Biden: 200 billion dollars for "free" preschool in next Pork bill

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden will call for free preschool for all 3- and 4-year-old children, a $200 billion investment to be rolled out as part of his sweeping American Families Plan being unveiled Wednesday in an address to Congress.

The administration said the historic investment would benefit 5 million children and save the average family $13,000. It calls for providing federal funds to help the states offer preschool, with teachers and other employees earning $15 an hour.

“These investments will give American children a head start and pave the way for the best-educated generation in U.S. history,” the administration said.

The new details are part of Biden’s $1 trillion-plus package, an ambitious next phase of his massive infrastructure investment program, this one focused on so-called human infrastructure — child care, health care, education and other core aspects of the household architecture that undergird everyday life for countless Americans.

Ah yes, typical Democrat spending. So where are many of these children now? They are at daycare centers.

So what Biden wants to do is steer money away from the private market and entrepreneurs to the local teachers who's unions contribute heavily to the Democrat party. The icing on the cake of course is that it will create more government dependents. If you like your "free" daycare, you better not vote Republican you young parents.

I guess the entire public school indoctrination is not enough. Now we need to teach these tiny minds full of mush critical race theory before they even truly understand what races really are.

So here you go unions. Biden is sending you a thank you gift of 200 billions dollars of taxpayer money.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden will call for free preschool for all 3- and 4-year-old children, a $200 billion investment to be rolled out as part of his sweeping American Families Plan being unveiled Wednesday in an address to Congress.

The administration said the historic investment would benefit 5 million children and save the average family $13,000. It calls for providing federal funds to help the states offer preschool, with teachers and other employees earning $15 an hour.

“These investments will give American children a head start and pave the way for the best-educated generation in U.S. history,” the administration said.

The new details are part of Biden’s $1 trillion-plus package, an ambitious next phase of his massive infrastructure investment program, this one focused on so-called human infrastructure — child care, health care, education and other core aspects of the household architecture that undergird everyday life for countless Americans.

Ah yes, typical Democrat spending. So where are many of these children now? They are at daycare centers.

So what Biden wants to do is steer money away from the private market and entrepreneurs to the local teachers who's unions contribute heavily to the Democrat party. The icing on the cake of course is that it will create more government dependents. If you like your "free" daycare, you better not vote Republican you young parents.

I guess the entire public school indoctrination is not enough. Now we need to teach these tiny minds full of mush critical race theory before they even truly understand what races really are.

So here you go unions. Biden is sending you a thank you gift of 200 billions dollars of taxpayer money.

"Free pre-school" like any other free school is a scam. Once the government gets teachers on the payroll, they will teach kids whatever the "official" party line dictates.

As if the fucking educational system isn't already eaten up with Marxism.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden will call for free preschool for all 3- and 4-year-old children, a $200 billion investment to be rolled out as part of his sweeping American Families Plan being unveiled Wednesday in an address to Congress.

The administration said the historic investment would benefit 5 million children and save the average family $13,000. It calls for providing federal funds to help the states offer preschool, with teachers and other employees earning $15 an hour.

“These investments will give American children a head start and pave the way for the best-educated generation in U.S. history,” the administration said.

The new details are part of Biden’s $1 trillion-plus package, an ambitious next phase of his massive infrastructure investment program, this one focused on so-called human infrastructure — child care, health care, education and other core aspects of the household architecture that undergird everyday life for countless Americans.

Ah yes, typical Democrat spending. So where are many of these children now? They are at daycare centers.

So what Biden wants to do is steer money away from the private market and entrepreneurs to the local teachers who's unions contribute heavily to the Democrat party. The icing on the cake of course is that it will create more government dependents. If you like your "free" daycare, you better not vote Republican you young parents.

I guess the entire public school indoctrination is not enough. Now we need to teach these tiny minds full of mush critical race theory before they even truly understand what races really are.

So here you go unions. Biden is sending you a thank you gift of 200 billions dollars of taxpayer money.
Free Preschool for 3/4 year olds has been found repeatedly to not help children long term. The dems know this and have already done this bs to death---------
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden will call for free preschool for all 3- and 4-year-old children, a $200 billion investment to be rolled out as part of his sweeping American Families Plan being unveiled Wednesday in an address to Congress.

The administration said the historic investment would benefit 5 million children and save the average family $13,000. It calls for providing federal funds to help the states offer preschool, with teachers and other employees earning $15 an hour.

“These investments will give American children a head start and pave the way for the best-educated generation in U.S. history,” the administration said.

The new details are part of Biden’s $1 trillion-plus package, an ambitious next phase of his massive infrastructure investment program, this one focused on so-called human infrastructure — child care, health care, education and other core aspects of the household architecture that undergird everyday life for countless Americans.

