Proposed 150 Billion For Iran.And "0 Dollars For Blue States In Debt".What About Free Health-Care?

did i say it was our money? it was the thought of giving Iran 150 Billion considering what they will do with it.
Saying "giving" implies it is coming out of our pocket somehow. Say: "Allowing them access to their money" and your narrative in this thread seems sort of dumb.
Allowing them ( terrorists ) to have $150 Billion? Great idea, brilliant.
How long do you think this deal will last if they take that money and use it for evil? The world will be watching and the Iranian people will be watching most of all. They have been patently suffering hardship all this time, if the government blows the deal by giving that money to foreign fighters their own people will rip them to pieces. No they are going to make a big show in the short-term that they are playing nice and then get down to mischief if we do not pay attention later.
Who really knows what they'll do? They're not going to air it on the 6:00 news.
did i say it was our money? it was the thought of giving Iran 150 Billion considering what they will do with it.
Saying "giving" implies it is coming out of our pocket somehow. Say: "Allowing them access to their money" and your narrative in this thread seems sort of dumb.
Allowing them ( terrorists ) to have $150 Billion? Great idea, brilliant.
How long do you think this deal will last if they take that money and use it for evil? The world will be watching and the Iranian people will be watching most of all. They have been patently suffering hardship all this time, if the government blows the deal by giving that money to foreign fighters their own people will rip them to pieces. No they are going to make a big show in the short-term that they are playing nice and then get down to mischief if we do not pay attention later.
Who really knows what they'll do? They're not going to air it on the 6:00 news.
Unlike Iraq and Afghanistan and many of the other countries there, Iran's leadership has shown itself to be coldly calculating above all else. They may be religious in nature but they are not the crazy zealots that we encountered in the Taliban. When they had a near revolution a few years ago they responded by first putting it down but later easing a lot of social restrictions and brutality. I do not approve of them in the least but they have shown a willingness to do the right thing if it is in their interests and I find that encouraging. A best case scenario has the Ayatollahs perform a gradual transfer of power to the secular authorities as the people who actually remember the revolution die out.
did i say it was our money? it was the thought of giving Iran 150 Billion considering what they will do with it.
Saying "giving" implies it is coming out of our pocket somehow. Say: "Allowing them access to their money" and your narrative in this thread seems sort of dumb.
Allowing them ( terrorists ) to have $150 Billion? Great idea, brilliant.
How long do you think this deal will last if they take that money and use it for evil? The world will be watching and the Iranian people will be watching most of all. They have been patently suffering hardship all this time, if the government blows the deal by giving that money to foreign fighters their own people will rip them to pieces. No they are going to make a big show in the short-term that they are playing nice and then get down to mischief if we do not pay attention later.
Who really knows what they'll do? They're not going to air it on the 6:00 news.
Unlike Iraq and Afghanistan and many of the other countries there, Iran's leadership has shown itself to be coldly calculating above all else. They may be religious in nature but they are not the crazy zealots that we encountered in the Taliban. When they had a near revolution a few years ago they responded by first putting it down but later easing a lot of social restrictions and brutality. I do not approve of them in the least but they have shown a willingness to do the right thing if it is in their interests and I find that encouraging. A best case scenario has the Ayatollahs perform a gradual transfer of power to the secular authorities as the people who actually remember the revolution die out.
Saying "giving" implies it is coming out of our pocket somehow. Say: "Allowing them access to their money" and your narrative in this thread seems sort of dumb.
Allowing them ( terrorists ) to have $150 Billion? Great idea, brilliant.
How long do you think this deal will last if they take that money and use it for evil? The world will be watching and the Iranian people will be watching most of all. They have been patently suffering hardship all this time, if the government blows the deal by giving that money to foreign fighters their own people will rip them to pieces. No they are going to make a big show in the short-term that they are playing nice and then get down to mischief if we do not pay attention later.
Who really knows what they'll do? They're not going to air it on the 6:00 news.
Unlike Iraq and Afghanistan and many of the other countries there, Iran's leadership has shown itself to be coldly calculating above all else. They may be religious in nature but they are not the crazy zealots that we encountered in the Taliban. When they had a near revolution a few years ago they responded by first putting it down but later easing a lot of social restrictions and brutality. I do not approve of them in the least but they have shown a willingness to do the right thing if it is in their interests and I find that encouraging. A best case scenario has the Ayatollahs perform a gradual transfer of power to the secular authorities as the people who actually remember the revolution die out.
