Rationed health care


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
Everybody was so worried that The Affordable Healthcare Act would lead to death panels. We would all have to wait for months, or even years before we could get needed surgery or treatment. Many would die. That doesn't seem to have happened. Can we all finally just admit that all the hand wringing and dire predictions were just so much bullshit used to scare right wingers into opposing any change to our healthcare system? Yes, there has always been what some might call rationing. An emergency room has always taken a heart attack patient before a broken arm, but that is not the same as the death panels predicted for urgent life saving care. Can you really trust a party who callously makes such false outrageous claims on a regular basis to stir their followers up

Everybody was so worried that The Affordable Healthcare Act would lead to death panels. We would all have to wait for months, or even years before we could get needed surgery or treatment. Many would die. That doesn't seem to have happened. Can we all finally just admit that all the hand wringing and dire predictions were just so much bullshit used to scare right wingers into opposing any change to our healthcare system? Yes, there has always been what some might call rationing. An emergency room has always taken a heart attack patient before a broken arm, but that is not the same as the death panels predicted for urgent life saving care. Can you really trust a party who callously makes such false outrageous claims on a regular basis to stir their followers up

Funny how life expectancy is plunging and wait time for DR's is enlarging
Who can ever explain why the American working class continues to be supportive of a health care system that does them so much harm and injustice?

It can't possibly be attrubuted to racism felt over Obama becoming their president!

Or can it?

As for the Palin political phenomenon, nobody should be concerned over what makes that thing tick!
Those benefits for the poorest are costing the middle class so much in premiums that THEY cannot afford to use the insurance they're paying prohibitive deductibles for. Pretty sure that was the Tan Messiah's plan, all along.
Who can ever explain why the American working class continues to be supportive of a health care system that does them so much harm and injustice?

It can't possibly be attrubuted to racism felt over Obama becoming their president!

Or can it?

As for the Palin political phenomenon, nobody should be concerned over what makes that thing tick!
I agree Palin is nothing more than a pathetic old joke. However, that mentality is still quite common with the MAGAs.
Everybody was so worried that The Affordable Healthcare Act would lead to death panels. We would all have to wait for months, or even years before we could get needed surgery or treatment. Many would die. That doesn't seem to have happened. Can we all finally just admit that all the hand wringing and dire predictions were just so much bullshit used to scare right wingers into opposing any change to our healthcare system? Yes, there has always been what some might call rationing. An emergency room has always taken a heart attack patient before a broken arm, but that is not the same as the death panels predicted for urgent life saving care. Can you really trust a party who callously makes such false outrageous claims on a regular basis to stir their followers up

There are actual death panels already at work.
Your ignorance doesn't make them disappear.

The poverty areas have their sugar daddies paying the freight for the endless medical runs to the hospitals. The hospitals most likely opened new wings to process all the paperwork for the inflated medical costs.
OP must have not tried getting a appointment with a specialist lately.

I have the exact same insurance as the congress critters do and they told me it was a two month wait for a orthopedic appointment.

I found one in the next county over that was not affiliated with Valley Health and got a appointment within a week. These "non-profit" hospital systems are trying to take-over everything and charging out the ass if you have good insurance.

A doctor's office that's run out of one of their facilities charged my insurance $325.00 for a five minute (face time with the doctor) visit. Even though I pay nothing it just pissed me off.....$325.00 for a "atta boy, you are doing good".

The fuckin' place is almost like visiting COSTCO as far as trying to find a place to park then walk a country mile to even get inside the hospital so I went back to my old non-affiliated office. They charged my insurance $125.00 for the exact same thing.
Who can ever explain why the American working class continues to be supportive of a health care system that does them so much harm and injustice?

It can't possibly be attrubuted to racism felt over Obama becoming their president!

Or can it?

No, it's the idea that government is on it's way to controlling our healthcare which we don't want.

When Dementia tried to force employers to make sure their employees were vaxed, the court ruled he couldn't do that outside of government workers and health facilities. Why health facilities? Because they make money from government patients.

