Power of CPAC Dimished

Somewhat debatable since the adage has been around for some time and word usage/definitions have also changed over the decades. The historical claims and variations;

If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain

Edmund Burke? Anselme Batbie? Victor Hugo? King Oscar II of Sweden? George Bernard Shaw? François Guizot? Jules Claretie? Georges Clemenceau? Benjamin Disraeli? Winston Churchill? Anonymous?
Churchill never said it
OXON HILL, Md. (AP) — The annual Conservative Political Action Conference was once one of the premier gatherings on the GOP campaign calendar — a must-stop for serious contenders testing the waters on presidential runs.

No longer.

Many of the party’s best-known likely candidates — from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to former Vice President Mike Pence — are skipping the marquee event kicking off Wednesday as the group grapples with controversy and questions over its place in a movement that remains deeply split over its allegiance to former President Donald Trump.

Adding to the turmoil: A lawsuit filed by an unnamed Republican campaign staffer against Matt Schlapp, chair of the American Conservative Union, which organizes the conference. The suit accuses Schlapp of groping him during a car ride in Georgia before the November election. Schlapp has denied the allegations.
^^ Says an idiotic Dem.

Pence would get booed off the stage. DeSantis isn’t even running.
5th post 10th post
Define "RINO" and provide specific examples of what makes the above mentioned people a "RINO."
Rhino - a piece of crap traitor to the American Patriot's Union (APU), otherwise known as the GOP/Conservative Party regarding the American patriot's association.

A Demoncrat in a Republican suit.

One who votes with Democrat's most of the time, and justifies it as working with Democrat's across the isle, but it's really because they truly are a Democrat.

A non-trustworthy individual who will work to undermine conservative values and core principle's shared by those who have those value's and principle's.
His decisions suck out loud. That's why the American public rejected his dumb ass (and will do again, if necessary).
It's not the American people rejecting him, but instead it's the brainwashed radicals who fear Trump being strong enough to not cower in the face of these radical group's when they attack him on the issue's that he brings forth for the American patriot families who love this NATION, and had voted by the million's for president Trump.
Have you seen his hands?
Not up close and personal. I mean who knows where those thing have been.
It's not the American people rejecting him, but instead it's the brainwashed radicals who fear Trump being strong enough to not cower in the face of these radical group's when they attack him on the issue's that he brings forth for the American patriot families who love this NATION, and had voted by the million's for president Trump.
Well that's just stupid. But you do you.
15th post
Stop obsessing over a freaking typo Nancy
I’m not obsessing, you idiot. I mention it because some retards (like you) don’t notice such mistakes and remain too lazy to edit.

Also, you jerkoff rat twat, you sound all homophobic by trying to gay smear me. You probably don’t even grasp what a hypocrite you are.

Gfy. 👍
I’m not obsessing, you idiot. I mention it because some retards (like you) don’t notice such mistakes and remain too lazy to edit.

Also, you jerkoff rat twat, you sound all homophobic by trying to gay smear me. You probably don’t even grasp what a hypocrite you are.

Gfy. 👍
i noticed it but was able to understand the year he was talking about through the context of his post

Anal retentive Nancy’s such as yourself continue to obsess over an obvious typo
Stop obsessing over a freaking typo Nancy

Proofreading is a thing.

If you were proud of your POV, you'd work a little harder and take a little more time at making sure it was read and taken seriously.

Why are you in such a hurry to get the words out?

I mean, you ARE an award winning writer, after all.


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