Psaki: ‘Unfair and Absurd’ To Say Companies Would Raise Prices in Response to Tax Increases

That’s not at all what I posted.
The cost of anything is never less that the tax write off

Assuming the small business is an S corp , If you spend 10,000 on a piece of new equipment you don't pay 10000 less in taxes.

all you do is reduce the profit of the business by 10K so at most you'd save is 3700 and that's only if you were in the top bracket
What a ridiculous comment. The rich have NEVER "raised up the poor". The rich aren't "keeping what they've got", they're taking 80% of all of the wealth and income in the USA. They're taking all of the money generated by all of the working people, and their workers - the people who actually earned every dollar being passed to them, are left with barely enough to live on.

The New Deal tax code rewarded the workers and contributed to the rise of the American middle class, making the US economy the richest in the first world. The Reagan tax code has siphoned all of that wealth away from the American middle class and transferred it to the wealthiest people in the USA. It created the greatest transfer of wealth in American history - from the worker and middle class to the top.

If people were actually "paid what they earn", the workers would be getting all of the income they generate. The nation's most profitable companies would be the ones paying the highest wages. Instead, McDonald's, Walmart and the other highest earning corporations in American, are earning those monster profits on the backs on the lowest paid workers in America.

If a company is booking record profits, and yet the bulk of their work force is dependent on government handouts, like Walmart and McDonalds, this is not a sustainable economic model. Pay the workers a living wage first. Even worse, the top executives of both companies are paid 8 figure salaries. Executive pay has grown by 1000% while worker pay has grown 12% - not even enough to cover inflation.

If people were actually "paid what they earn", the workers would be getting all of the income they generate.

You are a fucking moron.
Congratulations and good for you, but you're one of millions. I grew up poor after my father died when I was eleven, and while I didn't retire a multi-millionaire, I'm happy and quite comfortable with where I ended up in my retirement.

In 1980, when Ronald Reagan was elected, you had a 20% chance of working your way out of poverty. Thanks to Republican economic policies, today, a child born into poverty has a 2% chance of doing what you accomplished. If you had grown up in the 80's, you'd still be working for slave wages, and/or paying off college debt.
Link us up to our data.
I am extremely well off, and I own a relatively successful business. I am in business for the benefit of my customers, not to make a lot of money. The economy, COVID-19's impact devastated business, but we are struggling back. Shortages in truck drivers, supply chains, supplies, and staff / workers have made things extremely tight as we try to make a comeback. Now I am being told taxes will be raised that will result in paying more out, cutting into my profits, and ability to pay staff. While competitors are having to raise prices just to stay in business, I will not pass the increase on to my customers. After 2 months of deciding to operate like this I am losing money....but I still refuse to pass the expenses / costs on to the customer......

Congratulations and good for you, but you're one of millions. I grew up poor after my father died when I was eleven, and while I didn't retire a multi-millionaire, I'm happy and quite comfortable with where I ended up in my retirement.

In 1980, when Ronald Reagan was elected, you had a 20% chance of working your way out of poverty. Thanks to Republican economic policies, today, a child born into poverty has a 2% chance of doing what you accomplished. If you had grown up in the 80's, you'd still be working for slave wages, and/or paying off college debt.
This is an absolute lie. Show me where you got those numbers, cuz it's bullshit.
This is an absolute lie. Show me where you got those numbers, cuz it's bullshit.

This is the cold hard truth:

Please note that the Market Watch article is from 2019 - pre-pandemic. More than 8 million people in the USA fell from the middle class into poverty in the pandemic, while the top 1% gained more than $1.2 TRILLION dollars in wealth.

Congratulations and good for you, but you're one of millions. I grew up poor after my father died when I was eleven, and while I didn't retire a multi-millionaire, I'm happy and quite comfortable with where I ended up in my retirement.

In 1980, when Ronald Reagan was elected, you had a 20% chance of working your way out of poverty. Thanks to Republican economic policies, today, a child born into poverty has a 2% chance of doing what you accomplished. If you had grown up in the 80's, you'd still be working for slave wages, and/or paying off college debt.
Even Canucks prosper!
And Reagan signed DEMOCRATS BILLS INTO LAW, Dufus. Brush up on your American history.
This is the cold hard truth:

Please note that the Market Watch article is from 2019 - pre-pandemic. More than 8 million people in the USA fell from the middle class into poverty in the pandemic, while the top 1% gained more than $1.2 TRILLION dollars in wealth.

And the law making branch of MY government has been controlled by Democrats for years now, yet ….
Got anything other than lies?

I do understand under the democrats vision of American Marxism the government controls and gives all to the public
Ask John McCain what he thought of the GOP healthcare plan

Gee…..did they drop prices when Trump cut their taxes by 40 percent?
They hired more people and expanded their business while keeping prices the same. The exact opposite of what raising taxes does. Higher taxes get you less jobs, less expansion and rising prices.
They hired more people and expanded their business while keeping prices the same. The exact opposite of what raising taxes does. Higher taxes get you less jobs, less expansion and rising prices.
No actually, they just kept the money

Like I said previously, the market for your goods or services will decide if you can expand
And all 43 Biden supporters nod in agreement.

Well of course it is common knowledge that all companies main goal is to find ways to decrease their profits.

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