Rams fire head coach Jeff Fisher.Yahoo!!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
cant stop enjoying those first three MAGICAL words in this link.music to my ears evn more so than Fisher being fired obviously:biggrin:

Los Angeles Rams fire head coach Jeff Fisher

I told many of the ignorant trolls around here "who insisted the Rams would never come back to LA two years ago which most are gone thankfully from back then,just a few arrogant bad apples left from back then.:D that Kroneke would not put up with Fisher losing in LA this year as he did in st louis. That if he had ONE MORE LOSING season THIS year in LA,he was gone,they did not believe me.lol. Like clockwork,as I did back then on them coming back,I OWN their asses as always.:lmao::laugh::rofl::haha:

They cant face FACTS that Kroneke did not care about winning in st louis,that he purposely WANTED them to lose in st louis because he had his eyes set on LA way back then five years ago when he first bought the team knowing he had the escape clause to leave in 2015 because the city did not honor the terms in the lease agreement signed 21 years ago.:D
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Didnt Fischer just get signed to an extension? I dont know who did,

Maybe the owner wants the fans to think he/she cares about winning.
Owner cares about profits, not winning. LA RAM FAN is really a disinfo agent for the Chargers.
Didnt Fischer just get signed to an extension? I dont know who did,

Maybe the owner wants the fans to think he/she cares about winning.

Yes, he did. However, that extension may have actually been signed before the season started and not announced.

Still, not a great beginning for this version of the LA Rams management.
The NFL did not want a team in LA till 2016 so myself "like most NFL insiders who were off by one year cause they also thought he would leave in 2015 because of the lease" agreement with the city ,it did not happen till 2016 and that was ONLY because idiot jerk dean spanos of the chargers threw a hissy fit about the Rams coming there claiming LA was his territory that belonged to HIM,not the NFL's:rolleyes:

Otherwise if not for Spanos,Kroneke WOULD have been in LA in 2015 as he wanted.But he wanted to do it right by the book with the NFL and not be another Al Davis who most the owners hated for being a maverick and going against the owners wishes.smart move by Kroneke obviously.:up:

He is a good businessman.He did not get rich by accident.lol

Kroneke has proven to me by his actions here he is NOT going to put up with losing in LA.To me,i dont care if they win or lose,that is just icing on the cake if they do.i just always wanted them back in LA and my dream from the past 20 years finally came true.:dance:

However for the LA fans,I am happy for THEM,I mean had Kroneke brought Fisher back NEXT season,I guarantee the fans as happy and thrilled as they are that they are finally back where they belong,they would NOT renew their season tickets next year and who could blame them? I sure couldnt and kroneke realise that to his credit.:thup:

He knew Fisher was an idiot who could not coach.He did not care.he just kept them on this season because as i said,he obviously wanted someone who had been through the moving process before.Not too complicated to understand as many do around here.:uhoh3:

The trolls I mentioned at the beginning,they just dont get it that Kroneke did the EXACT same thing that that murdering bitch Georgia Frontier did with the Rams in LA. she purposely sabotoged the team trading away all their great players like Eric Dickerson,Kevin Greene,Toby Harrah so she could get players who did not belong in the NFL so she could get the fans to turn on the team and stop showing up for games as they did back then so SHE could claim she had bad fan support so she could move them to st louis her hometown where she was a showgirl.

Well Kroneke did the EXACT same thing as the murdering bitch who murdered her husband to get control of the team to move them to stank louis.well ALMOST the same thing.lol

I said wayyyyyy before the season began the Rams would not all of a sudden have a winning season their first year back in LA,so WHY do trolls -"antiquity in particular" ALWAYS like clockwork,always change the subject when i ask the question to him-what did you say about the Rams never coming back to LA? then watching him go into evade moe and change the subject to how they are a bunch of losers when I have never said they WOULD be instant winners their first year back? jesus christ.:uhoh3::cuckoo: that gets old.:boohoo:
Especially since I ALWAYS always said from DAY ONE,they are in a REBUILDING process,that it will take time.that you got to give Jared Goff five years before you can judge him. Not everybody can be a Tom Brady,Kurt Warner or Russel Wilson. Quarterbacks who just came out of NOWHERE and instantly turned their team around in their first season.second in the case of Shady Brady.:rolleyes:
Didnt Fischer just get signed to an extension? I dont know who did,

Maybe the owner wants the fans to think he/she cares about winning.

thanks for ONCE not coming on my thread and trolling for a change.:clap2:That wasnt too hard now was it? :biggrin: at least YOU admitted not too long ago that you DID indeed lie claiming you did not say on my Rams thread back then that they would never come back when I called you out on that posting where you DID say that.

