I challenge all you far right wingers to watch this video.

If you still defend trump, may your higher power have mercy on your soul.

Hadn't seen it. Thanks for posting. Of course, I already understand what the man is about.
If that is supposed to be a tRump knock it's a fail..The ones who became POW's were great guys. They were just incredibly stupid for blindly following orders. That's why Cassius Clay was the GOAT.
I challenge all you far right wingers to watch this video.

If you still defend trump, may your higher power have mercy on your soul.

I will remind you that:
The Constitution of the United States, lays down the qualifications for a person to run for the office of the president.
1. A natural born citizen.
2. Lived within the United States for the last 14 years before the election.
3. Has reached the age of 35 years by the time of election.
That's it.
Any American citizen can run for and become the president, if he or she meets those very basic qualities. Because of those minimum qualities, we've had a draft dodger (Bill Clinton), a peanut farmer (Jimmy Carter), a haberdasher (Harry Truman), an actor (Ronald Reagan), an ordained minister (James A. Garfield), a court reporter (Benjamin Harrison) and a journalist (Warren G. Harding).
Having served a career in the military, I would be happier if the Constitution had also stipulated that to qualify for president the candidate must have served at least one "Honorable" tour and no less than "Honorable" tours, regardless of rank. If only because the president is also the "Commander-in-Chief" of our armed forces. But......it doesn't, so any person that meets those basic qualifications can run for and achieve that office, if the Electoral College votes him/her in.
That said, regardless of our current president's position on the Vietnam War (which he was against) and those that died in it, or were captured. He has done the following:
1. Given three pay raises to our troops.
2. Has and is, providing substantial funding for our armed forces and in so doing, reversed the ridiculous military funding shortfalls of his predecessors.
3. Ended the hamstringing of our forces when dealing with the enemy, as has been done under Obama. He let's the military, be the military and attack to accomplish its goals.
So, I don't give a damn about his opinion, only in what he actually does and he's been good to our military.
Your precious Biden on the other hand, has publicly, in front of the camera, stated: "We no longer need a standing army." There isn't enough money in this nation to get me to vote for that piece of crap. Oh yeah....and, Biden has on multiple occasions in the past, shown that he's a racist.
I challenge all you far right wingers to watch this video.

If you still defend trump, may your higher power have mercy on your soul.

Well... I heard Trump in the video... But.. Has nothing to do with anything. So... Not a hack.
Wow. Just wow.

Predictable and typical but still.

Yes, but you need to understand that the choice to be predictable is yours.

You can always choose reason backed with knowledge and deliver it in a way that does not act as juvenile flame bait, instead.
Thanks for posting that link. Deny, deny, deny.., go figure. I figure this. That dumbass is going to die on a table in Texas, and rightfully so.
Pres.Trump poured much needed money into the VA to modernize it.
Made it possible to fire substandard VA personnel and hire better ones.
Revamped the system so that veterans could also see civilian doctor's of their choice. ... :cool:
Uh, dumbass, that was Obama.


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