Preferred Pronouns or Prison

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Preferred Pronouns or Prison
Forcing people to lie by using objectively false “preferred pronouns” to refer to the sexually deranged is so important to liberal social engineers that they will literally throw people in prison over it. Journalists have been cowed into making a mockery of their own credibility by referring to men as “she” and women as “he.” Abigail Shrier explains why it is essential that we push back:

Forcing people to lie is the essence of tyranny. Here, it represents the power to make people renounce their religious beliefs and scientific reality in deference to liberal ideology.

This won’t stop with the absurd transsexual agenda. Eventually, everything you might say will be either mandatory or forbidden.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Lyle.

From prager
I recommend the left ,middle, and cucks automatically dismiss it all , label it as nazi propaganda ,and continue walking through the minefield with yer heads up yer asses

Preferred Pronouns or Prison - Moonbattery
I generally use they and them in the real world already when talking about third parties. It isn't because of any LGBQT thing. I live in a majority majority city and blacks have such weird names that I have no clue if they are talking about a male or a female just based on a name without some other context.
Preferred Pronouns or Prison
Forcing people to lie by using objectively false “preferred pronouns” to refer to the sexually deranged is so important to liberal social engineers that they will literally throw people in prison over it. Journalists have been cowed into making a mockery of their own credibility by referring to men as “she” and women as “he.” Abigail Shrier explains why it is essential that we push back:

Forcing people to lie is the essence of tyranny. Here, it represents the power to make people renounce their religious beliefs and scientific reality in deference to liberal ideology.

This won’t stop with the absurd transsexual agenda. Eventually, everything you might say will be either mandatory or forbidden.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Lyle.

From prager
I recommend the left ,middle, and cucks automatically dismiss it all , label it as nazi propaganda ,and continue walking through the minefield with yer heads up yer asses

Preferred Pronouns or Prison - Moonbattery

It infringes on 1st amendment rights. UnConstitutional.
you bet its unconstitutional

they've been applying the same and similar tactics to just about any issue
it WAY to far when they're applying laws

this country does not have a pretty future....
Preferred Pronouns or Prison
Forcing people to lie by using objectively false “preferred pronouns” to refer to the sexually deranged is so important to liberal social engineers that they will literally throw people in prison over it. Journalists have been cowed into making a mockery of their own credibility by referring to men as “she” and women as “he.” Abigail Shrier explains why it is essential that we push back:

Forcing people to lie is the essence of tyranny. Here, it represents the power to make people renounce their religious beliefs and scientific reality in deference to liberal ideology.

This won’t stop with the absurd transsexual agenda. Eventually, everything you might say will be either mandatory or forbidden.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Lyle.

From prager
I recommend the left ,middle, and cucks automatically dismiss it all , label it as nazi propaganda ,and continue walking through the minefield with yer heads up yer asses

Preferred Pronouns or Prison - Moonbattery

All of that was garbage nonsense
Such dramatic nonsense

Use the right pronoun or go to prison.......tell your friends what those liberals are doing
Scientist have already determined that there are only Two Genders.
If a Transgender man was put on trial for a crime his DNA would prove that he is a man.
Left Wingers inverting gender pronouns is just more proof of that they are KNUTTS.
Such dramatic nonsense

Use the right pronoun or go to prison.......tell your friends what those liberals are doing

i told yas write it off! don't worry about it ...we're really moving forward....progressively together!
YOU know what proper pronouns IN NYC to use so you dont get fined by the government .
you have nothing to worry about

Do we rely on science or do we cave in to the agenda of angry liberals? DNA determines your gender and there is nothing you can do to change it. You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig.
Just because the transgendered nutjobs want to pretend to be something they really are not, the rest of society should not have to go along and accommodate their delusion. :cuckoo:

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