For ONCE,,you did not dodge that fact like so many others do which takes a big man to do. Just wish more could be mature like you were recently.I am proud of you for that.:up:

I TRIED to ask you back then WHY you listened to USMB's resident troll agent rightwinger back then who is a government agent who KNEW back then they were coming back when he said back then the chargers would have a better shot at it than the Rams and yet you fell for his lies but you somehow were TOO stupid listening to HIM,a paid shill over me.real smart there MS.:rolleyes:

Dont you EVER learn? see my sig below on rightwinger? LOL.Hee STILL to this day incredibly says the Rams are playing in st louis.seriously,I am not pulling your leg or joking I can prove it if you want? dont believe me,want to see the proof?:lmao::lmao::haha:

Oh and NEXT time,dont misinterpret me calling government paid shill RIGHTWINGER a paid troll,that just because you listened to HIM back then,that I called YOU a paid troll.that was NOT what I said back then.:rolleyes: you twisted my words and misinterpreted them obviously. Okay,is that too much to ask as well? I dont think so.:D

okay enough of my little rant there.I just had to get that off my chest.nuff said on that.:biggrin:
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Didnt Fischer just get signed to an extension? I dont know who did,

Maybe the owner wants the fans to think he/she cares about winning.

Yes, he did. However, that extension may have actually been signed before the season started and not announced.

Still, not a great beginning for this version of the LA Rams management.

Yes Montrovant is correct Here.on one count anyways but mistaken on the other.Fisher DID sign that extension but it was not before the season as he mentioned,it was just a a week or two ago.:)

The extension however specified in the writing however that the contract was NOT guaranteed or that he HAD to bring him back for next year and the next after that.That was NOT guaranteed in the contract..The ONLY thing Fisher WAS guaranteed in the fine print writing in the contract was MONEY,nothing else.:) Since you know how the lamestream media works,YOU should not be surprised the LAMESTREAM media left out those key little details right?:D

You are not going to doubt me on THIS one now are you the same way you did when you said the Rams would never come back to LA back then as I have proved to you you indeed said many times over the years now are you?:D

something you failed to comprehend back then was I have a lot of of Ram fans CONTACTS in LA thta have inside information and an inside scoop on that neither you or most everyone here has which is why I humiliated so many people like you and and dozens of other who were SOOOO Sure they were never coming back.

I dont know WHY it is soooooo difficult for people around here to just simply be mature and and utter the words-congrats,you were right,I was wrong and hide behind the computer and make up one lie after another such as antiquity and rightwinger constantly do on this issue.:rolleyes:

anyways,thanks again for ONCE not trolling on one of my threads and asking a fair question.Now THAT wasnt too hard now was it?:D
LA RAM FAN sounds like some conspiracy guy. :)

this coming from agent jakey snakey who kisses USMB'S resident troll agent rightwingers ass who has been caught by over a HUNDRED people over the years at LEAST making up outright lies everyday such as the one he still says TODAY that the Rams are STILL playing in st louis this year incredibly yet you STILL kiss his ass everyday.NICE.HOW SMART OF YOU.:clap2::lmao::rofl:

the SAME troll you ignore FACTS on that he STILL goes around trolling to THIS day saying the Rams are still playing in st louis and even when i point out that even YOU said a few months ago i was right that they moved back,you dodged and evaded my facts on your lover Rightwinger how he trolls all the time here STILL saying they are playing in st louis this year which proves your lover rightwinger LIES on EVERYTHING.:rofl::haha: yet you have your head up his ass ALL THE TIME even though YOU have admitted "I" WAS right that they are back when HE hasnt so you are one to talk.

