Psaki Rejects Responsibility for Texas Guardsman's Death, Blames Texas for Doing Biden's Job

Yes we do

We need an immigration policy that is more than just walls.
A policy that acknowledges Dreamers, a policy that acknowledges there are 15 million undocumented. A policy that punishes illegal employers more than it punishes illegals

How about a policy that acknowledges that the lives of American citizens are important? because this current policy going on doesn't. Illegal immigrants were bused all over the U.S. without being vaccinated for one thing. If vaccinations were a thing of importance AT ALL, then this makes no sense other than they are just in a rush to populate the country with new voters.

AND If anyone from any country in the world can just walk across our border whenever they want to (and they are) than any so called policy you have means nothing if you don't have a wall, or enough border personel to go along with whatever technology you have. This administration is offering no deterrents to illegal immigration and Biden rolling back the stay in Mexico policy was part of that. If you want to acknowledge Dreamers from Mexico then why dont you acknowledge dreamers right here in the U.S.? that would be the 15 year old kid who when trying drugs for the first time O.D.s because he or she just took fentanyl that was mixed in. Cartels are allowed to operate with impunity , killing American citizens and all you can think about is the same old rhetoric. The government needs to do something PERIOD to stop the flow of people comming across the border, but they are simply play acting like they are helpless because they dont want to upset their base (i guess that would be you) .

Slow down the flow of immigration to something managable and then the other issues can be looked at. I dont have any problem with punishing employers but it starts with the people we elected to office. They need to get off their ass.
How about a policy that acknowledges that the lives of American citizens are important? because this current policy going on doesn't. Illegal immigrants were bused all over the U.S. without being vaccinated for one thing. If vaccinations were a thing of importance AT ALL, then this makes no sense other than they are just in a rush to populate the country with new voters.

AND If anyone from any country in the world can just walk across our border whenever they want to (and they are) than any so called policy you have means nothing if you don't have a wall, or enough border personel to go along with whatever technology you have. This administration is offering no deterrents to illegal immigration and Biden rolling back the stay in Mexico policy was part of that. If you want to acknowledge Dreamers from Mexico then why dont you acknowledge dreamers right here in the U.S.? that would be the 15 year old kid who when trying drugs for the first time O.D.s because he or she just took fentanyl that was mixed in. Cartels are allowed to operate with impunity , killing American citizens and all you can think about is the same old rhetoric. The government needs to do something PERIOD to stop the flow of people comming across the border, but they are simply play acting like they are helpless because they dont want to upset their base (i guess that would be you) .

Slow down the flow of immigration to something managable and then the other issues can be looked at. I dont have any problem with punishing employers but it starts with the people we elected to office. They need to get off their ass.
Once again, all you offer is a policy of walls and chasing down illegals and deporting them

Immigration is more complex. It also involves economics and politics. Immigrants come to support their families and for safety from gangs, cartels and political struggles. Ignoring that is just encouraging them to keep coming

Walls are meant to be breached. The mighty walls built by Trump are being bypassed. Until we take serious action (jail) against employers we are just paying lip service
Once again, all you offer is a policy of walls and chasing down illegals and deporting them

Immigration is more complex. It also involves economics and politics. Immigrants come to support their families and for safety from gangs, cartels and political struggles. Ignoring that is just encouraging them to keep coming

Walls are meant to be breached. The mighty walls built by Trump are being bypassed. Until we take serious action (jail) against employers we are just paying lip service

The walls are being bypassed because people are walking through the holes that were not completed. The walls were never meant to be a stand alone solution, but it makes it much easier for border agents to do their job, and it makes it much easier for surveilance technology to work.

People are coming here from Mexico mostly because they can make more money here and send it back to Mexico and elsewhere to their families. we currently allow for legal immigration, like a million a year. Thats enough.
Just because people are poor in other countries and want to make a better life for their families doesnt give our United States Government the right to put foreign nationals lives and interests over the lives of their own citizens. I suppose many of these elected officials we have look down on us American citizens... yes.. we have had it to good for too long havent we?. So if any one from Mexico or latin America has a right to come here and support their families because its better here than where they come from, whenever they want to come here.. regardless of how we choose to assimilate new populations, Then why dont we also allow illegal immigration from every other country of the world? Why stop at Latin America? Let everyone come.

Straight up. Democrats know if they can import a voting base that will be thankful and beholden to Democrats, then they will have political power forever.
The National Guard is Texas’ responsibility

Neither Biden or Psaki have anything to do with their training or deployment

It was Gov Abbotts decision
While Psaki said they mourn the loss of the guardsman's life. Funny how she cant come to say that she was thankful for his service at the border. Instead she tries to distance the federal government and her boss from any potential scrutiny. However as it has been discussed, yes, it is exactly Federal policy that has made it necessary for states like Texas to act.

