

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
We see it mentioned from time to time but very few realize what it has done to America.

First let me give you the definition just to make sure you know what I am referring to.......Propaganda: 'information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. '

Now first of all propaganda in and of itself is not a bad fact it can be a good thing.

Now some may find fault with that statement but I do believe it is true. the fifties there was a lot of anti-communist propaganda in America but it was for a good cause...and it helped America stave off the communist threat in the Cold War Era.

Unfortunately, Academians finally managed to gain control of most of our Propaganda and since the late sixties have used it against hurt America.

They were able to do this with the help of the msm which also began to turn against America in the late became cool to blame America first, to admire marx, mao and rebellion.

Then the Entertainment industry followed suit and further enabled the Anti-American propaganda.

Not to forget how political correctness came along also in that time period and swept the nation with its idiocy.

Thus we as a nation are now in the grips of not only political correctness but liberal/socialistic/marxist propaganda and most do not even know they have been propagandized aka duped ....primarily by the media and the entertainment industry......but students are more effectively propagandized by their teachers and professors.

All of our major and elite universities are now controlled by liberals and their falllacious philosophy...I would even go further and say practically all of our colleges and universities are bastions of liberalism....only a very few holdouts...a few private and religious schools still maintain True Americanism.

I would estimate about half of all American's have maintained their true and traditional beliefs in God and Country.....yet now they are under attack ...white males, Christians and Conservatives are now under increasingly hostile attacks.

What can be done.....the only thing that can be done is to get politically involved.

Get organized....this current democratic regime is about to launch a major effort to eliminate private ownership of weapons....the only way that can be stopped is if people get may have the right beliefs but your beliefs will not help you unless you and those like you get organized and resist.

There is power in numbers.....hopefully with Trump's help we will be able to gain control of Congress in the midterms...that would be of tremendous benefit.

Most people are armed....yet that alone will not do much good unless we all get organized....that is the only way to stop the drift into radicalism aka socialism/communism.

I would suggest everyone find a milita close to where you live and join up...if you cannot find one .....start one with your friends and relatives.

The Republican Party must get involved at the grass roots level to help people organize.....Americans traditionally have shied away from politics....but we can no longer afford that luxury.
A year ago, I remember the moment when I lost all respect for the main stream media. It was hearing NBC anchorman Lester Holt in a rather pompous voice leading into a nightly report : "yet another outrage as..." Then goes on to drive a anti white anti cop narrative...I'm like, why emphasize white cops brutality and ignore the larger issue of black crime and brutality all the time? Show some fucking journalistic impartiality and discretion and just be fair and balanced, guys...But every other night for months, we get get Lester Holt proclaiming "yet another outrage". Yet another outrage the goddamned media incites riots and racial animosity and gets away with it...
We see it mentioned from time to time but very few realize what it has done to America.

First let me give you the definition just to make sure you know what I am referring to.......Propaganda: 'information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. '

Now first of all propaganda in and of itself is not a bad fact it can be a good thing.

Now some may find fault with that statement but I do believe it is true. the fifties there was a lot of anti-communist propaganda in America but it was for a good cause...and it helped America stave off the communist threat in the Cold War Era.

Unfortunately, Academians finally managed to gain control of most of our Propaganda and since the late sixties have used it against hurt America.

They were able to do this with the help of the msm which also began to turn against America in the late became cool to blame America first, to admire marx, mao and rebellion.

Then the Entertainment industry followed suit and further enabled the Anti-American propaganda.

Not to forget how political correctness came along also in that time period and swept the nation with its idiocy.

Thus we as a nation are now in the grips of not only political correctness but liberal/socialistic/marxist propaganda and most do not even know they have been propagandized aka duped ....primarily by the media and the entertainment industry......but students are more effectively propagandized by their teachers and professors.

All of our major and elite universities are now controlled by liberals and their falllacious philosophy...I would even go further and say practically all of our colleges and universities are bastions of liberalism....only a very few holdouts...a few private and religious schools still maintain True Americanism.