So imagine if everybody were being cared for by government. A dictator like Dementia would be able to order everybody to be vaccinated against their will. You may like that in Commieda, but we don't want that shit here.
Everybody was so worried that The Affordable Healthcare Act would lead to death panels. We would all have to wait for months, or even years before we could get needed surgery or treatment. Many would die. That doesn't seem to have happened. Can we all finally just admit that all the hand wringing and dire predictions were just so much bullshit used to scare right wingers into opposing any change to our healthcare system? Yes, there has always been what some might call rationing. An emergency room has always taken a heart attack patient before a broken arm, but that is not the same as the death panels predicted for urgent life saving care. Can you really trust a party who callously makes such false outrageous claims on a regular basis to stir their followers up

The Kenyan lawn jockey promised us only good plans, and that they would be affordable. Lie. They were only affordable to low income people likely to be Democrat voters. For the rest of us, they were shitty plans at top dollar to help pay for the lowlifes.

He promised us that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your hospital, you can keep your hospital. Liar. When I lost my employer coverage because of him, I went to Commie Care. Not one reasonable plan for my doctor or hospital, the world famous Cleveland Clinic. The only thing that came close was a company that sold high priced plans for selected services of the Clinic. Well guess what? I don't have a crystal ball to determine which services I'll need in the future, and I can't afford to buy over a half-dozen healthcare plans to make sure I'm covered no matter what.

DumBama promised us everybody would be covered under his plan. Lie. Only people that could afford those over priced low quality plans could afford them. The rest of us lost our employer sponsored coverage and were thrown out into the street with nothing.

But hey........ there's no death panels, are there?
The Kenyan lawn jockey promised us only good plans, and that they would be affordable. Lie. They were only affordable to low income people likely to be Democrat voters. For the rest of us, they were shitty plans at top dollar to help pay for the lowlifes.

He promised us that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your hospital, you can keep your hospital. Liar. When I lost my employer coverage because of him, I went to Commie Care. Not one reasonable plan for my doctor or hospital, the world famous Cleveland Clinic. The only thing that came close was a company that sold high priced plans for selected services of the Clinic. Well guess what? I don't have a crystal ball to determine which services I'll need in the future, and I can't afford to buy over a half-dozen healthcare plans to make sure I'm covered no matter what.

DumBama promised us everybody would be covered under his plan. Lie. Only people that could afford those over priced low quality plans could afford them. The rest of us lost our employer sponsored coverage and were thrown out into the street with nothing.

But hey........ there's no death panels, are there?
In other words your boss was a GOP swine and cancelled you. And of course the GOP stalled the plans and then pulled out and obstructed everything that made everything as difficult as possible. Not Obama;s fault. It's the damn Republicans' plan after all. Still a hell of a lot better, especially for people making less than 130% of average. Except in republican states of course who blocked Medicaid for all. And here is a hint, buy an insurance plan that includes the Cleveland Clinic DUHHH. Nobody buys multiple plans
No, it's the idea that government is on it's way to controlling our healthcare which we don't want.

When Dementia tried to force employers to make sure their employees were vaxed, the court ruled he couldn't do that outside of government workers and health facilities. Why health facilities? Because they make money from government patients.

So imagine if everybody were being cared for by government. A dictator like Dementia would be able to order everybody to be vaccinated against their will. You may like that in Commieda, but we don't want that shit here.
stop listening to crap and get vaccinated and we could end this pandemic finally...
There are actual death panels already at work.
Your ignorance doesn't make them disappear.

As a nurse who has worked in hospice, I have to point out that saying hospice is “pushed” on patients in order to kill them or to save money is ignorance.

People on hospice are already dying with a terminal diagnosis. The nurse administering morphine isn’t what “kills” the patient. The cancer, renal failure, whatever is what killed them. The point of hospice is to ease the suffering of dying people. They were going to die either way. Nobody “gave up” on them.

And it’s not a cost saving measure, either. That’s ridiculous. Hospice care is expensive.
OP must have not tried getting a appointment with a specialist lately.