THIS is what you do EVERYTIME i bring that fact up about your lover troll each time-:scared1::rofl::rofl::rofl:

IT was worth it taking you off ignore for a second to prove how you ignore that little fact how your lover rightwinger lies about something today even YOU have said I was right about a couple months ago.:ahole-1::itsok::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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LA RAM FAN sounds like some conspiracy guy. :)

as always USMB's other resident troll jakey snakey who has his head up the ass of the biggest troll at USMB rightwingers,DISMISSES pesky little FACTS as this one below of mine as a conspiracy THEORY.:boohoo::blahblah::haha:

The NFL did not want a team in LA till 2016 so myself "like most NFL insiders who were off by one year cause they also thought he would leave in 2015 because of the lease" agreement with the city ,it did not happen till 2016 and that was ONLY because idiot jerk dean spanos of the chargers threw a hissy fit about the Rams coming there claiming LA was his territory that belonged to HIM,not the NFL's:rolleyes:

Otherwise if not for Spanos,Kroneke WOULD have been in LA in 2015 as he wanted.But he wanted to do it right by the book with the NFL and not be another Al Davis who most the owners hated for being a maverick and going against the owners wishes.smart move by Kroneke obviously.:up:

He is a good businessman.He did not get rich by accident.lol

comedy gold from troll jakey snakey.

Plus he ignores pesky FACTS that she murdered her husband so she could gain control over the team to move them to st louis,her hometown where she was a showgirl even though that is all very well documented.:biggrin:

he cant handle defeat same as his lover rightwinger troll boy.lol:itsok:

The PROBLEM with jackey snakeys theorys on me however though is this is "NOT" MY theory as he wants to claim,this came form LA's NBC'S Fred Roggin,the ONLY media source person who was honest and accurate on the Rams coming back to LA.

Him and al michales BOTH. all other LAMESTREAM media sources brainwashed people here ,they successully got everybody here for the most part to believe the Raiders AND CHARGERS would be in CARSON this year and the Rams would still be in st louis as many idiots around here fell for hook,line,and sinker.who was right on that one? idiot troll RIGHTWINGER who always said that? or me? thats right.I thought so.

you can come out of the dunce corner now jakey snakey,teacher has given you persmission after taking you to school here to take the dunce cap off sore loser,:D
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LA RAM FAN sounds like some conspiracy guy. :)

this coming from agent jakey snakey who kisses USMB'S resident troll agent rightwingers ass who has been caught by over a HUNDRED people over the years at LEAST making up outright lies everyday such as the one he still says TODAY that the Rams are STILL playing in st louis this year incredibly yet you STILL kiss his ass everyday.NICE.HOW SMART OF YOU.:clap2::lmao::rofl:

the SAME troll you ignore FACTS on that he STILL goes around trolling to THIS day saying the Rams are still playing in st louis and even when i point out that even YOU said a few months ago i was right that they moved back,you dodged and evaded my facts on your lover Rightwinger how he trolls all the time here STILL saying they are playing in st louis this year which proves your lover rightwinger LIES on EVERYTHING.:rofl::haha: yet you have your head up his ass ALL THE TIME even though YOU have admitted "I" WAS right that they are back when HE hasnt so you are one to talk.

THIS is what you do EVERYTIME i bring that fact up about your lover troll each time-:scared1::rofl::rofl::rofl:

IT was worth it taking you off ignore for a second to prove how you ignore that little fact how your lover rightwinger lies about something today even YOU have said I was right about a couple months ago.:ahole-1::itsok::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Off your meds again. Well, if you having fun, who cares, 9-11.
Didnt Fischer just get signed to an extension? I dont know who did,

Maybe the owner wants the fans to think he/she cares about winning.

Yes, he did. However, that extension may have actually been signed before the season started and not announced.

Still, not a great beginning for this version of the LA Rams management.

Yes Montrovant is correct Here.on one count anyways but mistaken on the other.Fisher DID sign that extension but it was not before the season as he mentioned,it was just a a week or two ago.:)

The extension however specified in the writing however that the contract was NOT guaranteed or that he HAD to bring him back for next year and the next after that.That was NOT guaranteed in the contract..The ONLY thing Fisher WAS guaranteed in the fine print writing in the contract was MONEY,nothing else.:) Since you know how the lamestream media works,YOU should not be surprised the LAMESTREAM media left out those key little details right?:D

You are not going to doubt me on THIS one now are you the same way you did when you said the Rams would never come back to LA back then as I have proved to you you indeed said many times over the years now are you?:D

something you failed to comprehend back then was I have a lot of of Ram fans CONTACTS in LA thta have inside information and an inside scoop on that neither you or most everyone here has which is why I humiliated so many people like you and and dozens of other who were SOOOO Sure they were never coming back.

