Pros/Cons of Presidential Candidates... Is Bloomberg the answer?


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
Fact of the matter is... none of the top candidates show strong promise.

Trump is great at firing people up and is by far the most entertaining candidate to listen to, however, he is so off the wall with his extreme ideas for immigration/national security and so reactionary with his defensive responses to criticism, his temperance is hard for most people to feel confident in when thinking of a Trump Presidency. He is playing the masses like puppets with this strategic buzz statements and many are eating it up... If he can keep it up, it is going to bring him the nomination... He brings confidence on his economic policy's as I think most Americans would like to see a smart businessman run this country and get us back on track with jobs, trade and reducing our debt, Trump is probably the best suited to do this. With everything considered it is still pretty scary if you step out of the bubble and really think about a President Trump.

Cruz, amazes me that he is an actual consideration... He screams sleazy, con man, with his over-exaggerated sincerity. He may appeal to extreme religious and conservative types but he would bomb the GOP if he is the candidate... there is no doubt. He just does not have the right charisma, personality, or mass appealing viewpoints on issues to be the leader of the free world.

On the other side, Hillary isn't bringing anything new or exciting to the table and at a time when many want reform she doesn't invoke confidence in her ability to do that. The right is still drooling over Benghazi and the email scandal that they are convinced makes her a criminal... Stop drinking the Conservative media koolaid!!! Nobody really cares about either of those things. Mistakes were made but nothing significant or intentional enough to warrant criminal charges or anybody to really care. It's time to move on the the real issues.

Sanders, I really like, he has a heart of gold. I think many agree with his demands for campaign finance reform and frustrations with the overwhelming advantages/dominance of the upper 1%. My issues with Bernie is i don't have confidence in his ability to manage the economics of the country. With our debt/deficit so high and a need for a private sector job explosion, I don't think his policy ideas will help in those areas. Growing government at this time is going to dig us deeper into a whole that we need to get out of. I really hope people start listening and adopting some of his ideas to reform and fix some of the corruption in Washington, he hits the nail on the head in that category.

I'd actually love to see a Bloomberg, run and learn more about what he would bring to the table. Progressive on social issues and a fiscally conservative business man with proven success is something that falls in line with the wants of a majority of Americans. It is something that this country desperately needs. Plus, I'd love to see an Independent take the house and knock this corrosive party system down to size. I haven't seen him speak very much so I don't know if he has the gusto for the job but i'm definitely interested to see more.

Who do you like and why?

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I can't think of anything Bloomberg brings that Hillary doesn't already. She has the email baggage, but Bloomberg makes the blacks angry with his position on stop and frisk
isn't Bloomberg the nut that tried to ban certain amounts of soda?
Bloomberg is the asshole that came into my state and paid to run a bunch anti-gun ads full of lies to get a gun control measure passed here. They guy is a control freak who thinks he knows best for everyone, do you really want a nutter like that running the country?
I can't think of anything Bloomberg brings that Hillary doesn't already. She has the email baggage, but Bloomberg makes the blacks angry with his position on stop and frisk
Yeah, don't think he is going to run against Hillary... Sounds like if its a Sanders/Trump race he will jump in if polls are looking promising...
I can't think of anything Bloomberg brings that Hillary doesn't already. She has the email baggage, but Bloomberg makes the blacks angry with his position on stop and frisk
Yeah, don't think he is going to run against Hillary... Sounds like if its a Sanders/Trump race he will jump in if polls are looking promising...
It wont be a "sanders race" until voting time IMO
16 ounce nanny state asshole Bloomberg? Are you joking?
Not Joking... So he tried to do something to help the health of his people, what an asshole. Admittedly, I don't know much about him, just the surface stuff but Progressive Social/Fiscal Conservative/Business Savvy I like and think we need so i'm learning more... Hence the thread. Who do you like better? Why?
Bloomberg is the asshole that came into my state and paid to run a bunch anti-gun ads full of lies to get a gun control measure passed here. They guy is a control freak who thinks he knows best for everyone, do you really want a nutter like that running the country?
Not sure... I don't care one way or the other about the gun control stuff so thats a non-issue to this voter. I think we need somebody who can get our economy back on track. I like some of Trumps economic ideas but don't think I can stomach all the baggage that comes with him with the crazy stuff... who else is there?
Fact of the matter is... none of the top candidates show strong promise.

Trump is great at firing people up and is by far the most entertaining candidate to listen to, however, he is so off the wall with his extreme ideas for immigration/national security and so reactionary with his defensive responses to criticism, his temperance is hard for most people to feel confident in when thinking of a Trump Presidency. He is playing the masses like puppets with this strategic buzz statements and many are eating it up... If he can keep it up, it is going to bring him the nomination... He brings confidence on his economic policy's as I think most Americans would like to see a smart businessman run this country and get us back on track with jobs, trade and reducing our debt, Trump is probably the best suited to do this. With everything considered it is still pretty scary if you step out of the bubble and really think about a President Trump.

Cruz, amazes me that he is an actual consideration... He screams sleazy, con man, with his over-exaggerated sincerity. He may appeal to extreme religious and conservative types but he would bomb the GOP if he is the candidate... there is no doubt. He just does not have the right charisma, personality, or mass appealing viewpoints on issues to be the leader of the free world.

On the other side, Hillary isn't bringing anything new or exciting to the table and at a time when many want reform she doesn't invoke confidence in her ability to do that. The right is still drooling over Benghazi and the email scandal that they are convinced makes her a criminal... Stop drinking the Conservative media koolaid!!! Nobody really cares about either of those things. Mistakes were made but nothing significant or intentional enough to warrant criminal charges or anybody to really care. It's time to move on the the real issues.

Sanders, I really like, he has a heart of gold. I think many agree with his demands for campaign finance reform and frustrations with the overwhelming advantages/dominance of the upper 1%. My issues with Bernie is i don't have confidence in his ability to manage the economics of the country. With our debt/deficit so high and a need for a private sector job explosion, I don't think his policy ideas will help in those areas. Growing government at this time is going to dig us deeper into a whole that we need to get out of. I really hope people start listening and adopting some of his ideas to reform and fix some of the corruption in Washington, he hits the nail on the head in that category.

I'd actually love to see a Bloomberg, run and learn more about what he would bring to the table. Progressive on social issues and a fiscally conservative business man with proven success is something that falls in line with the wants of a majority of Americans. It is something that this country desperately needs. Plus, I'd love to see an Independent take the house and knock this corrosive party system down to size. I haven't seen him speak very much so I don't know if he has the gusto for the job but i'm definitely interested to see more.

Who do you like and why?

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The problem with Bloomberg is that, even if successful, he will not be able to change anything because he will still have to work in a corrupt system full of politicians on the take. For an independent to work they must run a complete slate of candidates, not just Presidential, but also Congressional and Senate and have an entire agenda of common sense solutions presented as a complete alternative to Repub's and Dem's. For those interested in how to do this you might want to check out

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