I have the exact same insurance as the congress critters do and they told me it was a two month wait for a orthopedic appointment.

I found one in the next county over that was not affiliated with Valley Health and got a appointment within a week. These "non-profit" hospital systems are trying to take-over everything and charging out the ass if you have good insurance.

A doctor's office that's run out of one of their facilities charged my insurance $325.00 for a five minute (face time with the doctor) visit. Even though I pay nothing it just pissed me off.....$325.00 for a "atta boy, you are doing good".

The fuckin' place is almost like visiting COSTCO as far as trying to find a place to park then walk a country mile to even get inside the hospital so I went back to my old non-affiliated office. They charged my insurance $125.00 for the exact same thing.
So stop blocking Democrat solutions to these problems. The GOP is a disgrace.
Everybody was so worried that The Affordable Healthcare Act would lead to death panels. We would all have to wait for months, or even years before we could get needed surgery or treatment. Many would die. That doesn't seem to have happened. Can we all finally just admit that all the hand wringing and dire predictions were just so much bullshit used to scare right wingers into opposing any change to our healthcare system? Yes, there has always been what some might call rationing. An emergency room has always taken a heart attack patient before a broken arm, but that is not the same as the death panels predicted for urgent life saving care. Can you really trust a party who callously makes such false outrageous claims on a regular basis to stir their followers up

Hasn't happened in the UK, the only time when there are problems is because the CONSERVATIVES are trying to make people think the NHS doesn't work properly and they go and give the NHS money to their rich friends instead.

Not only that, the NHS costs LESS per person than what the US Federal Govt spends on health care.
In other words your boss was a GOP swine and cancelled you. And of course the GOP stalled the plans and then pulled out and obstructed everything that made everything as difficult as possible. Not Obama;s fault. It's the damn Republicans' plan after all. Still a hell of a lot better, especially for people making less than 130% of average. Except in republican states of course who blocked Medicaid for all. And here is a hint, buy an insurance plan that includes the Cleveland Clinic DUHHH. Nobody buys multiple plans

The Republican plan was no Commie Care in the first place, but we didn't have the power to stop it, just like we didn't have the power to change it against their will. Quit trying to blame Republicans for a fucked up plan created, passed, and implemented by you commies. It was a failure then and a failure now. Live with your decisions.
The Kenyan lawn jockey promised us only good plans, and that they would be affordable. Lie. They were only affordable to low income people likely to be Democrat voters. For the rest of us, they were shitty plans at top dollar to help pay for the lowlifes.

He promised us that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your hospital, you can keep your hospital. Liar. When I lost my employer coverage because of him, I went to Commie Care. Not one reasonable plan for my doctor or hospital, the world famous Cleveland Clinic. The only thing that came close was a company that sold high priced plans for selected services of the Clinic. Well guess what? I don't have a crystal ball to determine which services I'll need in the future, and I can't afford to buy over a half-dozen healthcare plans to make sure I'm covered no matter what.

DumBama promised us everybody would be covered under his plan. Lie. Only people that could afford those over priced low quality plans could afford them. The rest of us lost our employer sponsored coverage and were thrown out into the street with nothing.

But hey........ there's no death panels, are there?
He promised that everyone could buy insurance and he came through on that too....
The Republican plan was no Commie Care in the first place, but we didn't have the power to stop it, just like we didn't have the power to change it against their will. Quit trying to blame Republicans for a fucked up plan created, passed, and implemented by you commies. It was a failure then and a failure now. Live with your decisions.
Democrats always have wanted a single payer plan. Obamacare is the republican plan with insurance companies and all the crap that makes this a mess but it's still better than nothing like the old way- people dying because they couldn't buy health insurance with pre-existing conditions etcetera.... And Joe just made it all cheaper and gave Medicare the ability to negotiate prices OMG against GOP obstruction. Unbelievable. It was the GOP plan and Obama put it up just to get them to vote for it a bit and they still wouldn't vote for it. What a bunch of lying scumbag hypocrites- and poor fools like you. Anyway hope you survived the Blizzard and a happy new year!

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