Radicals, Extremists, Psychotics


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
.....all found within the Democrat 'big tent.'

1. Democrats lie about everything, starting with blaming the Right for all of their iniquities. While there certainly is a Far Left, it owns and operates the Democrat Party......there is no Far Right.
To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

2. All of these are positions of the Democrats:
Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, open borders, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.
These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."
You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right.

3. Democrat Chris Rabb of Pennsylvania is about to offer a bill that would sterilize anyone who had had three children.

Vasectomy legislation[edit]​

On October 2, 2021, Rabb authored a memo to all members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives indicating that he will be introducing legislation to introduce forced sterilization among men.

Government is their god. All rights and all restriction are government's purview.
And you will bend the knee and the neck in obeisance.

Whatever comes from a Democrat, or their state media allies.....

.....you can bet it's a lie or so insane that only a useful idiot would agree to it.
Last edited:
.....all found within the Democrat 'big tent.'

1. Democrats lie about everything, starting with blaming the Right for all of their iniquities. While there certainly is a Far Left, it owns and operates the Democrat Party......there is no Far Right.
To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

2. All of these are positions of the Democrats:
Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, open borders, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.
These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."
You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right.

3. Democrat Chris Rabb of Pennsylvania is about to offer a bill that would sterilize anyone who had had three children.

Vasectomy legislation[edit]​

On October 2, 2021, Rabb authored a memo to all members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives indicating that he will be introducing legislation to introduce forced sterilization among men.

Government is their god. All rights and all restriction are government's purview.
And you will bend the knee and the neck in obeisance.

Whatever comes from a Democrat, or their state media allies.....

.....you can bet it's a lie or so insane that only a useful idiot would agree to it.

Radicals, Extremists, Psychotics?​

Is this about another book by Alinsky that the Leftists are reading?

If so, it would not surprise me.
.....all found within the Democrat 'big tent.'

1. Democrats lie about everything, starting with blaming the Right for all of their iniquities. While there certainly is a Far Left, it owns and operates the Democrat Party......there is no Far Right.
To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

2. All of these are positions of the Democrats:
Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, open borders, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.
These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."
You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right.

3. Democrat Chris Rabb of Pennsylvania is about to offer a bill that would sterilize anyone who had had three children.

Vasectomy legislation[edit]​

On October 2, 2021, Rabb authored a memo to all members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives indicating that he will be introducing legislation to introduce forced sterilization among men.

Government is their god. All rights and all restriction are government's purview.
And you will bend the knee and the neck in obeisance.

Whatever comes from a Democrat, or their state media allies.....

.....you can bet it's a lie or so insane that only a useful idiot would agree to it.

While I agree with you that much of the anti-American, anti-human cultural sociopathy is and has been hailing from the actions of the American political left, we must not get bogged down in the endless cycle of right versus left. ALL current American politicians are the enemy of not just We The People, but also of the survival of our nation and even mankind. Both sides, right and left, are complicit in the vaccination/medical fascism regime rising before our very eyes.

Surely you must see how the spreading madness of the political left, coupled with the inaction to stop it on the political right, go hand-in-hand in sealing the fate of all American People. Republican and democrat are different sides of the same putrid, stinking coin; either way it is tossed and whichever side lands face up during election time We The People lose.

As for the proposed forced sterilization by one of our "elected" officials? NOTHING under the sun or moon surprises me at this point. Our "elected" Kings, queens and nobility will do whatever evil it pleases as long as none of us forcibly object.
Voices with in the Democrat party are many. Some have more centrist to conservative stand on issues but get pushed out. If you want to change the party direction get involved at the precinct captain level and fight it out. It won't be easy but it is how it gets done. I did my time along with 6 others in my local party and it did get rough. But that is how change is made.
Voices with in the Democrat party are many. Some have more centrist to conservative stand on issues but get pushed out. If you want to change the party direction get involved at the precinct captain level and fight it out. It won't be easy but it is how it gets done. I did my time along with 6 others in my local party and it did get rough. But that is how change is made.

