Recognizing The Failure Of Government Schooling


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Here's one statistic that favors the thread title:

"Is homeschooling growing?
Recent data collected by the U.S. Department of Education shows that homeschooling has grown by 61.8 percent over the last decade. Now 2 million kids—or 4 percent of the total youth population in the United States—are homeschooled.Feb 25, 2019
Here's Why Homeschooling Actually Makes More Sense in the ...

2. Quite a commitment necessary for a parent to choose homeschooling, and frequently it means giving up a certain amount of material comfort, not to mention time.
But when one actually sees what government schooling is doing to one's child.....

3. 'Everything is Politics': Why Johnny Doesn't Know Squat About Civics

...explanations for why our schools are failing the country dance around the primary reason for the decline.

“Everything is politics,” said the German author Thomas Mann. The author of Reflections of an Unpolitical Man was writing of a time when politics had failed and the world was consumed in the First World War. But he may have just as easily transported his critique to the present day.... You may not be interested in the sexual orientation of someone you just met, but chances are they’ll tell you before too long. "

4. “In fourth grade, American students outperform most other countries in reading, math and science. Fourth-graders score in the 92nd percentile in science, the 58th percentile in math and the 70th percentile in reading, where they beat 26 of 35 countries, including Germany, France and Italy. But by the eighth grade, American students are only midrange in international comparisons. By the 12th grade Americans fall from the 92nd percentile in science to the 29th percentile. While American fourth-graders are bested only by South Korea and Japan in science, by 12th grade, the only countries the American students can beat are Lithuania, Cyprus and South Africa.”
Coulter, ‘Godless’p151

5. Nothing will change with Democrats/Liberals in charge: they are getting from government schooling exactly what they planned: brainless lock-step Liberals.

And with the election....

These facts have been recognized since I was a kid.

In my home town, the Catholic schools were underfunded- only really surviving through the tremendous work of religious brothers and nuns who gave up their lives to teach us youthful heathen.

However, their diligent work produced better test scores and achievement by their graduates than at the Government Schools.

We may not have had a modern cafeteria or gymnasium, or highly paid unionized school teachers, but we didn't have to worry about one of our fellow students from using a shiv to steal our lunch money and as a result we had much more achievement.
Geez, you're proud that homskoolerz can beat public school kids with all the problems the public schools have. What's next, homskoolerz are proud to be smarter than people with Down's Syndrome? :lol:
Geez, you're proud that homskoolerz can beat public school kids with all the problems the public schools have. What's next, homskoolerz are proud to be smarter than people with Down's Syndrome?
What do you have against spelling?
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These facts have been recognized since I was a kid.

In my home town, the Catholic schools were underfunded- only really surviving through the tremendous work of religious brothers and nuns who gave up their lives to teach us youthful heathen.

However, their diligent work produced better test scores and achievement by their graduates than at the Government Schools.

We may not have had a modern cafeteria or gymnasium, or highly paid unionized school teachers, but we didn't have to worry about one of our fellow students from using a shiv to steal our lunch money and as a result we had much more achievement.
The Catholic school systems across the USA have been incredibly successful. Most of the big Archdioceses also have urban schools that enroll lots and lots of non Catholic kids who pay little to no tuition. And yes many of the schools even today are not fancy compared to the big public school systems.
Harvard hosted a anti home schooling conference over the summer. Bunch of radicals concerned that they will have less kids to indoctrinate.
These facts have been recognized since I was a kid.

In my home town, the Catholic schools were underfunded- only really surviving through the tremendous work of religious brothers and nuns who gave up their lives to teach us youthful heathen.

However, their diligent work produced better test scores and achievement by their graduates than at the Government Schools.

We may not have had a modern cafeteria or gymnasium, or highly paid unionized school teachers, but we didn't have to worry about one of our fellow students from using a shiv to steal our lunch money and as a result we had much more achievement.

Spot on!!!!

Of course, beating the government school product is not a high bar.

  1. Many families favored the safety, discipline, and attention to character development in addition to academics, but would have to continue paying public school property taxes in addition to tuition.
  2. Teacher unions opposed any aid to schools that were not unionized.
  3. Urban parochial schools were serving a growing share of disadvantaged and frequently non-Catholic youngsters. In a study published in 1990, for example, the Rand Corporation found that, of the Catholic school students in these Catholic high schools in New York City, 75 to 90 percent were black or Hispanic.
Over 66 percent of the Catholic school graduates received the New York State Regents diploma to signify completion of an academically demanding college preparatory curriculum, while only about 5 percent of the public school students received this distinction;

The Catholic high schools graduated 95 percent of their students each year, while the public schools graduated slightly more 50 percent of their senior class;

The Catholic school students achieved an average combined SAT score of 803, while the public school students' average combined SAT score was 642;

60 percent of the Catholic school black students scored above the national average for black students on the SAT, and over 70 percent of public school black students scored below the same national average.

