties he performed are unknown. Bush returned to his home unit in Houston and was paid for his service in April 1973 through July 1973; again, what duties he performed are not documented in any way. " George W. Bush military service controversy George W. Bush military service controversy - Wikipedia

Here is a air squadron during the Vietnam war that was never sent to Vietnam. You people are a joke. Hasn't changed none went to desert storm either.

Im not debating Bush and service. That is for another debate. This is about Rather and Company not authenticating the documents to back it up. Why even go with documents if this was already confirmed or common knowledge? Further, in the aftermath, documents used by Rather and people fired were presented to experts and they could not be authenticated. This cost Rather and others their jobs.

"CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather, who was the correspondent for the segment, has already announced that he will step down from the anchor desk in March. The panel reported that Rather apparently did not participate in the vetting of the segment and did not see it before it aired." You people are cartoon characters. You can't make your crap into truth buddy/

The documents were not authentic. A synonym for that is "fake" or "false". Prove me wrong.
prove me wrong ace. Your a child.

I provided third party validation. You have have provided nothing besides what lies between your ears and opinion.
What in the hell is third party validation , I've supplied at least a dozen points with backup , Prove me wrong ace. Yuk Yuk!
LMAO! This should be good...

White House press secretary Jen Psaki tweeted Wednesday former news anchor Dan Rather is welcome in the White House press briefing room “anytime,” noting “she may regret” the invitation.

Psaki’s response originated from Rather’s tweet at Psaki, which praised her for reminding him of his “daily” White House beat. “Would be fun to find my way back to the briefing room again the future,” he prodded.

Psaki responded by saying, “I may regret this, but you are welcome anytime! there is always a seat for @DanRather in the briefing room.”


Dan Rather is a garbage human being.

For reporting the truth?
We all know Bush never showed up for the National Guard.

He reported on a document that he knew was a forgery.

Fuck him.

We all know OJ Simpson killed Nicole and Ron....should Rather lie and say that OJ told him he did it?

You lefties are so morally bankrupt.

The only person who could say if they were real or not was the only person alive who was there, Lt. Col. Bill Burkett, and he said they were real.
Whats i the hell is this.

Wow, so why did CBS fire him?

Leftist rewriting of history?

Who should I believe? Dan himself or you?

Dan Rather stated, "if I knew then what I know now – I would not have gone ahead with the story as it was aired, and I certainly would not have used the documents in question."
They didn't fire him. he left CBS 2 years after the 60 minute thing. you are such clown.
Rather sounds like Nixon. selling out the people who supported his obsessive hatred. Of the other party. Rather is just like Nixon..... talented yet taints his own legacy.
Whats i the hell is this. Nixon has what to do with Rather leaving CBS., Here you go ,if you can get past this then we can talk give it your best shot "One more time ace, The killian affair on 60 minutes was on Sept 6 2004, He retired from CBS evening news on march 9 2005 and he retired from CBS totally in june 20 2006. You people a a joy to destroy."
LMAO! This should be good...

White House press secretary Jen Psaki tweeted Wednesday former news anchor Dan Rather is welcome in the White House press briefing room “anytime,” noting “she may regret” the invitation.

Psaki’s response originated from Rather’s tweet at Psaki, which praised her for reminding him of his “daily” White House beat. “Would be fun to find my way back to the briefing room again the future,” he prodded.

Psaki responded by saying, “I may regret this, but you are welcome anytime! there is always a seat for @DanRather in the briefing room.”


Dan Rather is a garbage human being.

For reporting the truth?
We all know Bush never showed up for the National Guard.

He reported on a document that he knew was a forgery.

Fuck him.

We all know OJ Simpson killed Nicole and Ron....should Rather lie and say that OJ told him he did it?

You lefties are so morally bankrupt.

The only person who could say if they were real or not was the only person alive who was there, Lt. Col. Bill Burkett, and he said they were real.
Whats i the hell is this.

Wow, so why did CBS fire him?

Leftist rewriting of history?

Who should I believe? Dan himself or you?