I would estimate about half of all American's have maintained their true and traditional beliefs in God and Country.....yet now they are under attack ...white males, Christians and Conservatives are now under increasingly hostile attacks.

What can be done.....the only thing that can be done is to get politically involved.

Get organized....this current democratic regime is about to launch a major effort to eliminate private ownership of weapons....the only way that can be stopped is if people get may have the right beliefs but your beliefs will not help you unless you and those like you get organized and resist.

There is power in numbers.....hopefully with Trump's help we will be able to gain control of Congress in the midterms...that would be of tremendous benefit.

Most people are armed....yet that alone will not do much good unless we all get organized....that is the only way to stop the drift into radicalism aka socialism/communism.

I would suggest everyone find a milita close to where you live and join up...if you cannot find one .....start one with your friends and relatives.

The Republican Party must get involved at the grass roots level to help people organize.....Americans traditionally have shied away from politics....but we can no longer afford that luxury.
Organize you get infiltrated Do a web search for leaderless resistance. It was written by an army officer in the 60's. Government loves organizations That way any orgainzation that could pose a threat the leaders
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
David Rockefeller, Baden-Baden, Germany 1991

It has been revealed that “From June 1999 to March 2000, CNN employed military specialists in ‘psychological operations’ (Psyops) in their Southeast TV bureau and CNN radio division.” and that “Psyops also had team members working at National Public Radio (NPR).” when one reviews the constant Russophobic propaganda being put out by the various Western news outlets, it becomes quite apparent who really makes the narrative for Western news outlets.

The late Udo Ulfkotte was a journalist who revealed the truth about NATO influence over the Western media he spoke of how NATO propaganda had continuously pushed for war against Russia, he spoke of how he was supported by the CIA to write pro-American propaganda. Udo Ulfkotte was an honest man and was tired of the bad journalist standards and the American propaganda. Udo Ulfkotte wrote about this in a book called Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News

Journalist Carl Bernstein stated that “The CIA’s use of the American news media has been much more extensive than Agency officials have acknowledged publicly or in closed sessions with members of Congress.” Reporters were even used as informants and spies, giving the locations of plane movements and information on infustrucutre.

A prime example of how the CIA spreads propaganda is CNN, turn on CNN and you will see hours upon hours of Globalist and Corporate propaganda. CNN will give bias coverage on Syria, Russia, Venezuela, and will constantly attack President Trump with numerous accusations, one of CNN’s “journalists” Anderson Cooper admitted to having worked with the CIA. This is nothing new to CNN since they have been lying since their creation, especially since the first Gulf War

We see it mentioned from time to time but very few realize what it has done to America.

First let me give you the definition just to make sure you know what I am referring to.......Propaganda: 'information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. '

Now first of all propaganda in and of itself is not a bad fact it can be a good thing.

Now some may find fault with that statement but I do believe it is true. the fifties there was a lot of anti-communist propaganda in America but it was for a good cause...and it helped America stave off the communist threat in the Cold War Era.

Unfortunately, Academians finally managed to gain control of most of our Propaganda and since the late sixties have used it against hurt America.

They were able to do this with the help of the msm which also began to turn against America in the late became cool to blame America first, to admire marx, mao and rebellion.

Then the Entertainment industry followed suit and further enabled the Anti-American propaganda.

Not to forget how political correctness came along also in that time period and swept the nation with its idiocy.

Thus we as a nation are now in the grips of not only political correctness but liberal/socialistic/marxist propaganda and most do not even know they have been propagandized aka duped ....primarily by the media and the entertainment industry......but students are more effectively propagandized by their teachers and professors.

All of our major and elite universities are now controlled by liberals and their falllacious philosophy...I would even go further and say practically all of our colleges and universities are bastions of liberalism....only a very few holdouts...a few private and religious schools still maintain True Americanism.

