
Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Notice there is no denial?


House GOP protest Muslim seminar on Hill

By JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press WriterMon Mar 12, 3:12 PM ET

A House Republican leadership group said Monday that Democrats should retract an offer to let the nation's largest Islamic civil liberties organization use a Capitol conference room for a seminar.

The House Republican Conference referred to the Council on American-Islamic Relations as "terrorist apologists" and called on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record) to cancel the forum scheduled for Tuesday.

"Democrats arrange official meeting with pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah group in U.S. Capitol," headlined a Conference press release carrying a Washington Times article on the planned meeting.

"It's really disappointing," said CAIR national communications director Ibrahim Hooper, that whenever there's an attack from elective officials "we don't even ask any more which party it is. It should be a concern to ordinary Republicans that the party is being viewed as a reservoir of anti-Muslim hate."

1. The meeting room arrangements for CAIR were made by Rep. Bill Pascrell, Democrat from New Jersey. They've been provided use of the room used by the Ways & Means Committee. (Note, also under Democrat authority, but not Nancy Pelosi's - just ask her!)

2. CAIR has 32 locations worldwide, with headquarters in WA D.C.

3. CAIR received significant funding from Hamas via their Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development prior to it being shut down. Additionally, immediately following 9/11, CAIR had a link on their site labeled "NY/DC Emergency Relief Fund" - clicking the link led to a site for donations to the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development.

4. At least four former CAIR officials have been charged with terrorist activity.

5. CAIR was actively involved in criticism of the prosecution of Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman (the man named as the ringleader of the 1993 WTC terrorist bombing).

Dems are aiding the enemy
Hell, the Muslims and libs are upset over the show '24'

These people go thriugh life looking for things to be offended over!
Radicals on the Hill
March 15, 2007

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) doesn't have much tolerance for a robust media. Legitimate reporters and editors in America disdain propaganda as news, and politicians, advocates, churchmen, celebrities and just about everybody else of whatever stripe understands that. This is a lesson our Muslim brothers will learn sooner or later as they become accustomed to life in America.
CAIR summoned reporters to its Capitol Hill headquarters to announce that a group of imams are filing suit against US Airways and the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission, claiming that the "flying imams" were barred from a flight last November "on the basis of their perceived race, religion, color, ethnicity, alienate, ancestry and national origin." CAIR employed Martin Luther King's language from the civil-rights struggle to suggest that the imams were victims of stereotyping and mistreatment. "When anyone's rights are diminished, the rights of all Americans are threatened," said CAIR Director Nihad Awad. Fair enough as rhetoric, we suppose, though Dr. King never tried to use the rituals of his faith to intimidate anyone.
CAIR and the "flying imams" are unhappy with this newspaper's coverage of the incident, and especially with Audrey Hudson, who first reported that witnesses and law-enforcement officials contradicted the imams' assertions that they were merely praying before their flight. Witnesses said three of the imams were praying loudly in the concourse, repeatedly shouting "Allah," when passengers were called for their flight to Phoenix.
Passengers and flight attendants said the imams switched from their assigned seats to seat themselves in a pattern reminiscent of the September 11 attacks. One air marshal called the seating arrangement "alarming" because the imams "now control all of the entry and exit routes to the plane." Witnesses and law-enforcement officials said the imams exhibited behavior associated with a "security probe" -- when terrorists take certain preliminary steps to see how law-enforcement and security officials react.
Several days after Miss Hudson's dispatch appeared in this newspaper in December, Mr. Awad scolded The Washington Times in an interview with the Arab News, an English-language Saudi newspaper, for "falling below journalistic standards and decency." He was unhappy not for misstatements of fact, but particularly because Miss Hudson quoted Zuhdi Jasser, a Phoenix physician and a Muslim critic of CAIR. The organization is no doubt unhappy as well with S.A. Miller's story in The Times on Monday, noting that Rep. Bill Pascrell, New Jersey Democrat, had reserved a room in the Capitol for a CAIR event, though the organization has been associated with fairly suspicious characters, including several who have been sent to prison for their involvement with jihadist terror networks. CAIR doesn't like such coverage, but reporting the news is what newspapers do. The way to stop unfavorable coverage is to straighten up and fly right. Shooting the messenger, as any successful American advocacy group could tell them, never works.

