Progressive policies continue to negatively impact the U.S.

Remember when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Dumbocrats egregiously lied to the American people and said that the Affordable Healthcare Act would drastically reduce healthcare costs for the American people? The left continues to destroy America in their quest for power and control.

Record-High Health Care Spending Hits $3.2 Trillion in 2015

The cost increases are much lower than they had been for years.
Well that's a nice false narrative. The Dumbocrats promised to lower healthcare costs with their outrageous, unconstitutional, crap-sandwhich legislation. Instead, it skyrocketed to record highs.

Everything they promised was a lie and White House e-mails proves they knew they were all lies. They did it anyway because they wanted power and control over the healthcare sector. The fact that you support that type of communism is tragic.

Part of it was to get a handle on medical and pharmaceutical costs. Neither was allowed by an all Republican Congress.
If there had been an (and I quote) "all Republican Congress", Obamacare would've never passed. Either you're uninformed of what actually occurred or you are simply lying right now.

When Obamacare passed, it was with a Dumbocrat-controlled House, a Dumbocrat-controlled Senate, and a Dumbocrat-controlled White House. That is why it passed. Republican's were completely powerless to stop it and Dumbocrats were free to shove anything into the legislation that they wished. They did. And as usual, that resulted in catastrophic failure.
Remember when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Dumbocrats egregiously lied to the American people and said that the Affordable Healthcare Act would drastically reduce healthcare costs for the American people? The left continues to destroy America in their quest for power and control.

Record-High Health Care Spending Hits $3.2 Trillion in 2015

The cost increases are much lower than they had been for years.
Well that's a nice false narrative. The Dumbocrats promised to lower healthcare costs with their outrageous, unconstitutional, crap-sandwhich legislation. Instead, it skyrocketed to record highs.

Everything they promised was a lie and White House e-mails proves they knew they were all lies. They did it anyway because they wanted power and control over the healthcare sector. The fact that you support that type of communism is tragic.

Part of it was to get a handle on medical and pharmaceutical costs. Neither was allowed by an all Republican Congress.
If there had been an (and I quote) "all Republican Congress", Obamacare would've never passed. Either you're uninformed of what actually occurred or you are simply lying right now.

When Obamacare passed, it was with a Dumbocrat-controlled House, a Dumbocrat-controlled Senate, and a Dumbocrat-controlled White House. That is why it passed. Republican's were completely powerless to stop it and Dumbocrats were free to shove anything into the legislation that they wished. They did. And as usual, that resulted in catastrophic failure.

It was designed from the Get Go to be adapted. It's been 8 years and nothing has been done. The Reps want all or nothing and we are stuck with a turkey. NO matter what is presented, Medical and Pharmacutical costs MUST be regulated.
It was designed from the Get Go to be adapted. It's been 8 years and nothing has been done. The Reps want all or nothing and we are stuck with a turkey. NO matter what is presented, Medical and Pharmacutical costs MUST be regulated.
That's not even remotely true. I'll never understand why progressives feel the need to just make stuff up as they go. What is the value in doing that?

It was never "designed" to be "adapted" within the first 8 years. Maybe after 80 years. But not the first 8. It was typical Dumbocrat legislation - catastrophic failure as always.
It was designed from the Get Go to be adapted. It's been 8 years and nothing has been done. The Reps want all or nothing and we are stuck with a turkey. NO matter what is presented, Medical and Pharmacutical costs MUST be regulated.
That's not even remotely true. I'll never understand why progressives feel the need to just make stuff up as they go. What is the value in doing that?

It was never "designed" to be "adapted" within the first 8 years. Maybe after 80 years. But not the first 8. It was typical Dumbocrat legislation - catastrophic failure as always.

You just made my point. You don't WANT it to work therefore you won't do the changes necessary to make it work. Better to burn it to the ground if you can't get your way. Over 20 million people take exception to that.
Remember when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Dumbocrats egregiously lied to the American people and said that the Affordable Healthcare Act would drastically reduce healthcare costs for the American people? The left continues to destroy America in their quest for power and control.

Record-High Health Care Spending Hits $3.2 Trillion in 2015

The cost increases are much lower than they had been for years.
Well that's a nice false narrative. The Dumbocrats promised to lower healthcare costs with their outrageous, unconstitutional, crap-sandwhich legislation. Instead, it skyrocketed to record highs.

Everything they promised was a lie and White House e-mails proves they knew they were all lies. They did it anyway because they wanted power and control over the healthcare sector. The fact that you support that type of communism is tragic.

Part of it was to get a handle on medical and pharmaceutical costs. Neither was allowed by an all Republican Congress.
If there had been an (and I quote) "all Republican Congress", Obamacare would've never passed. Either you're uninformed of what actually occurred or you are simply lying right now.

