Real News From Ukey Land


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Brighton and Hove , East Sussex , England
Here's part of what Bernard reports from Moon of Alabama -- the best Ukey conflict commentator that you will find anywhere on the net .

The second half is front line news which confirms everything I have been posting . Only one possible outcome .

On Monday Putin will meet with the Belorussian president Aleksandr Lukashenko:
The heads of state are set to discuss in detail the implementation of the previously adopted Union State programs. This pertains, first of all, to trade and economic cooperation, joint import substitution projects. Cooperation in the energy sector will be an important point of the agenda. The presidents will also pay much attention to security issues, exchange views on the situation in the region and the world, and discuss joint measures to respond to emerging challenges.
Lukashenko wants cheaper Russian gas for Belarus while Putin wants Belarus to do as Russia says. Some compromise will be found in the middle on both issues.

The meeting is of interest as some of the options for a larger Russian operation in the war involve attacks from Belarus into Ukraine.


This could be a move north to south in west Ukraine on a line that is some 60 kilometers from the Polish border. The purpose would be to cut off the 'western' weapon supplies that are still constantly coming in. Colonel Doug Macgregor favors that move. Another move could again go towards Kiev as the Ukrainian chief-of-staff Zaluzhnyi expects.

I have my doubts about both operations. If the electricity network is down as it is soon likely to be the transport of weapons from the west will be sufficiently interrupted as the trains will mostly come to a halt. Kiev is not yet of importance. Another move towards it may only come at the very end of the war. The primary task of the whole operation is to to demilitarize Ukraine and to completely liberate the Donbas region. That is still a big task and should be the major focus of the next operations.

A move from the southern Mariupol region that Russian forces currently hold up northwards into the back of the Ukrainian forces which currently fight at the eastern Donetsk frontline would be a sensible. Those Ukrainian forces would then have to either retreat or get trapped. This move would help to avoid the casualties that come with breaking through the heavily fortified lines in the east that were build over the last seven years.

But even if such a move does not happen yet the demilitarization of Ukraine is still happening. The unabated destruction of the Ukrainian forces on the frontline continues day by day. The artillery advantage the Russian forces have has only increased over time.

Ukrainian news from the frontline is grim:

For those defending Bakhmut, Russia’s more cautious tactics bring little relief, as the daily bombardment of Ukrainian positions continues uninterrupted.
Outside the city, the close proximity of Russian and Ukrainian lines, often less than a kilometer apart, means that Russia doesn’t even need to use its heavy artillery as much, instead relying on an endless stream of mortar, grenade and rocket launcher fire to pound Ukrainian positions.
For the Ukrainian soldiers tasked with holding the first line, there is little to do but hope that one’s trench or dugout doesn’t take a direct hit.
“Our first and second lines of defense are relatively stable, but it comes at a great cost,” said Ivan, whose unit and exact posting have been kept undisclosed for security reasons.
“Some units are simply running out of people. From what I saw, in only one fight, we had around 10 of our guys killed, never mind the number of wounded. Not everyone could be extracted from the battlefield, some just bled out where they lay.”
In these conditions, the common belief about Russia’s poor effectiveness as a fighting force can quickly melt away.
“They (Ukrainian military leadership) tell everyone about the huge casualties suffered on the Russian side, but from what I could see around Bakhmut, things are more or less OK for them,” said Ivan.
“In terms of the coordination between their brigades and artillery, and their overall unit cohesion, you can tell they are doing very well in this sector because of how difficult it is to fight against them.”
While it might not be making large advances, Russia’s attritional assault is proving effective in other ways, according to Ivan.
“Morale is beginning to suffer because of the lack of personnel,” he said. “It's hard to speak of good morale when it's eight below freezing, you are sitting in a trench under fire all day and there is simply nobody to replace you for days on end.”
Still, there is no talk among the troops of retreating from Bakhmut and its outskirts.
“In that respect our resolve is strong,” said Ivan, “despite – definitely not thanks to – what is going on on the battlefield.”
Those who still reject holding peace talks are responsible for this situation and for the massive amount of casualties the Ukrainian army has each and every day.

Posted by b on December 17, 2022 at 17:52 UTC |
b is astonishingly accurate and 100% honest .
He posts 3-4 times a week and always gives full and detail sources .

The Ukey army despite the high percentage of mercenaries and NATO personnel is doomed . Little remains of the original 200000 who were massed in the east to attack end February and which prompted Russia to pre-empt the invasion of Donbass .
The US know they will be obliterated if a conventional war continues and the danger is that they escalate to try and avoid total shame .
They could launch a counter offensive over the Romanian border and involve US 101 st Airborne Division who are there now . But I assume Russia has factored - in that obvious option ..
Despite the "if it kills just one Russian" slant of US involvement even the EU is seeing things on the ground as they are. The virtue signaling has really died down.

It simply can't be denied that further US involvement in the war is counterproductive to whatever peace in the region can be gleaned.

Just wait till we get the "reconstruction" bill.
Russia returns the Soviet commission for the trial of the Ukrainian Nazis.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed the Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee to work out the possibility of creating a single body to investigate the war crimes of the Kiev regime.
It is proposed to take as a basis the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission for the establishment and investigation of the atrocities of the Nazi invaders and their accomplices.
This commission was established 80 years ago by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 2 , 1942 .

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