PU$S: 'John Kerry Expresses ‘Gratitude’ to Iran After U.S. Sailors Are Released...'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
LINK: John Kerry Expresses ‘Gratitude’ to Iran After U.S. Sailors Are Released — Then Iranian State TV Publishes These Images

'...Then Iranian State TV Publishes These Images'

Secretary of State John Kerry publicly thanked the Iranian government for the release of 10 U.S. Navy sailors, but shortly after the statement, the Iranian government released images of the capture as if to boast.

“I want to express my gratitude to Iranian authorities for their cooperation ‎in swiftly resolving this matter,” Kerry
said in a statement Wednesday.

Iran’s capture of 10 Navy sailors Tuesday came as a significant embarrassment for the U.S. as President Barack Obama delivered the State of the Union address that night and touted his Iranian nuclear deal.

“I’m very pleased that our Sailors have been safely returned to U.S. hands,” Kerry said in a statement. “As a former Sailor myself, I know the importance of naval presence around the world and the critical work being done by our Navy in the Gulf region. I’m proud of our young men and women in uniform and know how seriously they take their responsibilities to one another and to other mariners in distress.”

'Thank you, sir. MAY I HAVE ANOTHER?! :rolleyes:
Did you expect anything else??

I'm just glad all ten are back safe and sound.
DURING THE NEGOTIATIONS of Obama's deal, that Kerry himself declared were NON-BINDING, The Iranian leader was leading chants of 'Death to America', they were insulting the US, their military was conducting exercises in which they practiced attacking a US aircraft carrier, and they openly talked about nuking Israel and attacking the US. They even VIOLATED terms of the agreement before the deal was even done.

Yet Obama and his team of 'beggars' took it all, never made an issue of any of it, and remained at the table because they were AFRAID the Iranians would walk away from the table.


There was NO negotiating from a position of STRENGTH. Iran made Obama and his team their 'bit@h', and Obama endured it all so he could have his 'legacy'.

SINCE the 'deal' has passed the Iranians have violated the terms TWICE...and Obama has failed to respond with the actions he promised he would take if such a thing happened. Can you say 'Red Line II'?!

NOW, just before the President of the United States' last State of the Union address, Iran captures / kidnaps 10 US Navy members, as if to embarrass Obama and show the American people that their weak-ass Commander and Chief, who virtually BEGGED them for a deal they never had any intention of adhering to and who is trying to give one last 'SHOW' of strength before his own people, is a weak joke and a world-wide laughing stock!

Oh, they released the soldiers, but not before they embarrassed Obama and made John Kerry publicly THANK them for giving our own people back.

LINK: John Kerry Expresses ‘Gratitude’ to Iran After U.S. Sailors Are Released — Then Iranian State TV Publishes These Images

'...Then Iranian State TV Publishes These Images'

Secretary of State John Kerry publicly thanked the Iranian government for the release of 10 U.S. Navy sailors, but shortly after the statement, the Iranian government released images of the capture as if to boast.

“I want to express my gratitude to Iranian authorities for their cooperation ‎in swiftly resolving this matter,” Kerry
said in a statement Wednesday.

Iran’s capture of 10 Navy sailors Tuesday came as a significant embarrassment for the U.S. as President Barack Obama delivered the State of the Union address that night and touted his Iranian nuclear deal.

“I’m very pleased that our Sailors have been safely returned to U.S. hands,” Kerry said in a statement. “As a former Sailor myself, I know the importance of naval presence around the world and the critical work being done by our Navy in the Gulf region. I’m proud of our young men and women in uniform and know how seriously they take their responsibilities to one another and to other mariners in distress.”

'Thank you, sir. MAY I HAVE ANOTHER?! :rolleyes:

ISIS appreciates your contribution to their PR campaign.
should have nuked those guys for releasing our sailors safe and sound.

ISIS appreciates your contribution to their PR campaign.

In the Middle East people / countries respect STRENGTH. Obama and this administration have repeatedly shown the complete OPPOSITE of that. It is not I who have contributed anything to ISIS.

Obama has physically supplied them, armed them, trained them, dropped leaflets to them warning them of coming attacks, and protected their black market oil program that supplied / paid for 50% of their activities. And every time Obama makes a threat or a promise then cowers back from it, every time Kerry and Obama APOLOGIZE FOR AMERICA, every time they remain at negotiating tables like beggars when our enemies mock us, train for our destruction, and call for that destruction, and/or every time they THANK OUR ENEMY for embarrassing us or bending us over they show how weak we are and encourage them.