Muslim group sues critic for $1.35 million
Website calls CAIR terrorist-backer seeking Islamist regime in U.S.


The Council on American-Islamic Relations has filed a $1.35 million lawsuit against the founder of a website that accuses the controversial lobby group of supporting terrorism.

The Washington, D.C.-based CAIR charges five statements made by its Internet critic, Anti-CAIR, amount to "libelous defamation."

CAIR seeks $1 million in compensatory damages and $350,000 in punitive damages in addition to its legal fees and interest.

Anti-CAIR's founder is Andrew Whitehead, 46, a retired Navy enlisted man in Virginia Beach, Va., who says he simply wants to see CAIR "go away."

He told the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot newspaper last week he has no money, but CAIR attorney Jeremiah A. Denton III says the suit will proceed anyway, because the Islamic group's objective is to protect its reputation.

Whitehead's website says Anti-CAIR is a "group of concerned Americans dedicated to eliminating the Islamist terrorist threat to the United States Constitution. We believe that the Council on American Islamic Relations, CAIR, is a clear and present danger to our Constitution and our way of life."

The statements at issue in the lawsuit allege CAIR is tied to the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

On its website, Anti-CAIR says:

"Let there be no doubt that CAIR is a terrorist supporting front organization that is partially funded by terrorists, and that CAIR wishes nothing more than the implementation of [Islamic law] in America."

CAIR is an "organization founded by Hamas supporters which seeks to overthrow Constitutional government in the United States and replace it with an Islamist theocracy using our own Constitution as protection."

"ACAIR reminds our readers that CAIR was started by Hamas members and is supported by terrorist supporting individuals, groups and countries."

"Why oppose CAIR? CAIR has proven links to, and was founded by, Islamic terrorists. CAIR is not in the United States to promote the civil rights of Muslims. CAIR is here to make radical Islam the dominant religion in the United States and convert our country into an Islamic theocracy along the lines of Iran. In addition, CAIR has managed, through the adroit manipulation of the popular media, to present itself as the 'moderate' face of Islam in the United States. CAIR succeeded to the point that the majority of its members are not aware that CAIR actively supports terrorists and terrorist supporting groups and nations. In addition, CAIR receives direct funding from Islamic terrorists supporting countries."

"CAIR is a fundamentalist organization dedicated to the overthrow of the United States Constitution and the installation of an Islamic theocracy in America ... ."
CAIR claims the statements "are false, and were false when made."

The group contends further they were made "with knowledge of their falsity" and are libelous because "they impute the commission of a criminal offense."

CAIR says the statements caused injury to its "standing and reputation throughout the United States and elsewhere."

But Middle East scholar Daniel Pipes, himself a target of fierce CAIR criticism, insists there is substance to Anti-CAIR's claims and wonders if the "highly secretive" Muslim group has made a tactical error.

The legal proceedings, Pipes noted in a FrontPage Magazine column, open CAIR to the discovery process.

For Whitehead to defend himself in court, Pipes explained, "he is entitled to ask for the production of documents relating to such matters as CAIR's founding, funding, mission, and goals, then to grill persons associated with CAIR."

CAIR is a spin-off of the Islamic Association For Palestine, labeled a "front group" for Hamas by two former heads of the FBI's counterterrorism section.

The group's leaders also have provided evidence it has aims beyond civil-rights advocacy.

As WorldNetDaily reported, CAIR's chairman of the board, Omar Ahmad, was cited by a California newspaper in 1998 declaring the Quran should be America's highest authority.

He also was reported to have said Islam is not in America to be equal to any other religion but to be dominant.

Hooper himself indicated in a 1993 interview with the Minneapolis Star Tribune that he wants to see the United States become a Muslim country.

"I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future," Hooper told the paper. "But I'm not going to do anything violent to promote that. I'm going to do it through education."

Last July, however, a member of CAIR's national staff, Randall Todd "Ismail" Royer, was among 11 men indicted for conspiring to train on American soil for a "violent jihad."

Another CAIR figure, Bassem Khafagi, was arrested in January 2003 while serving as the group's director of community relations. The previous December, Ghassan Elashi, the founder of CAIR's Texas chapter, was indicted for financial ties to Hamas leader Musa Abu Marzook.

