Proposed 150 Billion For Iran.And "0 Dollars For Blue States In Debt".What About Free Health-Care?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:eusa_snooty: Have any of you said this to yourself? Obama demands we all pay for health-care, yet wants to piss off 150 Billion to keep Iran happy? What about California and Illinois? If Iran gets 150 Billion, why not give both states 50 Billion?. 150 Billion could sure help out millions of Americans who can't afford to see a doctor. Typical Democrat Decision, just throw more money at the crisis, and screw the middle class. :gives:
Yeah, that money is frozen Iranian assets, not ours, it did not originate from America in any way. On the other hand, you people who would gladly spend trillions on another stupid war but not a dollar on a single sick American are fucking sick.
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Yeah, that money is frozen Iranian assets, not ours, it did not originate from America in any way. On the other hand, you people who would gladly spend trillions on another stupid war but not a dollar on a single sick American are fucking sick.
i am actually wondering where this 150 Billion is coming from, being we are broke.
Yeah, that money is frozen Iranian assets, not ours, it did not originate from America in any way. On the other hand, you people who would gladly spend trillions on another stupid war but not a dollar on a single sick American are fucking sick.
i am actually wondering where this 150 Billion is coming from, being we are broke.

You are an idiot. It is their money. Why don't you know this?

And...we are far from broke.
Yeah, that money is frozen Iranian assets, not ours, it did not originate from America in any way. On the other hand, you people who would gladly spend trillions on another stupid war but not a dollar on a single sick American are fucking sick.
i am actually wondering where this 150 Billion is coming from, being we are broke.
It's common knowledge that it is frozen Iranian assets in various western banks that has been just sitting there for years.
If Rexx had an ounce of self respect.....he'd log off and never return after submitting a thread that is THIS stupid.

And...I don't mean log off and then create another user name like he did last time.

Right, Tiger?
:eusa_snooty: Have any of you said this to yourself? Obama demands we all pay for health-care, yet wants to piss off 150 Billion to keep Iran happy? What about California and Illinois? If Iran gets 150 Billion, why not give both states 50 Billion?. 150 Billion could sure help out millions of Americans who can't afford to see a doctor. Typical Democrat Decision, just throw more money at the crisis, and screw the middle class. :gives:
Yet, stupid idiots continue, election after election, to vote for professional politicians. Voters will never learn. Voters are getting exactly what they deserve. When voters are stupid enough to allow professional politicians to run this country, then whatever happens is squarely on their stupid pathetic shoulders. Each and every election cycle, voters do the exact same thing, yet expect a different result. Go figure.

I'm willing to bet the farm that come November 2016, voters will go to the polls and elect professional politicians to once again serve in government, knowing exactly what will happen afterwards. But, try to tell voters how stupid it is, and see what response you get. I've been telling voters for many years now, to neve ever vote for a professional politician to serve in government, and they vote for them anyway, then complain about the sad shameful state of this once great nation.

