President Trump says shootings a societal problem.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021
"This is not a gun problem," he added, as he batted cleanup for a long list of Republican officials and office seekers. "This is a mental health problem, this is a social problem, this is a cultural problem, this is a spiritual problem."

And he is absolutely correct. America is around 250 years old. Weve always had guns and always had people. Shootings have only become a serious issue in the past 10 or 15 years. They have existed longer but in a vastly decreased amount.

So the question that begs answering is what has changed in the past 20 years? The answer is our society.

We need a better society, not better gun control. We need more values, morals, standards, and not more gun control. If you get rid of all the guns right now instantly the criminals and nutballs will still be left behind that want to hurt people. But what happens if we get rid of the criminals and nutballs? If you have a country of better people you need less laws, more laws is a sign of a society of not so good people.

Funny, he did not think that way when it came to bump-stocks and red flag laws.

“Take the guns first. Go through due process second"

D. Trump 2018

Now some claim that he was influenced by the NRA but I hold that people are responsible for the words that come out of their mouth.
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"This is not a gun problem," he added, as he batted cleanup for a long list of Republican officials and office seekers. "This is a mental health problem, this is a social problem, this is a cultural problem, this is a spiritual problem."

And he is absolutely correct. America is around 250 years old. Weve always had guns and always had people. Shootings have only become a serious issue in the past 10 or 15 years. They have existed longer but in a vastly decreased amount.

So the question that begs answering is what has changed in the past 20 years? The answer is our society.

We need a better society, not better gun control. We need more values, morals, standards, and not more gun control. If you get rid of all the guns right now instantly the criminals and nutballs will still be left behind that want to hurt people. But what happens if we get rid of the criminals and nutballs? If you have a country of better people you need less laws, more laws is a sign of a society of not so good people.

Of course he is right. Norway has plenty of guns too but not the violence. Canada is a top 10 gun owning nation but we have less gun violence than you do also. You can't eliminate violence but it begins with culture and morality.
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Of course he is right. Norway has plenty of guns too but not the violence.
Do they shoot up schools, churches, synagogues, movie theaters, concerts, malls, etc.? Do their kids have to pass through gun detectors to get to class? Does anyone get shot because someone doesn`t like the way they drive?
Of course he is right. Norway has plenty of guns too but not the violence. Canada is a top 10 gun owning nation but we have less gun violence than you do also. You can't eliminate violence but it begins with culture and morality.
Well in Norway blacks only make-up 4% of the population......Canada 4.3%.....A shallow dive also shows that their black's IQs are higher than US blacks. Almost a standard deviation higher and on-par with the whites there.
Of course he is right. Norway has plenty of guns too but not the violence.

Switzerland as well. They have gun ownership that rivals America's but barely any gun related crime.

Course I believe their lack of diversity plays a lot into it. They all speak the same language, have the same customs, all have pride and love for their country, they are look similar and so on. A sense of familiarity even among strangers makes for a calmer society. You can't even become a citizen without waiting and paying a lot which means you have to be serious about wanting to be one of them and you have to fluently speak the language and demonstrate knowledge of their customs.

But in America we have races, religions, ethnicities, customs, beliefs, languages, customs, and so on all from allover the world and none of them want to conform to America, they want America to conform to them. America isn't for Americans anymore. American pride, values, morals and standards are going away.

Meanwhile countries like Italy are smartening up and saying "if you want to live in Italy you'll be an Italian".

Even the French people are catching on. They want to speak their language in their country and with their people.

Do they shoot up schools, churches, synagogues, movie theaters, concerts, malls, etc.? Do their kids have to pass through gun detectors to get to class? Does anyone get shot because someone doesn`t like the way they drive?

No, hence, the reason he said, "This is a mental health problem, this is a social problem, this is a cultural problem, this is a spiritual problem."

What about that was confusing to you?
Do they shoot up schools, churches, synagogues, movie theaters, concerts, malls, etc.? Do their kids have to pass through gun detectors to get to class? Does anyone get shot because someone doesn`t like the way they drive?
They don't have the societal problems we do. It's not a very diverse culture.
Of course he is right. Norway has plenty of guns too but not the violence. Canada is a top 10 gun owning nation but we have less gun violence than you do also. You can't eliminate violence but it begins with culture and morality.
You’re going to compare the gaited community that is Norway to the multi cultural America that is bordered by 3rd world nations???

That’s not honest or accurate at all
Funny, he did not think that way when it came to bump-stocks and red flag laws.

“Take the guns first. Go through due process second"

D. Trump 2018

Now some claim that he was influenced by the NRA but I hold that people are responsible for the words that come out of their mouth.
But he thinks that way now

At least trump can learn from his mistakes

Gun grabbers never do
If diversity is our problem like many of you just claimed then that is evidence that we do have a serious issue with racism in America. Do you agree?
If diversity is our problem like many of you just claimed then that is evidence that we do have a serious issue with racism in America. Do you agree?
Disdain for diversity is not RACISM.
NOBODY sane and not PC programmed would think a bunch of completely different people would get along better than a bunch of likeminded people would.
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