In a statement last month, CAIR strongly condemned Israel's killing of Hamas leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin without mentioning the cleric's affiliation or his responsibility for countless terrorist attacks against Israel, which were part of his stated objective to destroy the Jewish nation.

Pipes noted CAIR, "which is quick to announce its own activities to the world," also has been "curiously silent" about its lawsuit against Whitehead.

CAIR's Hooper told the Virginian-Pilot that while Whitehead is not CAIR's only critic, "he is one of the most egregious."

Whenever a group takes a civil-rights stand in the United States, Hooper said, people "will find any way they can to oppose it. That’s just life in the big city."

In December, CAIR filed a $2 million defamation suit against Rep. Cass Ballenger, R-N.C., who asserted in a newspaper interview the group is tied to terrorism.

More on CAIR and what they really stand for

CAIR: Islamists Fooling the Establishment
By Daniel Pipes and Sharon Chadha
Middle East Quarterly | March 8, 2006

[Editor's note: this article first appeared in the Spring 2006 edition of Middle East Quarterly. An earlier version of it appeared in the Capital Research Center’s Organization Trends, August 2005]

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), headquartered in Washington, is perhaps the best-known and most controversial Muslim organization in North America. CAIR presents itself as an advocate for Muslims’ civil rights and the spokesman for American Muslims. “We are similar to a Muslim NAACP,” says its communications director, Ibrahim Hooper.[1] Its official mission—“to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding”—suggests nothing problematic.

Starting with a single office in 1994, CAIR now claims thirty-one affiliates, including a branch in Canada, with more steadily being added. In addition to its grand national headquarters in Washington, it has impressive offices in other cities; the New York office, for example, is housed in the 19-story Interchurch Center located on Manhattan’s Riverside Drive.

But there is another side to CAIR that has alarmed many people in positions to know. The Department of Homeland Security refuses to deal with it. Senator Charles Schumer (Democrat, New York) describes it as an organization “which we know has ties to terrorism.”[2] Senator Dick Durbin (Democrat, Illinois) observes that CAIR is “unusual in its extreme rhetoric and its associations with groups that are suspect.” Steven Pomerantz, the FBI’s former chief of counterterrorism, notes that “CAIR, its leaders, and its activities effectively give aid to international terrorist groups.” The family of John P. O’Neill, Sr., the former FBI counterterrorism chief who perished at the World Trade Center, named CAIR in a lawsuit as having “been part of the criminal conspiracy of radical Islamic terrorism” responsible for the September 11 atrocities. Counterterrorism expert Steven Emerson calls it “a radical fundamentalist front group for Hamas.”[3]

Of particular note are the American Muslims who reject CAIR’s claim to speak on their behalf. The late Seifeldin Ashmawy, publisher of the New Jersey-based Voice of Peace, called CAIR the champion of “extremists whose views do not represent Islam.”[4] Jamal Hasan of the Council for Democracy and Tolerance explains that CAIR’s goal is to spread “Islamic hegemony the world over by hook or by crook.”[5] Kamal Nawash, head of Free Muslims Against Terrorism, finds that CAIR and similar groups condemn terrorism on the surface while endorsing an ideology that helps foster extremism, adding that “almost all of their members are theocratic Muslims who reject secularism and want to establish Islamic states.” Tashbih Sayyed of the Council for Democracy and Tolerance calls CAIR “the most accomplished fifth column” in the United States. And Stephen Schwartz of the Center on Islamic Pluralism writes that “CAIR should be considered a foreign-based subversive organization, comparable in the Islamist field to the Soviet-controlled Communist Party, USA.”

CAIR, for its part, dismisses all criticism, blaming negative comments on “Muslim bashers” who “can never point to something CAIR has done in its 10-year history that is objectionable.” Actually, there is much about the organization’s history that is objectionable—and it is readily apparent to anyone who bothers to look.

Part of the Establishment

When President George W. Bush visited the Islamic Center of Washington several days after September 11, 2001, to signal that he would not tolerate a backlash against Muslims, he invited CAIR’s executive director, Nihad Awad, to join him at the podium. Two months later, when Secretary of State Colin Powell hosted a Ramadan dinner, he, too, called upon CAIR as representative of Islam in America. More broadly, when the State Department seeks out Muslims to welcome foreign dignitaries, journalists, and academics, it calls upon CAIR. The organization has represented American Muslims before Congress. The National Aeronautics and Space Agency hosted CAIR’s “Sensitivity and Diversity Workshop” in an effort to harmonize space research with Muslim sensibilities.