When Obamacare passed, it was with a Dumbocrat-controlled House, a Dumbocrat-controlled Senate, and a Dumbocrat-controlled White House. That is why it passed. Republican's were completely powerless to stop it and Dumbocrats were free to shove anything into the legislation that they wished. They did. And as usual, that resulted in catastrophic failure.

It was designed from the Get Go to be adapted. It's been 8 years and nothing has been done. The Reps want all or nothing and we are stuck with a turkey. NO matter what is presented, Medical and Pharmacutical costs MUST be regulated.
In other words, it was intended to fail. The should have designed it to succeed instead of designing it to sucker the voters.
You just made my point. You don't WANT it to work therefore you won't do the changes necessary to make it work. just made my point. Why would it need "changes"?!? The Dumbocrats crafted exactly what they wanted and said it would work. Are you admitting they were wrong? Are you admitting they failed?
Better to burn it to the ground if you can't get your way. Over 20 million people take exception to that.
Better to burn it to the ground than allow the U.S. Constitution to be burned to ashes. I could give a flying fig about 20 million Americans who are so selfish, they'd rather see the United States burned to the ground than have to figure out how to provide for themselves.

Was one of them to get a Secretary of State who the commies like so much they gave a medal to him?
I'm baffled by the new progressive narrative. You people fellated Obama when he promised to "repair relations" with Russia and presented them with an idiotic "reset button" from Staples. After he failed miserably, Trump came along and successfully repaired relations before even being sworn in. And you people feign outrage over that.

I guess you people will denounce even your own policies if conservatives excel at making them come to fruition. :dunno:
You just made my point. You don't WANT it to work therefore you won't do the changes necessary to make it work. just made my point. Why would it need "changes"?!? The Dumbocrats crafted exactly what they wanted and said it would work. Are you admitting they were wrong? Are you admitting they failed?
Better to burn it to the ground if you can't get your way. Over 20 million people take exception to that.
Better to burn it to the ground than allow the U.S. Constitution to be burned to ashes. I could give a flying fig about 20 million Americans who are so selfish, they'd rather see the United States burned to the ground than have to figure out how to provide for themselves.

This type of action reminds me of ISIS. If you can't control it, burn it to the ground. The Syrian President would be proud of you.
This type of action reminds me of ISIS. If you can't control it, burn it to the ground. The Syrian President would be proud of you.
Wow...for once you got it correct. Everything the left does reminds the world of ISIS. If they can't control healthcare, they burn it to the ground with Obamacare. If they can't control the American people, they burn the U.S. Constitution to ashes.
This is how left-wing policy always ends: complete and total poverty and misery...

Apparently the top 10 states that voted for Hillary Clinton over President-elect Donald Trump during the 2016 election have a very disturbing commonality: they’re dying.

According to the Independent Journal Review, citing work by noted Washington Times columnist and economist Stephen Moore, those states are performing so poorly economically “people are clamoring to move out of them.”

Blue states that voted for Hillary Clinton share something in common: they’re dying
This type of action reminds me of ISIS. If you can't control it, burn it to the ground. The Syrian President would be proud of you.
Wow...for once you got it correct. Everything the left does reminds the world of ISIS. If they can't control healthcare, they burn it to the ground with Obamacare. If they can't control the American people, they burn the U.S. Constitution to ashes.

Actually, you RW Nutcases do that and don't really care who it hurts. You have 4 years to fix things. If you can't, get ready to see your buddies unemployed.
This type of action reminds me of ISIS. If you can't control it, burn it to the ground. The Syrian President would be proud of you.
Wow...for once you got it correct. Everything the left does reminds the world of ISIS. If they can't control healthcare, they burn it to the ground with Obamacare. If they can't control the American people, they burn the U.S. Constitution to ashes.

Actually, you RW Nutcases do that and don't really care who it hurts. You have 4 years to fix things. If you can't, get ready to see your buddies unemployed.
There is nothing to "fix" until you progressives screw everything up. For instance, we had the greatest healthcare in the world until you nitwits created "Obamacare" and put us trillions more in debt. Now we have to repeal that shit.
Even the EPA was finally forced to admit that fracking is completely safe (and because progressives live to rewrite history - it is important to note that this was the EPA under the control of Barack Obama).

Think of all of the jobs, all of the cheap energy, and all of the wealth that could have been created over the past 8 years while Obama and the Dumbocrats were obstructing progress out of greed to funnel all need to the green energy sector that they are so heavily invested in.

EPA Finds No Widespread Water Pollution From Fracking
This type of action reminds me of ISIS. If you can't control it, burn it to the ground. The Syrian President would be proud of you.
Wow...for once you got it correct. Everything the left does reminds the world of ISIS. If they can't control healthcare, they burn it to the ground with Obamacare. If they can't control the American people, they burn the U.S. Constitution to ashes.

