PRRI Finding That Six in Ten White Catholic Men Support Trump:


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

That more women support Hillary is a surprise to me. How can they be for someone who openly admits to wanting to curb their religious freedoms?

More @ Bilgrimage: PRRI Finding That Six in Ten White Catholic Men Support Trump: What We Can Expect to Hear (and Not to Hear) Now in Catholic Discussions of This Finding

(This is a very leftist site)
As a catholic proves to me the women are smarter than the men. Hard question, are women more empathetic and more conscious of what it means to live in this world? Seems men are always looking for a hero to raise them up and lead them. Sport's metaphors anyone?

CDZ - The Emasculated American

"...In his classic study of mid 19th century American labor, Norman Ware observes that the imposition of industrial capitalism and its values 'was repugnant to an astonishingly large section of the earlier American community'. The primary reason was 'the decline of the industrial worker as a person', the 'degradation' and 'psychological change' that followed from the 'loss of dignity and independence' and of democratic rights and freedoms. These reactions were vividly expressed in the working class literature, often by women, who played a prominent role despite their subordination in the general society." Introduction Alex Carey 'Taking The Risk Out Of Democracy'

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