View attachment 44860
Intelligent rebuttal, sorry for assuming you actually think about things.
Allowing them ( terrorists ) to have $150 Billion? Great idea, brilliant.
How long do you think this deal will last if they take that money and use it for evil? The world will be watching and the Iranian people will be watching most of all. They have been patently suffering hardship all this time, if the government blows the deal by giving that money to foreign fighters their own people will rip them to pieces. No they are going to make a big show in the short-term that they are playing nice and then get down to mischief if we do not pay attention later.
Who really knows what they'll do? They're not going to air it on the 6:00 news.
Unlike Iraq and Afghanistan and many of the other countries there, Iran's leadership has shown itself to be coldly calculating above all else. They may be religious in nature but they are not the crazy zealots that we encountered in the Taliban. When they had a near revolution a few years ago they responded by first putting it down but later easing a lot of social restrictions and brutality. I do not approve of them in the least but they have shown a willingness to do the right thing if it is in their interests and I find that encouraging. A best case scenario has the Ayatollahs perform a gradual transfer of power to the secular authorities as the people who actually remember the revolution die out.
View attachment 44860
Intelligent rebuttal, sorry for assuming you actually think about things.
Look, you can trust Iran and our government all you want, it's your business. But, going by the past, I don't trust either of them. I don't see how any good can come out of that region of the world. The Middle East hasn't been at peace in recorded history. We've been there, accomplished very little, spent astronomical amounts of money, and have lost many precious American lives. What signs do you see that would indicate anything is going to change?
so now we have a president who is more concerned over the well being of Iran over his own people. isnt anyone a little suspicious of what his intentions are?
How long do you think this deal will last if they take that money and use it for evil? The world will be watching and the Iranian people will be watching most of all. They have been patently suffering hardship all this time, if the government blows the deal by giving that money to foreign fighters their own people will rip them to pieces. No they are going to make a big show in the short-term that they are playing nice and then get down to mischief if we do not pay attention later.
Who really knows what they'll do? They're not going to air it on the 6:00 news.
Unlike Iraq and Afghanistan and many of the other countries there, Iran's leadership has shown itself to be coldly calculating above all else. They may be religious in nature but they are not the crazy zealots that we encountered in the Taliban. When they had a near revolution a few years ago they responded by first putting it down but later easing a lot of social restrictions and brutality. I do not approve of them in the least but they have shown a willingness to do the right thing if it is in their interests and I find that encouraging. A best case scenario has the Ayatollahs perform a gradual transfer of power to the secular authorities as the people who actually remember the revolution die out.
View attachment 44860
Intelligent rebuttal, sorry for assuming you actually think about things.
Look, you can trust Iran and our government all you want, it's your business. But, going by the past, I don't trust either of them. I don't see how any good can come out of that region of the world. The Middle East hasn't been at peace in recorded history. We've been there, accomplished very little, spent astronomical amounts of money, and have lost many precious American lives. What signs do you see that would indicate anything is going to change?
Things always change, they usually change for the better when people work to deescalate tensions, this holds true even for the mideast. For a 100 years the west has done nothing good there, we have never stuck to our agreements, we have propped up dictators so long that peace is practically impossible and pretty much not gave a shit as long as the oil flows. If the Middle east is to change for the better we have to also change for the better. We've been bludgeoning the place and not getting anywhere, It's time for a different approach, it starts with quitting trying to own the place and control it's messy politics.
i already see it now, its new years eve 2016, anyone really looking forward to it? once we had those new years eves from 2008, there was never anything to get excited over so long as Obama was President.
Who really knows what they'll do? They're not going to air it on the 6:00 news.
Unlike Iraq and Afghanistan and many of the other countries there, Iran's leadership has shown itself to be coldly calculating above all else. They may be religious in nature but they are not the crazy zealots that we encountered in the Taliban. When they had a near revolution a few years ago they responded by first putting it down but later easing a lot of social restrictions and brutality. I do not approve of them in the least but they have shown a willingness to do the right thing if it is in their interests and I find that encouraging. A best case scenario has the Ayatollahs perform a gradual transfer of power to the secular authorities as the people who actually remember the revolution die out.
View attachment 44860
Intelligent rebuttal, sorry for assuming you actually think about things.
Look, you can trust Iran and our government all you want, it's your business. But, going by the past, I don't trust either of them. I don't see how any good can come out of that region of the world. The Middle East hasn't been at peace in recorded history. We've been there, accomplished very little, spent astronomical amounts of money, and have lost many precious American lives. What signs do you see that would indicate anything is going to change?