Law-enforcement agencies in Florida, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan, New York, Arizona, California, Missouri, Texas, and Kentucky have attended CAIR’s sensitivity-training sessions. The organization boasts such tight relations with law enforcement that it claims to have even been invited to monitor police raids. In July 2004, as agents from the FBI, Internal Revenue Service, and Homeland Security descended on the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America, a Saudi-created school in Merrifield, Virginia, a local paper reported that the FBI had informed CAIR’s legal director, Arsalan Iftikhar, that morning that the raid was going to take place.

CAIR is also a media darling. It claims to log five thousand annual mentions on newspapers, television, and radio, including some of the most prestigious media in the United States. The press dutifully quotes CAIR’s statistics, publishes its theological views, reports its opinions, rehashes its press releases, invites its staff on television, and generally dignifies its existence as a routine part of the American and Canadian political scenes.

CAIR regularly participates in seminars on Islamic cultural issues for corporations and has been invited to speak at many of America’s leading universities, including Harvard, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and Columbia. American high schools have invited CAIR to promote its agenda, as have educationally-minded senior citizens.

Terrorists in Its Midst

Perhaps the most obvious problem with CAIR is the fact that at least five of its employees and board members have been arrested, convicted, deported, or otherwise linked to terrorism-related charges and activities.

Randall (“Ismail”) Royer, an American convert to Islam, served as CAIR’s communications specialist and civil rights coordinator; today he sits in jail on terrorism-related charges. In June 2003, Royer and ten other young men, ages 23 to 35, known as the “Virginia jihad group,” were indicted on forty-one counts of “conspiracy to train for and participate in a violent jihad overseas.” The defendants, nine of them U.S. citizens, were accused of association with Lashkar-e-Taiba, a radical Islamic group designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the U.S. Department of State in 2001. They were also accused of meeting covertly in private homes and at the Islamic Center in Falls Church to prepare themselves for battle by listening to lectures and watching videotapes. As the prosecutor noted, “Ten miles from Capitol Hill in the streets of northern Virginia, American citizens allegedly met, plotted, and recruited for violent jihad.” According to Matthew Epstein of the Investigative Project, Royer helped recruit the others to the jihad effort while he was working for CAIR. The group trained at firing ranges in Virginia and Pennsylvania; in addition, it practiced “small-unit military tactics” at a paintball war-games facility in Virginia, earning it the moniker, the “paintball jihadis.” Eventually members of the group traveled to Pakistan.

Five of the men indicted, including CAIR’s Royer, were found to have had in their possession, according to the indictment, “AK-47-style rifles, telescopic lenses, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and tracer rounds, documents on undertaking jihad and martyrdom, [and] a copy of the terrorist handbook containing instructions on how to manufacture and use explosives and chemicals as weapons.”[6]

After four of the eleven defendants pleaded guilty, the remaining seven, including Royer, were accused in a new, 32-count indictment of yet more serious charges: conspiring to help Al-Qaeda and the Taliban battle American troops in Afghanistan. Royer admitted in his grand jury testimony that he had already waged jihad in Bosnia under a commander acting on orders from Osama bin Laden. Prosecutors also presented evidence that his father, Ramon Royer, had rented a room in his St. Louis-area home in 2000 to Ziyad Khaleel, the student who purchased the satellite phone used by Al-Qaeda in planning the two U.S. embassy bombings in East Africa in August 1998. Royer eventually pleaded guilty to lesser firearms-related charges, and the former CAIR staffer was sentenced to twenty years in prison.

A coda to the “Virginia jihad network” came in 2005 when a Federal court convicted another Virginia man, Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, of plotting to kill President Bush. Prosecutors alleged that Abu Ali participated in the Virginia jihad network’s paintball games and perhaps supplied one of his fellow jihadists with an assault rifle. Royer’s possible role in Abu Ali’s plans are unclear.