« More recent studies confirm these observations.

"Classes in Catholic parochial schools tended to be larger than in private schools in general. More than 62 percent of the Catholic parochial schools had an average class size of 25 or more, a substantially higher proportion than private schools overall (36 percent)."

"Catholic schools are attractive to non-Catholics for several reasons, parents and Catholic educators say. They offer the close supervision and small classes of private schools at a fraction of the cost - often as little as $1,000 a year. Most important, along with academics, many parents say, is that Catholic schools provide discipline and instruct students in morals and values through their religious teaching." More Non-Catholic Students Trying Catholic Schools (Published 1987)

Only home schooling beats the results of parochial schooling.
I attended a Catholic kindergarten- what I remember most is how quick the nuns were to use a ruler on your hand if they didn't like something you said or did- oh, I learned alright- that tyrants wear black robes and call themselves special-

I also attended a Christian School, (4th, 5th, and 6th grade), sponsored by the Church of Christ that also sponsored the Childrens Home I lived at- I learned to not question- and a little about music in the song leading lessons- I've forgotten more than than I learned from either, on my own- especially the questioning of authority figures- no matter what denomination, or political stripe, they cloak themselves in- and I did it by reading what I liked or wanted to know, then exercising what I could to add experience to the knowledge gained to go with my observations, applying analysis, (a trait I was born with), combined with some formal failure analysis training-
I attended a Catholic kindergarten- what I remember most is how quick the nuns were to use a ruler on your hand if they didn't like something you said or did- oh, I learned alright- that tyrants wear black robes and call themselves special-

I also attended a Christian School, (4th, 5th, and 6th grade), sponsored by the Church of Christ that also sponsored the Childrens Home I lived at- I learned to not question- and a little about music in the song leading lessons- I've forgotten more than than I learned from either, on my own- especially the questioning of authority figures- no matter what denomination, or political stripe, they cloak themselves in- and I did it by reading what I liked or wanted to know, then exercising what I could to add experience to the knowledge gained to go with my observations, applying analysis, (a trait I was born with), combined with some formal failure analysis training-

Funny that in government school occurs.

“Obama admin made schools more dangerous

1.There’s been a sea of change in school discipline over the past five years. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan was convinced that the striking racial disparity in school suspensions was “not caused by differences in children.” According to Duncan and others, students of color were being discriminated against by their teachers, fostering a “school-to-prison pipeline [that] must be challenged every day.”

2.…the Obama administration issued federal guidance putting school districts on notice that even if their discipline policy was “neutral on its face” and “administered in an evenhanded manner,” they could be subject to a federal civil rights investigation if minorities were suspended at a higher rate


3.An examination of the NYC School Survey shows that, in the eyes of students, school climate has deteriorated significantly from the 2013-14 to the 2015-16 school years. The deterioration was most dramatic in schools that serve 90+% students of color, and especially striking compared to those same schools in the last two years of the Bloomberg administration. Under Bloomberg, physical fighting became less frequent at 30% of schools and more frequent at 28%; under de Blasio, it became less frequent at 14% of schools and more frequent at 50%. Under Bloomberg, peer respect improved at 36% of schools and deteriorated at 30%; under de Blasio, it improved at 19% of schools and deteriorated at 58%.

4. …attorney John Choi noted that the number of assaults against school staff tripled from 2014 to 2015, terming it a “public health crisis.” That’s a tragic result for a policy intended to make school discipline more fair for students of color.

5. In Tampa Bay, Fla., 66% of teachers said that the new policy did not make schools more orderly. In Santa Ana, Calif., as well, 66% of teachers said the new system was not working. In Denver, Colo., 75% of teachers said that the new system did not improve student behavior. In Madison, Wis., only 13% of teachers thought that discipline reform was having a positive effect. But in Baton Rouge, La., 60% of teachers said there was an increase in violence or violent threats from students, and in Syracuse, N.Y., two-thirds of teachers said they were worried about their safety at work.

6. …Marc Bruno, a teacher who got kicked in the head by a student said: “We have fights here almost every day.... The kids walk around and say, ‘We can’t get suspended — we don’t care what you say.’”

7…. schools have become less respectful, more disorderly places for millions of students. The bitter irony is that the effort to limit the “school-to-prison pipeline” has likely only increased its flow.

