Red Jen Psaki doubles down on Joe Biden's smear against Kyle Rittenhouse

They were the ones that were armed just as much as Patriots like Kyle. In fact on the night of the Kyle incident they were the shitheads that fired the first shots after spending several days burning down shit and attacking the people in the city.

They were the ones that ran down Kyle to beat him up or even kill him to punish him for helping to put out a fire and that sure as hell meets the definition of vigilantes.

Your confusion is amazing. Even after me explaining it to you then you are still confused. Typical stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat.
That would make them rioters not vigilantes. Again… get a dictionary, you sound like a moron
Local Madison radio host is now claiming he know who Jump-Kick Man is. He's not outing his name, but is detailing his lengthy criminal record this morning. He's talking about how he should never have been on the streets.

The filthy FBI seems to be able to track down all the Patriots that protested agaisnt the stolen election on 1/6 but couldn't find Jump-Kick Man?
That would make them rioters not vigilantes. Again… get a dictionary, you sound like a moron

You are really stupid aren't you Moon Bat?

This is vigilantism:

A mob running down and attacking Kyle to punish him for helping to put out a fire.

Any more stupid questions Moon Bat?

Here is your Binger hero:


Vigilantism /vɪdʒɪˈlæntɪzəm/ is the act of enforcement, investigation or punishment of perceived offenses without legal authority. A vigilante is a practitioner of vigilantism

You’ve spread enough stupid in this thread. Go take a nap.
I don’t know Jacob and I don’t know Kyle and to be frank I don’t really care about either of them.

If somebody was running around a race riot yelling the N word then I see how the WS term could be used there as well.

Im what way do you think im being condescending?
"how up at race riots in the fashion that Kyle and his buddies did, don’t you?"

You are being condescending as youre inferring if I don't agree with your POV I am a moron. Kyle went there in his words to help save his city as the police weren't doing their job. He should not have been there but that is not a crime. Neither is self defense.

Vigilantism /vɪdʒɪˈlæntɪzəm/ is the act of enforcement, investigation or punishment of perceived offenses without legal authority. A vigilante is a practitioner of vigilantism

You’ve spread enough stupid in this thread. Go take a nap.

You are confused Moon Bat. The word doesn't mean what you think it means.

The asshole destructive mob that ran down Kyle to punish him for doing something they didn't like had no legal authority to do it so that sure as hell makes them vigilantes.

Now just the shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about. It just makes you look like more of an idiot than we already think you are.
First of all I didn’t declare Kyle a WS. My quote that you posted shows that. I’m asking if you can understand how the manner in which they engaged in the race riots gives that impression. You don’t understand… that’s fine. Answers my question
It is more than do not understand, it is flatly immoral to do so in the most charitable interpretation.

And your defense of your statement is just another form of Trump's famous 'some people say.' Oh no, I don't actually agree I am just saying that you understand where the idea comes from. Well, that is disingenuous IMHO.

Vigilantism /vɪdʒɪˈlæntɪzəm/ is the act of enforcement, investigation or punishment of perceived offenses without legal authority. A vigilante is a practitioner of vigilantism

You’ve spread enough stupid in this thread. Go take a nap.
Is that not who BLM and Antifa are? Vigilantes? The perceived criminals are all non woke persons.
I do find it rather pathetic that the same people who applauded removing the police decry someone being a 'vigilante.'

That is what happens when the government fails to uphold its end of the bargain - providing basic safety and security. People have to do it on their own.
Why? Today's Dimtards want anarchy. They want to be able to riot, loot, rape, and murder at will with nobody there to slow them down.
I do find it rather pathetic that the same people who applauded removing the police decry someone being a 'vigilante.'

That is what happens when the government fails to uphold its end of the bargain - providing basic safety and security. People have to do it on their own.
well while i agree that the rioters and whoever kept the local police from doing their job to stop them are ultimately to blame.

however, by definition of vigilante, they come about when they feel the law isn't doing enough. it does fit the scene, but doesn't explain how we got here.
Biden shouldn’t have used Kyle as an example in his tweet but you do understand where the WS term comes from when armed vigilantes show up at race riots in the fashion that Kyle and his buddies did, don’t you?

violence begats violence regardless of your reason. you go out in the streets and tear shit up cause you're REALLY REALLY MAD and you excuse it, someone else will do it for the same reason. eventually someone will come along to stop it and then the 2 year old temper tantrums begin.

you're being 2.
Don’t be a condescending prick. One of the persons he killed was yelling the N word as he was looting and rioting. Why not use him as an example. Maybe you don’t say anything until you have the full story?

What Kyle did was because the police were handcuffed by your party and could not do their job. Do you really believe Jacob Blake is a victim? He is a rapist, you know that don’t you?

Truth over Facts
then he would simply cease to be.
well while i agree that the rioters and whoever kept the local police from doing their job to stop them are ultimately to blame.

however, by definition of vigilante, they come about when they feel the law isn't doing enough. it does fit the scene, but doesn't explain how we got here.
Oh, I have no issue with connecting him to a vigilante. I do have an issue with people thinking that is somehow a universal negative - that simply calling Rittenhouse a vigilante is a negative statement about Rittenhouse's character when, in fact, it is quite the opposite. It is a hell of a positive statement about him considering he is willing to stand up for what he believes in even to the point of placing himself in danger.

In this particular instance, the negatives are on the rioters and the fact that the government openly abstained from doing not just it's duty but its moral obligations to the people that it is supposed to serve. The same government that is trying to sacrifice him in the name of saving face.

Vigilantism /vɪdʒɪˈlæntɪzəm/ is the act of enforcement, investigation or punishment of perceived offenses without legal authority. A vigilante is a practitioner of vigilantism

You’ve spread enough stupid in this thread. Go take a nap.
where was the rioters legal authority to riot, beat people up for trying to stop them and so forth?

you keep excusing the criminals so you can attack the people trying to end the party of the insane.
Oh, I have no issue with connecting him to a vigilante. I do have an issue with people thinking that is somehow a universal negative - that simply calling Rittenhouse a vigilante is a negative statement about Rittenhouse's character when, in fact, it is quite the opposite. It is a hell of a positive statement about him considering he is willing to stand up for what he believes in even to the point of placing himself in danger.

In this particular instance, the negatives are on the rioters and the fact that the government openly abstained from doing not just it's duty but its moral obligations to the people that it is supposed to serve. The same government that is trying to sacrifice him in the name of saving face.
fair enough. im just not into changing the meanings of words cause people don't like how they sound when used against their actions. while i think it may be on the extreme side of use, i do think it's a valid case for using the word.

the trick is *why* they're doing it.

it all comes back to - stop the stupidity when it starts and kyle goes through life w/o any of us knowing him. except POLITICS doesn't want that.

and slade is being 100% political, as he always does.
Is that not who BLM and Antifa are? Vigilantes? The perceived criminals are all non woke persons.
Well, no, by definition they are not. They are not trying to enforce law or justice that is not being met. They are trying to destroy a system that they perceive as unjust (at least if take the rhetoric at face value). That would not be, by definition, a vigilante or vigilantism.
Is that not who BLM and Antifa are? Vigilantes? The perceived criminals are all non woke persons.
vigilantes are usually the ones trying to dispense justice according to their views. that's not in my mind what rioters/blm here are doing. they're simply tearing shit up screaming it's their right cause they've been wronged.

all the imported rioters seem to be fair game to assholes playing identity politics. any attempt to stop them from their "fun" makes you a racist cause that's what they do.

in my mind, the rioters were the criminals and law wasn't stopping them. that was throwing gas on a flame and here we are.

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