Pardon me please while I laugh in surreal, funerary tones. THEY want to murder us and sterilize us and your solution is to politick at the local level to what end? Strongly object to their proposed violence? Such sentiments are the prime reason for the rapid decline of our civilization.
Pardon me please while I laugh in surreal, funerary tones. THEY want to murder us and sterilize us and your solution is to politick at the local level to what end? Strongly object to their proposed violence? Such sentiments are the prime reason for the rapid decline of our civilization.
That's where the power is. As I said and that is how the change is made from inside. In other words take over the party. :thup:
While I agree with you athat much of the anti-American, anti-human cultural sociopathy is and has been hailing from the actions of the American political left, we must not get bogged down in the endless cycle of right versus left. ALL current American politicians are the enemy of not just We The People, but also of the survival of our nation and even mankind. Both sides, right and left, are complicit in the vaccination/medical fascism regime rising before our very eyes.

Surely you must see how the spreading madness of the political left, coupled with the inaction to stop it on the political right, go hand-in-hand in sealing the fate of all American People. Republican and democrat are different sides of the same putrid, stinking coin; either way it is tossed and whichever side lands face up during election time We The People lose.

As for the proposed forced sterilization by one of our "elected" officials? NOTHING under the sun or moon surprises me at this point. Our "elected" Kings, queens and nobility will do whatever evil it pleases as long as none of us forcibly object.

1. We may be conservatives, but we have no chance to defeat the criminal cartel of the Democrats unless we have the Republican Party working with us.

That being said, you know I foresee the end of America and Western Civilization.

And this is why:

2. There is one of 'em, quoted here:
“I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.”

I wrote:
“Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?”
The response:


No Price Too High

Awe poor thing. Queef out some more boot licking insults to prologue your lies with and you'll get more of the same. Central to that idea is how much government aims to steal from those who earn it: What if you find that based on Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, sales tax...


post 58

And another, when confronted with well-known confluence between the two groups:

...responds as predicted above:

“Yes - ALL LIES”
post #551

Radicals, Extremists, Psychotics?​

Is this about another book by Alinsky that the Leftists are reading?

If so, it would not surprise me.

I bet you know who Alinsky dedicated his book to.

...we need consider the source of the beliefs of the Democrat Party: Karl Marx. The same source for the Nazis and the Bolsheviks.
And we need to recall that Marx was a worshipper of Satan.
Documented in a number of places....
And I recommend these.....



This is what radicals, extremists, and psychotics advance:

Who said this? Signs of “Whiteness” Are Rugged Individualism, Nuclear Family, Scientific Method, and Work Ethic?

Umm, these statements which would be deemed anti-Black if said by almost anyone, were made on the website of The National Museum of African American History and Culture.

The National Museum of African American History and Culture is out with a “discussion” on race, in particular “whiteness,” and it is a doozy.

It’s worth noting that the museum is part of the Smithsonian which receives approximately 62% of its funding from the federal government.

From institutional racism, to white domination of social and political structures, the discussion assumes being born white is a veritable super power.

Whiteness and white racialized identity refer to the way that white people, their customs, culture, and beliefs operate as the standard by which all other groups of are compared. Whiteness is also at the core of understanding race in America. Whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity throughout America’s history have created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal.
Who said this? Signs of “Whiteness” Are Rugged Individualism, Nuclear Family, Scientific Method, and Work Ethic?
Radical, extremist, or psychotic????

Leftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family'

'The time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it'

For example, the total elimination of "the family."

"We deserve better than the family. And the time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it," wrote radical-feminist activist Sophie Lewis on the website openDemocracy.

"Even when the private nuclear household poses no direct physical or mental threat to one's person – no spouse-battering, no child rape, and no queer-bashing – the private family qua mode of social reproduction still, frankly, sucks," wrote Lewis, the author of "Fu She said the nuclear family "genders, nationalizes and races us."

