Putin's reaction on shooting down Russian plane by Turkey

Assad has been murdering his own people with support of Putin thugs your master..... It's about time an ANGEL like Obama step in and save humanity. Putin ass just got kicked.....That hurt.....
BTW tynidancer keep going.
By no means did anyone's ass just get kicked by the loss of one plane and a chopper..................

You talk about Treason................I've shown article after article with videos on many threads...........showing that we have been arming asshats of the FSA who have ties to EL Nusra adn AQ.............Not to mention that they have been killing christians...............We are arming monsters who are our Stated enemies....................We have been avoiding targets to keep the ball rolling there in hopes of ousting Assad...............and in doing so have allowed the cancer of ISIS to grow.....................Treason....................I'd say that fits the bill...............

Hold your nose...............blow real hard.............and dislodge yourself................

I added a few extra.............................................................................................as you love them so much........................................

I support my country..... You can support Putin thugs however you want that makes you a traitor. If you have nothing else to say except protecting your puppet master go eat your buger.
BTW 2 outdated planes lost not one and a chopper. Putin in thugs ass just get kicked...... clap clap clap clap.
Our current policy has been to depose Assad..................and they have been using the same asshat types that brought down the towers on 9/11

Pardon me but I'm not clapping...............are clapping for the strategy of the enemy of the enemy is my friend cause........................

It would be a cold day in hell when I'd clap for that............................I'm not an Assad fan as he supports Hamas and Hez who are not our friends by any means..................but at least the Christians weren't be slaughtered there back then................given the options there, which all suck............he is the lesser of evils..................................

You can have AQ as your buddy and clap...................You will not see me join you on that one.....................People like you are gonna ignite WWIII.

This is my country and I support my government at any cost. Just like these bunch of TRAITORS supporting Putin thugs........Russian has been doing a lot of space intrusions many times even in Alaska. They cannot just wheels neely keep doing this shit.
I do not support any kind of war but I will go to WW3 with bunch of scumbag traitors. Also you never join me in any topic anyway......So what is your point? But you joined these traitors supporting Putin thugs. What that makes you?

Russian planes fly close to U.S. warship near Crimea - CNNPolitics.com
I served this country................did my time over there...........I call it like I see it..............and I've backed it up with video and articles...............

Other than state you LOVE OBAMA and HIS POLICY IS RIGHT..........you have shown me NOTHING...........NADDA...............

Old saying in the service...........Salute the Rank and not the person.................Never a Truer statement than with Obama........He is a complete IDIOT.......and has allowed this damned war to drag out because of ASSAD MUST GO POLICY..........and has funded the damned enemy of Humanity in doing so...........ISIS needs to die and I don't give a rats ass who does it..............It has gone on long enough..............and it isn't gonna die when we FUND THE DAMNED THING.........and TURKEY buys the damned oil..............................and it isn't gonna be won by the FSA going around raping and murdering Christians...............

Have you tried blowing real hard yet???????????????????????


Dude you talked too much. You have not shown me anything except your admiration to your Putin Thugs.......... which Obama just kicked his ass. CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP...... You all make me laugh...
By no means did anyone's ass just get kicked by the loss of one plane and a chopper..................

You talk about Treason................I've shown article after article with videos on many threads...........showing that we have been arming asshats of the FSA who have ties to EL Nusra adn AQ.............Not to mention that they have been killing christians...............We are arming monsters who are our Stated enemies....................We have been avoiding targets to keep the ball rolling there in hopes of ousting Assad...............and in doing so have allowed the cancer of ISIS to grow.....................Treason....................I'd say that fits the bill...............

Hold your nose...............blow real hard.............and dislodge yourself................

I added a few extra.............................................................................................as you love them so much........................................

I support my country..... You can support Putin thugs however you want that makes you a traitor. If you have nothing else to say except protecting your puppet master go eat your buger.
BTW 2 outdated planes lost not one and a chopper. Putin in thugs ass just get kicked...... clap clap clap clap.
Our current policy has been to depose Assad..................and they have been using the same asshat types that brought down the towers on 9/11

Pardon me but I'm not clapping...............are clapping for the strategy of the enemy of the enemy is my friend cause........................

It would be a cold day in hell when I'd clap for that............................I'm not an Assad fan as he supports Hamas and Hez who are not our friends by any means..................but at least the Christians weren't be slaughtered there back then................given the options there, which all suck............he is the lesser of evils..................................