Ghassan Elashi, the founder of CAIR’s Texas chapter, has a long history of funding terrorism. First, he was convicted in July 2004, with his four brothers, of having illegally shipped computers from their Dallas-area business, InfoCom Corporation, to two designated state-sponsors of terrorism, Libya and Syria. Second, he and two brothers were convicted in April 2005 of knowingly doing business with Mousa Abu Marzook, a senior Hamas leader, whom the U.S. State Department had in 1995 declared a “specially designated terrorist.” Elashi was convicted of all twenty-one counts with which he was charged, including conspiracy, money laundering, and dealing in the property of a designated terrorist. Third, he was charged in July 2004 with providing more than $12.4 million to Hamas while he was running the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, America’s largest Islamic charity. When the U.S. government shuttered Holy Land Foundation in late 2001, CAIR characterized this move as “unjust” and “disturbing.”

Bassem Khafagi, an Egyptian native and CAIR’s onetime community relations director, pleaded guilty in September 2003 to lying on his visa application and passing bad checks for substantial amounts in early 2001, for which he was deported. CAIR claimed Khafagi was hired only after he had committed his crimes and that the organization was unaware of his wrongdoing. But that is unconvincing, for a cursory background check reveals that Khafagi was a founding member and president of the Islamic Assembly of North America (IANA), an organization under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for terrorism-related activities. CAIR surely knew that IANA under Khafagi was in the business of, as prosecutors stated in Idaho court papers, disseminating “radical Islamic ideology, the purpose of which was indoctrination, recruitment of members, and the instigation of acts of violence and terrorism.”

For example, IANA websites promoted the views of two Saudi preachers, Salman al-Awdah and Safar al-Hawali, well-known in Islamist circles for having been spiritual advisors to Osama bin Laden. Under Khafagi’s leadership, Matthew Epstein has testified, IANA hosted a conference at which a senior Al-Qaeda recruiter, Abdelrahman al-Dosari, was a speaker. IANA disseminated publications advocating suicide attacks against the United States, according to federal investigators.

Also, Khafagi was co-owner of a Sir Speedy printing franchise until 1998 with Rafil Dhafir, who was a former vice president of IANA and a Syracuse-area oncologist convicted in February 2005 of illegally sending money to Iraq during the Saddam Hussein regime as well as defrauding donors by using contributions to his “Help the Needy” charitable fund to avoid taxes and to purchase personal assets for himself. Dhafir was sentenced to twenty-two years in prison.

Rabih Haddad, a CAIR fundraiser, was arrested in December 2001 on terrorism-related charges and deported from the United States due to his subsequent work as executive director of the Global Relief Foundation, a charity he cofounded which was designated by the U.S. Treasury Department in October 2002 for financing Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.

Siraj Wahhaj, a CAIR advisory board member, was named in 1995 by U.S. attorney Mary Jo White as a possible unindicted coconspirator in the plot to blow up New York City landmarks led by the blind sheikh, Omar Abdul Rahman. In defense of having Wahhaj on its advisory board, CAIR described him as “one of the most respected Muslim leaders in America.” In October 2004, he spoke at a CAIR dinner.

This roster of employees and board members connected to terrorism makes one wonder how CAIR remains an acceptable guest at U.S. government events—and even more so, how U.S. law enforcement agencies continue to associate with it.

Links to Hamas

CAIR has a number of links to the terror organization Hamas, starting with the founder of its Texas chapter, Ghassan Elashi, as noted above.

Secondly, Elashi and another CAIR founder, Omar Ahmad, attended a key meeting in Philadelphia in 1993. An FBI memo characterizes this meeting as a planning session for Hamas, Holy Land Foundation, and Islamic Association of Palestine to find ways to disrupt Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy and raise money for Hamas in the United States. The Philadelphia meeting was deemed such strong proof of Islamic Association of Palestine’s relation to Hamas that a federal judge in Chicago in December 2004 ruled the Islamic Association of Palestine partially liable for US $156 million in damages (along with the Holy Land Foundation and Mohammad Salah, a Hamas operative)[7] for having aided and abetted the Hamas murder of David Boim, an American citizen.

Third, CAIR’s founding personnel were closely linked to the Islamic Association of Palestine, which was founded by Ibrahim Abu Marzook, a senior Hamas operative and husband of Elashi’s cousin; according to Epstein, the Islamic Association of Palestine functions as Hamas’s public relations and recruitment arm in the United States. The two individuals who established CAIR, Ahmad and Nihad Awad, had been, respectively, the president and public relations director of the Islamic Association of Palestine. Hooper, CAIR’s director of communications, had been an employee of the Islamic Association of Palestine. Rafeeq Jabar, president of the Islamic Association of Palestine, was a founding director of CAIR.

