Rare French Car discovered in a barn


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 22, 2016
New York
How could this possibly be? No one knew it was there?
Rare Classic French Car Discovered Abandoned (msn.com)

A rare 1904 Roche-Schneider was discovered abandoned in a mansion’s garage just last month and it’s causing quite the stir. Stories about barn find cars come out all the time, and a fair amount of them have questionable details. Let’s just say some people really stretch the term “barn find” to mean something which sat for a few years. But this rare French car was sitting in the garage since 1959, so we think it definitely qualifies.
nice looking little clunker. it's in good condition too. A little TLC and it will be as good as new and probably worth a pretty penny.
If I could have ANY car ... it would be the 1906 Stanley Steamer Vanderbilt Cup Racer. Only one still exists (and Jay Leno owns it).


In 1906, when 95% of the entire world still traveled on horseback. When they still sailed clipper ships across the ocean. The Steamer set a land speed track record of 127 MPH!
If I could have ANY car ... it would be the 1906 Stanley Steamer Vanderbilt Cup Racer. Only one still exists (and Jay Leno owns it).

View attachment 456456

In 1906, when 95% of the entire world still traveled on horseback. When they still sailed clipper ships across the ocean. The Steamer set a land speed track record of 127 MPH!

How many were built originally? That's pretty amazing!
Here's what I don't understand. You'll find a car like this, and my first thought is, How great it would look if someone RESTORED IT to look like new.

But that's not what people do these days. In fact, if you even suggest it you are deemed a troglodyte. That would destroy the authentic, honest patina.

I learned to drive on a rusty piece of shit, and that was all we could afford. If that's the fate of this classic French car, I'll pass. Fix it up and I'll pay to see it.
Here's what I don't understand. You'll find a car like this, and my first thought is, How great it would look if someone RESTORED IT to look like new.

But that's not what people do these days. In fact, if you even suggest it you are deemed a troglodyte. That would destroy the authentic, honest patina.

I learned to drive on a rusty piece of shit, and that was all we could afford. If that's the fate of this classic French car, I'll pass. Fix it up and I'll pay to see it.

There are some who will leave it in this condition, but they are the exception. Most car people would do an accurate restoration.

I will bet a large sum of cash that this will go to auction as is, and be restored over the next few years to as new condition.
How could this possibly be? No one knew it was there?
Rare Classic French Car Discovered Abandoned (msn.com)
View attachment 456454
A rare 1904 Roche-Schneider was discovered abandoned in a mansion’s garage just last month and it’s causing quite the stir. Stories about barn find cars come out all the time, and a fair amount of them have questionable details. Let’s just say some people really stretch the term “barn find” to mean something which sat for a few years. But this rare French car was sitting in the garage since 1959, so we think it definitely qualifies.
I was wondering where I left my horseless carriage.
If I could have ANY car ... it would be the 1906 Stanley Steamer Vanderbilt Cup Racer. Only one still exists (and Jay Leno owns it).

View attachment 456456

In 1906, when 95% of the entire world still traveled on horseback. When they still sailed clipper ships across the ocean. The Steamer set a land speed track record of 127 MPH!
And as a bonus, it can also clean carpets.

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