Your continued blame-shifting weakens and continues to allow the weakening of this nation. Try holding those really responsible accountable.

'Speak softly and carry a big stick', thanks to this administration, has become 'Speak loudly but bend over when called to do so'.
should have nuked those guys for releasing our sailors safe and sound.


Kerry should have conducted himself with a modicum of dignity-----not like
a worm. I, proudly, repeat a statement I have posted several times in the
past>>>> The year Kerry ran for Pres. was the ONLY year in my adult life
that I did not vote in a presidential election ....too much a congenital demo
to go right
Like I have said in the past Kerry is nothing more then a liberal ass kissing coward.
should have nuked those guys for releasing our sailors safe and sound.

Had Obama been President instead of Reagan, based on how this played out, our hostages might still be there, or - when Iran felt like eventually releasing them, Obama and Kerry would have written them a very nice 'Thank you' letter to go along with the lovely fruit basket they sent.
ISIS appreciates your contribution to their PR campaign.

In the Middle East people / countries respect STRENGTH.

This opinion is obviously based on your extensive research into the cultures of every country in the region. Would that include the subcultures within each country as well?

Or are you just pissed off because you need to watch things blowing up on TV?
Did you expect anything else??

I'm just glad all ten are back safe and sound.

Claudette-----pay attention to the rhetoric that farts forth from the mouths
of Ayatoilets in order to understand how the USA ---NEEDS to communicate
with them. -------COMMUNICATION is bidirectional
should have nuked those guys for releasing our sailors safe and sound.

Had Obama been President instead of Reagan, based on how this played out, our hostages might still be there, or - when Iran felt like eventually releasing them, Obama and Kerry would have written them a very nice 'Thank you' letter to go along with the lovely fruit basket they sent.

Point of fact, President Carter negotiated the hostages release.
This opinion is obviously based on your extensive research into the cultures of every country in the region. Would that include the subcultures within each country as well?

Or are you just pissed off because you need to watch things blowing up on TV?
My opinion is based off of over 30 years serving my country, nearly 15 years working with, working in, and in regards to the Middle East, to include serving as a representative / somewhat of an 'ambassador'. I have been to just about every country over there. It was/has been / is partly my job to be aware of their culture. One of the most basic of their beliefs is the respect for strength. To suggest that almost anyone respects 'weakness' is absurd. 'Weakness' makes you a 'victim' very quickly.

(NOTE: I do not care what you believe or do not believe. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else. Believe what you want. Opine what you want.)
ISIS appreciates your contribution to their PR campaign.

In the Middle East people / countries respect STRENGTH.

This opinion is obviously based on your extensive research into the cultures of every country in the region. Would that include the subcultures within each country as well?

Or are you just pissed off because you need to watch things blowing up on TV?

no study requires close and detailed examination of EVERY example in existence
of the matter under study. Have you ever heard the term "statistically significant"?
Probably not-----you are clueless. I know enough to know that Easy is right
This opinion is obviously based on your extensive research into the cultures of every country in the region. Would that include the subcultures within each country as well?

Or are you just pissed off because you need to watch things blowing up on TV?
My opinion is based off of over 30 years serving my country, nearly 15 years working with, working in, and in regards to the Middle East, to include serving as a representative / somewhat of an 'ambassador'. I have been to just about every country over there. It was/has been / is partly my job to be aware of their culture. One of the most basic of their beliefs is the respect for strength. To suggest that almost anyone respects 'weakness' is absurd. 'Weakness' makes you a 'victim' very quickly.

(NOTE: I do not care what you believe or do not believe. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else. Believe what you want. Opine what you want.)

So then it's a matter of your perceiving as "weakness" what others, including the administration that brought these sailors home safely, perceive as "there's more than one solution." Given the status of the negotiations between Iran and the U.S., both sides got what they wanted out of this.

In diplomatic terms, that's called a "win." Things like this are going on in the meantime:

Iran 'fills Arak nuclear reactor core with concrete' - BBC News
Got them out in less than
24 hours

What is not to be grateful for? Ever heard of diplomatic tact?

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