Psaki: ‘Unfair and Absurd’ To Say Companies Would Raise Prices in Response to Tax Increases

What did Biden disrupt?
An indefinite “pause on new oil and natural gas leases on public lands”
We'd rather get paid well for the money we make them through our labor, than to tax them later. Pay employees well, they wouldn't need the govt programs or higher tax rates on them.
Hilarious. Poor pay must be why millions risk their lives to illegally enter the US.

Because they know being ‘poor’ in America means your iPhone is a model 6.
The middle class is where income is actually reported. They have little opportunity to hide income.

The wealthy know better than to report income and they have an army of lawyers and accountants to hide it.

Most of our nations wealth (almost 2/3) resides with our wealthiest 5 percent

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Our wealthiest also pay what 87% of all the taxes? Why punish success?
Hilarious. Poor pay must be why millions risk their lives to illegally enter the US.

Because they know being ‘poor’ in America means your iPhone is a model 6.
Soooo, that's what you want for the American middle class? Really?

The middle class decades ago, were families who earned enough to pay all of their bills for cars, homes, food, kids colleges, phone, miscellaneous, and pay in to savings for retirement and safety net, and have money left over to take the family for a vacation twice a year.

Today, the economic experts say it takes $120,000 a year to be middle class like that, for a family of 4.
Some did lower cost, but there were various other options available. Some gave employees pay increases or bonuses while still others provided shareholders the benefit of a bigger dividend. The tax decrease provided companies the opportunity to pay down debt or buy back stock having affect of increasing the value to shareholders. I suspect that going in the opposite direction companies will find it much easier to pass along costs rather than going to employees, shareholders and banks with hat in hand asking for that money back.

Corporations have been awash in cash since W cut taxes. They had no need for the tax cuts to pay down debt or invest in expansion. American corporations already had more cash than they needed BEFORE Trump cut taxes.

Fewer than 2% of American workers got a one-time bonus averaging $1000. Wages rose by 1.6% on average. Barely enough to cover inflation, in 2018. Since then the wage gap between rich and poor has accelerated at its fastest rate in history.

The tax cut was used primarily for share buy-backs, not increased dividends. And increased dividends do nothing to help the workers at all. Dividends pay the shareholders - 80% of whom are the wealthiest corporations and individuals in the USA. The tax cut allowed these corporations to buy back the shares of smaller minority shareholders in the corporations, further concentrating the wealth of the nation in the top 10% of Americans, and reducing public participation in the markets.

2018 saw the highest level of stock buy-backs in American history. 2019 saw that record shattered. Buy-backs do NOTHING for the workers, but they do increase the value of the remaining shares. Even Warren Buffet, who actively opposes buy-backs as counter-productive, bought back Berkshire Hathaway shares because he had too damn much cash from the tax cuts, and nowhere to realistically invest it.

The whole point of the 2017 tax cuts were to increase job creation and to help the workers, according to President Trump. Everybody was going to get a $4000 raise from the tax cuts. He lied.

The right always had the mentality that if we don’t pamper the wealthy, they will leave us
And the left have always had the mentality of taking away from the rich and giving to the poor, instead of letting the rich keep what they've got and raising up the poor. It is not a zero sum game. You don't have to take away from the rich and give to the poor. And, income inequality is misrepresented by the left. The poor's standard of living ALWAYS rises. The poor are much better off today than they were 25, 50, 75, 100 and more years ago. The poor are NOT getting poorer. They are getting richer and richer.
And the left have always had the mentality of taking away from the rich and giving to the poor, instead of letting the rich keep what they've got and raising up the poor. It is not a zero sum game. You don't have to take away from the rich and give to the poor. And, income inequality is misrepresented by the left. The poor's standard of living ALWAYS rises. The poor are much better off today than they were 25, 50, 75, 100 and more years ago. The poor are NOT getting poorer. They are getting richer and richer.

What a ridiculous comment. The rich have NEVER "raised up the poor". The rich aren't "keeping what they've got", they're taking 80% of all of the wealth and income in the USA. They're taking all of the money generated by all of the working people, and their workers - the people who actually earned every dollar being passed to them, are left with barely enough to live on.