Dan Rather stated, "if I knew then what I know now – I would not have gone ahead with the story as it was aired, and I certainly would not have used the documents in question."
They didn't fire him. he left CBS 2 years after the 60 minute thing. you are such clown.
Rather sounds like Nixon. selling out the people who supported his obsessive hatred. Of the other party. Rather is just like Nixon..... talented yet taints his own legacy.
Whats i the hell is this. Nixon has what to do with Rather leaving CBS., Here you go ,if you can get past this then we can talk give it your best shot "One more time ace, The killian affair on 60 minutes was on Sept 6 2004, He retired from CBS evening news on march 9 2005 and he retired from CBS totally in june 20 2006. You people a a joy to destroy."
Ducks in a barrel.
LMAO! This should be good...

White House press secretary Jen Psaki tweeted Wednesday former news anchor Dan Rather is welcome in the White House press briefing room “anytime,” noting “she may regret” the invitation.

Psaki’s response originated from Rather’s tweet at Psaki, which praised her for reminding him of his “daily” White House beat. “Would be fun to find my way back to the briefing room again the future,” he prodded.

Psaki responded by saying, “I may regret this, but you are welcome anytime! there is always a seat for @DanRather in the briefing room.”


Dan Rather is a garbage human being.

For reporting the truth?
We all know Bush never showed up for the National Guard.

He reported on a document that he knew was a forgery.

Fuck him.

We all know OJ Simpson killed Nicole and Ron....should Rather lie and say that OJ told him he did it?

You lefties are so morally bankrupt.

The only person who could say if they were real or not was the only person alive who was there, Lt. Col. Bill Burkett, and he said they were real.

Wow, so why did CBS fire him?

Leftist rewriting of history?

Who should I believe? Dan himself or you?

Dan Rather stated, "if I knew then what I know now – I would not have gone ahead with the story as it was aired, and I certainly would not have used the documents in question."
They didn't fire him. he left CBS 2 years after the 60 minute thing. you are such clown.
Rather sounds like Nixon. selling out the people who supported his obsessive hatred. Of the other party. Rather is just like Nixon..... talented yet taints his own legacy.

I know people who worked at CBS in the 1990s. Rather was a notorious asshole.
Now that's a hoot. When you get your ass handed to you , you try to throw in some fake bullshit expertize on this. Ya you knew a guy!
Dan Rather was like Richard Nixon. Rather covered Nixon’s fall with Watergate. It was Nixon’s obsession to beat his political enemies at any cost. That obsession cost him his job and tainted his legacy. Rather was obsessed in trying to bring down his political enemies, the Republicans and George W.Bush. That obsession cost him his job and his legacy. As good a journalist Rather is, how could he not authenticate documents he used as proof that Bush was AWOL in the National Guard? It was Rather’s coordinated October surprise and it blew up in his face. As a stalwart journalist, how do you present documents created in Microsoft Word from 1972 as fact? Microsoft didn’t even start until 1974 and MS Word was launched in 1983.
Your making a case for Rather being fired with bullshit. Try using facts and the truth will get a little closer.
"Before April 1972, Bush had fulfilled more than the required hours of service, but with more than two years remaining before his discharge. He volunteered his services on several projects, including a political campaign. After April 1972, Bush may have failed to meet the attendance requirements established for members of the Air National Guard. In mid-1972, he failed to meet the Air Force requirement for an annual physical examination for pilots and lost his authorization to be a pilot.[10] According to Bush's pay records, he did not attend any drills between mid-April and the end of October 1972. He drilled in Alabama in October and November 1972, and again in January 1973; what duties he performed are unknown. Bush returned to his home unit in Houston and was paid for his service in April 1973 through July 1973; again, what duties he performed are not documented in any way. " George W. Bush military service controversy George W. Bush military service controversy - Wikipedia

Here is a air squadron during the Vietnam war that was never sent to Vietnam. You people are a joke. Hasn't changed none went to desert storm either.

Im not debating Bush and service. That is for another debate. This is about Rather and Company not authenticating the documents to back it up. Why even go with documents if this was already confirmed or common knowledge? Further, in the aftermath, documents used by Rather and people fired were presented to experts and they could not be authenticated. This cost Rather and others their jobs.