I would estimate about half of all American's have maintained their true and traditional beliefs in God and Country.....yet now they are under attack ...white males, Christians and Conservatives are now under increasingly hostile attacks.

What can be done.....the only thing that can be done is to get politically involved.

Get organized....this current democratic regime is about to launch a major effort to eliminate private ownership of weapons....the only way that can be stopped is if people get may have the right beliefs but your beliefs will not help you unless you and those like you get organized and resist.

There is power in numbers.....hopefully with Trump's help we will be able to gain control of Congress in the midterms...that would be of tremendous benefit.

Most people are armed....yet that alone will not do much good unless we all get organized....that is the only way to stop the drift into radicalism aka socialism/communism.

I would suggest everyone find a milita close to where you live and join up...if you cannot find one .....start one with your friends and relatives.

The Republican Party must get involved at the grass roots level to help people organize.....Americans traditionally have shied away from politics....but we can no longer afford that luxury.
A case of accusing others of what you're doing yourself, IMO.
We see it mentioned from time to time but very few realize what it has done to America.

First let me give you the definition just to make sure you know what I am referring to.......Propaganda: 'information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. '

Now first of all propaganda in and of itself is not a bad fact it can be a good thing.

Now some may find fault with that statement but I do believe it is true. the fifties there was a lot of anti-communist propaganda in America but it was for a good cause...and it helped America stave off the communist threat in the Cold War Era.

Unfortunately, Academians finally managed to gain control of most of our Propaganda and since the late sixties have used it against hurt America.

They were able to do this with the help of the msm which also began to turn against America in the late became cool to blame America first, to admire marx, mao and rebellion.

Then the Entertainment industry followed suit and further enabled the Anti-American propaganda.

Not to forget how political correctness came along also in that time period and swept the nation with its idiocy.

Thus we as a nation are now in the grips of not only political correctness but liberal/socialistic/marxist propaganda and most do not even know they have been propagandized aka duped ....primarily by the media and the entertainment industry......but students are more effectively propagandized by their teachers and professors.

All of our major and elite universities are now controlled by liberals and their falllacious philosophy...I would even go further and say practically all of our colleges and universities are bastions of liberalism....only a very few holdouts...a few private and religious schools still maintain True Americanism.

I would estimate about half of all American's have maintained their true and traditional beliefs in God and Country.....yet now they are under attack ...white males, Christians and Conservatives are now under increasingly hostile attacks.

What can be done.....the only thing that can be done is to get politically involved.

Get organized....this current democratic regime is about to launch a major effort to eliminate private ownership of weapons....the only way that can be stopped is if people get may have the right beliefs but your beliefs will not help you unless you and those like you get organized and resist.

There is power in numbers.....hopefully with Trump's help we will be able to gain control of Congress in the midterms...that would be of tremendous benefit.

Most people are armed....yet that alone will not do much good unless we all get organized....that is the only way to stop the drift into radicalism aka socialism/communism.

I would suggest everyone find a milita close to where you live and join up...if you cannot find one .....start one with your friends and relatives.

The Republican Party must get involved at the grass roots level to help people organize.....Americans traditionally have shied away from politics....but we can no longer afford that luxury.
A case of accusing others of what you're doing yourself, IMO.

It's what they do, projection.
"Start a militia'?
For what?
"stop the drift into radicalism aka socialism/communism"?
That ship sailed, THAT communist is in Palm Beach, awaiting trial in two states and DC.
We see it mentioned from time to time but very few realize what it has done to America.

First let me give you the definition just to make sure you know what I am referring to.......Propaganda: 'information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. '

Now first of all propaganda in and of itself is not a bad fact it can be a good thing.

Now some may find fault with that statement but I do believe it is true. the fifties there was a lot of anti-communist propaganda in America but it was for a good cause...and it helped America stave off the communist threat in the Cold War Era.

Unfortunately, Academians finally managed to gain control of most of our Propaganda and since the late sixties have used it against hurt America.

They were able to do this with the help of the msm which also began to turn against America in the late became cool to blame America first, to admire marx, mao and rebellion.