I dont know WHY it is soooooo difficult for people around here to just simply be mature and and utter the words-congrats,you were right,I was wrong and hide behind the computer and make up one lie after another such as antiquity and rightwinger constantly do on this issue.:rolleyes:

anyways,thanks again for ONCE not trolling on one of my threads and asking a fair question.Now THAT wasnt too hard now was it?:D

It's hard to be sure, the information is a bit scarce. The best I can piece together is that they agreed to an extension in the preseason and it was actually signed a few weeks ago.
Didnt Fischer just get signed to an extension? I dont know who did,

Maybe the owner wants the fans to think he/she cares about winning.

Yes, he did. However, that extension may have actually been signed before the season started and not announced.

Still, not a great beginning for this version of the LA Rams management.

Yes Montrovant is correct Here.on one count anyways but mistaken on the other.Fisher DID sign that extension but it was not before the season as he mentioned,it was just a a week or two ago.:)

The extension however specified in the writing however that the contract was NOT guaranteed or that he HAD to bring him back for next year and the next after that.That was NOT guaranteed in the contract..The ONLY thing Fisher WAS guaranteed in the fine print writing in the contract was MONEY,nothing else.:) Since you know how the lamestream media works,YOU should not be surprised the LAMESTREAM media left out those key little details right?:D

You are not going to doubt me on THIS one now are you the same way you did when you said the Rams would never come back to LA back then as I have proved to you you indeed said many times over the years now are you?:D

something you failed to comprehend back then was I have a lot of of Ram fans CONTACTS in LA thta have inside information and an inside scoop on that neither you or most everyone here has which is why I humiliated so many people like you and and dozens of other who were SOOOO Sure they were never coming back.

I dont know WHY it is soooooo difficult for people around here to just simply be mature and and utter the words-congrats,you were right,I was wrong and hide behind the computer and make up one lie after another such as antiquity and rightwinger constantly do on this issue.:rolleyes:

anyways,thanks again for ONCE not trolling on one of my threads and asking a fair question.Now THAT wasnt too hard now was it?:D

It's hard to be sure, the information is a bit scarce. The best I can piece together is that they agreed to an extension in the preseason and it was actually signed a few weeks ago.

The contract was agreed during preseason and then signed in November, although it was a two year extension, the first year was the only guaranteed year. The agent for Fisher is related to the Rams COO. The Rams might try to bring in Conklin to improve, teach the young team and get them ready and in two years Conklin could retire and would leave the Rams to splash a big name when the stadium opens.

Kroenke is a real estate developer, his real goal was the stadium, the Rams are an extra benefit. Smart real estate developer. His Rams are just a byproduct.
Didnt Fischer just get signed to an extension? I dont know who did,

Maybe the owner wants the fans to think he/she cares about winning.

Yes, he did. However, that extension may have actually been signed before the season started and not announced.

Still, not a great beginning for this version of the LA Rams management.

Yes Montrovant is correct Here.on one count anyways but mistaken on the other.Fisher DID sign that extension but it was not before the season as he mentioned,it was just a a week or two ago.:)

The extension however specified in the writing however that the contract was NOT guaranteed or that he HAD to bring him back for next year and the next after that.That was NOT guaranteed in the contract..The ONLY thing Fisher WAS guaranteed in the fine print writing in the contract was MONEY,nothing else.:) Since you know how the lamestream media works,YOU should not be surprised the LAMESTREAM media left out those key little details right?:D

You are not going to doubt me on THIS one now are you the same way you did when you said the Rams would never come back to LA back then as I have proved to you you indeed said many times over the years now are you?:D

something you failed to comprehend back then was I have a lot of of Ram fans CONTACTS in LA thta have inside information and an inside scoop on that neither you or most everyone here has which is why I humiliated so many people like you and and dozens of other who were SOOOO Sure they were never coming back.

