Progressives unveil 2021 agenda to pressure Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
Black Lives Matter leaders, organized labor, progressive groups and members of the House Democratic “Squad” are unveiling a 2021 agenda Thursday, laying down markers for how big a Joe Biden administration could go on coronavirus aid, economic relief and more next year

- universal free health care
- a jobs program employing 16 million people (shovel ready no doubt)
- retroactive hazard pay for essential employees
- reallocation of resources from policing toward education and other services
- giving the public an ownership stake in firms that receive bailouts
- buying out gas and oil companies

With backing from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib what could possibly go wrong.

Progressives unveil 2021 agenda to pressure Biden
Let them take the House and Senate then we will see what their agenda is
There will not be much success when enacted. Only corruption and patronage and the usual Prog screwing over of people. Here comes seven dollars a gallon gasoline....Whooppeeee!
Republicans have been wrong on every issue for damn near 100 years if not more.

Nobody's paying attention to your nonsense.
There will not be much success when enacted. Only corruption and patronage and the usual Prog screwing over of people. Here comes seven dollars a gallon gasoline....Whooppeeee!
Republicans have been wrong on every issue for damn near 100 years if not more.

Nobody's paying attention to your nonsense.

Sure, and a few of Biden's shining achievements are:

1. Anita Hill Hearings
2. 1994 Crime Bill
3. Dropped out of 88 presidential race for plagiarism
4. Used son's death for his own political gain in 2016
5. Voted to gut welfare
6. Gave Obama a classic racist backhand compliment
7. Voted to overturn Glass-Steagall
8. Eulogized on of America's most famed racists
9. Opposed school integration in the 70s
10. Voted for the Iraq War
Black Lives Matter leaders, organized labor, progressive groups and members of the House Democratic “Squad” are unveiling a 2021 agenda Thursday, laying down markers for how big a Joe Biden administration could go on coronavirus aid, economic relief and more next year

- universal free health care
- a jobs program employing 16 million people (shovel ready no doubt)
- retroactive hazard pay for essential employees
- reallocation of resources from policing toward education and other services
- giving the public an ownership stake in firms that receive bailouts
- buying out gas and oil companies

With backing from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib what could possibly go wrong.

Progressives unveil 2021 agenda to pressure Biden

I will compromise and give them the ownership stake in bailouts over of over $1,000,000 per
company/corporation/employer but only after a reasonable opportunity to repay. I can get into the minds of the commies and foresee the abuse in which they will undoubtedly engage.

You can expect any demand from these asshole commies to end in abuse of power, given that their sole virtue is envy and their only ethical standard or guiding principle is anything goes (ends justify means).

One can easily see the justification for preemptively executing these motherfuckers and ridding the earth of them forever.

I swear to Woden it shall be done.

Dead commies or Valhalla.
Black Lives Matter leaders, organized labor, progressive groups and members of the House Democratic “Squad” are unveiling a 2021 agenda Thursday, laying down markers for how big a Joe Biden administration could go on coronavirus aid, economic relief and more next year

- universal free health care
- a jobs program employing 16 million people (shovel ready no doubt)
- retroactive hazard pay for essential employees
- reallocation of resources from policing toward education and other services
- giving the public an ownership stake in firms that receive bailouts
- buying out gas and oil companies

With backing from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib what could possibly go wrong.

Progressives unveil 2021 agenda to pressure Biden

I stopped reading at universal free healthcare. BLM is a real think tank aren't they? The intelligence of 2nd grade turnips.
There's a lot of socialism in that progressive platform:

Create public banks to make needed investments whenever private markets fail to.

Give the public ownership stakes in all corporations receiving bailouts.

Instead of subsidizing and bailing out oil and gas companies, buy them out, to further our transition away from fossil fuels and towards regenerative energy sources, and create green jobs in the process. Prioritize a just transition for workers in extractive industries.

Make health care free and universal and take hospital and health insurance profits out of it.

Ensure every worker who wants a union can join one, so that all workers, and especially essential workers, can bargain for good pay and benefits, safe conditions, and a voice on the job.

Guarantee universal child care, paid family and medical leave and paid sick days, and income support for parents taking care of kids full time.

Provide safe, affordable housing for all.

Guarantee home and community based services for everyone, including mental health care.

Cancel student debt, an unfair burden on working and middle class young adults.

The question is, how much power do these guys have to get these initiatives enacted? Obviously, if the Dems don't take the Senate and it remains in GOP control then none of this happens eve if Biden wins. BUT - if he does win and the Dems take the Senate, then what?

None of this stuff is cheap, there's no way they can pay for it. Raising taxes just on the rich guys/big corps won't be more than a drop in the bucket, so they'll have to either borrow a heckuva lot of money or monetize it via QE to the max.

IMHO, this kind of statement helps the Trump campaign more than anything Biden might say.
There will not be much success when enacted. Only corruption and patronage and the usual Prog screwing over of people. Here comes seven dollars a gallon gasoline....Whooppeeee!
Republicans have been wrong on every issue for damn near 100 years if not more.

Nobody's paying attention to your nonsense.
The people who have left blue areas say different. Unfortunately a percentage of them bring the same Prog politics to where they move to. The California carpetbaggers and scalawags have destroyed Washington State and Oregon as examples.
AOC and far left wackos voice a list of demands that they want from a Hariss/Biden ticket...

They first put out a list earlier this year but today they doubled down on their demands..


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