"It norms us for productive work. It makes us believe we are 'individuals,'" she said. "It minimizes costs for capital while maximizing human beings' life-making labor (across billions of tiny boxes, each kitted out – absurdly – with its own kitchen, micro-creche and laundry.) It blackmails us into mistaking the only sources of love and care we have for the extent of what is possible."

Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family.

"In short, the pandemic is no time to forget about family abolition. … Far from a time to acquiesce to 'family values' ideology, then, the pandemic is an acutely important time to provision, evacuate and generally empower survivors of – and refugees from – the nuclear household."

Sekulow pointed out openDemocracy gets funding from "notoriously liberal billionaire George Soros."

He also noted Lewis' demand for the abolition of private home ownership.

"This is a disgusting attack on traditional family values by the radical Left. It is unwarranted and unjustified assault at a time when so many are worried and uncertain about the future," he wrote."
3. Democrat Chris Rabb of Pennsylvania is about to offer a bill that would sterilize anyone who had had three children.

Vasectomy legislation[edit]
On October 2, 2021, Rabb authored a memo to all members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives indicating that he will be introducing legislation to introduce forced sterilization among men.

I love this!! Rabb wants not "anyone" to be sterilized after 40 or 3 children, but only "inseminators" and they have to get (duh) vasectomies.
This is interesting for two reasons. For once they aren't blaming women!! Hooray!

The second reason is that it's a problem they aren't blaming women: only women's children can actually be counted (who knows how many babies men father?? Often they don't even know. You couldn't possibly catch the serial inseminators.) and also, only females count in demographics. No other sex need apply --------- because only females actually reproduce.

Overpopulation R Us, no question, but men are not the actual issue. We could be down to one billion humans (from eight billion) within only three generations, and nobody would have to die, if each woman had no more than one child. First generation down by 1/2, the second generation down to 1/4 the current population, and the third generation down to 1/8 current. No more extinctions, no more crowds, no more shortages and starvations, no global warming fears, hardly any pollution. It would be so great.
I love this!! Rabb wants not "anyone" to be sterilized after 40 or 3 children, but only "inseminators" and they have to get (duh) vasectomies.
This is interesting for two reasons. For once they aren't blaming women!! Hooray!

The second reason is that it's a problem they aren't blaming women: only women's children can actually be counted (who knows how many babies men father?? Often they don't even know. You couldn't possibly catch the serial inseminators.) and also, only females count in demographics. No other sex need apply --------- because only females actually reproduce.

Overpopulation R Us, no question, but men are not the actual issue. We could be down to one billion humans (from eight billion) within only three generations, and nobody would have to die, if each woman had no more than one child. First generation down by 1/2, the second generation down to 1/4 the current population, and the third generation down to 1/8 current. No more extinctions, no more crowds, no more shortages and starvations, no global warming fears, hardly any pollution. It would be so great.

I don't believe there is overpopulation.
When Radicals, Extremists, Psychotics, ....Democrats.....take charge of the legal system:

"NYPD Commissioner Calls Bail Reform Law ‘Insanity’ as Violent Criminal Arrested 57th Time This Year

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me 57 times and we have to be talking about New York City where the bail reform laws allow violent criminals like Isaac Rodriguez to walk free shortly after they’ve been caught committing a crime.

New York City Police Commissioner Dermot Shea called out the latest (as of the posting of this article) arrest and release of Rodriguez, his 57th in 2021 alone. As he put it, the bail reform law breeds pure insanity.

“Insanity. No other way to describe the resulting crime that has flowed from disastrous bail reform law. #victims”
I love this!! Rabb wants not "anyone" to be sterilized after 40 or 3 children, but only "inseminators" and they have to get (duh) vasectomies.
This is interesting for two reasons. For once they aren't blaming women!! Hooray!