Fourth, the Holy Land Foundation, which the U.S. government has charged with funneling funds to Hamas, provided CAIR with some of its start-up funding in 1994. (See $5,000 money transfer, figure 1.) In the other direction, according to Joe Kaufman, CAIR sent potential donors to the Holy Land Foundation’s website when they clicked on their post-September 11 weblink, “Donate to the NY/DC Disaster Relief Fund.”

Fifth, Awad publicly declared his enthusiasm for Hamas at Barry University in Florida in 1994: “I’m in support of Hamas movement more than the PLO.” As an attorney pointed out in the course of deposing Awad for the Boim case, Awad both supported Hamas and acknowledged an awareness of its involvement in violence.[8]

Impeding Counterterrorism

A class-action lawsuit brought by the estate of John P. O’Neill, Sr. charges CAIR and its Canadian branch of being, since their inception, “part of the criminal conspiracy of radical Islamic terrorism” with a unique role in the terrorist network:

both organizations have actively sought to hamper governmental anti-terrorism efforts by direct propaganda activities aimed at police, first-responders, and intelligence agencies through so-called sensitivity training. Their goal is to create as much self-doubt, hesitation, fear of name-calling, and litigation within police departments and intelligence agencies as possible so as to render such authorities ineffective in pursuing international and domestic terrorist entities.

It would be hard to improve on this characterization; under the guise of participating in counterterrorism, CAIR does its best to impede these efforts. This approach can be seen from its statements.

CAIR encourages law enforcement in its work—so long as it does not involve counterterrorism. Wissam Nasr, the head of CAIR’s New York office, explains: “The Muslim community in New York wants to play a positive role in protecting our nation’s security, but that role is made more difficult if the FBI is perceived as pursuing suspects much more actively than it is searching for community partners.” Nasr would have the FBI get out of the unpleasant business of “pursuing suspects” and instead devote itself to building social good will—through CAIR, naturally.

Likewise, on the eve of the U.S. war with Iraq in March 2003, CAIR distributed a “Muslim community safety kit” that advised Muslims to “Know your rights if contacted by the FBI.” It tells them specifically, “You have no obligation to talk to the FBI, even if you are not a citizen. … You do not have to permit them to enter your home. … ALWAYS have an attorney present when answering questions.” On the other hand, when it comes to protecting Muslims, CAIR wants an active FBI. The same “Muslim community safety kit” advised: “If you believe you have been the victim of an anti-Muslim hate crime or discrimination, you should: 1. Report the incident to your local police station and FBI office IMMEDIATELY.” In January 2006, CAIR joined a lawsuit against the National Security Agency demanding that the U.S. intelligence agency cease monitoring communications with suspected Islamist terrorists. Part of its complaints concerned a belief that the U.S. government monitored its communications with Rabih Haddad, the suspected Al-Qaeda financier who has since moved to Lebanon. Upon learning that CAIR was a fellow plaintiff in the suit, political writer Christopher Hitchens said, “I was revolted to see who I was in company with. CAIR is a lot to swallow.”

Finally, CAIR discourages Americans from improving their counterterrorism skills. Deedra Abboud, CAIR’s Arizona director, approves of police learning the Arabic language if that lowers the chances of cultural and linguistic misunderstandings. “However, if they’re learning it in order to better fight terrorism, that concerns me. Only because that assumes that the only fighting we have to do is among Arabic speakers. That’s not a long-term strategy.”[9]

to read the entire article............

I'm sure in all that there is a point? Some right-wing nutjob has an opinion on CAIR. Good on him!

It is a report from an organization exposing CAIR and their ties and funding to terrorist groups

Of course to the left wing moonbats the ONLY terrorists in the world is Pres Bush, his administartion, and those who support them
Why should they even attempt to? They are sick of being accused of such. Didn't you read the article?

Because there is more than enough evidence to suggest that they are associated with terrorism and the fact that they refuse to address said evidence and instead try to act like people are racist is disengenuous. They are delibrately trying to avoid addressing the evidence and silence opposition through an ad hominen attack.

If they are sick of the accusations, they should deal with the evidence that any rational person can look to do be convinced of it rather than labelling anyone who has a brain as a racist for telling the truth.