Then the Entertainment industry followed suit and further enabled the Anti-American propaganda.

Not to forget how political correctness came along also in that time period and swept the nation with its idiocy.

Thus we as a nation are now in the grips of not only political correctness but liberal/socialistic/marxist propaganda and most do not even know they have been propagandized aka duped ....primarily by the media and the entertainment industry......but students are more effectively propagandized by their teachers and professors.

All of our major and elite universities are now controlled by liberals and their falllacious philosophy...I would even go further and say practically all of our colleges and universities are bastions of liberalism....only a very few holdouts...a few private and religious schools still maintain True Americanism.

I would estimate about half of all American's have maintained their true and traditional beliefs in God and Country.....yet now they are under attack ...white males, Christians and Conservatives are now under increasingly hostile attacks.

What can be done.....the only thing that can be done is to get politically involved.

Get organized....this current democratic regime is about to launch a major effort to eliminate private ownership of weapons....the only way that can be stopped is if people get may have the right beliefs but your beliefs will not help you unless you and those like you get organized and resist.

There is power in numbers.....hopefully with Trump's help we will be able to gain control of Congress in the midterms...that would be of tremendous benefit.

Most people are armed....yet that alone will not do much good unless we all get organized....that is the only way to stop the drift into radicalism aka socialism/communism.

I would suggest everyone find a milita close to where you live and join up...if you cannot find one .....start one with your friends and relatives.

The Republican Party must get involved at the grass roots level to help people organize.....Americans traditionally have shied away from politics....but we can no longer afford that luxury.
Mika Brzezinski Our Job Is to Control Exactly What People Think - YouTube
We see it mentioned from time to time but very few realize what it has done to America.

First let me give you the definition just to make sure you know what I am referring to.......Propaganda: 'information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. '

Now first of all propaganda in and of itself is not a bad fact it can be a good thing.

Now some may find fault with that statement but I do believe it is true. the fifties there was a lot of anti-communist propaganda in America but it was for a good cause...and it helped America stave off the communist threat in the Cold War Era.

Unfortunately, Academians finally managed to gain control of most of our Propaganda and since the late sixties have used it against hurt America.

They were able to do this with the help of the msm which also began to turn against America in the late became cool to blame America first, to admire marx, mao and rebellion.

Then the Entertainment industry followed suit and further enabled the Anti-American propaganda.

Not to forget how political correctness came along also in that time period and swept the nation with its idiocy.

Thus we as a nation are now in the grips of not only political correctness but liberal/socialistic/marxist propaganda and most do not even know they have been propagandized aka duped ....primarily by the media and the entertainment industry......but students are more effectively propagandized by their teachers and professors.

All of our major and elite universities are now controlled by liberals and their falllacious philosophy...I would even go further and say practically all of our colleges and universities are bastions of liberalism....only a very few holdouts...a few private and religious schools still maintain True Americanism.

I would estimate about half of all American's have maintained their true and traditional beliefs in God and Country.....yet now they are under attack ...white males, Christians and Conservatives are now under increasingly hostile attacks.

What can be done.....the only thing that can be done is to get politically involved.

Get organized....this current democratic regime is about to launch a major effort to eliminate private ownership of weapons....the only way that can be stopped is if people get may have the right beliefs but your beliefs will not help you unless you and those like you get organized and resist.

There is power in numbers.....hopefully with Trump's help we will be able to gain control of Congress in the midterms...that would be of tremendous benefit.

Most people are armed....yet that alone will not do much good unless we all get organized....that is the only way to stop the drift into radicalism aka socialism/communism.

I would suggest everyone find a milita close to where you live and join up...if you cannot find one .....start one with your friends and relatives.