You can have AQ as your buddy and clap...................You will not see me join you on that one.....................People like you are gonna ignite WWIII.

This is my country and I support my government at any cost. Just like these bunch of TRAITORS supporting Putin thugs........Russian has been doing a lot of space intrusions many times even in Alaska. They cannot just wheels neely keep doing this shit.
I do not support any kind of war but I will go to WW3 with bunch of scumbag traitors. Also you never join me in any topic anyway......So what is your point? But you joined these traitors supporting Putin thugs. What that makes you?

Russian planes fly close to U.S. warship near Crimea - CNNPolitics.com
I served this country................did my time over there...........I call it like I see it..............and I've backed it up with video and articles...............

Other than state you LOVE OBAMA and HIS POLICY IS RIGHT..........you have shown me NOTHING...........NADDA...............

Old saying in the service...........Salute the Rank and not the person.................Never a Truer statement than with Obama........He is a complete IDIOT.......and has allowed this damned war to drag out because of ASSAD MUST GO POLICY..........and has funded the damned enemy of Humanity in doing so...........ISIS needs to die and I don't give a rats ass who does it..............It has gone on long enough..............and it isn't gonna die when we FUND THE DAMNED THING.........and TURKEY buys the damned oil..............................and it isn't gonna be won by the FSA going around raping and murdering Christians...............

Have you tried blowing real hard yet???????????????????????


Dude you talked too much. You have not shown me anything except your admiration to your Putin Thugs.......... which Obama just kicked his ass. CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP...... You all make me laugh...
SAYS the one that posted the CNN great fly by.............


You and Obama deserve each other....................both Idiots.:slap:
I support my country..... You can support Putin thugs however you want that makes you a traitor. If you have nothing else to say except protecting your puppet master go eat your buger.
BTW 2 outdated planes lost not one and a chopper. Putin in thugs ass just get kicked...... clap clap clap clap.
Our current policy has been to depose Assad..................and they have been using the same asshat types that brought down the towers on 9/11

Pardon me but I'm not clapping...............are clapping for the strategy of the enemy of the enemy is my friend cause........................

It would be a cold day in hell when I'd clap for that............................I'm not an Assad fan as he supports Hamas and Hez who are not our friends by any means..................but at least the Christians weren't be slaughtered there back then................given the options there, which all suck............he is the lesser of evils..................................

You can have AQ as your buddy and clap...................You will not see me join you on that one.....................People like you are gonna ignite WWIII.

This is my country and I support my government at any cost. Just like these bunch of TRAITORS supporting Putin thugs........Russian has been doing a lot of space intrusions many times even in Alaska. They cannot just wheels neely keep doing this shit.
I do not support any kind of war but I will go to WW3 with bunch of scumbag traitors. Also you never join me in any topic anyway......So what is your point? But you joined these traitors supporting Putin thugs. What that makes you?

Russian planes fly close to U.S. warship near Crimea - CNNPolitics.com
I served this country................did my time over there...........I call it like I see it..............and I've backed it up with video and articles...............

Other than state you LOVE OBAMA and HIS POLICY IS RIGHT..........you have shown me NOTHING...........NADDA...............

Old saying in the service...........Salute the Rank and not the person.................Never a Truer statement than with Obama........He is a complete IDIOT.......and has allowed this damned war to drag out because of ASSAD MUST GO POLICY..........and has funded the damned enemy of Humanity in doing so...........ISIS needs to die and I don't give a rats ass who does it..............It has gone on long enough..............and it isn't gonna die when we FUND THE DAMNED THING.........and TURKEY buys the damned oil..............................and it isn't gonna be won by the FSA going around raping and murdering Christians...............

Have you tried blowing real hard yet???????????????????????


Dude you talked too much. You have not shown me anything except your admiration to your Putin Thugs.......... which Obama just kicked his ass. CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP...... You all make me laugh...
SAYS the one that posted the CNN great fly by.............


You and Obama deserve each other....................both Idiots.:slap:

Dude... You serve this country? You are a liar too. I help lots of veterans and yes some are pissed at Obama but I never met one that is a traitor like you. Asshole.
Our current policy has been to depose Assad..................and they have been using the same asshat types that brought down the towers on 9/11

Pardon me but I'm not clapping...............are clapping for the strategy of the enemy of the enemy is my friend cause........................