No document can ever be authenticated on its own.
But they were handed over by Lt. Col. Bill Burkett, the person who was the only one to be able to authenticate them still living. So they were authenticated by the only witness there was.
and the signature on the document was verified but not the whole document. That would have been enough for most, look at Fox Crap news they literally lie 40%of the time but thet hate party people here think Rathers deal is such a bad thing , what a hoot!

you have yet to provide authentication and verification yourself outside of what lies between your ears. Learn from Rather’s misdeeds.... authenticate what you are spewing. Rely in fact, not opinion.
and you have supplied nothing as in Zilch, Nada, nothing! You have nothing unless you can get past this ""One more time ace, The killian affair on 60 minutes was on Sept 6 2004, He retired from CBS evening news on march 9 2005 and he retired from CBS totally in june 20 2006. You people a a joy to destroy.""you bet he was fired , what a hoot!
Dan Rather was like Richard Nixon. Rather covered Nixon’s fall with Watergate. It was Nixon’s obsession to beat his political enemies at any cost. That obsession cost him his job and tainted his legacy. Rather was obsessed in trying to bring down his political enemies, the Republicans and George W.Bush. That obsession cost him his job and his legacy. As good a journalist Rather is, how could he not authenticate documents he used as proof that Bush was AWOL in the National Guard? It was Rather’s coordinated October surprise and it blew up in his face. As a stalwart journalist, how do you present documents created in Microsoft Word from 1972 as fact? Microsoft didn’t even start until 1974 and MS Word was launched in 1983.
Your making a case for Rather being fired with bullshit. Try using facts and the truth will get a little closer.
"Before April 1972, Bush had fulfilled more than the required hours of service, but with more than two years remaining before his discharge. He volunteered his services on several projects, including a political campaign. After April 1972, Bush may have failed to meet the attendance requirements established for members of the Air National Guard. In mid-1972, he failed to meet the Air Force requirement for an annual physical examination for pilots and lost his authorization to be a pilot.[10] According to Bush's pay records, he did not attend any drills between mid-April and the end of October 1972. He drilled in Alabama in October and November 1972, and again in January 1973; what duties he performed are unknown. Bush returned to his home unit in Houston and was paid for his service in April 1973 through July 1973; again, what duties he performed are not documented in any way. " George W. Bush military service controversy George W. Bush military service controversy - Wikipedia

Here is a air squadron during the Vietnam war that was never sent to Vietnam. You people are a joke. Hasn't changed none went to desert storm either.

Im not debating Bush and service. That is for another debate. This is about Rather and Company not authenticating the documents to back it up. Why even go with documents if this was already confirmed or common knowledge? Further, in the aftermath, documents used by Rather and people fired were presented to experts and they could not be authenticated. This cost Rather and others their jobs.

"CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather, who was the correspondent for the segment, has already announced that he will step down from the anchor desk in March. The panel reported that Rather apparently did not participate in the vetting of the segment and did not see it before it aired." You people are cartoon characters. You can't make your crap into truth buddy/

The documents were not authentic. A synonym for that is "fake" or "false". Prove me wrong.
prove me wrong ace. Your a child.

I provided third party validation. You have have provided nothing besides what lies between your ears and opinion.
What in the hell is third party validation , I've supplied at least a dozen points with backup , Prove me wrong ace. Yuk Yuk!

third party validation is a source with factual data points outside of what lies between your ears. At this point, you are showing nothing but entitlement to your opinion being accepted as fact.
Dan Rather was like Richard Nixon. Rather covered Nixon’s fall with Watergate. It was Nixon’s obsession to beat his political enemies at any cost. That obsession cost him his job and tainted his legacy. Rather was obsessed in trying to bring down his political enemies, the Republicans and George W.Bush. That obsession cost him his job and his legacy. As good a journalist Rather is, how could he not authenticate documents he used as proof that Bush was AWOL in the National Guard? It was Rather’s coordinated October surprise and it blew up in his face. As a stalwart journalist, how do you present documents created in Microsoft Word from 1972 as fact? Microsoft didn’t even start until 1974 and MS Word was launched in 1983.
Your making a case for Rather being fired with bullshit. Try using facts and the truth will get a little closer.
"Before April 1972, Bush had fulfilled more than the required hours of service, but with more than two years remaining before his discharge. He volunteered his services on several projects, including a political campaign. After April 1972, Bush may have failed to meet the attendance requirements established for members of the Air National Guard. In mid-1972, he failed to meet the Air Force requirement for an annual physical examination for pilots and lost his authorization to be a pilot.[10] According to Bush's pay records, he did not attend any drills between mid-April and the end of October 1972. He drilled in Alabama in October and November 1972, and again in January 1973; what duties he performed are unknown. Bush returned to his home unit in Houston and was paid for his service in April 1973 through July 1973; again, what duties he performed are not documented in any way. " George W. Bush military service controversy George W. Bush military service controversy - Wikipedia

Here is a air squadron during the Vietnam war that was never sent to Vietnam. You people are a joke. Hasn't changed none went to desert storm either.