Ah yes, typical Democrat spending. So where are many of these children now? They are at daycare centers.

So what Biden wants to do is steer money away from the private market and entrepreneurs to the local teachers who's unions contribute heavily to the Democrat party. The icing on the cake of course is that it will create more government dependents. If you like your "free" daycare, you better not vote Republican you young parents.

I guess the entire public school indoctrination is not enough. Now we need to teach these tiny minds full of mush critical race theory before they even truly understand what races really are.

So here you go unions. Biden is sending you a thank you gift of 200 billions dollars of taxpayer money.
$200 billion over how many years?

WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR IT ! - Album on Imgur
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden will call for free preschool for all 3- and 4-year-old children, a $200 billion investment to be rolled out as part of his sweeping American Families Plan being unveiled Wednesday in an address to Congress.

The administration said the historic investment would benefit 5 million children and save the average family $13,000. It calls for providing federal funds to help the states offer preschool, with teachers and other employees earning $15 an hour.

“These investments will give American children a head start and pave the way for the best-educated generation in U.S. history,” the administration said.

The new details are part of Biden’s $1 trillion-plus package, an ambitious next phase of his massive infrastructure investment program, this one focused on so-called human infrastructure — child care, health care, education and other core aspects of the household architecture that undergird everyday life for countless Americans.

Ah yes, typical Democrat spending. So where are many of these children now? They are at daycare centers.

So what Biden wants to do is steer money away from the private market and entrepreneurs to the local teachers who's unions contribute heavily to the Democrat party. The icing on the cake of course is that it will create more government dependents. If you like your "free" daycare, you better not vote Republican you young parents.

I guess the entire public school indoctrination is not enough. Now we need to teach these tiny minds full of mush critical race theory before they even truly understand what races really are.

So here you go unions. Biden is sending you a thank you gift of 200 billions dollars of taxpayer money.

Dont know what problem they THINK that they are solving, but I seriously doubt IF THAT problem exists that it would take more than 1/10th of that amount.. And even then -- I'm not certain there would be a return to justify it...

Pillaging the Treasury and pissing it away.. It's like the giant meteor or angry aliens are coming and this is just the orgy before doomsday....
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden will call for free preschool for all 3- and 4-year-old children, a $200 billion investment to be rolled out as part of his sweeping American Families Plan being unveiled Wednesday in an address to Congress.

The administration said the historic investment would benefit 5 million children and save the average family $13,000. It calls for providing federal funds to help the states offer preschool, with teachers and other employees earning $15 an hour.

“These investments will give American children a head start and pave the way for the best-educated generation in U.S. history,” the administration said.

The new details are part of Biden’s $1 trillion-plus package, an ambitious next phase of his massive infrastructure investment program, this one focused on so-called human infrastructure — child care, health care, education and other core aspects of the household architecture that undergird everyday life for countless Americans.

Ah yes, typical Democrat spending. So where are many of these children now? They are at daycare centers.

So what Biden wants to do is steer money away from the private market and entrepreneurs to the local teachers who's unions contribute heavily to the Democrat party. The icing on the cake of course is that it will create more government dependents. If you like your "free" daycare, you better not vote Republican you young parents.

I guess the entire public school indoctrination is not enough. Now we need to teach these tiny minds full of mush critical race theory before they even truly understand what races really are.

So here you go unions. Biden is sending you a thank you gift of 200 billions dollars of taxpayer money.

Once again we have to keep repeating to those who are parrotting the Republican Party Line about public education:
  • Education is a function controlled by the Republican State Houses;
  • The Unions do not control the cirriculum, nor do they purchase the text books - that would be the states
  • Teacher do NOT set the cirriculum, purchase the texts, or "indoctrinate" children
  • Republican States have sought to cleanse history books of slavery, Jim Crow, and the Trail of Tears - anything that shows the USA in a bad light
  • Christian Schools are teaching Creationism not science
  • Republicans have been defunded public schools, especially in poor districts, for generations in the hope of forcing the cost of education onto parents.
  • In order to succeed in this goal, they must first make public education so bad, no one wants their child in a public school
  • Since Republicans have been defunding public school, American students have been dropping down the international education standings.
Lies about the public school system being an "indoctrination program" for liberals is just another Republican lie/.
The problems with these stupid government programs come from many directions. The first being 3-4 year olds need a lot of parent time to develope and the parents need that time too to set a healthy relationship with the child. Second it puts pressure on the parents to get their kid started in school, and it’s easy since every parent thinks they have a really smart kid and it takes a few years for them to realize they have spawned a turnip. But they won’t blame themselves or the kid. Hell no it’s the schools fault because they didn’t spend enough money to make their booger eater a doctor. And of course teachers, their unions and democrat politicians will agree and trot out Penelope Paint Chip as a prime example of a wasted life because you assholes won’t spend more money, and you hate children.