I dont know WHY it is soooooo difficult for people around here to just simply be mature and and utter the words-congrats,you were right,I was wrong and hide behind the computer and make up one lie after another such as antiquity and rightwinger constantly do on this issue.:rolleyes:

anyways,thanks again for ONCE not trolling on one of my threads and asking a fair question.Now THAT wasnt too hard now was it?:D

It's hard to be sure, the information is a bit scarce. The best I can piece together is that they agreed to an extension in the preseason and it was actually signed a few weeks ago.

Okay yes,you are correct,I forgot that part how it was drawn up in the pre season and put together and THEN signed a couple weeks ago so yeah you are correct,you nailed it.:thup:

I was going by this link here from a couple weeks that came out that day and forgot how it was drawn up in the pre season as you mentioned.:thup:

Report: Rams sign coach Jeff Fisher to two-year contract extension

Like I said,the agreement back then that he signed two weeks ago did not guarantee he would remain their coach for the next two seasons when it was drawn up in the pre season,only the money WAS guaranteed for him for the next two years.
LA RAM FAN sounds like some conspiracy guy. :)

LA RAMS is formal know as '911 Conspiracy'...both names that puts him in the nut job category.
coming from a child i took to school SEVERAL times years ago that 9/11 was an inside job and you could not counter any of those facts back then or answer or counter ANY of them same as you NEVER answer my SIMPLE question of-"what was it you were saying about the Rams never coming back to LA?" and ALWAYS changing the subject to how shitty a team they are when i ask that SIMPLE AS PIE question,just shows as always what an idiot liar you are as always.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:well done.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

"I" am not the coward who ALWAYS runs away with my tail between my legs REFUSING to answer that simple question or CHANGE the subject from my QUESTION on the Rams going back to LA, to how bad the Rams are playing this year.:rolleyes::lmao::haha:

you REALLY need to get over this childish gruge you have against me that I proved you wrong and MANY up i took you to school on this jesus christ kid.:lmao:same old boring song and dance from dodgeball from you.:boohoo:

a great one of NEW lies you have to make up to keep dodding that simple question you WONT answer i have asked you a THOUSAND times here.
whats the NEXT lie you are going to make up to avoid answeing my question on the rams coming back to LA that you said they NEVER would?

comedy gold from you as always.
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: you never fail to amuse me is the ONLY reason I did not put you on ignore years ago same as the other idiot troll jakey.
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LA RAM FAN sounds like some conspiracy guy. :)

LA RAMS is formal know as '911 Conspiracy'...both names that puts him in the nut job category.
coming from a child i took to school SEVERAL times years ago that 9/11 was an inside job and you could not counter any of those facts back then or answer or counter ANY of them same as you NEVER answer my SIMPLE question of-"what was it you were saying about the Rams never coming back to LA?" and ALWAYS changing the subject to how shitty a team they are when i ask that SIMPLE AS PIE question,just shows as always what an idiot liar you are as always.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:well done.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

"I" am not the coward who ALWAYS runs away with my tail between my legs REFUSING to answer that simple question or CHANGE the subject from my QUESTION on the Rams going back to LA, to how bad the Rams are playing this year.:rolleyes::lmao::haha:

you REALLY need to get over this childish gruge you have against me that I proved you wrong and MANY up i took you to school on this jesus christ kid.:lmao:same old boring song and dance from dodgeball from you.:boohoo:

a great one of NEW lies you have to make up to keep dodding that simple question you WONT answer i have asked you a THOUSAND times here.
whats the NEXT lie you are going to make up to avoid answeing my question on the rams coming back to LA that you said they NEVER would?

comedy gold from you as always.
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: you never fail to amuse me is the ONLY reason I did not put you on ignore years ago same as the other idiot troll jakey.

oh in SHORT since MANY people over the years besides myself have pointed out to you that you have reading comprehension problems,if THAT was too complicated for you to understand,here it is dummies style for you.

coming from YOU ,a kid who cant even answer ONE SIMPLE FUCKING QUESTION about the Rams that you have dodged me on the last two years:rolleyes:,THEN brings his childish grudge against me for proving you wrong on that,over into someone ELSES thread recently,YOU are one to talk

ESPECIALLY since you do THIS-:scared1: going into Evade mode refusing to answer a tiny little question about being wrong on the Rams coming back to LA since you cant admit to being wrong.:asshole::clap2:

comedy gold from you as always.you never fail.