The Republican Party must get involved at the grass roots level to help people organize.....Americans traditionally have shied away from politics....but we can no longer afford that luxury.
Organize you get infiltrated Do a web search for leaderless resistance. It was written by an army officer in the 60's. Government loves organizations That way any orgainzation that could pose a threat the leaders

You make a good point regarding infiltration.....that is a known federal government tactic aka the FBI who actually combines that with 'entrapment'

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We see it mentioned from time to time but very few realize what it has done to America.

First let me give you the definition just to make sure you know what I am referring to.......Propaganda: 'information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. '

Now first of all propaganda in and of itself is not a bad fact it can be a good thing.

Now some may find fault with that statement but I do believe it is true. the fifties there was a lot of anti-communist propaganda in America but it was for a good cause...and it helped America stave off the communist threat in the Cold War Era.

Unfortunately, Academians finally managed to gain control of most of our Propaganda and since the late sixties have used it against hurt America.

They were able to do this with the help of the msm which also began to turn against America in the late became cool to blame America first, to admire marx, mao and rebellion.

Then the Entertainment industry followed suit and further enabled the Anti-American propaganda.

Not to forget how political correctness came along also in that time period and swept the nation with its idiocy.

Thus we as a nation are now in the grips of not only political correctness but liberal/socialistic/marxist propaganda and most do not even know they have been propagandized aka duped ....primarily by the media and the entertainment industry......but students are more effectively propagandized by their teachers and professors.

All of our major and elite universities are now controlled by liberals and their falllacious philosophy...I would even go further and say practically all of our colleges and universities are bastions of liberalism....only a very few holdouts...a few private and religious schools still maintain True Americanism.

I would estimate about half of all American's have maintained their true and traditional beliefs in God and Country.....yet now they are under attack ...white males, Christians and Conservatives are now under increasingly hostile attacks.

What can be done.....the only thing that can be done is to get politically involved.

Get organized....this current democratic regime is about to launch a major effort to eliminate private ownership of weapons....the only way that can be stopped is if people get may have the right beliefs but your beliefs will not help you unless you and those like you get organized and resist.

There is power in numbers.....hopefully with Trump's help we will be able to gain control of Congress in the midterms...that would be of tremendous benefit.

Most people are armed....yet that alone will not do much good unless we all get organized....that is the only way to stop the drift into radicalism aka socialism/communism.

I would suggest everyone find a milita close to where you live and join up...if you cannot find one .....start one with your friends and relatives.

The Republican Party must get involved at the grass roots level to help people organize.....Americans traditionally have shied away from politics....but we can no longer afford that luxury.
I listened to my local news last night. Omg it’s like the narrative s every white person is a racist and 100% of the relief bill is just for Americans. It’s embarrassing
We see it mentioned from time to time but very few realize what it has done to America.

First let me give you the definition just to make sure you know what I am referring to.......Propaganda: 'information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. '

Now first of all propaganda in and of itself is not a bad fact it can be a good thing.

Now some may find fault with that statement but I do believe it is true. the fifties there was a lot of anti-communist propaganda in America but it was for a good cause...and it helped America stave off the communist threat in the Cold War Era.

Unfortunately, Academians finally managed to gain control of most of our Propaganda and since the late sixties have used it against hurt America.

They were able to do this with the help of the msm which also began to turn against America in the late became cool to blame America first, to admire marx, mao and rebellion.

Then the Entertainment industry followed suit and further enabled the Anti-American propaganda.

Not to forget how political correctness came along also in that time period and swept the nation with its idiocy.

Thus we as a nation are now in the grips of not only political correctness but liberal/socialistic/marxist propaganda and most do not even know they have been propagandized aka duped ....primarily by the media and the entertainment industry......but students are more effectively propagandized by their teachers and professors.

We see it mentioned from time to time but very few realize what it has done to America.

First let me give you the definition just to make sure you know what I am referring to.......Propaganda: 'information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. '

Now first of all propaganda in and of itself is not a bad fact it can be a good thing.

Now some may find fault with that statement but I do believe it is true. the fifties there was a lot of anti-communist propaganda in America but it was for a good cause...and it helped America stave off the communist threat in the Cold War Era.