Of course how could Biden or Kamala ever have a feel for the situation when they continue to refuse to even go there and talk to people who deal on a daily basis whats going on at the border or talk to residents in border cities? Ask them that and they will tell you there is no crisis.
While Psaki said they mourn the loss of the guardsman's life. Funny how she cant come to say that she was thankful for his service at the border. Instead she tries to distance the federal government and her boss from any potential scrutiny. However as it has been discussed, yes, it is exactly Federal policy that has made it necessary for states like Texas to act.

Of course how could Biden or Kamala ever have a feel for the situation when they continue to refuse to even go there and talk to people who deal on a daily basis whats going on at the border or talk to residents in border cities? Ask them that and they will tell you there is no crisis.
Why are Republicans dumping a State issue on the Federal Government?

You guys used to fight for State Rights

Abbott: I’m the Governor and I’m putting MY TROOPS on the border

When one of them dies……It’s BIDENs FAULT
Why are Republicans dumping a State issue on the Federal Government?

You guys used to fight for State Rights

Abbott: I’m the Governor and I’m putting MY TROOPS on the border

When one of them dies……It’s BIDENs FAULT

I dont think it's Bidens fault that that State Guardsman died. Not Directly. The guy was out there doing whatever he was supposed to be doing and when he saw people in trouble he tried to help them. Apparently diving in the river is NOT part of their training and he did that on his own.

However to your question "WHY?" Why is because its TOTALLY fair to point out the failures of your government when you know they can be doing more. The influx of illegal immigration is having impact on cities all around the country and the future trajectory only is going to be more of a problem. It's the reason states need to act on their own. Why has our government not done anything to help overwhelmed border agents? how long has this been going on already? do you not thing that Biden and Kamala Harris are aware that our personel put their lives in danger when one guy is trying to subdue 50 people at night somewhere along the border?
Do you not think that in all this time they wouldnt come up with a plan to increase the number of personel? But all you hear from them is the same thing "immigration is broken", " we need to invest in technology"

These people have no idea on what technology is or how long it takes to do those things. They spend their time making excuses for the way things are.
I dont think it's Bidens fault that that State Guardsman died. Not Directly. The guy was out there doing whatever he was supposed to be doing and when he saw people in trouble he tried to help them. Apparently diving in the river is NOT part of their training and he did that on his own.

However to your question "WHY?" Why is because its TOTALLY fair to point out the failures of your government when you know they can be doing more. The influx of illegal immigration is having impact on cities all around the country and the future trajectory only is going to be more of a problem. It's the reason states need to act on their own. Why has our government not done anything to help overwhelmed border agents? how long has this been going on already? do you not thing that Biden and Kamala Harris are aware that our personel put their lives in danger when one guy is trying to subdue 50 people at night somewhere along the border?
Do you not think that in all this time they wouldnt come up with a plan to increase the number of personel? But all you hear from them is the same thing "immigration is broken", " we need to invest in technology"

These people have no idea on what technology is or how long it takes to do those things. They spend their time making excuses for the way things are.
People have been swimming and drowning in the Rio Grande for a hundred years…..not Biden’s doing

The National Guardsman was trying to save a life, a good guy who cares about others

But he was not trained in water rescue. Abbott put untrained National Guardsmen on the border with no instruction on what to do in such situations and no gear to perform water rescues.

An accident waiting to happen
Don’t blame Biden

Psaki Rejects Responsibility for Texas Guardsman's Death,

Blames Texas for Doing Biden's Job

25 Apr 2022 ~~ By Spencer Brown

Kicking off Monday's press briefing by laughing while declaring "there's nothing happening in the world today I hear," the death of Texas National Guard SPC Bishop E. Evans while fighting Biden's border crisis apparently couldn't have mattered less to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.
At the top of her briefing, Psaki failed to offer any comment on the tragic death of SPC Evans until she was asked point-blank if the White House had anything to say about the incident that saw the heroic guardsman dive into the Rio Grande River to save flailing illegal border crossers who were allegedly drug smugglers, losing his own life as a result.
After waiting some four days to offer any statement from the White House or the President of the United States, Ken Psaki — again, only when pressed — finally commented the death of SPC Evans. But, as usual from the Biden White House, there was zero admission of responsibility or expression of regret that the border has devolved into a crisis on multiple levels on Biden's watch.
"Of course we are mourning the loss of his life and we are grateful for the work of every national guardsman," Psaki began before immediately blaming someone else — conveniently the red state of Texas. "I would note that the National Guard work for the states and so he is an employee of the Texas National Guard and his efforts and his operation were directed by there, not by the federal government in this effort- in this apparatus," Psaki claimed.