8. The Obama administration issued “guidance” coercing school districts to second-guess their teachers’ judgment on how to maintain discipline and order. The Trump administration should rescind that mis-guidance, ….’

9. "Despite committing a string of arrestable offenses on campus before the Florida school shooting, Nikolas Cruz was able to escape the attention of law enforcement, pass a background check and purchase the weapon he used to slaughter three staff members and 14 fellow students because of Obama administration efforts to make school discipline more lenient."

10. …a strategy, adopted by more than 50 other major school districts nationwide, allowing thousands of troubled, often violent, students to commit crimes without legal consequence.

…FBI agent Michael Biasello told RCI. “He probably wouldn’t have been able to buy the murder weapon if the school had referred him to law enforcement."

…an Obama administration effort….to slash arrests and ensure that students, no matter how delinquent, graduated without criminal records….Applications for federal grants reveal that Runcie’s plan factored into approval of tens of millions of dollars in federal funding from Duncan's department…. they also came with threats of federal investigations and defunding for districts that refused to fully comply.” Behind Cruz's Florida Rampage, Obama's School-Leniency Policy | RealClearInvestigations
1. Here's one statistic that favors the thread title:

"Is homeschooling growing?
Recent data collected by the U.S. Department of Education shows that homeschooling has grown by 61.8 percent over the last decade. Now 2 million kids—or 4 percent of the total youth population in the United States—are homeschooled.Feb 25, 2019
Here's Why Homeschooling Actually Makes More Sense in the ...

2. Quite a commitment necessary for a parent to choose homeschooling, and frequently it means giving up a certain amount of material comfort, not to mention time.
But when one actually sees what government schooling is doing to one's child.....
View attachment 447383

3. 'Everything is Politics': Why Johnny Doesn't Know Squat About Civics

...explanations for why our schools are failing the country dance around the primary reason for the decline.

“Everything is politics,” said the German author Thomas Mann. The author of Reflections of an Unpolitical Man was writing of a time when politics had failed and the world was consumed in the First World War. But he may have just as easily transported his critique to the present day.... You may not be interested in the sexual orientation of someone you just met, but chances are they’ll tell you before too long. "

4. “In fourth grade, American students outperform most other countries in reading, math and science. Fourth-graders score in the 92nd percentile in science, the 58th percentile in math and the 70th percentile in reading, where they beat 26 of 35 countries, including Germany, France and Italy. But by the eighth grade, American students are only midrange in international comparisons. By the 12th grade Americans fall from the 92nd percentile in science to the 29th percentile. While American fourth-graders are bested only by South Korea and Japan in science, by 12th grade, the only countries the American students can beat are Lithuania, Cyprus and South Africa.”
Coulter, ‘Godless’p151

5. Nothing will change with Democrats/Liberals in charge: they are getting from government schooling exactly what they planned: brainless lock-step Liberals.

And with the election....

View attachment 447389

Another big reason for home schooling is that many schools nowadays are run by the inmates. i.e., little hoodlums make life miserable for other students and the teachers because "punishment" is a dirty word among liberals.

In the coming decades, things will only get worse.

So home schooling will become even more popular, and -- of course-- force the liberal governments to outlaw it!

There certainly is no equivalence in which party controls the school system.

Stop showing your ignorance/bias.
I suppose you can provide a vote count corroborating your feelings- my bias is against intellectual dishonesty that promotes bias- read your own words, poli

There certainly is no equivalence in which party controls the school system.

Stop showing your ignorance/bias.
I suppose you can provide a vote count corroborating your feelings- my bias is against intellectual dishonesty that promotes bias- read your own words, poli

Which is the more powerful party?

Take your time.
Or spelling lessons.
Typo, bitch- don't get pretentious with me or try to change the subject- yes, I called you a bitch, because you're being a pretentious, narrow minded, intellectually dishonest, sloven, acolyte and I despise those traits, no matter how cute the bearer of the traits are.
I attended a Catholic kindergarten- what I remember most is how quick the nuns were to use a ruler on your hand if they didn't like something you said or did- oh, I learned alright- that tyrants wear black robes and call themselves special-

With me , it was the opposite. The parish school didn't have kindergarten, so I attended governmental kindergarten in the 1961-62 school year. I really excelled, BTW, with painting on easels, marching around in queues to use the boys room and buy milk for a nickel, as well as nap time.
Or spelling lessons.
Typo, bitch- don't get pretentious with me or try to change the subject- yes, I called you a bitch, because you're being a pretentious, narrow minded, intellectually dishonest, sloven, acolyte and I despise those traits, no matter how cute the bearer of the traits are.

Come back when you learn how to address your betters.

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