Actually, you RW Nutcases do that and don't really care who it hurts. You have 4 years to fix things. If you can't, get ready to see your buddies unemployed.
There is nothing to "fix" until you progressives screw everything up. For instance, we had the greatest healthcare in the world until you nitwits created "Obamacare" and put us trillions more in debt. Now we have to repeal that shit.

What is this "WE" you speak of. It was only great for a percentage of the population. The rest were just sent home to die.
This type of action reminds me of ISIS. If you can't control it, burn it to the ground. The Syrian President would be proud of you.
Wow...for once you got it correct. Everything the left does reminds the world of ISIS. If they can't control healthcare, they burn it to the ground with Obamacare. If they can't control the American people, they burn the U.S. Constitution to ashes.

Actually, you RW Nutcases do that and don't really care who it hurts. You have 4 years to fix things. If you can't, get ready to see your buddies unemployed.
There is nothing to "fix" until you progressives screw everything up. For instance, we had the greatest healthcare in the world until you nitwits created "Obamacare" and put us trillions more in debt. Now we have to repeal that shit.

What is this "WE" you speak of. It was only great for a percentage of the population. The rest were just sent home to die. was "only" great for 91% of the population. And the rest? Well, they weren't sent home to die (you lying drama queen). They were given FREE healthcare (unfortunately).
This type of action reminds me of ISIS. If you can't control it, burn it to the ground. The Syrian President would be proud of you.
Wow...for once you got it correct. Everything the left does reminds the world of ISIS. If they can't control healthcare, they burn it to the ground with Obamacare. If they can't control the American people, they burn the U.S. Constitution to ashes.

Actually, you RW Nutcases do that and don't really care who it hurts. You have 4 years to fix things. If you can't, get ready to see your buddies unemployed.
There is nothing to "fix" until you progressives screw everything up. For instance, we had the greatest healthcare in the world until you nitwits created "Obamacare" and put us trillions more in debt. Now we have to repeal that shit.

What is this "WE" you speak of. It was only great for a percentage of the population. The rest were just sent home to die. was "only" great for 91% of the population. And the rest? Well, they weren't sent home to die (you lying drama queen). They were given FREE healthcare (unfortunately).

Time for you to pony up a few decent cites for your 91% and the 9% that got it free.
Wow...for once you got it correct. Everything the left does reminds the world of ISIS. If they can't control healthcare, they burn it to the ground with Obamacare. If they can't control the American people, they burn the U.S. Constitution to ashes.

Actually, you RW Nutcases do that and don't really care who it hurts. You have 4 years to fix things. If you can't, get ready to see your buddies unemployed.
There is nothing to "fix" until you progressives screw everything up. For instance, we had the greatest healthcare in the world until you nitwits created "Obamacare" and put us trillions more in debt. Now we have to repeal that shit.

What is this "WE" you speak of. It was only great for a percentage of the population. The rest were just sent home to die. was "only" great for 91% of the population. And the rest? Well, they weren't sent home to die (you lying drama queen). They were given FREE healthcare (unfortunately).

Time for you to pony up a few decent cites for your 91% and the 9% that got it free.
It was the Dumbocrats who declared that 30 million American's didn't have health insurance. We have 330 million Americans. Do the math.

As far as the other 9% that didn't have coverage - besides the obvious (Medicaid, charities, etc.) it is illegal for a hospital to refuse a person healthcare. I personally know an individual who recently had a costly surgery (an older gentlemen who was self-employed). He was no insured, so the hospital simply ate the cost.

If you don't know either of those facts are true and you need a link to confirm them, then you are woefully uninformed and really shouldn't be discussing any of this. Both of what I stated are common knowledge.
Actually, you RW Nutcases do that and don't really care who it hurts. You have 4 years to fix things. If you can't, get ready to see your buddies unemployed.
There is nothing to "fix" until you progressives screw everything up. For instance, we had the greatest healthcare in the world until you nitwits created "Obamacare" and put us trillions more in debt. Now we have to repeal that shit.

What is this "WE" you speak of. It was only great for a percentage of the population. The rest were just sent home to die. was "only" great for 91% of the population. And the rest? Well, they weren't sent home to die (you lying drama queen). They were given FREE healthcare (unfortunately).

Time for you to pony up a few decent cites for your 91% and the 9% that got it free.
It was the Dumbocrats who declared that 30 million American's didn't have health insurance. We have 330 million Americans. Do the math.

As far as the other 9% that didn't have coverage - besides the obvious (Medicaid, charities, etc.) it is illegal for a hospital to refuse a person healthcare. I personally know an individual who recently had a costly surgery (an older gentlemen who was self-employed). He was no insured, so the hospital simply ate the cost.

If you don't know either of those facts are true and you need a link to confirm them, then you are woefully uninformed and really shouldn't be discussing any of this. Both of what I stated are common knowledge.

No, the Hospital didn't eat the costs. The paying patience at that cost.

I also know a few people that couldn't afford their medicine. Just send them home to die.

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