Im not debating Bush and service. That is for another debate. This is about Rather and Company not authenticating the documents to back it up. Why even go with documents if this was already confirmed or common knowledge? Further, in the aftermath, documents used by Rather and people fired were presented to experts and they could not be authenticated. This cost Rather and others their jobs.

"CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather, who was the correspondent for the segment, has already announced that he will step down from the anchor desk in March. The panel reported that Rather apparently did not participate in the vetting of the segment and did not see it before it aired." You people are cartoon characters. You can't make your crap into truth buddy/

The documents were not authentic. A synonym for that is "fake" or "false". Prove me wrong.
prove me wrong ace. Your a child.

I provided third party validation. You have have provided nothing besides what lies between your ears and opinion.
What in the hell is third party validation , I've supplied at least a dozen points with backup , Prove me wrong ace. Yuk Yuk!

third party validation is a source with factual data points outside of what lies between your ears. At this point, you are showing nothing but entitlement to your opinion being accepted as fact.
Here is one fact that bury your bullshit and Like I said if you can't get around it , your point is nothing "
You have nothing unless you can get past this ""One more time ace, The killian affair on 60 minutes was on Sept 6 2004, He retired from CBS evening news on march 9 2005 and he retired from CBS totally in june 20 2006. You people a a joy to destroy.""you bet he was fired , what a hoot!

Dan Rather was like Richard Nixon. Rather covered Nixon’s fall with Watergate. It was Nixon’s obsession to beat his political enemies at any cost. That obsession cost him his job and tainted his legacy. Rather was obsessed in trying to bring down his political enemies, the Republicans and George W.Bush. That obsession cost him his job and his legacy. As good a journalist Rather is, how could he not authenticate documents he used as proof that Bush was AWOL in the National Guard? It was Rather’s coordinated October surprise and it blew up in his face. As a stalwart journalist, how do you present documents created in Microsoft Word from 1972 as fact? Microsoft didn’t even start until 1974 and MS Word was launched in 1983.
Your making a case for Rather being fired with bullshit. Try using facts and the truth will get a little closer.
"Before April 1972, Bush had fulfilled more than the required hours of service, but with more than two years remaining before his discharge. He volunteered his services on several projects, including a political campaign. After April 1972, Bush may have failed to meet the attendance requirements established for members of the Air National Guard. In mid-1972, he failed to meet the Air Force requirement for an annual physical examination for pilots and lost his authorization to be a pilot.[10] According to Bush's pay records, he did not attend any drills between mid-April and the end of October 1972. He drilled in Alabama in October and November 1972, and again in January 1973; what duties he performed are unknown. Bush returned to his home unit in Houston and was paid for his service in April 1973 through July 1973; again, what duties he performed are not documented in any way. " George W. Bush military service controversy George W. Bush military service controversy - Wikipedia

Here is a air squadron during the Vietnam war that was never sent to Vietnam. You people are a joke. Hasn't changed none went to desert storm either.

Im not debating Bush and service. That is for another debate. This is about Rather and Company not authenticating the documents to back it up. Why even go with documents if this was already confirmed or common knowledge? Further, in the aftermath, documents used by Rather and people fired were presented to experts and they could not be authenticated. This cost Rather and others their jobs.

"CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather, who was the correspondent for the segment, has already announced that he will step down from the anchor desk in March. The panel reported that Rather apparently did not participate in the vetting of the segment and did not see it before it aired." You people are cartoon characters. You can't make your crap into truth buddy/

The documents were not authentic. A synonym for that is "fake" or "false". Prove me wrong.
prove me wrong ace. Your a child.

