President Biden ignores Trump claim of executive privilege"

She was President in her own mind and still is. She has not gotten over her rejection by Americans in 2016.
I regret to advise my adversaries, Biden has allowed the call logs from the WH during the riots to be given to the j6 commission.

It gets better.
A judge has ruled that the trump kakistocracy will have to appear before the enquiry whether they like it or not. Well see how hiding behind the fifth stands up.

Of all the threats made against Hilary and Obama, neither ever got to this stage. This will be the first POTUS to be imprisoned.
I hope you find what you are looking for, but remember this, because these things have a way if coming back around. There is going to be a time when a republican president denies executive privilege to one of your democrat presidents, and you are going to be here exclaiming how wrong it is.

Just remember this post if that day ever comes.
Hillary conceded the election within 24 hours. What's wrong with you liars?
Yeah she 'conceded' while still spinning lies and disinformation about Trump and Russia and trying to unseat him. Then she has been whining for 5 or 6 years now. Calling more than half the voters 'deplorables.' You see, when Hillary speaks, it is most often a lie.
I hope you find what you are looking for, but remember this, because these things have a way if coming back around. There is going to be a time when a republican president denies executive privilege to one of your democrat presidents, and you are going to be here exclaiming how wrong it is.

Just remember this post if that day ever comes.
You are attempting to communicate with a Liberal!
Are you a stand-up comic?
That could be so but I know I have posted facts and you don't like it. You'll get used to it.

You've posted opinions.

If you were as mature as you believe you are, you would be wondering why Biden allowed our people to go to China for the Olympics, instead of boycotting. Why he didn't pull them home when they allowed a skater using illegal drugs was allowed to continue competing.

You would be discussing whether Biden was getting us into another land war in Ukraine.

but instead, you want to focus on a former president, and how he should be imprisoned, while ignoring the actions of his first opponent in his being wiretapped.

but, being an immature child, you plan on holding your breath until you turn blue, hoping for an event that will likely never happen.
You are attempting to communicate with a Liberal!
Are you a stand-up comic?
No, im serious. There may come a day when they find this happening to them, I just want them to remember this thread before they start posting about how wrong it is that a president can overturn executive privilege.
No, im serious. There may come a day when they find this happening to them, I just want them to remember this thread before they start posting about how wrong it is that a president can overturn executive privilege.
Sadly, you are wasting your time on the mentally ill.

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