It’s just another cynical democrat power grab.
Once again we have to keep repeating to those who are parrotting the Republican Party Line about public education:
  • Education is a function controlled by the Republican State Houses;
  • The Unions do not control the cirriculum, nor do they purchase the text books - that would be the states
  • Teacher do NOT set the cirriculum, purchase the texts, or "indoctrinate" children
  • Republican States have sought to cleanse history books of slavery, Jim Crow, and the Trail of Tears - anything that shows the USA in a bad light
  • Christian Schools are teaching Creationism not science
  • Republicans have been defunded public schools, especially in poor districts, for generations in the hope of forcing the cost of education onto parents.
  • In order to succeed in this goal, they must first make public education so bad, no one wants their child in a public school
  • Since Republicans have been defunding public school, American students have been dropping down the international education standings.
Lies about the public school system being an "indoctrination program" for liberals is just another Republican lie/.

So critical race theory being forced on students in public schools is a Republican idea? We control the curriculum and we are the ones promoting it? How about cross dressers reading poetry or book stories to public school students. That's not indoctrination, or is it Republican indoctrination?

Education is not controlled by the Republican state houses, it's controlled by the local school board. More students means the need to hire more union school teachers who pay dues to the teachers union which ultimately ends up in the pockets of Democrat candidates come election time.

It's not Republicans trying to erase history, it's the Communists. Show me one Republican who tore down a civil war statue or one of Washington or Christopher Columbus. Add those to our other founding fathers. Our schools are mostly paid for by local property taxes which Republicans have no control over in Communist cities. It's all up to them what they fund and how much.
Dont know what problem they THINK that they are solving, but I seriously doubt IF THAT problem exists that it would take more than 1/10th of that amount.. And even then -- I'm not certain there would be a return to justify it...

Pillaging the Treasury and pissing it away.. It's like the giant meteor or angry aliens are coming and this is just the orgy before doomsday....

It's not about solving problems, it's about using taxpayer money to repay favors for Democrat support.
"Free pre-school" like any other free school is a scam. Once the government gets teachers on the payroll, they will teach kids whatever the "official" party line dictates.

As if the fucking educational system isn't already eaten up with Marxism.

Besides supporting the teachers unions, it's an evil plot to start indoctrination at an earlier level where young minds are even more manipulative. Take those kids out of private daycare and those daycare centers close.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden will call for free preschool for all 3- and 4-year-old children, a $200 billion investment to be rolled out as part of his sweeping American Families Plan being unveiled Wednesday in an address to Congress.

The administration said the historic investment would benefit 5 million children and save the average family $13,000. It calls for providing federal funds to help the states offer preschool, with teachers and other employees earning $15 an hour.

“These investments will give American children a head start and pave the way for the best-educated generation in U.S. history,” the administration said.

The new details are part of Biden’s $1 trillion-plus package, an ambitious next phase of his massive infrastructure investment program, this one focused on so-called human infrastructure — child care, health care, education and other core aspects of the household architecture that undergird everyday life for countless Americans.

Ah yes, typical Democrat spending. So where are many of these children now? They are at daycare centers.

So what Biden wants to do is steer money away from the private market and entrepreneurs to the local teachers who's unions contribute heavily to the Democrat party. The icing on the cake of course is that it will create more government dependents. If you like your "free" daycare, you better not vote Republican you young parents.

I guess the entire public school indoctrination is not enough. Now we need to teach these tiny minds full of mush critical race theory before they even truly understand what races really are.

So here you go unions. Biden is sending you a thank you gift of 200 billions dollars of taxpayer money.
Free Preschool for 3/4 year olds has been found repeatedly to not help children long term. The dems know this and have already done this bs to death---------
Children need their mothers and fathers in both early and late childhood years. Moms and dads best commitment is to each other. When 1 parent is elsewhere, the trusted other is with the children. And children need that solidarity of trust until their loving parents die of old age still happy they committed to doing right by their families.
There’s no need for this program. At all. It’s not about education it’s about indoctrination. The democrats need control of your kids before you can teach them such horrible things as if you have a penis you’re a boy and a vagina is a girl. They can’t have these kids thinking their parents are in charge, it’s all government.

It won’t be long until this stupid head start program moves to include 2 year olds, then one. The closer to birth they can get your kids away from you the better.

This isn’t to help the kids. It’s to get rid of the parents.
Children need their mothers and fathers in both early and late childhood years. Moms and dads best commitment is to each other. When 1 parent is elsewhere, the trusted other is with the children. And children need that solidarity of trust until their loving parents die of old age still happy they committed to doing right by their families.

It's bad enough we created a society where the mother has no choice but to surrender her kids to strangers because she has to work. It's even worse when she has to surrender them to government.

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