I provided third party validation. You have have provided nothing besides what lies between your ears and opinion.
What in the hell is third party validation , I've supplied at least a dozen points with backup , Prove me wrong ace. Yuk Yuk!

third party validation is a source with factual data points outside of what lies between your ears. At this point, you are showing nothing but entitlement to your opinion being accepted as fact.
You have supplied nothing like that.
I think this is great, actually. There's nothing that better represents Joe Biden's administration than a disgraced former reporter who lost his job over a fake story he pushed because he was mad at the president.


Except, well, you're an idiot, and your explanation is wrong.

Dan Rather is an amazing journalist, and was clearly snookered by Karl Rove, who planted a fake story to kill further reporting on Bush being AWOL from his NG unit (skipped out cause he would have failed the drug test)
NOT DISGRACED? Where has Dan Rather been since he was fired by CBS in 2006 for his blatant and
egregious lies about George Bush, if he is not disgraced and untouchable as a media authority?

You can save yourself a lot of embarrassment and shame if you'd stop posting such brainless trash.
Try thinking, sometime. See how it feels.

You go first. We'll wait.
Dan Rather was like Richard Nixon. Rather covered Nixon’s fall with Watergate. It was Nixon’s obsession to beat his political enemies at any cost. That obsession cost him his job and tainted his legacy. Rather was obsessed in trying to bring down his political enemies, the Republicans and George W.Bush. That obsession cost him his job and his legacy. As good a journalist Rather is, how could he not authenticate documents he used as proof that Bush was AWOL in the National Guard? It was Rather’s coordinated October surprise and it blew up in his face. As a stalwart journalist, how do you present documents created in Microsoft Word from 1972 as fact? Microsoft didn’t even start until 1974 and MS Word was launched in 1983.
Your making a case for Rather being fired with bullshit. Try using facts and the truth will get a little closer.
"Before April 1972, Bush had fulfilled more than the required hours of service, but with more than two years remaining before his discharge. He volunteered his services on several projects, including a political campaign. After April 1972, Bush may have failed to meet the attendance requirements established for members of the Air National Guard. In mid-1972, he failed to meet the Air Force requirement for an annual physical examination for pilots and lost his authorization to be a pilot.[10] According to Bush's pay records, he did not attend any drills between mid-April and the end of October 1972. He drilled in Alabama in October and November 1972, and again in January 1973; what duties he performed are unknown. Bush returned to his home unit in Houston and was paid for his service in April 1973 through July 1973; again, what duties he performed are not documented in any way. " George W. Bush military service controversy George W. Bush military service controversy - Wikipedia

Here is a air squadron during the Vietnam war that was never sent to Vietnam. You people are a joke. Hasn't changed none went to desert storm either.

Im not debating Bush and service. That is for another debate. This is about Rather and Company not authenticating the documents to back it up. Why even go with documents if this was already confirmed or common knowledge? Further, in the aftermath, documents used by Rather and people fired were presented to experts and they could not be authenticated. This cost Rather and others their jobs.

No document can ever be authenticated on its own.
But they were handed over by Lt. Col. Bill Burkett, the person who was the only one to be able to authenticate them still living. So they were authenticated by the only witness there was.
and the signature on the document was verified but not the whole document. That would have been enough for most, look at Fox Crap news they literally lie 40%of the time but thet hate party people here think Rathers deal is such a bad thing , what a hoot!

you have yet to provide authentication and verification yourself outside of what lies between your ears. Learn from Rather’s misdeeds.... authenticate what you are spewing. Rely in fact, not opinion.