The New Deal tax code rewarded the workers and contributed to the rise of the American middle class, making the US economy the richest in the first world. The Reagan tax code has siphoned all of that wealth away from the American middle class and transferred it to the wealthiest people in the USA. It created the greatest transfer of wealth in American history - from the worker and middle class to the top.

If people were actually "paid what they earn", the workers would be getting all of the income they generate. The nation's most profitable companies would be the ones paying the highest wages. Instead, McDonald's, Walmart and the other highest earning corporations in American, are earning those monster profits on the backs on the lowest paid workers in America.

If a company is booking record profits, and yet the bulk of their work force is dependent on government handouts, like Walmart and McDonalds, this is not a sustainable economic model. Pay the workers a living wage first. Even worse, the top executives of both companies are paid 8 figure salaries. Executive pay has grown by 1000% while worker pay has grown 12% - not even enough to cover inflation.

Exorbitant CEO pay is a major contributor to rising inequality that we could safely do away with. CEOs are getting more because of their power to set pay, not because they are increasing productivity or possess specific, high-demand skills. This escalation of CEO compensation, and of executive compensation more generally, has fueled the growth of top 1.0% and top 0.1% incomes, leaving less of the fruits of economic growth for ordinary workers and widening the gap between very high earners and the bottom 90%. The economy would suffer no harm if CEOs were paid less (or taxed more).

Soooo, that's what you want for the American middle class? Really?

The middle class decades ago, were families who earned enough to pay all of their bills for cars, homes, food, kids colleges, phone, miscellaneous, and pay in to savings for retirement and safety net, and have money left over to take the family for a vacation twice a year.

Today, the economic experts say it takes $120,000 a year to be middle class like that, for a family of 4.
I grew up in poverty, albeit America’s version.
Retired a multi-millionaire in my 50’s.

God Bless America.
What a ridiculous comment. The rich have NEVER "raised up the poor". The rich aren't "keeping what they've got", they're taking 80% of all of the wealth and income in the USA. They're taking all of the money generated by all of the working people, and their workers - the people who actually earned every dollar being passed to them, are left with barely enough to live on.

The New Deal tax code rewarded the workers and contributed to the rise of the American middle class, making the US economy the richest in the first world. The Reagan tax code has siphoned all of that wealth away from the American middle class and transferred it to the wealthiest people in the USA. It created the greatest transfer of wealth in American history - from the worker and middle class to the top.

If people were actually "paid what they earn", the workers would be getting all of the income they generate. The nation's most profitable companies would be the ones paying the highest wages. Instead, McDonald's, Walmart and the other highest earning corporations in American, are earning those monster profits on the backs on the lowest paid workers in America.

If a company is booking record profits, and yet the bulk of their work force is dependent on government handouts, like Walmart and McDonalds, this is not a sustainable economic model. Pay the workers a living wage first. Even worse, the top executives of both companies are paid 8 figure salaries. Executive pay has grown by 1000% while worker pay has grown 12% - not even enough to cover inflation.

How did I get from poverty to being a multimillionaire?

Oh yeah. Rich people provided that money I earned.
But I enjoy you Leftards calling JFK a liar.
Still waiting to hear how Democrats can shred our healthcare system without one Republican and yet you have had the majority now.
Still waiting for the Trump Healthcare Plan that is cheaper and better than Obamacare…..

Any day now, any day
Obviously not if the expenditure costs less than the tax. See charitable contributions.
You don't buy something for a business to get a tax write off especially large purchases because those have to be depreciated.

And even donations to charity don't reduce taxes that much.
I grew up in poverty, albeit America’s version.
Retired a multi-millionaire in my 50’s.

God Bless America.

Congratulations and good for you, but you're one of millions. I grew up poor after my father died when I was eleven, and while I didn't retire a multi-millionaire, I'm happy and quite comfortable with where I ended up in my retirement.

In 1980, when Ronald Reagan was elected, you had a 20% chance of working your way out of poverty. Thanks to Republican economic policies, today, a child born into poverty has a 2% chance of doing what you accomplished. If you had grown up in the 80's, you'd still be working for slave wages, and/or paying off college debt.

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