Didnt Fischer just get signed to an extension? I dont know who did,

Maybe the owner wants the fans to think he/she cares about winning.

Yes, he did. However, that extension may have actually been signed before the season started and not announced.

Still, not a great beginning for this version of the LA Rams management.

Yes Montrovant is correct Here.on one count anyways but mistaken on the other.Fisher DID sign that extension but it was not before the season as he mentioned,it was just a a week or two ago.:)

The extension however specified in the writing however that the contract was NOT guaranteed or that he HAD to bring him back for next year and the next after that.That was NOT guaranteed in the contract..The ONLY thing Fisher WAS guaranteed in the fine print writing in the contract was MONEY,nothing else.:) Since you know how the lamestream media works,YOU should not be surprised the LAMESTREAM media left out those key little details right?:D

You are not going to doubt me on THIS one now are you the same way you did when you said the Rams would never come back to LA back then as I have proved to you you indeed said many times over the years now are you?:D

something you failed to comprehend back then was I have a lot of of Ram fans CONTACTS in LA thta have inside information and an inside scoop on that neither you or most everyone here has which is why I humiliated so many people like you and and dozens of other who were SOOOO Sure they were never coming back.

I dont know WHY it is soooooo difficult for people around here to just simply be mature and and utter the words-congrats,you were right,I was wrong and hide behind the computer and make up one lie after another such as antiquity and rightwinger constantly do on this issue.:rolleyes:

anyways,thanks again for ONCE not trolling on one of my threads and asking a fair question.Now THAT wasnt too hard now was it?:D

It's hard to be sure, the information is a bit scarce. The best I can piece together is that they agreed to an extension in the preseason and it was actually signed a few weeks ago.

Okay yes,you are correct,I forgot that part how it was drawn up in the pre season and put together and THEN signed a couple weeks ago so yeah you are correct,you nailed it.:thup:

I was going by this link here from a couple weeks that came out that day and forgot how it was drawn up in the pre season as you mentioned.:thup:

Report: Rams sign coach Jeff Fisher to two-year contract extension

Like I said,the agreement back then that he signed two weeks ago did not guarantee he would remain their coach for the next two seasons when it was drawn up in the pre season,only the money WAS guaranteed for him for the next two years.

so far that is the ONLY thing i have gotten wrong on here,yes you are correct it WAS drawn up in the preseason as you said,I forgot about that one,thanks for reminding me of that.:thup:

It was drawn up in the pre season as you said and then signed a couple weeks ago also as you said with no guarantee that he would be coaching them for two years,just the money was.

everything else i said before in ALL my posts is accurate and correct,NOBODY has been able to counter ANY of it on here,they have failed miserably so they just come back with one childish insult after another in defeat instead of addressing the FACTS,they would be laughed out of debating hall in seconds if they debated there the way they do here not even answeing ONE SIMPLE QUESTION i have asked HUNDREDS of times but cant get an answer oon or running off with their tail between their legs instead of even trying to counter or address FACTS.

they just post smileys in defeat not even trying to counter my facts I give not addressing a single one of them.what kind of bullshit is THAT,come on.same old song and dance evasive tactics i get from them year after year when they are backed up against the wall and cant counter anything.:rolleyes:
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Did 9-11 ever win one point about the Trade Towards? Even one?


He is a disinfo agent for the bad guys.
Didnt Fischer just get signed to an extension? I dont know who did,

Maybe the owner wants the fans to think he/she cares about winning.

Yes, he did. However, that extension may have actually been signed before the season started and not announced.

Still, not a great beginning for this version of the LA Rams management.

Yes Montrovant is correct Here.on one count anyways but mistaken on the other.Fisher DID sign that extension but it was not before the season as he mentioned,it was just a a week or two ago.:)

The extension however specified in the writing however that the contract was NOT guaranteed or that he HAD to bring him back for next year and the next after that.That was NOT guaranteed in the contract..The ONLY thing Fisher WAS guaranteed in the fine print writing in the contract was MONEY,nothing else.:) Since you know how the lamestream media works,YOU should not be surprised the LAMESTREAM media left out those key little details right?:D

You are not going to doubt me on THIS one now are you the same way you did when you said the Rams would never come back to LA back then as I have proved to you you indeed said many times over the years now are you?:D

something you failed to comprehend back then was I have a lot of of Ram fans CONTACTS in LA thta have inside information and an inside scoop on that neither you or most everyone here has which is why I humiliated so many people like you and and dozens of other who were SOOOO Sure they were never coming back.