The only person yet alive who can testify one way or the other is Lt. Col. Bill Burkett, and he says the documents are real.
That then has to stand as being the only credible source, one way or the other, and that makes the documents verified.
To counter Lt. Col. Bill Burkett, someone would have to come up with an even better witness, which I doubt is possible, since Killian is dead.
Dan Rather was like Richard Nixon. Rather covered Nixon’s fall with Watergate. It was Nixon’s obsession to beat his political enemies at any cost. That obsession cost him his job and tainted his legacy. Rather was obsessed in trying to bring down his political enemies, the Republicans and George W.Bush. That obsession cost him his job and his legacy. As good a journalist Rather is, how could he not authenticate documents he used as proof that Bush was AWOL in the National Guard? It was Rather’s coordinated October surprise and it blew up in his face. As a stalwart journalist, how do you present documents created in Microsoft Word from 1972 as fact? Microsoft didn’t even start until 1974 and MS Word was launched in 1983.
Your making a case for Rather being fired with bullshit. Try using facts and the truth will get a little closer.
"Before April 1972, Bush had fulfilled more than the required hours of service, but with more than two years remaining before his discharge. He volunteered his services on several projects, including a political campaign. After April 1972, Bush may have failed to meet the attendance requirements established for members of the Air National Guard. In mid-1972, he failed to meet the Air Force requirement for an annual physical examination for pilots and lost his authorization to be a pilot.[10] According to Bush's pay records, he did not attend any drills between mid-April and the end of October 1972. He drilled in Alabama in October and November 1972, and again in January 1973; what duties he performed are unknown. Bush returned to his home unit in Houston and was paid for his service in April 1973 through July 1973; again, what duties he performed are not documented in any way. " George W. Bush military service controversy George W. Bush military service controversy - Wikipedia

Here is a air squadron during the Vietnam war that was never sent to Vietnam. You people are a joke. Hasn't changed none went to desert storm either.

Im not debating Bush and service. That is for another debate. This is about Rather and Company not authenticating the documents to back it up. Why even go with documents if this was already confirmed or common knowledge? Further, in the aftermath, documents used by Rather and people fired were presented to experts and they could not be authenticated. This cost Rather and others their jobs.

"CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather, who was the correspondent for the segment, has already announced that he will step down from the anchor desk in March. The panel reported that Rather apparently did not participate in the vetting of the segment and did not see it before it aired." You people are cartoon characters. You can't make your crap into truth buddy/

The documents were not authentic. A synonym for that is "fake" or "false". Prove me wrong.
prove me wrong ace. Your a child.

I provided third party validation. You have have provided nothing besides what lies between your ears and opinion.
What in the hell is third party validation , I've supplied at least a dozen points with backup , Prove me wrong ace. Yuk Yuk!

third party validation is a source with factual data points outside of what lies between your ears. At this point, you are showing nothing but entitlement to your opinion being accepted as fact.
You have supplied nothing like that.

I showed the news article from when the 4 executives were fired and the documents could not be authenticated. That is third party validation. You saw it yet you can’t prove it false.
Dan Rather was like Richard Nixon. Rather covered Nixon’s fall with Watergate. It was Nixon’s obsession to beat his political enemies at any cost. That obsession cost him his job and tainted his legacy. Rather was obsessed in trying to bring down his political enemies, the Republicans and George W.Bush. That obsession cost him his job and his legacy. As good a journalist Rather is, how could he not authenticate documents he used as proof that Bush was AWOL in the National Guard? It was Rather’s coordinated October surprise and it blew up in his face. As a stalwart journalist, how do you present documents created in Microsoft Word from 1972 as fact? Microsoft didn’t even start until 1974 and MS Word was launched in 1983.
Your making a case for Rather being fired with bullshit. Try using facts and the truth will get a little closer.
"Before April 1972, Bush had fulfilled more than the required hours of service, but with more than two years remaining before his discharge. He volunteered his services on several projects, including a political campaign. After April 1972, Bush may have failed to meet the attendance requirements established for members of the Air National Guard. In mid-1972, he failed to meet the Air Force requirement for an annual physical examination for pilots and lost his authorization to be a pilot.[10] According to Bush's pay records, he did not attend any drills between mid-April and the end of October 1972. He drilled in Alabama in October and November 1972, and again in January 1973; what duties he performed are unknown. Bush returned to his home unit in Houston and was paid for his service in April 1973 through July 1973; again, what duties he performed are not documented in any way. " George W. Bush military service controversy George W. Bush military service controversy - Wikipedia

Here is a air squadron during the Vietnam war that was never sent to Vietnam. You people are a joke. Hasn't changed none went to desert storm either.

Im not debating Bush and service. That is for another debate. This is about Rather and Company not authenticating the documents to back it up. Why even go with documents if this was already confirmed or common knowledge? Further, in the aftermath, documents used by Rather and people fired were presented to experts and they could not be authenticated. This cost Rather and others their jobs.

"CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather, who was the correspondent for the segment, has already announced that he will step down from the anchor desk in March. The panel reported that Rather apparently did not participate in the vetting of the segment and did not see it before it aired." You people are cartoon characters. You can't make your crap into truth buddy/

The documents were not authentic. A synonym for that is "fake" or "false". Prove me wrong.
prove me wrong ace. Your a child.

I provided third party validation. You have have provided nothing besides what lies between your ears and opinion.
What in the hell is third party validation , I've supplied at least a dozen points with backup , Prove me wrong ace. Yuk Yuk!

third party validation is a source with factual data points outside of what lies between your ears. At this point, you are showing nothing but entitlement to your opinion being accepted as fact.
You have supplied nothing like that.
Dan Rather was like Richard Nixon. Rather covered Nixon’s fall with Watergate. It was Nixon’s obsession to beat his political enemies at any cost. That obsession cost him his job and tainted his legacy. Rather was obsessed in trying to bring down his political enemies, the Republicans and George W.Bush. That obsession cost him his job and his legacy. As good a journalist Rather is, how could he not authenticate documents he used as proof that Bush was AWOL in the National Guard? It was Rather’s coordinated October surprise and it blew up in his face. As a stalwart journalist, how do you present documents created in Microsoft Word from 1972 as fact? Microsoft didn’t even start until 1974 and MS Word was launched in 1983.
Your making a case for Rather being fired with bullshit. Try using facts and the truth will get a little closer.
"Before April 1972, Bush had fulfilled more than the required hours of service, but with more than two years remaining before his discharge. He volunteered his services on several projects, including a political campaign. After April 1972, Bush may have failed to meet the attendance requirements established for members of the Air National Guard. In mid-1972, he failed to meet the Air Force requirement for an annual physical examination for pilots and lost his authorization to be a pilot.[10] According to Bush's pay records, he did not attend any drills between mid-April and the end of October 1972. He drilled in Alabama in October and November 1972, and again in January 1973; what duties he performed are unknown. Bush returned to his home unit in Houston and was paid for his service in April 1973 through July 1973; again, what duties he performed are not documented in any way. " George W. Bush military service controversy George W. Bush military service controversy - Wikipedia

Here is a air squadron during the Vietnam war that was never sent to Vietnam. You people are a joke. Hasn't changed none went to desert storm either.

Im not debating Bush and service. That is for another debate. This is about Rather and Company not authenticating the documents to back it up. Why even go with documents if this was already confirmed or common knowledge? Further, in the aftermath, documents used by Rather and people fired were presented to experts and they could not be authenticated. This cost Rather and others their jobs.

"CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather, who was the correspondent for the segment, has already announced that he will step down from the anchor desk in March. The panel reported that Rather apparently did not participate in the vetting of the segment and did not see it before it aired." You people are cartoon characters. You can't make your crap into truth buddy/

The documents were not authentic. A synonym for that is "fake" or "false". Prove me wrong.
prove me wrong ace. Your a child.

I provided third party validation. You have have provided nothing besides what lies between your ears and opinion.
What in the hell is third party validation , I've supplied at least a dozen points with backup , Prove me wrong ace. Yuk Yuk!

third party validation is a source with factual data points outside of what lies between your ears. At this point, you are showing nothing but entitlement to your opinion being accepted as fact.
You have supplied nothing like that.

I showed the news article from when the 4 executives were fired and the documents could not be authenticated. That is third party validation. You saw it yet you can’t prove it false.

Of course no document by itself can ever be verified.
You need a witness in order to verify.
And the best anyone has is Lt. Col. Bill Burkett .
And he said it was real, so then the best anyone can say is it is verified.
Its like the old a million bridges and kill one person....what are you remembered for?
Yeah, I instantly thought of Herbert Hoover when I read what you said. I just read a book on the Boxer Rebellion, China 1900, during which he and his wife Lou did a lot of dangerous service to the trapped Europeans under siege. That was news to me, and then there was all the rest, after WWI. But we know what he is remembered for.
You go first. We'll wait.
Wow! How many days did it take for you to come up with that gem?
The fact is you should have waited longer... Rather was fired about fifteen years ago for manufacturing fake evidence against Bush and his counter suit against CBS was tossed out by a judge. That's disgraced, O Dummy.

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