President-elect Joe Biden is planning executive orders that would sweepingly reverse Trump's biggest policies

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Trumpf's voters love everything about him, they don't have to hold their noses. They love that he's a racist, they love that he's a xenophobe, they love that he's a religious bigot, they love that he's a sexist, that he lies incessantly, that he is constantly disrespectful. They love that he ridicules the disabled and calls military dead suckers and losers. They love every single thing about him. At best, they just don't care.

The only thing clear about Americans that voted for this guy is the seeming sharp decline in the values they hold dear. Remember, they had a choice of 17 four years ago, and they picked him.
Mr Biden....
Tear down that wall!
Not sure the wall will get torn down, but he certainly can make it easy for the illegals.
Path to citizenship
Yes, because criminals should be rewarded with citizenship. Fuck all those stupid morons who followed the law to come here legally.

"Here's your citizenship papers, your first welfare check, and your Democratic Party voter card."

No, because hardworking people should be rewarded with citizenship.

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