Trump is lost to history, but MAGA movement must continue! thanks DJT for all you've done for America, time to quit & let younger generation take over


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Donald Trump is a hero, but he is fighting a losing battle. time to step aside and let us young folk take it from here!

that's crazy. There are NO younger folk who can do this with any success and who is younger? DeSantis?? Trump has been through the fire. The left has done everything from censoring to using the law against him and they cannot accomplish any of their nefarious goals. It's like ....he is protected by someone/something that the keft denies the existence of.
The Republicans really don't have anyone else at this point in time who can win.

I love DeSantis, but he just isn't wealthy enough to deal with all of the legal fees from Fake lawsuits, indictments and impeachments the libs will throw at him.

Elon Musk is certainly well off enough and has the resources, but the Libs are planning a "Birther Movement" against him and seem likely to accuse Mr. Musk of being born in Africa-like Hillary did with Obama several years ago.

I suppose the GOP could just put a placeholder like Mitt or one of the Bushes as the nominee, but it seems early to mail it in for the 2024 elections.
Democrats will say or do anything to try to stop Trump. Now they be like... Trump, you're so great and did so much for America, time to take a break and let someone, anyone else, take the lead...
I read that President Trump is worth 1.4 billion...something like that. often and how hard the left has stupidly gone after him and all it has done is to make him more wealthy. I've prayed for 7 years now that the left cannot touch him and hurt him in other ways such as his finances. God is Good.
Democrats will say or do anything to try to stop Trump. Now they be like... Trump, you're so great and did so much for America, time to take a break and let someone, anyone else, take the lead...
They know they can pull that reverse psychology on their own supporters but it isn't working on the rest of America. LOLOL They so transparent. The wicked shines right through.
Donald Trump is a hero, but he is fighting a losing battle. time to step aside and let us young folk take it from here!

now he is a hero....last week you hated the guy....the wishy washy mommas boy strikes again....
that's crazy. There are NO younger folk who can do this with any success and who is younger? DeSantis?? Trump has been through the fire. The left has done everything from censoring to using the law against him and they cannot accomplish any of their nefarious goals. It's like ....he is protected by someone/something that the keft denies the existence of.
No question about who has been protecting trump. After both of his impeachments, republicans who voted to not convict him publicly admitted he was guilty. Some of those same republicans released all the videos from 1/6 to fox, the only network that received that info. Hopefully, the unethical behavior of those lying/cheating scum will eventually bite them in the ass.
me and Ann Coulter would argue the opposite. only Trump would lose to Biden. ALL the rest would win

I can't speak for you or Ann Coulter, but if the Republicans nominated DeSantis, our friend from Tallahassee would be literally crucified by the news media and the libs.

If the Republicans nominated Larry Hogan, Mitt, Liz or one of the Bushes, I can't see them earning the vote of Trumpsters in the general election in numbers big enough to schlong Sleepy Joe.
Donald Trump is a hero, but he is fighting a losing battle. time to step aside and let us young folk take it from here
I agree it’s time for him to step aside. No doubt about that. I do have serious doubt that the Republican Party has a young, charismatic, walk the talk, Ideological Conservative to replace him with. I definitely don’t see one anywhere amongst the current national elected officials from the party.

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