Unfortunately, Academians finally managed to gain control of most of our Propaganda and since the late sixties have used it against hurt America.

They were able to do this with the help of the msm which also began to turn against America in the late became cool to blame America first, to admire marx, mao and rebellion.

Then the Entertainment industry followed suit and further enabled the Anti-American propaganda.

Not to forget how political correctness came along also in that time period and swept the nation with its idiocy.

Thus we as a nation are now in the grips of not only political correctness but liberal/socialistic/marxist propaganda and most do not even know they have been propagandized aka duped ....primarily by the media and the entertainment industry......but students are more effectively propagandized by their teachers and professors.

All of our major and elite universities are now controlled by liberals and their falllacious philosophy...I would even go further and say practically all of our colleges and universities are bastions of liberalism....only a very few holdouts...a few private and religious schools still maintain True Americanism.

I would estimate about half of all American's have maintained their true and traditional beliefs in God and Country.....yet now they are under attack ...white males, Christians and Conservatives are now under increasingly hostile attacks.

What can be done.....the only thing that can be done is to get politically involved.

Get organized....this current democratic regime is about to launch a major effort to eliminate private ownership of weapons....the only way that can be stopped is if people get may have the right beliefs but your beliefs will not help you unless you and those like you get organized and resist.

There is power in numbers.....hopefully with Trump's help we will be able to gain control of Congress in the midterms...that would be of tremendous benefit.

Most people are armed....yet that alone will not do much good unless we all get organized....that is the only way to stop the drift into radicalism aka socialism/communism.

I would suggest everyone find a milita close to where you live and join up...if you cannot find one .....start one with your friends and relatives.

The Republican Party must get involved at the grass roots level to help people organize.....Americans traditionally have shied away from politics....but we can no longer afford that luxury.
I listened to my local news last night. Omg it’s like the narrative s every white person is a racist and 100% of the relief bill is just for Americans. It’s embarrassing

All of our major and elite universities are now controlled by liberals and their falllacious philosophy...I would even go further and say practically all of our colleges and universities are bastions of liberalism....only a very few holdouts...a few private and religious schools still maintain True Americanism.
I would estimate about half of all American's have maintained their true and traditional beliefs in God and Country.....yet now they are under attack ...white males, Christians and Conservatives are now under increasingly hostile attacks.

What can be done.....the only thing that can be done is to get politically involved.

Get organized....this current democratic regime is about to launch a major effort to eliminate private ownership of weapons....the only way that can be stopped is if people get may have the right beliefs but your beliefs will not help you unless you and those like you get organized and resist.

There is power in numbers.....hopefully with Trump's help we will be able to gain control of Congress in the midterms...that would be of tremendous benefit.

Most people are armed....yet that alone will not do much good unless we all get organized....that is the only way to stop the drift into radicalism aka socialism/communism.

I would suggest everyone find a milita close to where you live and join up...if you cannot find one .....start one with your friends and relatives.

The Republican Party must get involved at the grass roots level to help people organize.....Americans traditionally have shied away from politics....but we can no longer afford that luxury.
I listened to my local news last night. Omg it’s like the narrative s every white person is a racist and 100% of the relief bill is just for Americans. It’s embarrassing

I quit watching T.V. long ago.....if I see any now it is by accident not design.

After someone telling me about how so many commericials are now being done by blacks I did watch some to just see that....unbelievable....over 50% of commericials now have black actors....if they want more diversity....why not some asians or mexicans.

They may hide behind wanting diversity but what they are really up to is something else....propagandizing the clueless and insuring themselves against any racial lawsuits aka submitting to extortion.
Would a serial killer who took out only black women be prosecuted as:

1. A murderer
2. A racist
3. A sexist

The answer would depend on the gender/race of the killer!

If white: Charges 1-3

If hispanic: Charges 1 and 3 because brown people can't be racist.

If black: None of the above, however a ticket for littering in jurisdictions not yet fully WOKE.

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