It would be a cold day in hell when I'd clap for that............................I'm not an Assad fan as he supports Hamas and Hez who are not our friends by any means..................but at least the Christians weren't be slaughtered there back then................given the options there, which all suck............he is the lesser of evils..................................

You can have AQ as your buddy and clap...................You will not see me join you on that one.....................People like you are gonna ignite WWIII.

This is my country and I support my government at any cost. Just like these bunch of TRAITORS supporting Putin thugs........Russian has been doing a lot of space intrusions many times even in Alaska. They cannot just wheels neely keep doing this shit.
I do not support any kind of war but I will go to WW3 with bunch of scumbag traitors. Also you never join me in any topic anyway......So what is your point? But you joined these traitors supporting Putin thugs. What that makes you?

Russian planes fly close to U.S. warship near Crimea - CNNPolitics.com
I served this country................did my time over there...........I call it like I see it..............and I've backed it up with video and articles...............

Other than state you LOVE OBAMA and HIS POLICY IS RIGHT..........you have shown me NOTHING...........NADDA...............

Old saying in the service...........Salute the Rank and not the person.................Never a Truer statement than with Obama........He is a complete IDIOT.......and has allowed this damned war to drag out because of ASSAD MUST GO POLICY..........and has funded the damned enemy of Humanity in doing so...........ISIS needs to die and I don't give a rats ass who does it..............It has gone on long enough..............and it isn't gonna die when we FUND THE DAMNED THING.........and TURKEY buys the damned oil..............................and it isn't gonna be won by the FSA going around raping and murdering Christians...............

Have you tried blowing real hard yet???????????????????????


Dude you talked too much. You have not shown me anything except your admiration to your Putin Thugs.......... which Obama just kicked his ass. CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP...... You all make me laugh...
SAYS the one that posted the CNN great fly by.............


You and Obama deserve each other....................both Idiots.:slap:

Dude... You serve this country? You are a liar too. I help lots of veterans and yes some are pissed at Obama but I never met one that is a traitor like you. Asshole.
1984 to 1994...................And yes I served..................As has most of my family..............Dad in WWII.......Father N Law in WWII..........was at Pearl Harbor..........Uncles who fought in Korea and VIetnam...............Brother Naval Academy Grad, flight instructor and P3 Orion pilot............which included OMG buzzing RUSSIAN Submarines and dropping Sona Tubes on them..........OMG..............at the LINE OF DEATH..........OMFG.....................Brother N Law Intel officer and Coms officer in Korea............Many nephews who have fought in Afghanistan and Iraq................
Yeah I served and so did a lot of my family.......................

and I'm calling you out to be full of it.......................You understand now........................Our policy is wrong and has made this drag on longer..............because of Obama and his INEPT Foreign Policy......................

To the GREAT FLY BY..............that is a freaking JOKE TO ME...............they did far worse than that to us when I was in and WE FING LAUGHED OUR ASSES OFF OVER IT................It's Boring out there and it broke up the BORING day after day routine.....................As I said we do it to them as well..........hell my own brother did it................Near XMAS BACK THEN................His squadron packed empty Sona tubes up with smut magazines............booze and the like to give to the Russians for Xmas...........they dropped the empties near the Russian Subs........who picked it up...........they even put MERRY XMAS ON THE TUBES................and the Russians filed a complaint about it............putting the squadron in hack for a little while............all for giving them a XMAS present...................................

Is Russia planning to attack the US? I don't think so, that doesn't make me a traitor you moron.
That doesn't matter. You are a traitor and BIG LIAR. You are not a military family.

Sure thing buddy, because I don't think we're at war with Russia, I /must/ be lying about my military family uh huh.
Yep................me too..............all that time over there................It was my imagination...........

Is Russia planning to attack the US? I don't think so, that doesn't make me a traitor you moron.
That doesn't matter. You are a traitor and BIG LIAR. You are not a military family.

Sure thing buddy, because I don't think we're at war with Russia, I /must/ be lying about my military family uh huh.
I know tons of military families and some became closed friends but none are traitors or talked like you. They are pissed at Obama but when situations like this occurred they are unified 100%. From your post admiring and supporting Putin. No you do not belong to military family.
Is Russia planning to attack the US? I don't think so, that doesn't make me a traitor you moron.
That doesn't matter. You are a traitor and BIG LIAR. You are not a military family.

Sure thing buddy, because I don't think we're at war with Russia, I /must/ be lying about my military family uh huh.
Yep................me too..............all that time over there................It was my imagination...........


