This Has Always Been the End Goal of ‘Anti-Racism’


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
“‘The United States of America needs to cease to exist.’ You’ll notice she has the same crazy-eyed glee as all the other woke disciples when talking about stuff like this.”

It’s funny how Leftists attack America, yet they refuse to name a better nation, let alone move there.

“‘The United States of America needs to cease to exist.’ You’ll notice she has the same crazy-eyed glee as all the other woke disciples when talking about stuff like this.”

It’s funny how Leftists attack America, yet they refuse to name a better nation, let alone move there.

The person in that video thinks she's intelligent.

Yep, my only advice for her is, "GTFO -- that's what will make America a place worth living in again".
It is rather funny that people today think that the US is so terrible that it is worse than Jim Crow, black people will never be free and they will always be subjugated in this country.

And then they do not simply leave. An action they have the power to do.

It is even better that these people are openly screaming racist shit in the process of making those asinine claims. White people should not be allowed to own property...? Once again, far left racism openly preached and it is not only socially acceptable, it is socially encouraged.

Those that originally pushed Jim Crow would be ecstatic, the left has been openly calling and managing to create pockets of segregation in the modern world.
Racism was gradually on the way out the door, very slowly.

In my dad's lifetime he saw black only drinking fountains and a black president. We were making a shitload of progress. Until almost 2 years ago a dope head career criminal committed a crime resisted arrest and died. After that racism became a bigger problem than it had been in 50 years. And oddly enough it's all thanks to "anti racists" which oddly enough are the most racist group of people this country has seen in decades.

Anti racists are worse than even the kkk in it's day. I mean atleast the kkk cared about america, they were hard working people in general, and they did what they did because they thought they were doing what's best for the country. Anti racists don't care about america at all, most of them don't work, and they cause problems for everyone, I mean they are both bad, but I'd definitely take one group over the other in a heart beat if I had to make a choice.
I did not wish to watch the video.

But from what I gather from other posts, the young lady wants the end of the United States of America because she feels that there is racism against a certain ethnicity.

Well, she should just be patient.

Some people (including me) feel that the end of the United States of America as it currently exists is inevitable in some form or another.

By the middle of the next century, the percentage of Caucasians will probably be very small (20% or 30% at most?).

Then that young lady's descendants will be living in a nation that is primarily populated and governed by non-Caucasians.

I think that life will be much worse for that certain ethnicity.


I may, of course, be wrong. I recently heard a Caucasian gentleman on the radio opine that this country will be "saved" by Asian and Hispanic immigrants. He declined to voice his opinion about that "certain ethnicity."
“‘The United States of America needs to cease to exist.’ You’ll notice she has the same crazy-eyed glee as all the other woke disciples when talking about stuff like this.”

It’s funny how Leftists attack America, yet they refuse to name a better nation, let alone move there.

So the US cannot exist unless there is racism?
Racism was gradually on the way out the door, very slowly.

In my dad's lifetime he saw black only drinking fountains and a black president. We were making a shitload of progress. Until almost 2 years ago a dope head career criminal committed a crime resisted arrest and died. After that racism became a bigger problem than it had been in 50 years. And oddly enough it's all thanks to "anti racists" which oddly enough are the most racist group of people this country has seen in decades.

Anti racists are worse than even the kkk in it's day. I mean atleast the kkk cared about america, they were hard working people in general, and they did what they did because they thought they were doing what's best for the country. Anti racists don't care about america at all, most of them don't work, and they cause problems for everyone, I mean they are both bad, but I'd definitely take one group over the other in a heart beat if I had to make a choice.
You mean the black president, who according to the previous white president wasn't American at all?

And that "black career criminal" who died. Is that the same black man on who's neck a police officer sat on for 9 minutes despite him losing consciousness and people making him aware of it? Like you describe it, it sounds like he just fell down dead.

As for racism only becoming a problem after that incident. You want a list of all the protests in the last 50 years after incidents with police killing black people?

I am perfectly willing to accept that media and politicians overstate certain problems. I'm willing to accept that racism isn't necessarily the motivation in all these incidents.

But implying that racism isn't a real problem in the US is simply false. There are real STRUCTURAL inequalities amongst races in the US. Incarceration rates being a big one. Average education level, median income, etc. etc. And as long as those facts aren't addressed you will keep on having problems.
We went through this exercise a few months ago.

No one could list a nation in the history of planet earth that does not have slavery in their background.
“‘The United States of America needs to cease to exist.’ You’ll notice she has the same crazy-eyed glee as all the other woke disciples when talking about stuff like this.”

It’s funny how Leftists attack America, yet they refuse to name a better nation, let alone move there.

What an ingrate. When one says that “the United States needs to cease to exist” that ought to be her clue that it is time to leave. It also indicates that she is intolerant. She is also full of shit even she references Black and Brown people around the globe “not owning property”. I’m White. If I want to own property in Mexico, my options are limited and/or there are barriers I need to address in order to own property. Think she will back my cause?

Blacks, Browns, Yellows and others come to the US because it provides the most equitable economic opportunity compared to other nations; including, the opportunity to own property.
“‘The United States of America needs to cease to exist.’ You’ll notice she has the same crazy-eyed glee as all the other woke disciples when talking about stuff like this.”

It’s funny how Leftists attack America, yet they refuse to name a better nation, let alone move there.

Against "anti-racism" and against "anti-fascism"...............:heehee:
“‘The United States of America needs to cease to exist.’ You’ll notice she has the same crazy-eyed glee as all the other woke disciples when talking about stuff like this.”

It’s funny how Leftists attack America, yet they refuse to name a better nation, let alone move there.

They'll be so much better off owning nothing and being slaves to the government!
She looks like one of those with a YT BF, spreading her legs for cheap rent.

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