Don't blame the politicians in Washington, blame the stupid damn voters that have allowed them Carte Blanche to do as they damn well please. If you give a thief the keys to the bank vault, and he robs it, is he to blame for the missing money?
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Yeah, that money is frozen Iranian assets, not ours, it did not originate from America in any way. On the other hand, you people who would gladly spend trillions on another stupid war but not a dollar on a single sick American are fucking sick.
i am actually wondering where this 150 Billion is coming from, being we are broke.
It's common knowledge that it is frozen Iranian assets in various western banks that has been just sitting there for years.
well i really didnt think it was coming from us, who knew Iran had so much money being their economy has been in dire straights for years, you would think that the president would just print up more billions,,,,Like We Do Here !!!
Add that to what we give Israel and think about how much better the US would be if we spent that money inside our borders.
We should just stop giving foreign countries money for any reason.
can you just imagine what suffering Americans were saying right after they heard "150 Billion For Iran:?, probably something like, "Well What About Us?"
Yeah, that money is frozen Iranian assets, not ours, it did not originate from America in any way. On the other hand, you people who would gladly spend trillions on another stupid war but not a dollar on a single sick American are fucking sick.
i am actually wondering where this 150 Billion is coming from, being we are broke.
It's common knowledge that it is frozen Iranian assets in various western banks that has been just sitting there for years.
well i really didnt think it was coming from us, who knew Iran had so much money being their economy has been in dire straights for years, you would think that the president would just print up more billions,,,,Like We Do Here !!!
You really need do some research on Iran, I encounter so much misconception here that it is clear that most of you think Iran is like Iraq or Afghanistan. The reality is that they are the most developed and westernized Mideast country with the potential to economically dominate the region. Our "friends" the Saudis are pissed because they have enjoyed the fruits of the Iranian sanctions more than anyone. They know if they have to compete directly with them they will lose. Iran is a modern, educated and sophisticated country, to think them primitive like Afghanistan is to seriously underestimate them.
Yeah, that money is frozen Iranian assets, not ours, it did not originate from America in any way. On the other hand, you people who would gladly spend trillions on another stupid war but not a dollar on a single sick American are fucking sick.
i am actually wondering where this 150 Billion is coming from, being we are broke.
It's common knowledge that it is frozen Iranian assets in various western banks that has been just sitting there for years.
well i really didnt think it was coming from us, who knew Iran had so much money being their economy has been in dire straights for years, you would think that the president would just print up more billions,,,,Like We Do Here !!!
You really need do some research on Iran, I encounter so much misconception here that it is clear that most of you think Iran is like Iraq or Afghanistan. The reality is that they are the most developed and westernized Mideast country with the potential to economically dominate the region. Our "friends" the Saudis are pissed because they have enjoyed the fruits of the Iranian sanctions more than anyone. They know if they have to compete directly with them they will lose. Iran is a modern, educated and sophisticated country, to think them primitive like Afghanistan is to seriously underestimate them.
Here watch this:

It was eye-opening for me to say the least. People who eat like that cannot be all bad.
can you just imagine what suffering Americans were saying right after they heard "150 Billion For Iran:?, probably something like, "Well What About Us?"
only if hey are ignorant on the's not our money, it is money that has been 'frozen' in banks etc for decades, in Iran held accounts.
Awesome purely awesome. This story hardly breaks and the left wing is in full alignment saying exactly the same words over and over. Now I feel real safe except for what this proven lying liberal has to say: National Security Adviser Susan Rice said on Wednesday’s Situation Room on CNN, “We should expect” that some of the money Iran gets as a part of the nuclear deal “would go to the Iranian military and could potentially be used for the kinds of bad behavior that we have seen in the region.”

So the ADMINISTRATION is admitting that they are going to help fund "bad behavior." WTF does this administration think of the American people? "Bad behavior?" She means TERRORISM or the destruction of Israel, and maybe some "work place violence" here in the US.

Iran won big time.
can you just imagine what suffering Americans were saying right after they heard "150 Billion For Iran:?, probably something like, "Well What About Us?"
only if hey are ignorant on the's not our money, it is money that has been 'frozen' in banks etc for decades, in Iran held accounts.
and to think that 150 billion wasted here is just loose change according to our leaders.
can you just imagine what suffering Americans were saying right after they heard "150 Billion For Iran:?, probably something like, "Well What About Us?"

That amount of money is 1300 dollars per US citizens.
Yeah, that money is frozen Iranian assets, not ours, it did not originate from America in any way. On the other hand, you people who would gladly spend trillions on another stupid war but not a dollar on a single sick American are fucking sick.
i am actually wondering where this 150 Billion is coming from, being we are broke.

You are an idiot. It is their money. Why don't you know this?

And...we are far from broke.
can you just imagine what suffering Americans were saying right after they heard "150 Billion For Iran:?, probably something like, "Well What About Us?"

That amount of money is 1300 dollars per US citizens.

can you just imagine what suffering Americans were saying right after they heard "150 Billion For Iran:?, probably something like, "Well What About Us?"

That amount of money is 1300 dollars per US citizens.
hey, i will take 1,300! that should fill up my SUV.

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