Two ventriloquist supporting each other. One claimed to be a military family and one claimed to be a veterans but sniffing Putin ASS.....You are all very funny. And yes I blowed my nose and gave it you so you can keep it.....
Is Russia planning to attack the US? I don't think so, that doesn't make me a traitor you moron.
That doesn't matter. You are a traitor and BIG LIAR. You are not a military family.

Sure thing buddy, because I don't think we're at war with Russia, I /must/ be lying about my military family uh huh.
Yep................me too..............all that time over there................It was my imagination...........


Two ventriloquist supporting each other.
Is that all you got...........................

I doubt you could pour pee out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.....................

Any more comment about the GREAT FLY BY.....................

Any more comment on Turkey buying ISIS oil.................

Are cheering the death of the pilot on the SU-24 which is a bomber and outclassed by the F-16s for a 17 second miscalculation.........at 300 mph or less guessing here............for a whole 1.3 miles as Turkey claims..................and it crashed in Syria.......which means it had turned around or it would have LANDED IN TURKEY............

Drink the Kool Aide............You can't fix STUPID.
Is Russia planning to attack the US? I don't think so, that doesn't make me a traitor you moron.
That doesn't matter. You are a traitor and BIG LIAR. You are not a military family.

Sure thing buddy, because I don't think we're at war with Russia, I /must/ be lying about my military family uh huh.
Yep................me too..............all that time over there................It was my imagination...........


Two ventriloquist supporting each other.
Is that all you got...........................

I doubt you could pour pee out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.....................

Any more comment about the GREAT FLY BY.....................

Any more comment on Turkey buying ISIS oil.................

Are cheering the death of the pilot on the SU-24 which is a bomber and outclassed by the F-16s for a 17 second miscalculation.........at 300 mph or less guessing here............for a whole 1.3 miles as Turkey claims..................and it crashed in Syria.......which means it had turned around or it would have LANDED IN TURKEY............

Drink the Kool Aide............You can't fix STUPID.

Asshole you removed most of my post to fit your stupid agenda.. Not only you are a traitor but a scumbag liar...You have nothing to show me except you are sniffing Putin ass....You talked too much. I stop reading at 4 sentences.
Putin Blitz

YAYLADAGI, Turkey (Reuters) - Russian forces launched a heavy bombardment against insurgent-held areas in Syria's Latakia province on Wednesday, near where a Russian warplane had been shot down by Turkey the day before, rebels and a monitoring group said.

At least 12 air strikes hit Latakia's northern countryside as pro-government forces clashed with fighters from al Qaeda's Nusra Front and Turkmen insurgents in the Jabal Akrad and Jabal Turkman areas, the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

A Turkmen commander said missiles fired from Russian warships in the Mediterranean were also hitting the area, as well as heavy artillery shelling.

Russia bombards Syrian rebels near site of downed Russian jet
Hey people, Good news: the second pilot survived!!!
The second Russian pilot, who ejected from the Su-24 bomber shot down by Turkey on Tuesday over Syria, is safe and sound and has been taken to the Russian airbase in Latakia, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said.

"One on board was wounded when he parachuted down and killed in a savage way on the ground by jihadists in the area. The other managed to escape. According to the latest information he has been picked up by the Syrian Army and should be going back to the Russian Air Force base,"Ambassador Aleksandr Orlov told Europe 1 radio.
One of 2 Russian pilots shot down by Turkey rescued, back to airbase in Syria

A Russian airman who has survived the downing of his warplane says Turkish jets did not issue any warnings. Capt. Konstantin Murakhtin said Wednesday on Russian television that his plane was flying over Syrian territory and didn't violate Turkish airspace.
The Latest: Russian pilot who survived crash says Turkish jets didn't issue any warnings
That doesn't matter. You are a traitor and BIG LIAR. You are not a military family.

Sure thing buddy, because I don't think we're at war with Russia, I /must/ be lying about my military family uh huh.
Yep................me too..............all that time over there................It was my imagination...........


Two ventriloquist supporting each other.
Is that all you got...........................

I doubt you could pour pee out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.....................

Any more comment about the GREAT FLY BY.....................

Any more comment on Turkey buying ISIS oil.................

Are cheering the death of the pilot on the SU-24 which is a bomber and outclassed by the F-16s for a 17 second miscalculation.........at 300 mph or less guessing here............for a whole 1.3 miles as Turkey claims..................and it crashed in Syria.......which means it had turned around or it would have LANDED IN TURKEY............

