Rand Paul: We're Very Lucky John McCain's Not In Charge...

Well, there's always name callers on both sides....can you point out where I personally said such things?

BTW....I'm seeing RWrs now calling him "traitor".

I said "your side" not "you" and yeah, I see McCain being called a traitor and it disgusts me. By the time the little bastards at Hoa Lo tortured him long enough to get something from him, it was useless information. They had no ability to attack a Carrier group which is all he knew anything about.
----------------------------------------------------------------- my opinion is that 'mckain' mighta done alright as a prisoner those many years ago in the past . But its my opinion that he was PAID for that service and thats the end of his hero status Tom !!
McCain has advocated for war everywhere. Rand Paul is the only one that takes these clowns to task.

There has pretty much been no one on "either" side of the isle who has consistently objected to the irrational and preemtive use of the military as an instrument of empire.
The last outsider, Reagan, managed things pretty well. No wars.
"Outsider" my ass. He managed the beginning of the economic rerigging of american society that paved the way for the inequality we see today.
No, that would be the lunatic leftists globalists. Then Clinton got paid by China and made things a thousand times worse.

Yes, Clinton and the neoliberals built upon what Reagan had begun, it has indeed been utterly bipartisan; this societal wealth extraction begun under Reagan.
Nope. Look at the numbers. Compare 1988 to 2000.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China
Isn't this the guy the GOP was all in for in 2008?

If you mean McCain yes. I think the country dodged a bullet by electing Obama over him that year.
Dodged one flavor of bullet and ran straight into a different flavor of bullet ... I guess that's what you get when you have a Dishonest Gub'mint Worshiping War-Monger running against a Dishonest Gub'mint Worshiping Nimrod, either choice is going to make things worse. ;)
There has pretty much been no one on "either" side of the isle who has consistently objected to the irrational and preemtive use of the military as an instrument of empire.
The last outsider, Reagan, managed things pretty well. No wars.
"Outsider" my ass. He managed the beginning of the economic rerigging of american society that paved the way for the inequality we see today.
No, that would be the lunatic leftists globalists. Then Clinton got paid by China and made things a thousand times worse.

Yes, Clinton and the neoliberals built upon what Reagan had begun, it has indeed been utterly bipartisan; this societal wealth extraction begun under Reagan.
Nope. Look at the numbers. Compare 1988 to 2000.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

I'm sorry, I wasn't discussion Trade with China, were you?
The stupid part of claiming Rand Paul was the guy the GOP was all in for in 2008. Although the republicans nominating McCain was pretty dumb but not as dumb as picking his running mate.

McCain whipped everybody else in the primaries and Palin was a terrific choice for VP....the problem was McCain's advisors didn't use her properly and then undermined her and she went rogue.

I don't think McCain or his advisors wanted anything to do with her at all from the get go. I think she got snubbed and was made to feel as if she was an outsider and she got slammed from everyone else. Then once she realized she was supposed to sit there and look pretty.......she went rogue. That's just my opinion.
Isn't this the guy the GOP was all in for in 2008?

Yep, and the one your side called "nuts", "lunatic", "warmonger", and I believe the word "traitor" was tossed in for good measure...but when he trashes Trump, he's the cat's pajamas. :eusa_snooty:

Yeah, the Left/Democrats have always used McCain. He's a useful idiot for sure. But when he ran against their Hopey Changey Messiah, their true colors were exposed. They called him 'crazy, a racist, a coward', and so on. But now they've fallen back in love with em. Gee, how convenient.

It's just like their love affair they had with Hugo Chavez. They loved Chavez for insulting George Bush. Most Leftists/Democrats are simple and adolescent in their behavior. You're not dealing with complex folks. They're very predictable. They'll pretend to love McCain as long as he continues to criticize Trump.
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The last outsider, Reagan, managed things pretty well. No wars.
"Outsider" my ass. He managed the beginning of the economic rerigging of american society that paved the way for the inequality we see today.
No, that would be the lunatic leftists globalists. Then Clinton got paid by China and made things a thousand times worse.

Yes, Clinton and the neoliberals built upon what Reagan had begun, it has indeed been utterly bipartisan; this societal wealth extraction begun under Reagan.
Nope. Look at the numbers. Compare 1988 to 2000.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

I'm sorry, I wasn't discussion Trade with China, were you?
You were whining about the economy. I just showed you where the money and jobs went. It's a tough call, but I believe Clinton still edges out Obama as the worst modern era President.
----------------------------------------------------------------- my opinion is that 'mckain' mighta done alright as a prisoner those many years ago in the past . But its my opinion that he was PAID for that service and thats the end of his hero status Tom !!