If they are sick of being accused of terrorism they should stop supporting terrorist groups.

If they want people to tolerate them, they should start tolerating others.
Because there is more than enough evidence to suggest that they are associated with terrorism and the fact that they refuse to address said evidence and instead try to act like people are racist is disengenuous. They are delibrately trying to avoid addressing the evidence and silence opposition through an ad hominen attack.

If they are sick of the accusations, they should deal with the evidence that any rational person can look to do be convinced of it rather than labelling anyone who has a brain as a racist for telling the truth.

If they are sick of being accused of terrorism they should stop supporting terrorist groups.

If they want people to tolerate them, they should start tolerating others.

So which members of CAIR have been arrested for terrorism? Where is your evidence? Don't get me wrong, you could be right, but I like hard, unrefutable evidence when I got to hang, draw and quarter somebody. You?
You could call it an annual rite of passage for CBN News--sort of our version of March Madness. The Council on American-Relations (CAIR) holds a press conference in Washington, D.C. CBN News, in good faith, sends a reporter and camera crew to record the event and ask CAIR's representatives the relevant questions. After all, CAIR bills itself as America's leading Muslim civil rights organization and a shining beacon of interfaith goodwill. So who better to ask about Islamic affairs here and abroad? And yet, like a vampire to garlic, time and again, CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper has ushered CBN News off the premises, recoiling at the mere mention of our name.

It happened again today, as CBN atempted to cover a CAIR press conference announcing that the six "peace-loving" Muslim imams removed from a US Airways flight in Minneapolis last November have filed a lawsuit against the airline and Minnesota's Metropolitan Airports Commission. To see how it went down today when CBN News cameraman Steve Jacobi tried to enter CAIR's Washington, D.C. headquarters, watch the clip above.

So which members of CAIR have been arrested for terrorism? Where is your evidence? Don't get me wrong, you could be right, but I like hard, unrefutable evidence when I got to hang, draw and quarter somebody. You?

Grump, I would think you would want to do your own internet search so you can form your own opinion of this organization, rather than asking anyone on this board to do your searching for you. However, here's a place for you to start.

Do a search on these people:

Senior CARE employee Randall Todd Royer, a/k/a “Ismail” Royer, pled guilty and was sentenced to twenty years in prison for participating in a network of militant jihadists centered in Northern Virginia. He admitted to aiding and abetting three persons who sought training in a terrorist camp in Pakistan for the purpose of waging jihad against American troops in Afghanistan. Royer’s illegal actions occurred while he was employed with CAIR.

CAIR's Director of Community Relations, Bassem Khafagi, was arrested by the United States due to his ties with a terror-financing front group. Khafagi pled guilty to charges of visa and bank fraud, and agreed to be deported to Egypt. Khafagi’s illegal actions occurred while he was employed by CAIR.

On December 18, 2002, Ghassan Elashi, founding board member of CAIR-Texas, a founder of the Holy Land Foundation, and a brother-in-law of Musa Abu Marzook, was arrested by the United States and charged with, among other things, making false statements on export declarations, dealing in the property of a designated terrorist organization, conspiracy and money laundering. Ghassan Elashi committed his crimes while working at CAIR, and was found Guilty.

CAIR Board Member Imam Siraj Wahaj, an un-indicted co-conspirator in the first World Trade Center bombing, has called for replacing the American government with an Islamic caliphate, and warned that America will crumble unless it accepts Islam.

Rabih Haddad served as a CAIR Fundraiser. Haddad was co-founder of the Global Relief Foundation (“GRF”). GRF was designated by the US Treasury Department for financing the Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations and its assets were frozen by the US Government on December 14, 2001.
CAIR likes to play the victim card and libs get sucked right in. Both CARE and the libs hate Pres Bush so libs think they have a friend
Grump, I would think you would want to do your own internet search so you can form your own opinion of this organization, rather than asking anyone on this board to do your searching for you. However, here's a place for you to start.

Do a search on these people:

I would think people would provide links to back up their assertions. Be assured, if I make statements about people and organisations stating certain things, I'll provide links. That is how debate works on messageboards. You make the assertion, you do the work.

As for the people, so a few have been arrested, some not. One was arrested on non-terrorist activities, another was "unindicted" - whatever that means (ie, I am unindicted too on any number of charges you can think up).

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