President and his designated representatives are the only persons afforded unrestricted access to these records under the PRA. See 44 U.S.C. § 2205(3)


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
From a Second Circuit opinion handed down in 2014.

The entire MAL matter is political hackery. Biden admitted they would do whatever it was 'constitutional' to do to stop Trump winning in 2024. Of course here constitutional measn using the levers of the DOJ.


2d Circuit said: "[T]he statute expressly gives the FORMER officials unrestrained access to their presidential and vice-presidential records. 44 U.S.C. § 2205(3)...It is therefore not NARA's duty to police how the FORMER officials use the presidential records they receive."
2d Circuit said: "[T]he statute expressly gives the FORMER officials unrestrained access to their presidential and vice-presidential records. 44 U.S.C. § 2205(3)...It is therefore not NARA's duty to police how the FORMER officials use the presidential records they receive."
Nobody cares about his records. It's the top secret records that belong to US citizens that he stole that has his nuts in a vice.
Incorrect. Why would you attempt to defend a man when you don't even know why he is trouble?
Fuck off, low IQ TDS afflicted moron.

Corrupt Democrats are falsely accusing Trump of things that they are actually guilty of doing.


You're an idiot.
You don't even know why Trump is in trouble do you? Sad.
Most people don't understand. It's not because he's done anything criminal. The scum in DC don't care about politicians breaking the law. But it's not because he's a threat to the Swamp either. His 4 years in office prove that. Even though he's a Zionist/Globalist in Populist clothing, he's become a symbol for the Populist Right in the US. Trump gave the Populist movement new energy (though I don't think he intended to do so). To the elites that was his unforgivable crime.
Mr. Trump has committed criminal acts, yes.

He is now subject to the indictments, federl and state, and must follow the rules.

The Judges have absolute authority over him.

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