Paid by who? he got his back-pay for being a POW. The communists knew they had a real prize in John because his dad was head of the Pacific Command....he was offered early-release several times during the peace talks but refused to leave until the others were also released. Remember, not only were both his arms broken by the canopy when he ejected, but he was also bayoneted in the foot and groin by the villagers who fished him out of the paddy. Those wounds weren't treated...he was in pretty bad shape from the beginning at Hoa Lo prison. Incidentally, the S.Viets had their own house of horrors at Con Son. We were told to stop taking captured VC there if we thought they had any intel value.
McCain loves being used by the Left/Democrats. He's the ultimate useful idiot. He really thinks of himself as a 'Heroic Maverick.' The dude's nuts.
McCain loves being used by the Left/Democrats. He's the ultimate useful idiot. He really thinks of himself as a 'Heroic Maverick.' The dude's nuts.

He's not being used. One would have to pretend that the right was not all up in that. They are.
I don't think McCain or his advisors wanted anything to do with her at all from the get go. I think she got snubbed and was made to feel as if she was an outsider and she got slammed from everyone else. Then once she realized she was supposed to sit there and look pretty.......she went rogue. That's just my opinion.

I agree. When McCain wanted to avoid the "blue wall" Palin said she and Todd would go up to Michigan and Wisconsin to campaign but McCain's advisors said it would be a waste of money. D'oh! Sarah complained and they turned on her. Sarah Palin was at that time one of the most stunningly attractive women in the world....I've heard guys say you can't take your eyes off her, and the yokels up in the great white north (I'm from Detroit) won't leave deer camp to see a McCain but they would to see Sarah in a tight dress. :boobies:
McCain loves being used by the Left/Democrats. He's the ultimate useful idiot. He really thinks of himself as a 'Heroic Maverick.' The dude's nuts.

He's not being used. One would have to pretend that the right was not all up in that. They are.

He's the Left/Democrat darling once again. He was 'crazy, racist and a coward' when he ran against their Hopey Changey Messiah. But now it's time to use the useful idiot again. They'll feign great love for the nutter as long he continues to criticize Trump. And McCain eats it all up. He really does fancy himself a 'Heroic Maverick.' The dude is insane.
----------------------------------------------------------------- my opinion is that 'mckain' mighta done alright as a prisoner those many years ago in the past . But its my opinion that he was PAID for that service and thats the end of his hero status Tom !!

Paid by who? he got his back-pay for being a POW. The communists knew they had a real prize in John because his dad was head of the Pacific Command....he was offered early-release several times during the peace talks but refused to leave until the others were also released. Remember, not only were both his arms broken by the canopy when he ejected, but he was also bayoneted in the foot and groin by the villagers who fished him out of the paddy. Those wounds weren't treated...he was in pretty bad shape from the beginning at Hoa Lo prison. Incidentally, the S.Viets had their own house of horrors at Con Son. We were told to stop taking captured VC there if we thought they had any intel value.
-------------------------------------------------- he took the job of VOLUNTEER military enlistee , he was then paid monthly same as my Dad and Uncles that were in WW2 in foreign lands carrying guns to fight nazis or japs and in one case 'norks' . None touted and used their military service to advance themselves in any way . They came home , got jobs , got married , raised families . I think that thats the way it is supposed to be done Tom . -------------------------------------- ALSO , as a general thought , i very much dislike the official media or government elevation of politicians or any government employee over the status of any other American citizen Tom !!
McAmnesty is a globalist traitor and warmonger my parents voted for him in 2008 but I refused. I voted for the constitution party same way I refused to vote for Romney in. 2012
McCain loves being used by the Left/Democrats. He's the ultimate useful idiot. He really thinks of himself as a 'Heroic Maverick.' The dude's nuts.

He's not being used. One would have to pretend that the right was not all up in that. They are.

He's the Left/Democrat darling once again. He was 'crazy, racist and a coward' when he ran against their Hopey Changey Messiah. But now it's time to use the useful idiot again. They'll feign great love for the nutter as long he continues to criticize Trump. And McCain eats it all up. He really does fancy himself a 'Heroic Maverick.' The dude is insane.

I thought the same when a lot from the left decided Newt Gingrich was alright. I was like ..............the bloody hell is wrong with you people? They will issue pats on the head to anyone that says what they want said. And McCain is insane; however, McCain is not exactly a little zombie. He has his own self interest thing going on that occasionally just happens to earn pats on the head..............
-------------------------------------------------- he took the job of VOLUNTEER military enlistee , he was then paid monthly same as my Dad and Uncles that were in WW2 in foreign lands carrying guns to fight nazis or japs and in one case 'norks' . None touted and used their military service to advance themselves in any way . They came home , got jobs , got married , raised families . I think that thats the way it is supposed to be done Tom . -------------------------------------- ALSO , as a general thought , i very much dislike the official media or government elevation of politicians or any government employee over the status of any other American citizen Tom !!

You lost me....don't know what you're referring to....McCain was a commissioned officer and Naval aviator, which by the way, were superior pilots to the AF pukes who often dropped their ordnance on US.
McAmnesty is a globalist traitor and warmonger my parents voted for him in 2008 but I refused. I voted for the constitution party same way I refused to vote for Romney in. 2012

Yeah, McCain is a crazy corrupt fraud in my opinion. He's like Schumer, Pelosi, and Lindsey Graham. They've been in there way too long. They're insane on power.

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