President Trump to the rescue, signs 4 executive orders to help the American people with the government mandated shut down.

If Congress would do its damn job, maybe Trump wouldn't have felt the need to go around them. Constitutionality be damned. People need help, and any impedance on the Democrats part by attempting to sue over legality is careless.

Then why wasn't this done two months ago when the House did it?
You are smarter than that! You want to play that game?
If Congress would do its damn job, maybe Trump wouldn't have felt the need to go around them. Constitutionality be damned. People need help, and any impedance on the Democrats part by attempting to sue over legality is careless.

Then why wasn't this done two months ago when the House did it?
Eh, because they were making frivolous demands, and the president gave them every chance to negotiate in good faith. If Congress can't get it done, who will? Tell me.

The congress is voted in by the people. They have to be voted out, not ignored or "worked around." That's not how our system works.

So we call an emergency election? What are the odds of that happening? Timing is critical.

No need for an emergency election. The election is in November. The way we do things, every 2 years we elect members to represent us in congress. If they don't do their job you elect someone else, you don't decide the president is God and he makes all the rules.

Otherwise, why the hell even use congress? Just have the president make all the rules.
Maybe do their jobs then!
He doesn’t have the authority to do much of what he claimed to do today
Take him on

Federal judges will.

Federal judges have already blocked many of his EO's.
Go ahead and do it... It wont play out very well in the meida when they are fighting to take away funds from people needing them... Go ahead, Make my day!

Sounds like you think this is a political win for the dummy. And that’s cool with you.
He doesn’t have the authority to do much of what he claimed to do today
Take him on

Federal judges will.

Federal judges have already blocked many of his EO's.
Go ahead and do it... It wont play out very well in the meida when they are fighting to take away funds from people needing them... Go ahead, Make my day!

Fighting to take away funds that were illegally given out really isn't that bad, right?

Let me ask you this. You get your money from the gov't and a judge rules the EO giving it to you to be illegal, thus its like you received a tax refund you weren't entitled to. Are you ready to give it back?
President Trump showing his usual leadership and his love for America and the American people just signed 4 executive help the American people, especially those suffering under the destructive policies of the democrat party and their crap hole cities.....

This action is essentially Eminent Domain...the government is mandating the shut down of large sectors of privately owned businesses...this is meant to help the people the government is hurting...

President Trump on Saturday signed four executive orders.

Under his EO, unemployment benefits are extended. The amount, however, has dropped to $400 a week.

Payroll tax cuts will go into effect on Sept. 1 for those making $100,000 or less. Trump vowed to make this permanent if he's re-elected.

Student loan payments are suspended through the end of the year. Interest rates will remain at zero percent.

The housing moratorium has also been extended, protecting renters from being evicted.

Trump has had his dick suckers in the senate balk at any relief package so he could look great to the voters come November.
It is the law.

The law of unintended consequences.

When you say nothing when your side provides unconstitutional executive orders (Obama) you lose the credibility to complain about it when your opposition does the same thing.

I am against this, but to be honest. I want the Democrats to get a federal judge to stop Trump from helping the people.

The optics will be devastating.
He doesn’t have the authority to do much of what he claimed to do today
Take him on

Federal judges will.

Federal judges have already blocked many of his EO's.
Go ahead and do it... It wont play out very well in the meida when they are fighting to take away funds from people needing them... Go ahead, Make my day!

Sounds like you think this is a political win for the dummy. And that’s cool with you.
Why isn’t it a win for the people?
Meaningless EO's. Congress controls the power of the purse.

So what? You've made it quite clear you don't give a rats ass about who is suffering because of this shutdown. Congress equally so. Naturally, you would be so callous as to ignore the needs of the people and wallow in the legal weeds.

The House passed their coronavirus relief package two months ago. Democrats have shown they care about the suffering and passed their bill. The Senate Republicans sat on their ass until the last minute and after they jerked around with the stall tactics, Trump decides to grandstand because he knows the longer the stalemate drags on, the more it hurts his re-election chances. That's his only reason for issuing these meaningless orders. This could have been hammered out a month ago. But like all Trump supporters, you are content just sit back, bitch, piss, moan and blame other people. Congress controls the power of the purse. Period.
The House passed their coronavirus relief package two months ago. Democrats have shown they care about the suffering and passed their bill

If they really cared, they wouldn't have intentionally put things in the bill they knew the Republicans would reject. If either party cared, they would come together. But the onus is on Democrats right now.
Meaningless EO's. Congress controls the power of the purse.

So what? You've made it quite clear you don't give a rats ass about who is suffering because of this shutdown. Congress equally so. Naturally, you would be so callous as to ignore the needs of the people and wallow in the legal weeds.

The House passed their coronavirus relief package two months ago. Democrats have shown they care about the suffering and passed their bill. The Senate Republicans sat on their ass until the last minute and after they jerked around with the stall tactics, Trump decides to grandstand because he knows the longer the stalemate drags on, the more it hurts his re-election chances. That's his only reason for issuing these meaningless orders. This could have been hammered out a month ago. But like all Trump supporters, you are content just sit back, bitch, piss, moan and blame other people. Congress controls the power of the purse. Period.
Bullshit. There are serious issues that had to be negotiated but Pelosi refused to negotiate because she either wanted the American people to suffer and blame the President or wanted all the credit for the bill for herself. President Trump, recognizing that Congress would not pass a bill before the benefits expired suggested that the current benefits be extended for a short time so no one would suffer, but Pelosi said, not, in effect she said she will get everything she wants or no one will get anything. So President Trump came along and rescued the American people from Crazy Nancy's clutches.

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