Rand Paul: We're Very Lucky John McCain's Not In Charge...

McCain loves being used by the Left/Democrats. He's the ultimate useful idiot. He really thinks of himself as a 'Heroic Maverick.' The dude's nuts.

He's not being used. One would have to pretend that the right was not all up in that. They are.

He's the Left/Democrat darling once again. He was 'crazy, racist and a coward' when he ran against their Hopey Changey Messiah. But now it's time to use the useful idiot again. They'll feign great love for the nutter as long he continues to criticize Trump. And McCain eats it all up. He really does fancy himself a 'Heroic Maverick.' The dude is insane.

I thought the same when a lot from the left decided Newt Gingrich was alright. I was like ..............the bloody hell is wrong with you people? They will issue pats on the head to anyone that says what they want said. And McCain is insane; however, McCain is not exactly a little zombie. He has his own self interest thing going on that occasionally just happens to earn pats on the head..............

Good points. But it's like their love affair with Hugo Chavez. They loved Chavez for routinely insulting George Bush. But they quickly fell out of love with him when he called their Hopey Changey Messiah a 'Poor Ignoramus.'

Most Left/Democrats really are simple and adolescent in their behavior. They'll pretend to love McCain as long as he continues to have problems with Trump. When or if the two ever mend fences, they'll immediately get back to calling McCain 'crazy, a racist, a coward, and so on. They're so predictable.
-------------------------------------------------- he took the job of VOLUNTEER military enlistee , he was then paid monthly same as my Dad and Uncles that were in WW2 in foreign lands carrying guns to fight nazis or japs and in one case 'norks' . None touted and used their military service to advance themselves in any way . They came home , got jobs , got married , raised families . I think that thats the way it is supposed to be done Tom . -------------------------------------- ALSO , as a general thought , i very much dislike the official media or government elevation of politicians or any government employee over the status of any other American citizen Tom !!

You lost me....don't know what you're referring to....McCain was a commissioned officer and Naval aviator, which by the way, were superior pilots to the AF pukes who often dropped their ordnance on US.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- mckain was in the military of his own free will , he did his job or duty and he got paid same as my DAD and Uncles did . To sum it up , juan mckain is no hero to me Tom !!
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'rubio' is a believer in amnesty , i would never vote for him , he worked in the 'gang of 8' !! Trump , he came along and got them all . I was for Cruz before the Trump and i feared that 'jebito bush' the ultimate rino might get the nomination . .
'rubio' is a believer in amnesty , i would never vote for him , he worked in the 'gang of 8' !! Trump , he came along and got them all . I was for Cruz before the Trump and i feared that 'jebito bush' the ultimate rino might get the nomination . .

He got tricked to fall in with the "gang of eight"...as soon as he found out they weren't serious about a border fence, he skedaddled. I figured he was good looking enough to swoon the babes and was latin enough to snag the beaner votes....if Trump hadn't exploded onto the scene, Rubio would be President today....he'd have annihilated Hilllary.
"Lucky"? It's not a matter of luck that McCain isn't in charge. McCain ran the most timid and uninspiring presidential campaign in modern history and republicans wouldn't even support him. Something ain't right about McCain and most Americans instinctively don't trust him. How he gets elected time after time in Arizona is anyone's guess.
McCain loves being used by the Left/Democrats. He's the ultimate useful idiot. He really thinks of himself as a 'Heroic Maverick.' The dude's nuts.

He's not being used. One would have to pretend that the right was not all up in that. They are.

He's the Left/Democrat darling once again. He was 'crazy, racist and a coward' when he ran against their Hopey Changey Messiah. But now it's time to use the useful idiot again. They'll feign great love for the nutter as long he continues to criticize Trump. And McCain eats it all up. He really does fancy himself a 'Heroic Maverick.' The dude is insane.

I thought the same when a lot from the left decided Newt Gingrich was alright. I was like ..............the bloody hell is wrong with you people? They will issue pats on the head to anyone that says what they want said. And McCain is insane; however, McCain is not exactly a little zombie. He has his own self interest thing going on that occasionally just happens to earn pats on the head..............

Good points. But it's like their love affair with Hugo Chavez. They loved Chavez for routinely insulting George Bush. But they quickly fell out of love with him when he called their Hopey Changey Messiah a 'Poor Ignoramus.'

Most Left/Democrats really are simple and adolescent in their behavior. They'll pretend to love McCain as long as he continues to have problems with Trump. When or if the two ever mend fences, they'll immediately get back to calling McCain 'crazy, a racist, a coward, and so on. They're so predictable.

What love affair with Chavez? Bush backed a failed coup in Venezuela. Fact. He tried to overthrow the government. Over oil. But what is fun about Venezuela is that the Democrats did not give a damn when Obama declared Venezuela a national security threat.
McCain loves being used by the Left/Democrats. He's the ultimate useful idiot. He really thinks of himself as a 'Heroic Maverick.' The dude's nuts.

He's not being used. One would have to pretend that the right was not all up in that. They are.

He's the Left/Democrat darling once again. He was 'crazy, racist and a coward' when he ran against their Hopey Changey Messiah. But now it's time to use the useful idiot again. They'll feign great love for the nutter as long he continues to criticize Trump. And McCain eats it all up. He really does fancy himself a 'Heroic Maverick.' The dude is insane.

I thought the same when a lot from the left decided Newt Gingrich was alright. I was like ..............the bloody hell is wrong with you people? They will issue pats on the head to anyone that says what they want said. And McCain is insane; however, McCain is not exactly a little zombie. He has his own self interest thing going on that occasionally just happens to earn pats on the head..............

Good points. But it's like their love affair with Hugo Chavez. They loved Chavez for routinely insulting George Bush. But they quickly fell out of love with him when he called their Hopey Changey Messiah a 'Poor Ignoramus.'

Most Left/Democrats really are simple and adolescent in their behavior. They'll pretend to love McCain as long as he continues to have problems with Trump. When or if the two ever mend fences, they'll immediately get back to calling McCain 'crazy, a racist, a coward, and so on. They're so predictable.

What love affair with Chavez? Bush backed a failed coup in Venezuela. Fact. He tried to overthrow the government. Over oil. But what is fun about Venezuela is that the Democrats did not give a damn when Obama declared Venezuela a national security threat.

The Left/Democrats adored Hugo Chavez. They loved him especially for routinely insulting George Bush. Like i said, they're simple and adolescent in the behavior. And now it's time to adore John McCain again. They're very predictable.

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