Drink the Kool Aide............You can't fix STUPID.

Asshole you removed most of my post to fit your stupid agenda.. Not only you are a traitor but a scumbag liar...You have nothing to show me except you are sniffing Putin ass....You talked too much. I stop reading at 4 sentences.
I stopped taking you serious a long time ago.

Sure thing buddy, because I don't think we're at war with Russia, I /must/ be lying about my military family uh huh.
Yep................me too..............all that time over there................It was my imagination...........


Two ventriloquist supporting each other.
Is that all you got...........................

I doubt you could pour pee out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.....................

Any more comment about the GREAT FLY BY.....................

Any more comment on Turkey buying ISIS oil.................

Are cheering the death of the pilot on the SU-24 which is a bomber and outclassed by the F-16s for a 17 second miscalculation.........at 300 mph or less guessing here............for a whole 1.3 miles as Turkey claims..................and it crashed in Syria.......which means it had turned around or it would have LANDED IN TURKEY............

Drink the Kool Aide............You can't fix STUPID.

Asshole you removed most of my post to fit your stupid agenda.. Not only you are a traitor but a scumbag liar...You have nothing to show me except you are sniffing Putin ass....You talked too much. I stop reading at 4 sentences.
I stopped taking you serious a long time ago.


Yeah right... That's all you got CLOWN? You are very funny. [emoji33]
The downing of a Russian warplane in Syria by Turkey appears to be a pre-planned provocation, the Russian Foreign Minister said. Ankara failed to communicate with Russia over the incident, he added.

We have serious doubts that this act was unintentional. It looks very much like a preplanned provocation,” Lavrov said, citing Turkey’s failure to maintain proper communication with Russia, the abundance of footage of the incident and other evidence.

The Russian diplomat criticized NATO for failing to express condolences to Russia over the loss of its troops lives.
Very strange statements were voiced after a NATO meeting called by the Turks, which didn’t express any regret or condolences and in effect were aimed at covering up what the Turkish Air Force did yesterday,” Lavrov said. “A similar reaction came from the European Union.

He added that even if Turkey’s words were taken on face value, its actions contradict its own position expressed in 2012, after Syria took down a Turkish military plane. At the time, then-Prime Minister Erdogan told the Turkish parliament that a short incursion into another nation’s airspace cannot justify an attack on it.

Downing of Russian Su-24 looks like a planned provocation - Lavrov
Turks are assholes.

They prevented 4th Armored Division from entering Iraq from the North during operation Iraqi Freedom.

I hope Russia hammers those backstabbing pricks.

Hope..... Puting is a pussy. Obama is kicking Puting ass right now.
The Turks shot that jet down......and you think Obama was responsible. *rolls eyes* :slap:

Fucking pathetic. :lame2:

Dude.. Read at the beginning of this thread....blaming Obama. So if you blame Obama responsible of this incident then he get the credit. You got it asshole? I mean traitor.

I'm following the syntax in your posts. I understand that English is not your first language. Tis ok.

Now I am about to slap you silly. Obama has done nothing but to assist the overthrow of Assad and now has a burr up his butt because one more time Putin has outplayed him.

Loss of one ruh roh. By Turkey. Ruh roh.

Assad has been murdering his own people with support of Putin thugs your master..... It's about time an ANGEL like Obama step in and save humanity. Putin ass just got kicked.....That hurt.....
BTW tynidancer keep going.

Turkey has been aiding and abetting Isis, yet you support them. Traitor.
Is Russia planning to attack the US? I don't think so, that doesn't make me a traitor you moron.
That doesn't matter. You are a traitor and BIG LIAR. You are not a military family.
You are too emotional and you're making a fool of yourself. It's embarrassing to witness. Do yourself a favour and go have a nice cup of tea.
Is Russia planning to attack the US? I don't think so, that doesn't make me a traitor you moron.
That doesn't matter. You are a traitor and BIG LIAR. You are not a military family.

Sure thing buddy, because I don't think we're at war with Russia, I /must/ be lying about my military family uh huh.
I know tons of military families and some became closed friends but none are traitors or talked like you. They are pissed at Obama but when situations like this occurred they are unified 100%. From your post admiring and supporting Putin. No you do not belong to military family.

Unified with what? Supporting Isis supporters? Shame on you.

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