The second reason is that it's a problem they aren't blaming women: only women's children can actually be counted (who knows how many babies men father?? Often they don't even know. You couldn't possibly catch the serial inseminators.) and also, only females count in demographics. No other sex need apply --------- because only females actually reproduce.

Overpopulation R Us, no question, but men are not the actual issue. We could be down to one billion humans (from eight billion) within only three generations, and nobody would have to die, if each woman had no more than one child. First generation down by 1/2, the second generation down to 1/4 the current population, and the third generation down to 1/8 current. No more extinctions, no more crowds, no more shortages and starvations, no global warming fears, hardly any pollution. It would be so great.
We are letting in endless amounts of people into our nation in part because women, particularly white working women are not having children.
These are traits the Left wants eradicated.

‘Nuclear Family,’ ‘Self-Reliance,’ Being ‘Polite’

The National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC) is promoting material about “whiteness” and “white culture” on its website in an effort to “discuss race, equity, and inclusion.

“Whiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color.

...“common characteristics of most U.S. White people most of the time.”

Some of these “common characteristics” include “master and control nature,” “aggressiveness and extroversion,” “heavy value on ownership of goods, space, property,” “steak and potatoes; ‘bland is best’,” “anything other than Judeo – Christian tradition is foreign,” and “no tolerance for deviation from single god concept.”

How long will normal people put up with this outrage???????
.....all found within the Democrat 'big tent.'

1. Democrats lie about everything, starting with blaming the Right for all of their iniquities. While there certainly is a Far Left, it owns and operates the Democrat Party......there is no Far Right.
To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

2. All of these are positions of the Democrats:
Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, open borders, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.
These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."
You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right.

3. Democrat Chris Rabb of Pennsylvania is about to offer a bill that would sterilize anyone who had had three children.

Vasectomy legislation[edit]​

On October 2, 2021, Rabb authored a memo to all members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives indicating that he will be introducing legislation to introduce forced sterilization among men.

Government is their god. All rights and all restriction are government's purview.
And you will bend the knee and the neck in obeisance.

Whatever comes from a Democrat, or their state media allies.....

.....you can bet it's a lie or so insane that only a useful idiot would agree to it.

"Pennsylvania House Democrat Releases Forced Sterilization Bill…Then Claims It Was a ‘Parody’ After Being Exposed

A Pennsylvania Democrat in the state house released a forced sterilization bill, and then attempted to claim it was a parody after he was exposed for introduced this heinous measure.

“If there was any doubt that today’s progressive left have utterly and completely disregarded your personal medical freedom, then let this be the nail in the coffin,” Pennsylvania state representative David Rowe, a Republican, stated in a Facebook post.

“A legislator from Philadelphia has just introduced legislation that would limit how many children your family could have, dictate what age you could have a family, and would issue a TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR REWARD for turning in someone who refused to submit to forced sterilization after having three children,” he added.

The bill sponsor, Democrat state representative Christopher Rabb, claimed that the legislation was a parody shortly after he was exposed for releasing the heinous bill. Rowe is not accepting the spin from this deranged Democrat.

“Now in full damage control mode, the PA House Democrats have released a press statement claiming the bill is a “parody”…funny this press release came over 48 hours after the memo was first introduced and after universal, bipartisan backlash sent them scrambling to cover themselves,” Rowe wrote in response to Rabb’s backpedal."

This is the same party that claims that men menstruate and can become pregnant, needing abortions.

Another 'parody,' I suppose.
This is the same party that claims that men menstruate and can become pregnant, needing abortions.

Another 'parody,' I suppose.
I wouldn't have believed that until you brought it up, but it appears to be true in both cases!
Imagine that!
3. Democrat Chris Rabb of Pennsylvania is about to offer a bill that would sterilize anyone who had had three children.
There are lots of men who 'have' or 'had' or 'has' three children but only women 'had had' 3 children. Except for the few male exceptions you told me about.

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