Just when you think the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats couldn't get any more despicable.............. They do a "Hold my beer!" Rest In Peace young man.
Meanwhile, Biden's administration rejects responsibility for more than 100,000 the fentanyl deaths as well. They sit on their thumbs and then blame someone else for their thumbs smelling like s**t.
This is seditious and treasonous. He and his co-conspirators should be held accountable.
Beginning January 1st 2023 Biden and his administration should be isolated and not allowed any authority to proceed.

So this administration intentionally "breaks" our immigration system and refuses to enforce our borders but bears no responsibility for anything bad that happens as a direct result of same.

At least democrats remain consistent.
So this administration intentionally "breaks" our immigration system and refuses to enforce our borders but bears no responsibility for anything bad that happens as a direct result of same.

At least democrats remain consistent.

Our immigration system has been broken for 30 years

The problem is that Gov Abbott was Showboating in an election year to show up the Federal Government

He placed untrained National Guardsmen on the border thinking……Anybody can do it

It resulted in a Guardsman trying to do a water rescue without training or water rescue equipment.

Blame Abbott
Our immigration system has been broken for 30 years

The problem is that Gov Abbott was Showboating in an election year to show up the Federal Government

He placed untrained National Guardsmen on the border thinking……Anybody can do it

It resulted in a Guardsman trying to do a water rescue without training or water rescue equipment.

Blame Abbott
So now you're simply lying as to the training the guardsman received.

Illegal entries are up 10 fold in one year and this administration is not only doing nothing to stop it, they are fighting tooth and nail to increase it exponentially over the current rate with title 42's suspension.

Biden owns this entire mess and has since day one. This can't be laid off on the governor or anyone else.
So now you're simply lying as to the training the guardsman received.

Illegal entries are up 10 fold in one year and this administration is not only doing nothing to stop it, they are fighting tooth and nail to increase it exponentially over the current rate with title 42's suspension.

Biden owns this entire mess and has since day one. This can't be laid off on the governor or anyone else.

What Border Patrol training have Guardsmen received prior to being placed on the Border?

Abbott just stuck them there so he could brag to his base

Are they trained in water rescue? Do they have water rescue equipment? Do they have procedures on how to react to river crossings? Do they have rules of engagement?

Blame Abbott
He stuck the guy there
Our immigration system has been broken for 30 years

The problem is that Gov Abbott was Showboating in an election year to show up the Federal Government

He placed untrained National Guardsmen on the border thinking……Anybody can do it

It resulted in a Guardsman trying to do a water rescue without training or water rescue equipment.

Blame Abbott

Our immigration system has been broken for 30 years

Are you a government employee? I'm trying to figure out why you keep repeating the same excuse. This current lot in the White House claimed to be the varsity team with all the experience, yet things have gotten much worse. If you want to fix the immigration system. First shut down the flow of people coming across.. then sort it all out in an orderly way from there. its the only way you can do it but no politician has the political will or STRENGTH. They are all weak F***s.

Trumps wall slowed down the flow as it was being built, for one reason. Symbolism is powerful, it caused people 1000 miles away to not have the motivation to get up and drag their family across the river. They knew or felt that they would face resistance. Now they have the feeling and expectation that they will be welcomed in the U.S. and they dont have to legally apply for citizenship.

I want LEGAL immigrants. there is a reason we have a cap at a million a year. its called assimilation. Do you realize our schools are underperforming for our children? DO you have any idea of that? do you think that our government's current illegal immigration policy id helping our children? or is it hurting them? Which?
Do you think that importing millions more of an unassimilated poor underclass, with more children helps our struggling education system? and other institutions meant for our population?

Ill tell you right now. It hurts our kids, but it doesn't hurt the children of elected politicians in Washington. They and their families are completely unaffected by the actions they take while in office. These people are pathetic and live in their own entitled world. Stop making excuses for them. Its pathetic.
Once again, all you offer is a policy of walls and chasing down illegals and deporting them

Immigration is more complex. It also involves economics and politics. Immigrants come to support their families and for safety from gangs, cartels and political struggles. Ignoring that is just encouraging them to keep coming

Walls are meant to be breached. The mighty walls built by Trump are being bypassed. Until we take serious action (jail) against employers we are just paying lip service
They were not completed. No one wants to admit you can only accept so many people in a time period. The whole system we have is tied to a Fiat Currency that is abused and can careen out of control.
They were not completed. No one wants to admit you can only accept so many people in a time period. The whole system we have is tied to a Fiat Currency that is abused and can careen out of control.

Blame Mexico for not paying for them

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