Things always change, they usually change for the better when people work to deescalate tensions, this holds true even for the mideast. For a 100 years the west has done nothing good there, we have never stuck to our agreements, we have propped up dictators so long that peace is practically impossible and pretty much not gave a shit as long as the oil flows. If the Middle east is to change for the better we have to also change for the better. We've been bludgeoning the place and not getting anywhere, It's time for a different approach, it starts with quitting trying to own the place and control it's messy politics.
did i say it was our money? it was the thought of giving Iran 150 Billion considering what they will do with it.
OK, so you are saying you are not a liar, but you are OK with keeping something that doesn't belong to you. That makes you a thief. Neither one of those things is a good character trait you should make public.
Are you dizzy yet? (maybe dizziness is permanent state you are in out there in La-la Land) Constantly spinning shit.
but an idiot faction in America thinks it's cool to have billionaires controlling the government.
Yes, it is quite fucked up concept>>>people having the power to make decisions who DO NOT OWE favors to anybody.
Unlike Iraq and Afghanistan and many of the other countries there, Iran's leadership has shown itself to be coldly calculating above all else. They may be religious in nature but they are not the crazy zealots that we encountered in the Taliban. When they had a near revolution a few years ago they responded by first putting it down but later easing a lot of social restrictions and brutality. I do not approve of them in the least but they have shown a willingness to do the right thing if it is in their interests and I find that encouraging. A best case scenario has the Ayatollahs perform a gradual transfer of power to the secular authorities as the people who actually remember the revolution die out.
View attachment 44860
Intelligent rebuttal, sorry for assuming you actually think about things.
Look, you can trust Iran and our government all you want, it's your business. But, going by the past, I don't trust either of them. I don't see how any good can come out of that region of the world. The Middle East hasn't been at peace in recorded history. We've been there, accomplished very little, spent astronomical amounts of money, and have lost many precious American lives. What signs do you see that would indicate anything is going to change?
Things always change, they usually change for the better when people work to deescalate tensions, this holds true even for the mideast. For a 100 years the west has done nothing good there, we have never stuck to our agreements, we have propped up dictators so long that peace is practically impossible and pretty much not gave a shit as long as the oil flows. If the Middle east is to change for the better we have to also change for the better. We've been bludgeoning the place and not getting anywhere, It's time for a different approach, it starts with quitting trying to own the place and control it's messy politics.
View attachment 44863
Yes, it's my opinion, so what? Isn't that why we're here?
Yeah, that money is frozen Iranian assets, not ours, it did not originate from America in any way. On the other hand, you people who would gladly spend trillions on another stupid war but not a dollar on a single sick American are fucking sick.

Obama kept us in Iraq for years despite claiming getting us out would be "the first thing he would do" once made President... Obama has now taken us back into Iraq after blaming Bush for getting us out.

Care to dispute the trillions spent by Dems on wars?
Intelligent rebuttal, sorry for assuming you actually think about things.
Look, you can trust Iran and our government all you want, it's your business. But, going by the past, I don't trust either of them. I don't see how any good can come out of that region of the world. The Middle East hasn't been at peace in recorded history. We've been there, accomplished very little, spent astronomical amounts of money, and have lost many precious American lives. What signs do you see that would indicate anything is going to change?
Things always change, they usually change for the better when people work to deescalate tensions, this holds true even for the mideast. For a 100 years the west has done nothing good there, we have never stuck to our agreements, we have propped up dictators so long that peace is practically impossible and pretty much not gave a shit as long as the oil flows. If the Middle east is to change for the better we have to also change for the better. We've been bludgeoning the place and not getting anywhere, It's time for a different approach, it starts with quitting trying to own the place and control it's messy politics.
View attachment 44863
Yes, it's my opinion, so what? Isn't that why we're here?
Look, why not give something concrete to support your position? You've given nothing that would indicate any positive changes in the Middle East. Yes, you've given your opinion, and I've given mine. But, my opinion is supported by thousands of years of history. When was the last time there was peace in the Middle East? My opinion is supported by recent history also. What makes you think anything is going to change in the Middle East?
government blows the deal by giving that money to foreign fighters
Do you mean terrorists?
their own people will rip them to pieces.
You are delusional, I mean way out of whack. Do you have any idea how totalitarian governments deal with their own people? Apparently not or you are trying to spin shit.
Totalitarian governments get overturned all the time, I never said it would not be messy or bloody, they have done it before and they can do it again.

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