I dont know WHY it is soooooo difficult for people around here to just simply be mature and and utter the words-congrats,you were right,I was wrong and hide behind the computer and make up one lie after another such as antiquity and rightwinger constantly do on this issue.:rolleyes:

anyways,thanks again for ONCE not trolling on one of my threads and asking a fair question.Now THAT wasnt too hard now was it?:D

It's hard to be sure, the information is a bit scarce. The best I can piece together is that they agreed to an extension in the preseason and it was actually signed a few weeks ago.

Okay yes,you are correct,I forgot that part how it was drawn up in the pre season and put together and THEN signed a couple weeks ago so yeah you are correct,you nailed it.:thup:

I was going by this link here from a couple weeks that came out that day and forgot how it was drawn up in the pre season as you mentioned.:thup:

Report: Rams sign coach Jeff Fisher to two-year contract extension

Like I said,the agreement back then that he signed two weeks ago did not guarantee he would remain their coach for the next two seasons when it was drawn up in the pre season,only the money WAS guaranteed for him for the next two years.

so far that is the ONLY thing i have gotten wrong on here,yes you are correct it WAS drawn up in the preseason as you said,I forgot about that one,thanks for reminding me of that.:thup:

It was drawn up in the pre season as you said and then signed a couple weeks ago also as you said with no guarantee that he would be coaching them for two years,just the money was.

everything else i said before in ALL my posts is accurate and correct,NOBODY has been able to counter ANY of it on here,they have failed miserably so they just come back with one childish insult after another in defeat instead of addressing the FACTS,they would be laughed out of debating hall in seconds if they debated there the way they do here not even answeing ONE SIMPLE QUESTION i have asked HUNDREDS of times but cant get an answer oon or running off with their tail between their legs instead of even trying to counter or address FACTS.

they just post smileys in defeat not even trying to counter my facts I give not addressing a single one of them.what kind of bullshit is THAT,come on.same old song and dance evasive tactics i get from them year after year when they are backed up against the wall and cant counter anything.:rolleyes:

getting this back on topic now,i turned in last night to monday night footballs halftime show,did you? if you did,you saw al michales and chris collingsworth talk about Fisers firing at halftime.:thup:

they mentioned that John Fassel their special teams coach will take over as interim head coach the rest of the year.He of course is the son of former Giants coach Jim Fassel who was also an offensive coordinater for like 4 or five teams in his NFL days.I liked him,he was a good coach. John I think would be a good candidate to take a serious look at for them in the off season.:thup:

I dont know WHY so many people cannot accept pesky FACTS that Kroneke took a page out of the murdering bitch Georgia Frontiere,former owner of the Rams,that they are soooo stupid,they dont know the history of here that she murdered her husband to get control over the team.the year he drowned in a VERY suspecious accident,she took control of the team and moved them to ANAHEIM ,something he NEVER would have done,which lost a portion of their fanbase.

THEN she purposely sabotoged the team so they would be bad getting rif of their great players Eric Dickerson,Toby Harrah,Kevin Greene and many others then getting players that played like shit to replace them who did not belong in the NFL. she did that so she would get her wish of the fans being so pissed at her fro trading away the players they loved,that they would stop showing up for games and the place would be empty,her strategy WORKED unfortunately for the LA fans.:(

many trolls here make the ignorant assumption that LA fans stopped showing up for games in the early 90's because they would not stick with a loser.could not be ANYTHING further from the truth.:rolleyes::bsflag:

the REAL reason they stopped showing up,was they hated the THAT EVIL BITCH owner of the team.NOT the players or the poor play on the filed,the fans BEGGED her to sell the team to a competent owner so they were sick of HER justly so.she is burning in hell right now as we speak.:clap::dance::up:

here she is.remember this FUCKING ASSHOLE BITCH WHORE?

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