Record low temps throughout the world


Dec 13, 2007
Al Gore says global warming is a planetary emergency. It is difficult to see how this can be so when record low temperatures are being set all over the world. In 2007, hundreds of people died, not from global warming, but from cold weather hazards.
Al Gore says global warming is a planetary emergency. It is difficult to see how this can be so when record low temperatures are being set all over the world. In 2007, hundreds of people died, not from global warming, but from cold weather hazards.

Yes, it blows the mind how so many people mindlessly follow the dictates of the likes of Al Bore...who cannot actually prove his theories...nobody can truely predict what is going to actually happen with the planet.

Some scientists today are more worried about global cooling than warming. Cooling would be more of a problem for us than warming. Some say a mini-ice age could arrive in as little as ten years from now due to sunspot activity or lack thereof.
Al Gore says global warming is a planetary emergency. It is difficult to see how this can be so when record low temperatures are being set all over the world. In 2007, hundreds of people died, not from global warming, but from cold weather hazards.
This would be good, if true. Do you have a link to the data? All the data I have seen are indicative of warmer temperatures. Remember we are talking about climate, not weather.
Just released:

U.S. Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007

Senate Report Debunks "Consensus"
Complete U.S. Senate Report Now Available: (LINK)

Complete Report w/out Intro: (LINK)


Over 400 prominent scientists from more than two dozen countries recently voiced significant objections to major aspects of the so-called "consensus" on man-made global warming. These scientists, many of whom are current and former participants in the UN IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), criticized the climate claims made by the UN IPCC and former Vice President Al Gore.

The new report issued by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee’s office of the GOP Ranking Member details the views of the scientists, the overwhelming majority of whom spoke out in 2007.

Even some in the establishment media now appear to be taking notice of the growing number of skeptical scientists. In October, the Washington Post Staff Writer Juliet Eilperin conceded the obvious, writing that climate skeptics "appear to be expanding rather than shrinking." Many scientists from around the world have dubbed 2007 as the year man-made global warming fears “bite the dust.” (LINK) In addition, many scientists who are also progressive environmentalists believe climate fear promotion has "co-opted" the green movement. (LINK)

This blockbuster Senate report lists the scientists by name, country of residence, and academic/institutional affiliation. It also features their own words, biographies, and weblinks to their peer reviewed studies and original source materials as gathered from public statements, various news outlets, and websites in 2007. This new “consensus busters” report is poised to redefine the debate.

Many of the scientists featured in this report consistently stated that numerous colleagues shared their views, but they will not speak out publicly for fear of retribution. Atmospheric scientist Dr. Nathan Paldor, Professor of Dynamical Meteorology and Physical Oceanography at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, author of almost 70 peer-reviewed studies, explains how many of his fellow scientists have been intimidated.

“Many of my colleagues with whom I spoke share these views and report on their inability to publish their skepticism in the scientific or public media,” Paldor wrote. [Note: See also July 2007 Senate report detailing how skeptical scientists have faced threats and intimidation - LINK ]

Scientists from Around the World Dissent

This new report details how teams of international scientists are dissenting from the UN IPCC’s view of climate science. In such nations as Germany, Brazil, the Netherlands, Russia, New Zealand and France, nations, scientists banded together in 2007 to oppose climate alarmism. In addition, over 100 prominent international scientists sent an open letter in December 2007 to the UN stating attempts to control climate were “futile.” (LINK)

Paleoclimatologist Dr. Tim Patterson, professor in the department of Earth Sciences at Carleton University in Ottawa, recently converted from a believer in man-made climate change to a skeptic. Patterson noted that the notion of a “consensus” of scientists aligned with the UN IPCC or former Vice President Al Gore is false. “I was at the Geological Society of America meeting in Philadelphia in the fall and I would say that people with my opinion were probably in the majority.”

This new committee report, a first of its kind, comes after the UN IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri implied that there were only “about a dozen" skeptical scientists left in the world. (LINK) Former Vice President Gore has claimed that scientists skeptical of climate change are akin to “flat Earth society members” and similar in number to those who “believe the moon landing was actually staged in a movie lot in Arizona.” (LINK) & (LINK) ....
This would be good, if true. Do you have a link to the data? All the data I have seen are indicative of warmer temperatures. Remember we are talking about climate, not weather.

I think that the globe is warming but I think that man has contributed as must to it as a grain of sand alters the flow if a river. There have been ice ages followed by warm spells followed by ice ages followed by warming spells for the past million years, long before the first automobile was made. Man’s contribution to climate change has been infinitesimal.
I think that the globe is warming but I think that man has contributed as must to it as a grain of sand alters the flow if a river. There have been ice ages followed by warm spells followed by ice ages followed by warming spells for the past million years, long before the first automobile was made. Man’s contribution to climate change has been infinitesimal.

Well, we were able to make a hole in the ozone... it was a good size, and it didn't take us that long to do it. Plus, I think Al Gore's movie/slide show said it would get very COLD, not hot when ice caps melted and fell into the oceans. They are melting currently of course, but perhaps they will stop?
You can't dispute or prove a theory by one years data.

If you are going to make an educated response on this issue you need to get the names of those for and against and then compare credentials and affiliations.

I know damn well that man can affect the environment in localized areas. Ever fly a helicopter above the smog in Los Angeles?
Um yeah, global warming theory has promised massive climate oscillations due to the lack of moisture in the atmosphere. Think of the difference between a snowy day and a clear cloudless day in January. Almost always the snowdy day will be slightly warmer due to the moisture in the air. So massive cold spells is also part of the effects of man-made pollution. Do people hear actually read climate research? Didn't think so.
Al Gore says global warming is a planetary emergency. It is difficult to see how this can be so when record low temperatures are being set all over the world. In 2007, hundreds of people died, not from global warming, but from cold weather hazards.

You dont get it.

It doesnt matter what happens -- its ALL because of global warming.

Glaciers could extend to St Louis and the Watermellons will STILL be chanting "Global warming!! Global Warming!!".

It's what religious zealots do...

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